News Briefs – 05/29/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

What hath the God Emperor wrought in the black community?

Record drug bust finds enough Fentanyl to kill 27 million people in Nebraska. Here is an interesting factoid. Drug dealers water down their product to spread it out and make more money. Junkies know this, and look for dealers selling purer product by looking for overdoses. So some dealers sprinkle in a few packets of dope dosed with a lethal hit of fentanyl to kill a couple of users, so the rest of the junkies will flood to them.

Woman says she visited Director Luc Besson, felt unwell, blacked out, and was raped. Toxicology negative. Rare toxin, electromagnetic weapon on loan form Cabal, or made up tale? You never know these days.

79 year old rapist of a 5 year old girl set free by Democrat judge after pleading no contest.

Jeff Bezos thinks Michele Obama will be our next President. Cabal message to the troops?

Swedish Police warn a lot of rapes will happen this summer, and tell women not to go out. Don’t go getting raped, plebe, because it fucks up our narrative.

LA Fast Food Place being robbed, customer at drive through shoots robber from outside in car, through Drive-thru window, then takes off. Nice shooting. But it tough to do good in a leftist shithole.

44th House Republican retires. Q knows resignations.

Interesting facts here which show LE discovering links between Antifa and ISIS. The Paddock part is speculation, but Q has been saying Antifa in all nations and ISIS are all different units of Cabal shock troops taking orders from Cabal at the top, and now LE says they see linkages between them. Q proved again.

California creates digital license plate that is easier to track.

Inflammation may trigger less compassionate behavior. The pandemic may bring about K in more ways than one.

It is possible according to Sheriff Joe’s people, that a latent print may exist on one layer of Obama’s (constructed) Birth Certificate.

8 killed, 25 wounded in Chicago, in one weekend. Imagine if the cops could all call in sick for one week, how brutal that place would be. That will be Apocalypse, only it will last for months.

US Navy Challenges China in disputed waters. Message sent – The God Emperor can be a friend, or he can be an enemy.

Britain has drive by shootings spraying houses with bullets.

Don Jr. comes out in favor of Tommy Robinson. Don Jr is our guy, and will be a great president himself one day.

Mark Meadows of Freedom Caucus says most conservative immigration bills contain a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. The instinct is to rebel, but this may just mean there will be no immigration bill, and the Dreamers will be left thinking it was the Democrats who denied them an easy shot at citizenship by playing political games. The truth is nobody needs those immigration folk angrier than Democrats.

Chelsea Manning Tweets suicide note and picture from a ledge on a tall building. Manning may be a giant loose end, connecting CIA to the US Army Intel Wikileaks leak. It is possible professional shrinks are advising informants/operators infiltrated into Manning’s social circle on ways to provoke a suicide. It would be optimal if they didn’t have to actually do it themselves, and the stats on trans may have them thinking they can make it happen naturally via an amygdala hijack of sufficient magnitude.

First woman to join UK Infantry quits two weeks in, because course was too difficult.

Hillary bundled up again, for Memorial Day Parade, this time featuring a US Flag wrapped around her neck like a scarf. Notice how her toe is turned outward on the foot off the ground. You almost wonder if she fractured a vertebrae in one of her falls.

Turkey sweeps into antigovernment area, takes all ballot boxes away, moves them to central location for safety. This is how every nation’s governments were heading under Cabal.

2020 Dem Poll has Oprah on top, Michele Obama second.

Austria is doubling down on cutting benefits for foreigners. Why would foreigners get any benefits in the first place? Regardless, a step toward more K.

Inside Billionaire Doomsday Bunkers, with swimming pools and wine cellars.

Rubio defends FBI’s actions on Trump probe. Cabal membership confirmed.

#Impeachment trends on Italian Twitter. K is building, and amygdalae are being activated. The day of the rope approaches.

Spread r/K Theory, because the day of the rope will be glorious

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5 years ago

About inflammation. There are a lot of foods in our diet that can cause it without us even knowing. Ever since I got into the Whole 30 diet and eliminated inflammatory foods I’ve found my mood and sleep greatly improved.

If we stopped shoveling so much crap down our mouths I’d bet you a lot of the craziness would quickly abate.

5 years ago

Chipocalypse. Lawlessness and chaos will transition to canabalism when the food trucks stop coming in. Be somewhere else.

5 years ago

That unit the BritChick was trying out for was “infantry” in name only. It was actually an RAF base security outfit…