News Briefs – 05/15/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Sounds like McMaster would have been in that position, though it could have been anyone.

Your first impulse is to curse Graham as a traitor, but what I think just happened is Trump put the idea in the public’s mind that maybe Obama will need to be called to testify. Graham’s response established him as Trump’s opposition, and a moderate voice who is on Obama’s side. Now if Graham suddenly sees something which comes out, and it makes him say Obama needs to testify, the public will say that if even Graham wants Obama’s testimony, it must really be necessary.

The earliest image of the illustration of the soldier with the Benghazi victims names that I could find on google was here on twitter, which says General Flynn follows her, for what it worth.


Richard Burr “stepped aside,” i.e., was removed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Judge Sullivan to consider criminal contempt charge against Michael Flynn. So DOJ says Flynn was wronged and they want to drop the charges, the judge says no, says he may need to have perjury added on for saying he was guilty when he was innocent, and now he will be held in contempt as well. I wonder if they are trying to force a Trump pardon, or if they are just trying to get him in jail so they can try to Epstein him.

The federal judge overseeing Michael Flynn’s criminal prosecution has directed the law firm that Flynn fired to reappear as an interested party in the controversial proceeding, and they are complying.

Graham to start hearings on Russia probe and Flynn case in June.

Feinstein spoke to FBI about her husband’s stock trades, and handed over documents.

Jim Jordan requests documents from Pompeo regarding Hunter Biden and Burisma.

Brian Williams asks John Brennan to explain for the uninitiated (like Fox News viewers) why the ‘unmasking’ story isn’t a big deal.

Former CIA Director John Brennan said he is aghast by President Donald Trump’s abuse of authority and the use of the intelligence and national security communities to retain power.

Roger Stone judge orders White House to turn over Ukraine emails being withheld from the public. They are forcing all of Cabal’s agents to come out into the light and act aggressively.

California Republican Mike Garcia on flipping the Calironia House seat: ‘There’s an awakening here.’ Lots of people seem to be throwing out Q-words as signs to us. Rand was on OAN saying there was a “Cabal” of high-level government officials that abused their powers to try and take down Trump and Flynn.

Jerry Nadler said, they’re investigating Trump and Barr for ‘subverting justice.’

Michigan state police are “monitoring all of the conversations” of protesters planning to descend on the capitol Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told reporters. Might she have just revealed Cabal-control of the organization, and it’s reliance on illegal surveillance, all at once? She is a weak link in operations.

GOP Rep. Pete King to buck party, vote for Democrats’ coronavirus relief bill.

McConnell rips Democrats for proposing marijuana ‘diversity detectives’ in coronavirus relief bill.

Chinese government deception regarding the coronavirus outbreak is raising new fears about Beijing’s population-specific research on germ weapons capable of attacking ethnic groups.

Tranny health secretary in Pennsylvania pulled their mom out of a nursing home before putting sick Coronavirus patients in nursing homes.

Coronavirus infections may produce long-term health complications, from reduced lung capacity to impaired liver function. Just a reminder it is good to avoid the virus if possible.

NIH begins clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat COVID-19. By the time they get around to testing Zinc with it, the lockdown will be over.

Men are less likely to wear face masks to protect against coronavirus, study finds. The story says they find it “‘Shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness.’ Now picture how subtly that seeds those ideas into men’s minds. That is Cabal, hoping to poison people against the idea of masks, and make the pandemic worse to fuck over Trump. I don’t doubt the study is bulshit.

New York extends stay at home order until June 13th.

Even De Blasio says his NYC health chief’s “rats’-asses” comment to the NYPD was ‘inappropriate.’ But he won’t fire her. Wonder if it would work that way if she had done that to Muslims.

California announces disaster relief assistance for undocumented adults.

Government study in Spain finds those who kept working were less infected than those in lockdown.

High-risk states are seeing fewer new coronavirus cases. As the pool of susceptible individuals changes, so too does the virus’s R0. In truth, if you accurately measured the R0 against the people who were not infected yet, it might be the same as, or even lower than the flu now.

Kentucky to lift ban on travel, small gatherings.

Doctors worldwide rate Hydroxychloroquine the most effective therapy for a Coronavirus infection.

Pfizer wants to expand human trials of coronavirus vaccine to thousands of people by September, CEO says.

Mouthwash could protect against COVID-19 by destroying the outer layer of fat the virus uses to bind to human cells, scientists suggest. In other words, Trump said, “Can we take the disinfectant inside the body?,” and somebody said, maybe alcohol in mouthwash would do that.

French pharmaceutical group Sanofi promised Thursday that it would make its COVID-19 vaccine, available in all countries, hours after the company’s CEO said the United States will get first access. The God Emperor put together a back-door deal to take care of us.

San Francisco alone is facing a $1.7 billion budget deficit over the next 2.5 years.

Far-left Antifa suspects in beating of German camera crew come from privileged backgrounds. Those are kids born into the network, acting out the roles they are assigned.

Senate votes to reauthorize intel programs and FISA updates with added legal protections.

Adam Schiff in 2017 said there’s no evidence of malicious unmasking or backdoor surveillance.

US Attorney’s Office Texas Paralegal tipped off Mexican drug cartel of investigation, according to the FBI. My guess would be, if there were no Storm, this investigation would never have happened.

Muslim party leader tells native Dutch to “get the hell out of the country” if they don’t like Muslim “diversity.”

The Lewisburg, Tennessee-based American Bondholder Foundation holds $1.6 trillion of century-old Chinese debt, including interest, dating to before the founding of the communist People’s Republic of China, that it wants the administration’s help in redeeming. There is $6 Trillion of that debt world wide, and it offers Trump a potent leverage against China.

Navy releases UFO hazard reports. None were as spectacular as the Tic Tacs, and most if not all sound like they could be some covert organization operating drones without bothering to tell the government. One small one was at 17,000′ and ascending with what sounds like a clear jet engine exhaust contrail. But what the story does is put the word UFO back in the headlines. Maybe it is crazy, but it feels like this UFO disclosure stuff might be happening now because it is preparing people for some strange revelation related to the Storm?

Rush Limbaugh says somebody is scared to death of what Michael Flynn knows.

Trump administration preparing to require that some essential drugs be made in US.

North Korea ousts its spy chief as well as the head of Kim Jong Un’s security.

A ruling by Germany’s constitutional court on EU bond-buying has sparked serious fears of the unravelling of the European Union.

40% of families are more likely to homeschool after the lockdowns end.

Postal Service to review package delivery fees as Trump influence grows.

Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing Co. to build advanced chip factory in Arizona.

Tyson Foods will reduce prices on some beef products this week, as grocery store prices soar.

Trump’s coronavirus economic recovery playbook includes payroll tax cut, he says.

CNN buries poll showing Trump crushing Biden in WI, MI, OH, FL, PA, CO, AZ, GA, ME, MN, NV, NH, NM, NC and VA.


Spread r/K Theory, because everything is coming into the light

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No matter
No matter
3 years ago

AC have you watched The Jolly Heretic? He talks about r/K selection in humans as well as intelligence factors and political topics.

He’s also quite funny.

Suggest you check him out.

No Matter
No Matter
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The uncut version of this talk from Jolly Heretic was removed from YouTube.

Reply to  No matter
3 years ago

he cherrypicks and avoids studies that look at white men too critically for dem patreon shekels

3 years ago
“Kind of remarkable that as soon as COVID started those many months ago, that it coincided with the end of the sonic attacks on embassies. ”

Also, a chemical facility near Venice just got on fire.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

I didn’t know Sen. Burr said that about Flynn. It says here on his Wikipedia page that “In 2016, he announced that he would not be seeking reelection in 2022.” That was somewhat prophetic, as he should be in jail by then.

New Name
New Name
3 years ago

Not sure if this is true or not, but two of the chemical factories that burned down apparently manufactured magnesium stearate. Supposedly, Magnesium Stearate is an ingredient used in Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) AND Azithromycin.

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

magnesium is highly inflammable. Just striking it causes sparks to fly and it burns quite readily

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Wait! Inflammable means the same thing as flammable!?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Yes, it’s not derived from the same linguistic roots as the words where “in” means not.

Think of “inflammation”.

3 years ago

AC, for some unknown reason I can’t get a comment box for today’s blog if I’m logged in but I can for yesterday’s and I can if I log out.

State Department inspector general fired

Two unrelated chemical factory blazes, near Italy’s Venice and in northern Germany, have triggered local alerts and left several people injured.

Trump and Barr need to come out unequivocally and say that mandatory vaccination WILL NOT be allowed.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Now that I logged out and posted I can get a comment box.

3 years ago

“The story says they find it “‘Shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness.’ Now picture how subtly that seeds those ideas into men’s minds. ”

Its not like being a macho fool hasn’t resulted in disastrous defeats:

French Knights being particularly foolish in always attacking head-on a retreating enemy.

Or that the Foolish Gauls who fight half-naked because they were so macho and brave who thinks that charging head on is a good idea and that through that “Valor” is able to overcome the Romans.

3 years ago

Trump needs to give the Boers priority over all other refugees and block out the 3rd world and cabal garbage that way.
If we must have refugees I’d rather have them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Agreed. I would go so far as to import ALL White Africans of good character and let the Blacks starve to death.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Agreed, white South Africans would be very welcome. The few I’ve known have all been top notch.

3 years ago