News Briefs – 05/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

This video above appeared on /pol here. Actually somebody posted a still from this little-seen video, and another anon immediately followed up with the video, followed by a bunch of different anons deriding the woman and saying she deserved it, but refusing to discuss any specifics of it. Note how this female is accusing the three people she is conversing with of stalking and harassing a woman they do not even know. She also implies to them she is somehow important. She then walks off and about twenty people all around, who were in a totally different area away from the beach, and should be in their own worlds unaware of her, suddenly begin heckling her out of the blue. And then still others are so angered by her filming everyone that they run up, physically attack her, and chase her off violently. There is not enough to say exactly what happened, but that looks like a lot of people who were aware of her and hostile toward her, loitering around her and organizing harassment in coordination with a much larger group. Anons on /pol asked for background, and others quickly shut down questions with curt statements like “she stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.” One said the rumor locally was she is a Rear Admiral stationed there. Combined with the local rumor, the resemblance, especially in more recent pictures of her on google images, lends credence to that in my mind.

There is a news report here denying it is her, but she looks very close, it would fit with her assertion she was powerful, and if you find yourself under, you realize the news is completely controlled, with even the local affiliate reporters participating in gangstalking/close-physical-surveillance.

I recognize there isn’t a lot to go on here, but from my perspective, having had a lot of strangers who should have been in their own worlds inexplicably knowing everything about me, it looks like high ranking military stationed overseas may getting gangstalked by Cabal’s civilian informant/surveillance/harassment network. Also notice, youtube comments are disabled. And I just took a spin around Google street view, and the civilian-informant/physical-surveillance network is definitely operative and blatantly apparent there, and very heavy. I’ve cobbled together an entirely new surveillance detection course off of it and there were so many blatantly anomalies it is brilliant as an education tool.

Now why I think this is important. Suppose I was a young Ensign in Naval/Military Intelligence who was approached by Cabal to turn. Or even a mid-level Officer responsible for something like firing missiles, or executing some critical order in the coming Storm. I’d laugh in Cabal’s many faces. I say, “I do intel for the United States Navy. One of the most powerful organizations in the world. You’re a civilian!

Now suppose Cabal knew I surfed /pol after my shift. I go home, and what is one of the trending threads? Video of my Vice Admiral not just being harassed off a beach, but being slapped around like a child and driven off, by what I, as someone in the know, would immediately recognize as Cabal’s ground-level physical surveillance harassment machine. A Vice Admiral in one of the most powerful organizations in the world, driven off a beach in her own country’s protectorate by Cabal’s civilian informant ground troops. And further more, even as I recognize her, I see where the military and news are all saying it wasn’t her, and nothing happened to the people who assaulted her. It would change my perception of the power dynamic, though I would still tell them to go fuck themselves.

I do not know if the Storm has any important intel or military action about to flow through Guam, but given how recognizable the phenomenon is and the nature of its presentation, one small (probably 15-20% chance) possibility that crossed my mind when I saw this was that it was a hidden message in plain sight for someone else, demonstrating Cabal is stronger than the military, perhaps for purposes of persuasion. I thought it worth passing on, should any of Trump’s people be monitoring these conservative blogs for any intel, and want to just ask if that is the Vice Admiral, and if it might have any importance. Loose lips can sink ships.

Hunter Biden’s China Deal Partners included Whitey Bulger’s Nephew and John Kerry’s stepson. Cabal is a family affair.

Louie Gohmert says, we were very close to the first successful coup in the history of the United States.

New Zealand is deploying Political Police to go talk to those who harbor Conservative beliefs, asking if they support Donald Trump. Videos of the cops at the link. Makes me wonder if Cabal wants to ID those who are conservative and pro-Trump, so they can keep them suppressed and make their new homeland safe for when they flee there.

Bavaria has a mysterious crossbow killer leaving dead bodies laying around.

ICE is actually at the point they put out a press release announcing they tracked down and deported a convicted Dog-Rapist. He actually raped the dog so badly they had to euthanize it. Good job by ICE, but it is a sign the rest of the system (because of Democrats) is failing them. Also, r-selection involves a reduction in sexual selectiveness and lack of constraint. Economic migrants are r-strategists.

Sweden reopens Assange rape investigation.

Now Democrats want to jail AG Barr.

Democrats also want to extend the statute of limitations on crimes for sitting Presidents, so they can prosecute President Trump if they ever get into power in the future. One last threat at Trump in desperation, since such a law would require Senate support and his signature.

DHS leadership before the purge actively thwarted Trump’s push for a more aggressive immigration policy.

San Francisco Chronicle makes the case that Impeachment against Trump should begin immediately.

PBS kids show writes script where one character comes out as gay, and is going to marry his gay partner.

WhatsApp users urged to update, after spyware vulnerability used by Israeli spy company was found.

Democrats are displacing US children to from housing to make room for illegal economic-migrant children. r-selection means low loyalty to in-group and low rearing urges for ones own.

Guardian complains about Trump and Orban Manspreading in their Whitehouse meeting. It is funny how Leftists reflexively recoil at the site of two Alpha males dominating a room.

Pentagon seeks AI that can track a single individual across a city.

Jeffrey Epstein bought a new Island next to his old one, and is doing all sorts of construction.

Bush Attorney John Yoo says Barr appointing a prosecutor to look into the Russia-gate spying scandal means he must see something criminal there, and Democrats should be very, very worried:

Get a load of this twitter exchange, where prosecutors looking to imprison a Navy SEAL tried to trick his lawyers into infecting their computers with spyware:

Cabal’s ground game is centrally controlled from some sort of nodes. When surveillance surreptitiously points their cellphone camera at you, and says, “You’ll see him now,” that is going somewhere and somebody there is looking. If you want to set up a covert ops center, you want to do two things. One, outfit it with security, and two, not let anyone see anything out of the ordinary, so they will not know it is there. You could hide it in a residence, but if you do, and you then put up a fence, station a guard shack, and begin rotating shifts in and out every eight hours neighbors might notice. What you want is a civilian facility, beyond government’s reach due to the fourth amendment, which would explain away the fence and guard shack, all the shift workers rotating through, and which might even harbor something dangerous, so curious looky-loos and other interlopers would stay away. An Amazon shipping facility, for instance might attract burglars, who might break in, see the server farms, and the live satellite overheads tracking surveillance teams, and the boards with target briefings pasted up, and suddenly word is out. A nuke plant would be great, except you have the NRC coming through for inspections. You need something private sector, with enough dangerous stuff to keep people out and justify security, but not so much danger the government is giving the plant a full exam every few weeks, and not anything regular people would want or have use for, to attract thieves. Chemical plants and recycling centers could fit the bill. If so, these plant fires and explosions might either be Q and team disassembling Cabal’s ground game, or Cabal destroying evidence of what was built before the Storm hits. Whatever it is, how many decades did we go without one chemical plant fire? Now we seem to have one every week or two, and not little ones. It feels significant, maybe even like somebody is having fun.

It is tough to tell what is real and what is not in the age of fake news, so take it with a grain of salt, but this was disturbing:

Father Malachii described his end coming from a pair of invisible hands which pushed him down. There is no ruling anything out these days.

Cheryl Mill’s immunity agreement in the Clinton Email scandal is out.

US will send more firepower to confront Iran.

Florida Governor signs bill to arm teachers.

Trump has asked to meet Putin on the sidelines of the upcoming G-20 meetings.

Trump signs a bill to fund State-level gun-range expansions.

Trump praises Hungary’s Orban in White House meeting. As K-selection returns, it is only natural K-strategists unite.

Bolsonaro eases ammunition restrictions and limits on importation of foreign firearms. K-selection means a society where men protect their families, and are allowed to acquire what they need to do it. Bolsonaro is one of us.

Rosenstein said Comey crossed bright lines that should never be crossed.

Spread r/K Theory, because the BOOMS are coming soon.

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4 years ago

Sorry, Louie Gohmert, at least the 3rd coup after Lincoln and JFK. Jackson perhaps disappointed but Johnson certianly delivered.

Reply to  SilenceDoGood
4 years ago

Don’t forget Watergate.

4 years ago

If the statute of limitations is lengthened, wouldn’t that also mean any dirt on former Presidents which had been off the table would then be back on?

4 years ago

My first thought was, “why do female admirals even exist? Who thought that was a good idea?” Make exceptions for women like Grace Hopper, but in command positions? No way.

4 years ago

Democrats also want to extend the statute of limitations on crimes for sitting Presidents, so they can prosecute President Trump if they ever get into power in the future. One last threat at Trump in desperation, since such a law would require Senate support and his signature.

Pass it.

The full text isn’t up, but if it works like presented, it means that Trump has until 2022 to prosecute Obama.

4 years ago

Pentagon seeks AI that can track a single individual across a city.

Pentagon seeks official program that will provide public cover for abilities the Pentagon already has.

4 years ago

“If you want to set up a covert ops center, you want to do two things. One, outfit it with security, and two, not let anyone see anything out of the ordinary, so they will not know it is there.”

Urban high rises fit the bill perfectly, AC, particularly those with a residence on the top floor. The person who owns the top floor has his own elevator key and a perfect sight-line to the higher floors of surrounding buildings as well as to the people walking or driving below. And he doesn’t just see in one cardinal direction, but in all — one can walk around the roof 360 degrees. Best, for you, is that you can locate the buildings have top floor residences on Google earth by their lawn furniture, etc.

Security is provided by building management. The very secure elevator key provides an additional layer of security. No one below the top floor has any idea of what is going on, as they can’t see or get up there. Neighboring buildings — if the residence is higher than surrounding buildings — are blocked from sight.

Furthermore, people expect the top floor to have a few AC units, pipes, communications crap, helipads and more, so seeing that sorta stuff up there doesn’t trigger alarm. Adding a piece or two would go unnoticed.

Just sayin’ …

4 years ago

That was a good call you made on bitcoin a few months ago AC. The price has almost doubled since you highlighted the article talking it down so Cabal get buy it cheap.

4 years ago

>”Tablet mag: “There were 433 more Holocaust survivors killed by Palestinians and Jordanians violently opposing the creation of a safe haven for Jews…To attempt & rewrite their well-documented experiences is to victimize them yet again, an unforgivable & deeply anti-Semitic act””

More Jewish “muh holohoax survivors” propaganda.
There are Israeli organizations who focus on helping Jews from AFRICA whose family never set foot in any Western Country much less Europe or Germany to get reparations from Germany tax payer’s money.
The whole official version of the holohoax is a scam and a racket.

Sources for verification here: ; ; ;

4 years ago

“If you want to set up a covert ops center, you want to do two things. One, outfit it with security, and two, not let anyone see anything out of the ordinary, so they will not know it is there. ”

Look to the campuses of private universities, as well. Wired with broadband, centrally located, usually protected by on campus security. I’d not overlook churches, either.

4 years ago

Somewhat OT – All of the hysteria following election day 2016 seemed so ridiculous and over-the-top to me. People really seemed legitimately fearful that there was going to be a fascist takeover, severe cracking down, masses of people deported. It just seemed strange that some seemed to think Trump was bringing martial law.

In retrospect, I think many of these people were simply fearful that they were going to get what they knew they deserved they had coming.

I also think it’s interesting that Trump’s two big domestic initiatives have been releasing existing prisoners as well as job training programs. It now makes sense. Because literally tens of thousands of police officers and other local government employees belong in jail. And so many other public employees should see their jobs disappear and should have to re-enter the work force. I have no doubt that these these initiatives by Trump are part of the storm.

4 years ago


Trump Motorcade Involved In Accident On Louisiana Highway

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

3rd or 4th time in the motorcade.

4 years ago

Heartiste is not alone:

‘Creeping Sharia’ Blog BANNED from WordPress

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
4 years ago

Rod Rosenstein’s demeanor during his speech to the Greater Baltimore Committee couldn’t be more of a contrast to his appearance at Barr’s presser the morning the Mueller report was released. At the press conference he looks like someone waiting to be shot. In Baltimore he looks relaxed, happy light in his eyes, like a weight’s been lifted off his back. That press conference, he was acting I think. It was the tail end of his part in the psy op, put on for the Democrats’ benefit. He’s a white hat. His farewell event last week with Barr and Sessions was relaxed, fond, jokey. Brian Cates at Quodverum, The Epoch Times, has some interesting pieces about his real role in Spygate (sorry, can’t link on this machine).

4 years ago

How to spot a Cabal affiliated mental health practitioner:

They will have unusually secure offices, featuring cameras that cover all entrances. They will also have an entry area where you sit and they then let you in another door into their office area. I’ve seen this a lot and it’s a tell tale sign of a practitioner who is expecting trouble from the numerous patients that they have harmed. This will also add a level of expense that would otherwise be hard to justify. Other health care professionals lack this kind of security. And they are frequently near to police stations so that the cavalry can be called in case there is a crisis. Look specifically for mental health care professionals who have the ability to give prescriptions. Psychiatric Nurses come to mind.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

You can almost take as an article of faith that full audio/visual is used, saved and distributed.

As a warning, if you are an oldster like me when you go for your annual medicare sponsored physical they (nurses and doctor) will try to give you a “mental health” exam. It will start with something like this “I am going to give you three numbers and will ask you to repeat in a few minutes”. They will also question you about conditions in your home and open ended questions like “how do you feel”. It goes on. Social questions like drinking habits and social relationships. Seems innocent and helpful but it is not. Never cooperate or fill out the questions – you do not have to answer.

What you are providing is the ammunition for an ex-parte hearing. This proceeding is where your fate is decided by a group and a judge. They will decide your fate like old age home (prision) or take away drivers licence or manage your affairs or red flag laws. You will not even know it is happening until you are taken away or stripped of your independence.

The only way to defend is to create a retainer for this event or prepaid insurance for legal events with an attorney as the first thing done is to cut your finances to stop your ability to fight back. The senior care and disability care industry is huge and powerful like a black hole to suck you in and dry like an old Robin Cook novel be hung in limbo voting absentee for 50 years beyond your death.

4 years ago

Gangstalking is more common than some might think, two people on another site I visit that doesn’t really discuss it happened to share their experiences in this thread:

John Calabro
John Calabro
4 years ago

Hey anonymous Conservative, Do you know of any articles and/or studies on the amygdala.

When looking online it is mainly about fear but doesn’t mention the social reading and also I could not find anything to link a weak/damage amygdala to a low disgust (maybe I should look more into the acc).

Thank you. I will be rereading the chapter 14 in your book tonight

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thank you. I have order the book.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I went on ebay to look that book up… wow £80sterling….. in fact most books on the Amygdala were (i thought) very expensive, high/over pricing, another form of suppression of knowledge?

Reply to  Mr_Twister
4 years ago

Most are textbooks or out of bring or both, which drives up prices.

4 years ago

Qanon had mentioned something about our steel having been sabotaged. Here’s a story about fraud in the quality testing of Nasa’s aluminum.