News Briefs – 05/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

SAT will add an “Overall Disadvantage Level” score to a student’s ratings. It sounds like the SJW’s compassion has gotten the better of the system doesn’t it? They are only concerned with helping the disadvantaged right? This is a left vs right issue, right? No. The head of the College Board said on the evening news, students will not be told their “Overall Disadvantage Level,” nor will the College Board reveal how it is going to calculate the “Overall Disadvantage Level.”

That means it is a Black Box Test, just like Civil Service Exams that use black box tests from Cabal-run black box companies that measure “psychological factors” to determine suitability, rather than simple math and verbal scores. Nobody will know what scores should be given, nobody will know what scores are given, and nobody will perform any oversight. Who do you think is giving the scores? I guarantee you Cabal’s people have gotten themselves into positions to give the scores or alter the scores. And even worse, Cabal’s people will be in those admissions offices at the various colleges, and they will know the Overall Disadvantage Level is a Secret Sign from the Secret Society that this kid is one of us – or that this kid is not one of us. You can now study as hard as you want for the SAT, you can be Albert Einstein, you can get every question right, and you will get college rejection letters, because unbeknown to you a Secret Society Member added a secret score to your file which showed you are not in the Secret Society.

The news article yesterday showed, they are fixing the fucking lotteries all over the country. I am not even sure how they do that. The logistics for that must be mind-blowing, given the oversight and the risks of being caught. Do you really think this “Overall Disadvantage Level” isn’t going to be fixed, when it has been made this easy, and has no oversight? It is all a scam, run by the single biggest criminal conspiracy the world has ever seen, and they are everywhere.

Clickbait article I saw in a sidebar caught my eye with the photo below. Notice it is about a homosexual who was hiding their sexual preference, and then look at the nasolabial line on the left side of the face:

Chicago had three missing women, two of whom were pregnant and over their due-dates. One was found murdered, with her baby cut from her womb. Watching the news, I was struck by how they had another case of a woman trying to kidnap children here. Might not be anything, but Q did seem to indicate they need those little kids for something, and closing the border would starve that need. It will be interesting if, as the border closes, we find an uptick in kidnappings. Might Cabal’s rise in America even be why we went from a nation where children played freely, and rode bikes alone for miles away from their houses exploring the world on their own, while today you can’t leave your child unattended on the front lawn.

Those in the occult believe that roasted fetuses covered in gold leaf will bring good luck. If wealthy businessmen buy these things, as alleged in the article, might Planned Parenthood be making any money on the side selling fetuses for that? Moreover, if you believe there is a supernatural evil, as many skeptical Ivy League psychiatrists who attend exorcisms come to believe, is it possible such an evil might reward those in some tangible way for having such an evil abomination be a part of their lives?

A Swedish law could allow Britain to punt Assange to Sweden, where that Swedish law would prevent Assange from being extradited for any crime that is deemed political in nature.

Donald Trump business associate was busted in 1998 for a mafia-related stock-fraud scheme, and became an FBI informant. He then went to work trying to weasel into the Trump organization by selling himself as able to set up Russian deals, as he cultured a relationship with Michael Cohen. In the run up to 2016, he was trying to set Donald Trump up in a Russian real estate deal, as he sent emails to Michael Cohen saying, “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected,” Sater wrote in a November 2015 email to Cohen, pitching him on a massive real-estate deal in Moscow and implying it could help Trump win the election. “Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it…I will get all of Putin’s team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.” That is a spy, associated with US Domestic and Foreign intelligence operations, who got into the Trump Organization, tried to set up a Russian real estate deal, and then sent emails to make it look like the Organization wanted to be a Russian asset. That is an intelligence agency launching a spy operation to subvert an election.

Female celebrities come out with their stories of abortions. Minka Kelly says, “Forcing a child to be born to a mother who isn’t ready, isn’t financially stable, was raped, a victim of incest (!!), isn’t doing that theoretical child any favors.” I increasingly get the impression most of the girls you see in Hollywood were selected more for psychological vulnerability and acclimatization to trauma than anything else.

Homeless population is exploding across San Francisco. Import foreigners with no cash and no place to stay. I’m surprised it is not higher.

Fifth Journalist this year found dead in Mexico. Everything is reaching a crescendo everywhere, all at the same time.

Moles in the Trump administration are claiming anonymously that Iran’s actions (which must be pretty bad if they have begun trying to excuse them) are the fault of the US’s aggressive moves of late. One anonymous lawmaker claims Trump is wagging the dog to distract the public’s attention from something domestically. All are Cabal, still in place and operational.

Former Senior State Department Official under Trump tells the Chinese to stop negotiating until Trump is removed in 2020. Why would she do that?

Man in country illegally charged with 11 murders.

Uber Driver in Virginia was a Somali War criminal who burned men alive and carried out executions.

Catholic Historian says a satanic revolution within the Church is underway right now.

California braces for feet of snow.

Doctors can’t get in to fight the Ebola outbreak in the Congo unless they go in undercover.

Both Comey and Brennan were voting Communist when we were in the Cold War.

Now that they have banned incandescents, they tell us that LED lighting can damage retinas and disturb sleep cycles.

Judicial Watch – Nellie Ohr tried to delete her emails with her husband Bruce Ohr.

Iran’s Foreign Minister claims there will be no talks with the US.

Check out how Huawei’s logo is embedded in a hedge of leaves, like the Cabal symbology:

But what he doesn’t say is, did they ask him to help Trump, or did they ask him to lie and say the Trump campaign was in bed with Russia to destroy Trump. I’ll bet Cabal, both in Congress and in Trump’s administration, approached Flynn and told him that Cabal wouldn’t hurt his family if he destroyed Trump for them from the inside by lying.

Bank CEO resigns, following the biggest money laundering scandal in European history.

Sheryl Sandberg dumped $9.6 million of facebook stock just in May.

Trump is sending illegals to Democrat counties in Florida and Democrats do not like it.

Barr on the Trump-Russia investigation says, “We have to find out what the government was doing.”

Judge orders release of the phone call between Michael Flynn and the Russian Ambassador.

Apprehensions of illegals up 42% on the Northern Border. Something is going on behind the scenes. This is no accident.

Declassification may be coming next week.

Four more banks sucked into case of Deutsch Bank paying bribes to a middle man to fix trades. There were two systems – one for the plebes, and one for the Cabal. What is funny is the Rofschild basically went on a conspiracy site and explained all this using small words so even the retards could understand, and we knew, and it made absolutely no difference at all. Can you imagine how he was laughing at how powerless everyone in the world was? Probably not laughing now though.

EU fines Barclays, Citi, JP Morgan, MUFG and RBS $1.2 billion for FX rigging.

Trump Administration follows through and pulls $1 billion in high speed rail funding from California.

Trump administration is preparing to release intelligence on the new Iran threat, including traditional sailing vessels tricked out to launch land-attack missiles.

New Supreme Court case could wipe 70% of New Jersey gun laws right off the books.

Mark Meadows expects criminal referrals from the IG report. The thing with Cabal is, it is networked everywhere, so if you can expose one small part and begin pulling threads, there is no telling where those threads will lead. And they have been puling threads for a very long time now officially, and I have a sneaking suspicion the last two years have not been two years of investigation, so much as two years of finding ways to parallel construct a legitimate explanation for how they got the product of the covert investigation which has been going on behind the scenes for a decade or more.

I tend to be very in-group-oriented, and I increasingly recognize I need to expand my thinking. Sebastian Gorka was anti-Q, so I assumed he was an enemy of the Storm, but some on Q’s board now suspect he may have been playing his own role in the Storm, slowly red-pilling others, by pacing himself with them against Q, then slowly dropping hints that Q may be real. Here, he retweeted this tweet, with a relevant Q-drop:

I thought this was interesting, even beyond the fact the youth vote is heading toward Trump – Get a load of how skilled in public speaking the younger generation is these days, after growing up using video technology to talk to each other online, as well as using social media to broadcast their message. In my generation there is no way this guy gets that skilled unless he spent five or ten years doing that as part of a news station. He isn’t even out of high school, and he is already FOX News ready.

Trump brilliantly conveys, through blatant exaggeration and a little profanity, the point he wants to make:

I keep thinking I couldn’t be more of a fan, or respect his skills and mission-focus more, and then I become even more of a fan and more in awe of his skill and mission-focus. This is both riotously funny humor, and purely, mission-focused, idea-transmission. He wanted that idea across, and look how he delivered it. He presented his position wrapped in a real live example of exactly what he was talking about. He could have said that delicately and politely, and people would have forgotten the idea. A pussy who didn’t commit to his mission would have toned down the language and presentation, and not been one tenth as funny or conveyed the idea one tenth as well. I hate to admit it, but I was programmed like that at one point, all cautious, and emphasizing politeness and propriety, even if it made you less effective. I put this here, in the hopes you will take that little piece of Trump into your soul, which looks at what needs to be done to produce maximum happiness and elicit maximum skill and knowledge in his own, and then does it all out, 100%, with no hesitation or regret or worry for what others will think. When it comes to doing what needs to be done, the God Emperor is 100% “Go,” 100% of the time, with no hesitation, and he ignores everything else that is not directly relevant to the mission.

Little things tell you about people – The Trumps let their dogs on the furniture:

Spread r/K Theory, because DECLAS is coming.

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4 years ago

Female celebs coming out about their abortions may also be about their own lives as children in the industry. Maybe they had an abortion so their child didn’t face the same abuse or were offered it as an alternative. You abort your child, we’ll sell it to be roasted and covered in gold leaf or your child gets brought up by Cabal with all the horrors we’ve read about on the movie sets. Either way it’s a sacrifice. Not much of a choice really.

4 years ago

Regarding the story about the SAT, it comes as no surprise that they are changing it again. Both the SAT and the ACT have been the object of manipulation for some time due to the fact that they consistently show major gaps between racial and ethnic groups. We have a century of data going back to Alfred Binet showing that there are real differences between groups when measured using these kinds of cognitive tests and so far there has been little success on the part of educators in changing the results.

So instead, they have focused on using other means to change outcomes, from affirmative action, to quotas to changing the tests themselves to be far less g-loaded. IQ and other inborn traits are very difficult to change and so these methods are all that they have if the reality of group differences cannot be openly admitted or discussed. As Murray and Herrenstein argued in The Bell Curve, in a technological society where rewards increasingly go to those who are lucky enough to have greater cognitive ability, those who do not have such gifts are at an ever-growing disadvantage. And that means most minorities.

4 years ago

Regarding the SAT, I suspect like many things we hear about, this has been going on for a long time and the announcement is meant to provide cover.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Credit reports and the like.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This is data that direct marketers use all the time.. it’s their bread and butter.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Graduated from Y in 1984. Back then, even, they asked about parental income, status, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Oh, they do it on the basis of the high school from which you graduated. So, if a rich Asian kid transfers into a low-income, urban Los Angeles school, for example, their ago would have that kid as a poor, deserving immigrant.

They ask about your primary language at home.
They ask your parents income.
They ask for your address, and look up the net worth of your home, assuming you own it.
They get the last two years of your fed taxes.

Of course, you can lie about everything, which I strongly suggest today’s kids do. They have no way of cross checking, that I know of, so your lies are treated as truth.

California, about a decade ago, came up with a novel way to assign slots at Berkeley to minorities — premier CA public university: they gave each applicant a score based on the high school from which he/she graduated.

Within a semester, that system was gamed. So, once again, if you’re a rich Asian kid in LA, you’d transfer out of your tony high school, by the end of your junior year, into a crappy urban high school. Your parents would buy a cheap house in that neighborhood and use it for mail drops. Of course, having a one-syllable last name was an issue, so the Lees, Woos, etc. were legally americanized to, say, Travon LeShawn. Worked like a charm.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

They don’t care about any of that stuff — it’s race, pure and simple.

Wouldn’t want to have any impoverished white kids from broken homes getting into Yale with their “privilege” and their 1600 SATs, now would we?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Why, as a matter of fact, AC, our child applied to Yale, and one of the odder questions on the application was what car(s) do your parents drive.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I like to play this game when you post pics where I try to predict who the people are before reading about them. In the first pic, I judged the pair as “She’s a healthy cutie, he’s a psycho murderer.” pretty close.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Notice how Manning has that trademark droopy “gay lip”. One of the worst cases I’ve seen. I wonder if it’s an effect of a constantly pouting psychology.

4 years ago

This whole thing, this coup against President Trump is a Joowish thing. Felix Sater, Joowish. Weisman on Mueller team, Joowish. Rosenstein, Joowish. Jay Sekulow, on Trump’s Defense team, Joowish. Did you know that Willaim Barr, Attorney General is Joowish? part. It’s ALL Joowish, all the time! President Trump’s Admin is practically ALL Joowish! And those that aren’t are converged with Marxist, Liberal, Masonic ideals! Comey and Brennan were commie-lovers! (ref: book: Red Thread)

The majority of Americans, or of old America is Anglo-Saxon. Who built this country? Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxon, mired in error and heresy, is so emasculated, so benighted, so converged that he doesn’t control his own country anymore. He certainly doesn’t control Britain, Australia, Canada, nor New Zealand any more! The once proud warrior people who built an empire which “The Sun never set on”, is now so panzied, and occupied that he is extinguishing himself!

Who doesn’t control this country anymore? It’s all Joowish! It’s like watching a war, a mafia war between two camps of Joows. This once Great country—is being controlled by an Eastern race of people that hate him!

I want to thank LembradorDos6Trilliões for linking that video about that guy at JPAC that proclaimed their “Joowish civilization”!!!!!

Yet, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity crow about “Liberty” and “Freedom” and yet we can NOT control our past—we canNOT control our artwork—we canNOT control our destiny? If you can not control one’s past, artwork, culture, or our destiny—YOU DON”T HAVE FREEDOM NOR LIBERTY! We are slaves, controlled peasants of Joowish civilization!

It’s all Joowish—All the time!

(I use the word “Joowish” so AI and algorithms can’t find this post because if they know about this—well…we know what happens to people who have bad-think.) I’m literally sick of all this, sick to my stomach.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

This is utterly ridiculous. I’ve been watching you for some time. I can’t decide if you’re insane or a Cabal shill.

I Want to Know Truth
I Want to Know Truth
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Please give reasons why you think the ‘Joowish’ control of Western society is ‘ridiculous’?

I agree with LembradorDos6Trilliões and wlindsaywheeler.. Jews have too much control in Western society. They should all move to Israel.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Yep, it’s pretty sick.
There are some great Jews, but Jewish collective power needs to, and will, be terminated in the West, one way or the other, there is no other way around it. As a group they act exactly like a psychopathic narcissist, they will suck you dry and leave you to rot if you don’t take counter-measures, and they will always try to turn everyone against you and make you the bad guy.
But at the end of the day, GOD WINS, and the pharisees that killed Jesus will perish.

They are completely out of control, and as a group, Jews are 6 million times worse than the Muslims.

4 years ago

Ebola: One of these times Ebola will leave Africa and travel to the rest of the world. Africian swine fever has made it to Asia and China. Every other horrible African disease has made it why not Ebola. How long before it is weaponized. This version has no fever (airport checks only look for a fever) and a 20 day incubation. So any person deliberate or innocent can be a carrier. Check out “Reconteur Report” he has the facts. Only 11 beds in the US set to treat a disease like this. Still do not know the vector for this outbreak. About three years between cycles and several years in a cycle.

We are in the breeze as I do not believe that the FUSA gov’t will tell us until the”Elite” have had their shots and are safely in their hiding holes. Nothing for the rest of us. But the good part is you do have 20 days after exposure that will kill you and your family. So do what you will you are dead anyway.

Reply to  goose
4 years ago

@ Goose – Racounter Report is my go to for Ebola info that I trust as well.

One of the points that really grabbed my attention was the news about some road that took weeks to travel during the last outbreak can now be done in 8 hours. Theoretically someone could be infected at the hot zone and jump on a plane to a Western Nation in no time at all.

Then there’s the possibility of really bad people intentionally infecting people to use them as a bio-weapon. Pay off desperate people by providing their family with huge wealth (to them, to us nothing) in exchange for them to travel to Europe & the US with a pocket full of money for them to enjoy themselves & travel around to various tourist destinations.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I know you read zero hedge regularly but I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this:

Having had my eyes opened to the methodology of Cabal and narcissists, I’ve gotten better at recognizing the true mechanisms behind this sort of thing, and the expressions on the faces of the “people” behind it

4 years ago


Video: “Why Won’t Christians Stand with Alabama’s Decision to Ban Abortion?”

4 years ago

How do three people decide it’s a good idea to kill some pregnant woman and rip out her baby? Not one of them was a voice of reason saying, “Hey, this is terrible, even by the standards of a psychopath.” How do they get from the planning stage to actually doing it? -Like they go to sleep, wake up, and still think it’s a good idea? It’s like Trump said, “They’re not sending their best.”

The older a person gets, the easier it gets to start a sentence with, “Listen you motherfuckers…” Trump is in his seventies, so he obviously gives zero fucks at that point.

4 years ago

I thought this might help with your health issues:

Earthing aka Grounding

4 years ago


And when even I would not thought the insanity and evil coming from Israel and zionists could get worse, this comes out:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

OT: Take a look at this one YouTuber

Every last one of his posted videos has gone viral, even though his style of video (backyard science and engineering) has been done to death already. He NEVER had to grow his channel organically, with dozens of videos with views of a few thousand.

I like his stuff, but his virality seems fake. He also claims to work for NASA, which sounds like cheesy pasta maps on napkins to me.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Aw, shucks… 🙂

“there is nothing you can do but understand you are not failing.”

Learning that “the dream” is indeed a dream has been very empowering, to my surprise.

4 years ago

I just found an interesting article about the effect of living in the city on the ACC:

In one experiment, scientists discovered that after a stroll in nature people are less prone to rumination, the tendency to obsess over one’s mistakes and troubles that is a common feature of disorders like depression and anxiety. The nature walk also calmed activity in several brain regions involved in rumination and responding to threats to our sense of belonging or feelings that we’ve made a social misstep. One of these brain areas—known as the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex, which is involved in regulating our emotions—may be key to understanding how our environments can harm or help our mental health, Meyer-Lindenberg believes.

“A lot of the risk factors that we’ve been looking at tend to hit the same brain system,” he says. He and his colleagues have found that this part of the brain responds particularly strongly to socially stressful situations in people who were raised in cities. This area also seems to be influenced by a number of genes that have been linked to susceptibility towards depression and other psychiatric illnesses, suggesting it may be important to our mental health.

More at:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Watch this and ignore the disrepair. Look instead at how invigorating it would be to be able to have this much solitude and this much pastoral beauty to live in. Forget electricity, the energy comes from being attuned to your environment and not having globohomo shouting into your brain every waking minute.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I knew you’d get it. May we all find more opportunities to slow down and get outside.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Thanks, I have always live in a reasonably rural environment so I’m do alright. 🙂

I posted the info because of its application to r/K theory.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I never doubted that, just wanted to share a wonderful video I had just found the day before. Thanks for your sharing, as well.