News Briefs – 04/06/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q as of going to press. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

For the Archives, an interesting page detailing Dr. Andrew Moulden’s credible theory for why vaccines cause autism in children, which details how he suddenly committed suicide, and a webpage quickly popped up to “promote his theories” which looks as if written by a schizophrenic, and whose domain in maintained by a higher end branding and marketing company. I doubt before “committing suicide” he hired that company to maintain a site that made him look crazy in perpetuity. I have long suspected amygdala-triggering is similar to a muscle burn produced by oxygen deprivation. The amygdala system (amygdala/ACC) is processing so much threat stimulus, that as the nerves try to recharge between firings, it burns through the supply of oxygen/nutrients and “burns” like a muscle. The only difference is the brain interprets the physical pain of the burn as a psychological sensation. Taken to the extreme, that “lights out” amygdala hijack example is just similar to complete muscular exhaustion, where you physically cannot do another repetition. The amygdala cannot process another piece of data, and so central to our consciousness is it, that when it shuts down so does our consciousness.

Autism is an amygdala/ACC overload condition, from what I have seen, and the idea of immune-induced mini-clots killing back some or much of the amygdala/ACC early on, leaving less amygdala/ACC to process future amygdala-stimuli, would be like biologically inflicting a mini, permanent amygdala hijack on the kid during the most early developmental period. Like T. gondii, times 10,000. It is a plausible mechanism, though I still lean toward a GI microbe producing something that enters the blood through the gut wall and overstimulates amygdala, produced by some sort of mild immune derangement the vaccines cause, leading to an inability to immunologically regulate the GI microbiome.

The bilateral facial muscular asymmetries following vaccinations he documented though are an interesting, eye-catching measure of connections in the brain which were there before vaccination and which were not operational after, which is probably why he was taken out. If forced to guess, I would say whoever worked for (((Them))) had no idea what was behind autism, but they suspected their vaccines were responsible and the idea of a wider awareness of those asymmetries frightened (((Them))). Either that or those mini-strokes, killing back brain matter and reducing IQ, were like with Fluoride, a feature and not a bug, whether related to autism or not, and he was threatening to bring attention to them. In these times, this is no country for naive men.

NGOs are begging Merkel to reopen Europe’s borders, and restore the transportation services hustling migrants into Europe.

Trump is already mulling over his memoirs. They think it would be a best seller now. Wait until they see the magnitude of what he saves the nation from.

Sinaloa Cartel money launderer arrested in Texas, moved $100 million through a company in Chicago. The people who chase these things are very good, and have been doing it a long time. The thing with this game is, you get one shot to come up with something the government has never seen before, and pull it off flawlessly. If you fail, that’s it. The government gets to play the game over and over again. They see it from every angle, thousands of times with thousands of people. They learn all the mechanisms, and how they work, and where the weak points are. They probably think about it in their off time, with every piece of data that flows across their radar, looking for a weak point they haven’t see yet. If there is some way to create a legal entity that doesn’t have to get officially attached to someone in the official databases, and then give that entity ownership of another entity, and have that entity manage something else, which exchanges something untraceable, and in the end it is all untraceable, they likely already know about it. They’ve probably seen it fifty times. They even purposely leave weak points that can be exploited with sniffers scanning for any person who goes there. So you think you got one-up on them when you find this clever mechanism, and in reality you just alerted them to you, and would have been better off if you had done nothing. So here is a guy working for the Cartel, a division of Cabal, Inc, who puts his legal entity in corrupt Cabal central – the home of our last President, and he is able to funnel $100 million, without getting caught – until Donald Trump took the reins.

Now Houston had a second sex offender reading to children while dressed like a woman. Called himself one of the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” It is amazing how under the left, real evil became so ascendant.

Ecuadoran Ambassador denies Assange is about to be expelled from the embassy.

Germany’s left is talking about dissolving NATO.

Duterte threatens massacre if China oversteps bounds in the South China Sea. One of the benefits of being crazy enough China has no idea what he may do. Trump does this too, combined with the mercurial aspect, so you never know when he will reverse course, change his mind, and just do the exact opposite. Compared to the leftist emphasis on stability and even headed predictability, there is no comparison, especially as things turn K and decisions actually matter, and the ability to predict your enemy is vital.

Media says Netanyahu falls behind in the polls. Much of Netanyahu’s Presidency is an exact carbon copy of Donald Trump’s.

Jill Biden tries to run cover for Joe’s groping, claiming he means well when he does it, and he has always done it innocently to everyone. Truly cringeworthy when she describes their kids as loving him rubbing their arms and eagerly asking him to do it even more, with his nails.

California Lawmakers budgeted a secret DMV office all for themselves, so they wouldn’t have to mingle with the Hoi Polloi.

Weiner, possibly a savior of our Republic by bringing Huma’s laptop to light, ordered to register as a sex offender.

Pompeo implies Chinese woman who sought access to Mara Lago was a case of Chinese espionage.

Former Democrat staffer pleads guilty to leaking personal data about Republicans to place them under threat and intimidate them, and threatening someone who saw him accessing the data. Interesting article, because he did plead to the doxing, but he also pled to stealing gigabytes of other stuff, even putting a full on keylogger that grabbed everything off the systems in the Senator’s office, which it would not be inappropriate to assume he was passing to someone for something. He may have been a Cabal-spy, or even working for someone else. Makes you wonder how many of these characters are floating around up there on Capitol Hill, giving literally everything to our enemies. Cabal probably doesn’t care if its agents are reckless like Bezos and his dick pics, because from that vulnerable position, they need Cabal’s protection.

Colorado ignores parent’s wishes, teaches children about “transgender birds” to indoctrinate them with the LGBT agenda. Again, think in 2D, and you think this is leftists imposing leftism. But if Cabal is running a complex psychological play to mentally weaken the populace, then this is Cabal imposing its will on parents in a way that is just short of what would cause us to break out the weapons and start killing people. When combined with rigged elections, which we think are legit, you see how it ends with a boiling frog scenario. This transgression prepares and conditions us for the next one, which will be just a little more, and which we will let pass, because surely that one will change the next election. Basically you do not want CIA moving into your neighborhood. Maybe it is changing with Haspel, assuming she is cleaning out the ranks, and Colorado now has to clean out the degenerate corruption that was installed. No telling how long it will take to undo what was done.

There has been a 50% increase in illegally immigrating gang members. Cabal’s forces have been decimated by Trump in the US. The only question is, is this to maintain operations, or is this to launch something big at the outbreak of the Storm.

ACLU is petitioning a judge to stop construction of Trump’s border wall.

Nadler is meeting with a Dark Money Group to brief them on the investigatory plan to take Trump down. He probably needs specific media or intelligence support and is laying it out now in one meeting because creating a secure SCIF-like space is difficult.

By choosing to live in the Vatican, Pope Benedict is immune to any future prosecution.

Some Hillary FBI files. Just breezing through it, I notice her lawyer notifying FBI they determine all of her medical emails privileged and not for any use by FBI. So she was exchanging emails with doctors about something they didn’t want out. Said the same about a “Personal Financial Consultant” too.

Gavin Newsom down in El Salvador, discussing immigration (or how to get even more MS-13 members up into the states).

Is it possible there is some sort of bloodline thing going on here:

Arkansas Senate approves bill banning sanctuary cities.

Justin Trudeau drowned out by boos and protest chants.

Trump, asked about Barbra Bush’s negative comments about him, says he is not surprised, and, “Look what I did to her SONS… Was he just referencing the defeat of Jeb and the diminution in W’s stature he engendered, or was he referencing something else he may have done to W? I was struck by how when Laura found the note at HW’s funeral, W assiduously looked away with a resigned, sad, defeated expression.

Pompeo is confident of a third North Korean Summit.

France to pull out of Iraq and Syria. I wonder to what degree our “coalition partners” were really token forces sent by Cabal to help past US presidents justify all the transfers of US wealth to Cabal countries and entities as part of a “shared” burden.

Russia won a WTO case which allows National Security exemptions when imposing tariffs and trade rules, and this may benefit President Trump down the line as he imposes tariffs in trade negotiations.

Trump imposes a new round of Venezuelan oil sanctions.

70% of Wall Street sees Trump being reelected.


One of the most ridiculous assertions Q made was that Mueller was working for Trump. Mueller hired all those Hillary supporters. He was Deep State back to his childhood. He was a Marine who would stay whatever course he had originally set on without care for personal costs. He was probably totally compromised by Cabal. The media went all in on Mueller, implying Cabal told them they could espouse the dumbest lie – that Trump would be taken down as a Russian traitor – and Mueller would come through with it and their stupid lie would appear as the truth. And yet, as a prosecutor Mueller could indict a ham sandwich, but he didn’t lay a glove on Trump. The media was completely tooled. Comey is walking around the woods asking the trees, “What just happened?” And now this. I’m sure a lot of Q is disinformation designed to trigger Cabal action and affect the outcome, but if this was real, now I am wondering if it all might be true.

Along those lines, this was funny. Note each post happens on a “4” minute mark, and just as the thread begins to explode in speculation on whether it is real or not, Trump tweets a code (click for full size):

If Cabal wants to drive people crazy IRL, they show them coincidences, and then, even as you know they know, they all deride you as insane for citing the coincidences, claiming you are a schizophrenic. If you are a typical drone who needs the validation of others to justify your own thoughts, it is supposed to be maddening to you. Here Trump creates coincidences, which we know the meaning of, but if anybody in the media tried to call him out for surfing the Chans, he would deride them as having mental problems and seeing patterns where there were none. And I’ll bet he or his people even made and posted the proof, just to fuck with the media and the Cabal. I could not love the man any more. Just the funniest guy on earth. And the highest ranking Anon that ever will be.

Another Military Practice Exercise in Raleigh North Carolina:

Probably most likely just training. But according to accounts online, the building is a long defunct hotel, which someone on Q’s board said used to be renown in the area for hosting large swinger’s parties. Interestingly Google lists the address as the location of “Extreme Remodeling Solutions LLC,” though clearly the site has always been a hotel, and the remodeling business doesn’t appear to have any other footprint online. The building may have been ground zero for Cabal blackmail ops years back, it “goes out of business,” and then a company that does “extreme remodels” takes it over. Suddenly it is an abandoned building, in disrepair, with a fence around it, and lots of special flood lights on the street pointing at it to dissuade anyone from breaking in.

Cabal has a lot of electronic infrastructure, and must be hiding some impressive server hardware and organizational machinery somewhere. It would be funny if all over the country, in large buildings like hotels, which externally appeared “abandoned,” were state of the art batcaves hidden away inside.

That whole world thinks entirely differently. It is astonishing PapaD went right through it without falling for any traps, or making any mistakes.

Spread r/K Theory, because The Arrival suddenly looks perfectly plausible.

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5 years ago

Lauren Southern interviewed an African involved in getting these migrants into Europe. Says they make hundred of thousands of Euros every day. As long as there is money to made the NGOs and everyone else in the chain will try to keep it happening.

5 years ago

>”Much of Netanyahu’s Presidency is an exact carbon copy of Donald Trump’s.”
Kek, Trump is not a literal war criminal unlike Netanyahu, and while Bibi is trying to keep the cabal shit show going (Israel’s economy benefits from huge amounts of money that flows into there because of Israeli scammers who are given protection from Interpol and FBI by the Israeli government), Trump is trying to end it.

Bibi is the polar opposite of Trump.

5 years ago

> California Lawmakers budgeted a secret DMV office all for themselves, so they wouldn’t have to mingle with the Hoi Polloi.

Don’t forget the “no tickets” flag on almost all license plates of California state employees.

5 years ago

“Cabal has a lot of electronic infrastructure, and must be hiding some impressive server hardware and organizational machinery somewhere. It would be funny if all over the country, in large buildings like hotels, which externally appeared “abandoned,” were state of the art batcaves hidden away inside.”

There was a Rockford Files episode about that, so I would say it is guaranteed true, they just love to tell the world the truth with plausible deniability.

5 years ago


T Gondii

Reply to  Mr_Twister
5 years ago

Forgot the link to a good T.Gondii summary

5 years ago

K is coming, another possible plague is cropping up:

Mysterious Drug-Resistant Germ Deemed An “Urgent Threat” Is Quietly Sweeping The Globe