News Briefs – 04/13/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

“Liberal privilege” in media is a thing. If having it easy is a crime, then liberals manipulating social media, news media, and search engines to try and ban conservative speech and advantage their side in the debate should be a point of shame for average liberals.

Democratic Candidate for governor dragged off stage at debate. The scene on TV was really a perfect analogy for our politics. The Democrat party head stood there as Police dragged this woman along the floor and off the stage while the party head lectured people about how her party had decided who would be the best candidates who were most likely to win, for the good of everyone, and this interloper wasn’t welcome in the political process.

British Police Chief says if you remove shrine to burglar who was killed by his elderly victim you could be arrested. This is why the Justice Department tried to take control of Police hiring practices in various jurisdictions under the leftists in the US. Just advertise a dangerous job to appeal to young aggressive warriors, and then randomly pick the smartest among them, and it is very difficult to corrupt that group. Demand a black box “psychological test” run by a company in secret instead, and you can hire whoever you want.

Bannon is pitching a script to end the Russia investigation. Fire Rosenstein, stop cooperation with Mueller, and assert privilege over everything. I have no idea if it is a good idea, but if he went this way, the best line would be that he had enough with fake investigations into made up scandals just to create needless drama in DC to stop simple governing. In truth that is all it is, and everyone else has had enough too.

Dropped gas cylinders in Syria show no damage? One rumor is Trump has used the fake gas attack to amass forces there to be ready to invade Iran, which is supposed to be another Cabal hideout like North Korea. Q did say Iran was next, so maybe Trump is laying down the law now to some terrified Iranians.

MIT expert says Syrian attack was likely staged. It is at the point I have no idea what is going on, but I trust Trump, and thus don’t care.

Nearly two thirds of young Americans fear for Democracy. The thing is we all are so far apart ideologically at this point that somebody will end up feeling oppressed. r’s cannot live like K’s happily, and K’s cannot live like r’s at all. Each’s instincts oppose the other’s. Either find a way for each to live separately (and then let the r-area collapse as reality sets in), or K-ify the entire population and let them all agree to live as K’s.

Former Mexican President Fox calls for legalization of Opium Poppy growth. Cabal Inc’s pharma branch cheers the idea of a new cheap source of product locally. Makes me think the God Emperor may be slowing Afghan heroin shipments.

Sixty Percent of millenials going through quarter life crisis. Not enough money, dissatisfaction with jobs, relationships, and life. Once you go hyper-r, it may take less to trigger the amygdala into K-aggression.

Goldman Sachs says curing patients may not be a viable business model. Q is right, the Cabal is holding back cures for major diseases because the chemo, immunotherapy, and transplant procedures can produce a million dollars in profits, while a cure that clears the disease immediately might only be able to make $15,000 in profit. Not sure how you would incentivize cures given those facts. But you see why healthcare costs are skyrocketing if the Cabal controls pharma, and figured all that out.

Parkland teacher who supports gun control decides arming students is a good idea, then leaves his gun in a bathroom, a homeless guy walks in, picks it up, and fires it into the wall to see if it is loaded. Police are called, and it all goes into the media. Amazing how these chance events just happen to support the narrative.

Trump considers drug testing for food stamp recipients. One thing which amazes me is watching Drugs, Inc, and seeing junkies who make $250 every single day just off desperate panhandling, and who then put it all into their habit. Get rid of the habit, and that is over $90K per year, and it isn’t fueling the drug business. The Cabal will not be happy.

Unemployment benefit dispersal at 44 year low under Trump. And weekly Jobless claims hold below 300,000 for longest streak on record. K is probably still coming, but Trump’s economic skillset will surely hold it off considerably longer than any regular politician ever could have hoped to. Prep, prep, prep.

Of course the gun industry’s boom is helping. Notice by banning bumpstocks, Trump probably added 5-7% growth to the gun industry, and the more guns there are, the less support there will be for gun control in the future. Seeing that, I might have at least voiced support for the ban.

Islamic activist caught with thumb drive containing identities of 2600 French Intelligence agents. There is no point in allowing your enemies to migrate to your country. For every private activist like this, they have fifty in the intelligence service itself who were promoted up because Muslims get the tip of the spear jobs in infiltration, because they have imported so many Muslims who they need to keep an eye on.

Time cover features Trump in the middle of a storm. Suddenly it dawned on me. “Stormy” Daniels. What are the chances the seminal girl’s name would be “Stormy” when Trump called it the calm before the storm, and Q refers to this as the Storm? Her whole family is filled with Trump supporters. She liked Donald. She has said her libertarian values leave her a Republican. It would not surprise me at all she is part of the show, recruited by the God Emperor just for the diversion, and her name is the inside joke we all should have seen from the start.

Article on knife violence in London points out wanting to defend yourself is like a contagion, driven by fear. That is K-selection’s modus operandi. Once it starts, it spreads like wildfire, because every violent instance triggers twenty more.

Miami gains in popularity as a birth tourism destination. Why are we creating all these voting citizens who have no attachment to America or her values? Birth tourism is the ultimate persuasion argument for ending birthright citizenship. How many Russians are coming here to give birth, so their children can one day vote as expats in Russia, and influence our elections for the Kremlin? How many foreign intelligence agencies are flooding our nation with pregnant women right now to gain the right to vote for their children and influence our elections in future years? How many American “citizens” who vote now from foreign countries are actually intelligence-agency-cast votes?

Tell all your friends about r/K Theory, because you want to see me listing articles on it here one day

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6 years ago

““If people feel frightened because they are aware that other people they know are carrying, that makes them more likely to think that knife carrying could make them safer — though in practice that makes them less safe.”

I’m sure all those victims were stabbed with their own knife. Makes “Total sense”

6 years ago

re: Syria, that’s an interesting thought. Maybe that was the thinking behind Trump allowing Mattis to go full throttle in Afghanistan. Not about doing anything there, but about having troops deployed and ready to go across the border to Iran.

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

“Fire Rosenstein, stop cooperation with Mueller, and assert privilege over everything. I have no idea if it is a good idea, but if he went this way, the best line would be that he had enough with fake investigations into made up scandals just to create needless drama in DC to stop simple governing. In truth that is all it is, and everyone else has had enough too.”

But, everyone hasn’t had enough. Whatever percentage of stupid still orgasms whenever a new “collusion” theory is floated haven’t had enough. And if Rosenstein or Mueller is fired, there will be another percentage of people on the fence that hate Trump, but see the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative for the BS it is, suddenly believe that Trump is the Hitler the media has said he is because he is trying to block a legitimate investigation. Maybe that would be the smart thing for him to do. Just get his enemies out in the open take them down. Being a person that would like to see the dissolution of the current Federal government, I would like him to do it. However, the resulting polarization may result in something worse.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

He needs a new security force to “take them down.” Do you think the existing FBI can do something like that, given just how flawed the organization has become?

Trump need to create by EO a new security service, with responsibility not to Federal law but to the original Constitution. It must be in competition with the FBI and other similar federal formations. Organize it like the Russian Internal Army, but make it responsible to Congress in some way, and the states.

You will NEVER get the satisfaction or the legal solutions with what presently exists in the DOJ or FBI. You need new paramilitary formations, organized to not just support a reduced FBI, but to increase its presence to protect our national founding ideals and document. And a new Art. III court system to handle its cases.

6 years ago

You have to live in a US state to vote. Americans living overseas cannot vote, and since Congress passed FATCA, they are also presumed guilty of financial crimes. Go complain to your Congressman — oh wait, you don’t have one!

How would you feel if you visited a country you happened to have citizenship in, and they arrested you and demanded $10,000 for every year since age 18 that you didn’t file a tax return, even if you owed no taxes?

The fact that the US government now charges people thousands of dollars to renounce their citizenship, and record numbers are paying that fee, shows that US citizenship has become more a liability than an asset.

6 years ago

I can’t make sense of the situation in Syria either.

Considering that we are facing possible nuclear annihilation, WW3, I find the lack of attention it’s been getting in the mainstream media even more confusing. Do you reduce this to a function of r/K, or is there more at play here?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
6 years ago

Maybe they’re hoping 3rd time lucky after last year and

2013 BBC Panorama #FakeBBCnews
“Saving Syrias Children”

6 years ago

Speaking of conspiracies, it occurred to me that the Cabal will drag its feet trying to fix Puerto Rico’s infrastructure to encourage the rabbit citizens to move to Florida and join forces with the Yankee carpetbaggers in turning it perma-blue.

6 years ago

Your analyses on these news pieces are excellent, sir. You are a thousand times more astute about the world than any legacy MSM idiot could ever be. I know it’s a pain to do these write-ups, but they are spot-on and much appreciated. Thanks for your time to do them–they are a day of warm sunshine surrounded by grey wastelands.