News Briefs – 05/26/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Hillary wants to be Facebook CEO. She feels we are not getting the right kind of news to make accurate decisions. Q says Cabal controls facebook.

Congress directs immediate weaponization of space to counter threats. Q called this. According to him, Cabal’s traitors in our nation were planning for WWIII to end with America defeated, because they had abandoned controlling space under Obama. All of us were to die under a jackboot of a Cabal-controlled, Chinese authoritarian government, and the American experiment would have ended forever. Beyond belief, but then again, I have seen a lot that is beyond belief of late, and all of this fits with it. America was infiltrated at the top by people who never really understood America. I hope it costs them their lives.

Morgan Freeman reportedly had an affair with his step-granddaughter, and then she was murdered after talking about it. Supposedly by her boyfriend, but as Randy Quaid said, compare how many people you know who are murdered with how many get killed or die in unusual circumstances in Hollywood.

Brazil is paralyzed with truck protest, Army called in. Unrest is a sign of growing K.

Seth Rich family couldn’t afford private investigator, now employs very expensive Obama Admin attorneys to bring suit against detectives investigating it.

In the run up to this fall’s election a group of Republicans are planning another push to kill Obamacare.

Trump makes it easier to fire federal workers. Everyone who served Cabal is going to have to go. No second chances, no deals.

Stefan Halper, who spied on Trump campaign, also spied on Jimmy Carter. Carter was a bumpkin, but I would have guessed he wasn’t Cabal. Notice, it was Iran’s behavior which cost him his second term, so that Bush senior’s ticket could be elected. Word was Reagan was taken aside, and told he would never win unless he took Bush Senior as his VP, and he agreed. Cabal, all the way back then, used Iran to alter an electoral outcome.

Amazon drops Legal Insurrection from its associate program. I was notified I was dropped months ago, with no ability to appeal. Not that it is a competition, but I did win.

Seattle’s Mussels have traces of oxycodone, from all the excreted oxycodone in people’s urine there.

Trump 2020 campaign head and RNC send letter to Facebook and Twitter demanding transparency on censorship. Groundwork for a lawsuit.

The younger generations are using opioids less, but the older generations are using more. Younger generations are more K.

Texas Democrats have record low turnout. Trump’s constant winning is totally demoralizing them. Their party may be decades recovering after eight years.

Tommy Robinson arrested outside a court where a grooming case was being tried for filming for his livefeed. Charges are breeching the peace. A Cabal, Inc telegram, saying Free Speech no longer exists. Everything now is a raw fight for power.

Army had an exercise planned consisting of terrorists crashing a jumbo jet into the WTC, planned for 9/17/2001, and activated it immediately on 9/11 once the planes hit. They were all set up.

Foreign hackers are compromising home routers.

White South Africans are arming up, and preparing for war. As a general rule, once white people start hating, it will not end well for those they hate.

Brain controlled movie changes outcomes based on how it detects you feel about what you are seeing. Think about it. This is a data import system that adjusts to your individual brain’s responses to the data. Seems dangerous in the wrong hands. Not that the brain-rotting drivel Hollywood turns out is safe.

Interesting article on Jay Z’s alleged illegitimate son’s suit against the star. Notice what happens when a nobody sues a Cabal employee. The judges make mistakes and even his own lawyers collude against him. That is the network of Cabal, Inc. and it can be quite prolific.

Gays now hook up on Apps for “Chem-Sex” which is use of hardcore drugs with orgies of unprotected anal sex, and scientists note it increases HIV rates. But according to the left, it is fine to keep doing it. Just don’t smoke a cigarette, eat processed meat, sugar, or bacon, or have a high carbon footprint while you are doing it. Penalties for those are quite severe.

US Marshal in Chicago has unexpectedly bailed from his office without explanation. The Marshalls have access to a massive, integrated database system with everything on everyone in it, for pursuing fugitives, and identifying all their contacts. The leaders have access to something else as well, because when the regular Marshalls on Manhunter bomb out in their searches, the head of the office goes to his office, closes the door, and digs up stuff which nobody else could find. I always assumed the average Marshall has access to the database of legal intel, and the office heads have access to the more questionably-acquired intel databases which they don’t want to share with their regular agents. If this guy was Cabal, he may have been doing searches on Antonin Scalia’s favorite vacation destinations and Andrew Breitbart’s favorite drinking spots. Notice he was in Chicago. There will be a lot more of these before the storm is over.

Experts who earn normal salaries opine endlessly on how billionaire negotiator Trump’s letter to Jong Un makes no sense, is poorly written, and will never work. While Trump triggers exactly the mindset and behavior he wants out of Jong-Un, and cruises to an even better deal than he would have gotten otherwise. Poor Trump. Reminds me of Vault-Co lamenting, “Here I am trapped on this planet until the mothership returns, and these are the types of hairless apes I an stuck sharing it with.”

SPLC tells Trump calling MS13 animals is racist and dehumanizing. No joke. The guy who stabbed a teenaged girl 100 times and beheaded her, has feelings too. And being called an animal makes him sad.

Spread r/K Theory, because there are a lot of worried Cabalites out there, as well there should be

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5 years ago

From Texas Aarcane via tThe Great Zero Gate, thought this might interest you.

5 years ago

carter attacked the deep state in the wake of the church committee’s reports. the gop made a deal with iran to not release the hostages before the elections. the rescue attempt authorized by carter supposedly failed as a result of maintenance issues. amazingly three of eight helicopters had issues, two from dust storms and a third had a cracked rotor. a fourth crashed into its refueling plane. i suspect sabotage from cabal.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  anonymous
5 years ago

I could be wrong but I am certain I read somewhere many years ago that someone (i think maybe a CIA person) admitted to spraying one of the helicopters with a corrosive substance. Sorry the details are so flimsy but sabotage, you betcha!

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
5 years ago

Do you remember the movie about Facebook called The Social Network? In it, we saw an actor play Fuckerberg as a brilliant, edgy, and angry young man that had his heart broken because he didn’t understand how wonderful and complex females really are. But, the Fucker is not edgy or angry, probably has no heart to break, and is nowhere near as attractive as the actor that portrayed him. His wide open reptilian eyes don’t resemble the veiled and mistrustful glances that Jessie Eisenberg (imagine that – another berg) used to create the fiction of the Fucker as someone fighting the whole world to get back at a girl that repulsed his advances.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
5 years ago
5 years ago

On Texas Democrats, the issue is demographics. Both sides have misplayed the Hispanic shift in voters. Republicans see Catholics and social opinion surveys and see “natural conservatives.” Democrats look at 80% voting ratios and cultures of gibs from central and south America, and see a voter goldmine.

The reality is, Hispanics don’t vote. Their turnout is ridiculously low compared to other ethnic groups. So, as Texas turns brown, it won’t shift Democrat. It will just be a red state with overall low turnout.

5 years ago

by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

5 years ago

Even if the Boer goes down in S.Africa, they’re going to go down swinging. And they can really hit.

Regarding China, BPS just had an informative video on it. But, all of his conclusions were wrong. In typical liberal fashion he was ignoring China’s rate of change, and it’s industrial capacity to produce most common Western technology imports. China produces ships at twice the rate of the U.S. so the PRC Navy is going to be pretty dominant in the West Pac by the 2030’s. China’s SCS island forts also serve the purpose of assisting in naval targeting for their anti-ship DF-21D and DF-26 nuclear tipped ballistic missiles. Those forts aren’t meant to be defensible in their own right, just to sink a few U.S. navy battle groups and give China a heavy numerical edge. Also unmentioned by BPS are the massive Chinese expat/imm communities in Australia, Canada and the U.S.A. -AC you have the right idea on the subject.