News Briefs – 05/14/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Interesting comment here on McCain, who people say is feeling better – “My wife is a nurse practitioner (BSN, RN, MSN) and worked in pediatric oncology for years at the top hospital in the USA. She says there are several symptoms “missing” from McCain’s look that make her wonder what is really going on. The recovery time from the surgery was too quick, he took too many flights at full altitude (forbidden), and he has not thinned-out the way terminal brain cancer patients do. He may have had a blood clot removed, but the brain cancer part doesn’t fit the normal parameters.”

South Carolina National Guard deploys helicopters and Soldiers to Texas Border. Cabal resources drying up.

Brennan, Strzok, and Kerry set spy traps for Trump. That is balls. You do that when it is an order from above. Regardless, it is how things work. Fortunately the God Emperor is two steps ahead of everyone.

Turning Point USA is going to red-pill Blacks, and Democrats should be afraid. Everything Blacks use to drive behavior of the group is in-group loyalty. If Democrats can be shown to have tried to irritate and degrade black community life-quality to drive turnout, that is disloyalty which will defuse all Democrat efforts to unite Blacks against Trump. If Trump improves Black lives through diminishing unemployment, crime, and negative Police interactions, he will pull the entire Black vote.

Colombia has had ten times as many Venezuelan refugees as Europe had middle eastern refugees last year? A flood of r-strategists. I’d love, as an experiment, to air drop AKs and Glocks into the K’s left in Venezuela, and see what it looked like in ten years.

Millenials are having trouble affording stable housing, and that is creating a constant amygdala.

One third of millenials don’t have a credit card, and are avoiding additional debt. They are recognizing everything is not free, and the dopamine is not worth the long term cost.

Trump protects women prisoners, by not allowing men to claim they identify as women, to get housed in women’s prison. Notice the story, which ignores that women afraid of rape sued, and which claims Trump’s solution to protect women discriminates against “transgenders.” Trump is morality and honor that protects the weak, personified, and he faces pure evil.

Elizabeth “Gray Beaver” Warren makum heaps Wampum by supporting Indian casinos.

Child makes gun-shaped Lego toy, school administrators call in Police.

Dems fear that Trump is so good with the economy, they will not be able to beat him.

Iranian advisor threatens to reveal western politicians who took bribes to pass Iran deal, if the west does not rein in Trump.

Lessons on waging war when small Drones are available in the theater.

Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman try to interfere in Bank of America’s loan to Remington.

Alexa and Siri can hear commands on frequencies you cannot. A hacker could embed them in radio ads, and open doors you would never have thought could be opened, without you knowing.

More parents naming their daughters Melania. A measure of the worship for this family among those who know.

Someone nominated Donald Trump for a Nobel, and Norwegian Police launched a criminal investigation.

Congo deploys specialists to tackle Ebola epidemic.

White people call the police on Black people too often. Narrative – Blacks are always attacking whites, and whites are always screwing blacks.

National Review says it is time we should champion Transgenders to really screw the left. Narrative – even the right opposes the silent majority.

Flashback – Mothers drinking tap water with Fluoride produce lower IQs in children. Knowing what we know now, tell me that is all a big mistake. These people are evil.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because it counters the effect of Flouride

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5 years ago

Millennials having trouble affording housing? Save money, buy a lot out somewhere cheap, put in some work to build your own house. You’ll have to get a cheap rent for a few years (and not one of those 5star resort apartments that are so popular) while you save. You can also learn to build houses for free, if you volunteer for habitat for humanity. This is simple stuff, not rocket science. It takes 6 or 7 years of hardship (starting in your mid to late 20’s) to achieve something as amazing as a nice house.

5 years ago

Hey man, the New York Times is running a story today glorifying twinks! They literally are outwardly promoting pederasty. R-selection is on the march. Google it, the normalization is disturbing.

5 years ago

I lived in Costa Rica for 3 years, where they put fluoride in the table salt.
As if they weren’t dumb enough…

5 years ago

Have you ever seen a republican runing for senate in California stepping and spitting on a Israeli flag?
You can here:

Meet Patrick Little:

Read the generals on 4chins:

5 years ago

Chameleo is kind of expensive on Amazon, but your local library should be able to borrow a copy via an inter-library loan. There’s a copy on the shelves in Downey, CA, for starters.

John Morris
5 years ago

No, Trump can’t get “the Entire Black vote” because single Black women understand (correctly) they are basically married to the Democratic Party and would be hosed without the gibs. But if Trump wakes up Black MEN to that brutal reality, that they have been obsoleted, they are entirely gettable votes. And one suspects married Black women will tend to vote with their men as we see with married women in general.

So 25% is an entirely viable number to shoot for and it is generally believed by those who live deep in the numbers that number would be sufficient to break the Democratic Party. They build in an assumption of 85-90% in all their models when they gerrymander Congressional Districts. After being wiped out in the House and the State Houses, they would have to regroup in 2030 and concede a fair number of House seats to the Republicans and rebalance their “safe” districts to make them safe again.

If they were smart, at the first inkling such a thing could happen they would bite the bullet and rework their maps after the 2020 census. But if they were smart…..

5 years ago

That piece about drones is one of the most useful things I’ve read in a while. Good information, and shows the need for even simple drones as a part of any Apocalypse plan that I rarely hear discussed. Even hi-lights tactics that could be employed against such drones. Most use cases would not have sophisticated counter-measures.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
5 years ago

Re :
Flashback, mothers drinking tap water with Flouride…..

Groundwater Flouride high in Sub-Saharan groundwater

African IQ by region

Just wonderin….

5 years ago