News Briefs – 06/28/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Steven Bing, worth hundreds of millions at least, and a Democratic donor, committed suicide because he was depressed over a ‘lack of human contact during quarantine.’ Of all people, it never dawned on him, a Clinton supporter, you could violate quarantine rules, and he never ordered in a prostitute? He just upped and killed himself? Sounds legit.

More proof vote by mail is a scam – camera catches a USPS worker throwing away GOP campaign ads. Now imagine if an agent there knew who was who, and who would vote what way, and he/she could selectively discard specific votes.

Baltimore State’s Attorney dismisses 600 criminal cases and tries to vacate 5,000, for what she says are minor crimes like drugs and human trafficking of prostitutes.

Meanwhile – 88-year-old liquor store owner charged with assault for shooting robber.

James Comey TV miniseries gets a pre-election airdate, after the director pleads for a chance to sway voters. How is that not an FEC violation again?

Trump wasn’t briefed on report Russia paid Taliban to kill coalition forces in Afghanistan, White House says.

Most US travelers will be barred from EU when bloc reopens. Could be legit, but it would make any intel operations using couriers – perhaps the only quasi secure form of communication –  more difficult.

Shooting at a BLM protest in Louisville could just as well be staged to give that Baghdad feel, when combined with pulling down the statues:

Back at the beginning of the month in Charleston, Police were finding bags of guns with the rioters/looters.

After Pelosi now, Chuck Schumer calls George Floyd two completely wrong names in under 3seconds.

Woman assaulted at BLM protest for holding “Police Lives Matter” sign.

BlackLivesMatter Vandal assaults elderly man, runs to police and demands protection when chased.

BLM thanked Fidel Castro for sheltering FBI’s ‘most-wanted’ cop-murderer/terrorist Assata Shakur. Something doesn’t fit here either. Supposedly our relations were normalized with Cuba. CIA was, for a bit, operative over there, but nobody went after her. She was just left in peace, despite being a fugitive cop-killer. They never even asked Cuba for her. And then CIA began being attacked with sonic weapons. Their wounded officers, on returning home, were harassed in the streets by an organized operation here which was beyond CIA or FBI retribution, let alone justice. Until finally CIA was forced out, and to our knowledge, whoever was behind wounding their people’s brains grievously is still breathing air.

In Atlanta, an 80-year-old black man is accidentally shot and killed in his house by a drive-by shooting, when as many as 20 shots are fired into home around 10 p.m. – and not one person in the neighborhood bothered to call 911.

NYPD commander leaves Bronx precinct for last time after retiring in protest.

The City of Minneapolis is spending $4,500 a day for private security for three council members who have received threats following their votes to defund the Police.

Princeton removes Woodrow Wilson’s name from their public policy school due to ‘racist thinking.’ Look at the narrative lately – you can’t do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, or even think the wrong thing, without the mob turning on you. It isn’t real – the mob is an act, and the majority could care less, or maybe will even support you in cases like opposing cops or the nation. But the narrative is the mechanism of control. If you could create and put out another narrative, like traitors get the rope, it would do the opposite – and it wouldn’t even have to be real. If you could get control of the media and make up an act, act it out and publicize it as if real, it would force patriotism back into the nation. The problem is Cabal’s control of the machine is so extensive.

Army’s first woman Green Beret set to graduate. Toughest girl I ever knew was a blackbelt in Kyokoshin with thighs like tree trunks of pure muscle. I met her doing grappling, where she couldn’t begin to keep up with a guy half her already small size. By the time she left the club, she had banged two guys that we knew of, and destroyed one wonderful marriage by catching a guy piss drunk after a party and pushing herself on him until he cheated.

Buttigieg joins Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study. He won’t be teaching something like math, which is right or wrong, so how do you think he is going to apportion grades to students who are in the network, vs those who are not.

White supremacist terror ‘on the rise and spreading’ according to the State Department. Just ignore the rioters and looters outside your window tearing down our monuments.

A U.S District Court judge in the Central District of California ordered the federal government to release migrant children being held in detention due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic. The never-ending battle.

DC Mayor tells residents to stay home for 4th of July, but promotes Black Lives Matter gatherings.

Criminals are extorting businesses under the name Black Lives Matter by claiming the government is allowing Black Lives Matter to break and destroy whatever they want. Clearly history would have supported his claim. This one probably got busted because he was pretending to be in the network when he wasn’t, but the network didn’t get the memo because they rioted over his arrest anyway. I’d love to know how many never got charges.

Beijing refuses to repatriate Chinese citizens stuck in the U.S. illegally.

Mark Zuckerberg loses $7 billion as companies drop ads Facebook shares dropped 8.3% on Friday.

Indian military amasses more men, material at border with China.

California budget includes tax breaks for undocumented families.

Vice President Mike Pence has canceled his campaign trips to Arizona and Florida due to concerns over COVID-19 as the states experience spikes in coronavirus cases. A little curious. Trump cancels his Bedminster trip, and now this. And Pence historically hasn’t paid the Chinese Coronavirus much mind.

In Canada, they won’t let you take Hydroxychloroquine, unless you are in the government, in which case they will give it to you as prophylaxis.

Police made several arrests after a group of Black Lives Matter protesters marched through a Beverly Hills residential neighborhood Friday night. 

Republican Ohio State Rep. Nino Vitale released a video showing a live experiment with students who placed an oxygen-reading device into their face masks to check if the levels were safe and found low levels of O2. If you wear a mask, and you breathe with short shallow breaths, you will inhale and reinhale a pocket of air caught in the mask and get low oxygen levels building in the mask. Always take deep, lung filling breaths to pull air outside the mask in through it and into your lungs, and then fully exhale them to get them fully outside the masks. Short shallow breaths are bad. Again, not a reason to not wear a mask, but rather a reason to use them smartly.

Remington Arms preps for a bankruptcy sale to Navajo Nation.

On this next one, as a strategy I rate it a 1.2 out of ten. It sounds good, unless the enemy is raising young girls who are willing to subvert their destiny and true love to the cause, and marry and breed with our kind to get control of our kids and subsume them within the network. Or if we face a complex intelligence operation operating throughout our society that is working to manipulate the destinies of our kind from the shadows, in complex ways that cannot be defended against without more directly identifying and confronting the network. If Q fails to pan out, our problem will be a problem that can only be confronted with a complex, probably multi-generational counter-intelligence strategy, probably best conducted in alliance with an established state-actor in that realm with objectives that align in some regards with our own. Our problem is not something so easy as merely breeding and keeping to ourselves. We are targets of something that is playing a much more aggressive and complex strategy against us, and everything else we are being told by those such as this tweeter, who either don’t know, or are part of it, will only lead us astray. The best strategy for our side is one, to as Q says, draw the enemy into the light and expose everything to increase our side’s numbers and our side’s ability to resist through awareness, and then provoke action by our side once we have sufficient numbers. Every other path will lead to failure, as we have seen, because every other path leaves the conspiracy in control, and unknown to the masses. I am still not sure why I am not seeing any of the big, or even lesser names on our side outside of Q mentioning that this is our problem. At least a few of them have to be honest and aware, and lacking enough in fear to step up:

The readers here appear to be ahead of me on Parler:

An explosion that rattled Iran’s capital came from an area in its eastern mountains that analysts believe hides an underground tunnel system and missile production sites.

Trump calls for Republicans to get tougher in response ot the political war we are in. The problem the citizenry have is demonstrating we are out here as the majority, and doing it in a way the Cabal-media machine either cannot ignore, or doing it without the Cabal media machine being involved.

Gun permits up 500% and sales skyrocket amid Chicago protests.

Trump tells local and state governments – either protect federal monuments or lose federal funding.

Spread r/K Theory, because we never stop fighting

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3 years ago

REX 2020 says:
June 28, 2020 at 1:29 am

“We need to figure out how far back and how big Cabal is. How did they set up WWI, the Russian revolution or even the fall of Rome or rise of Islam? We need some data points.”

If people are really wondering about Kabal (and are not being disingenuous), take a look at Douglas Reed’s ‘Controversy of Zion,’ which is available for free at Ron Unz’s site (under “books banned by Amazon.”) Otherwise you’re a blind man groping in the dark. Until you understand what confronts the West (and is on the verge of defeating us) you will simply be drowned in a sea of confusion.

Trust ony in Jesus, and understand what the Apostle John meant when he wrote about the ‘Synagogue of Satan.’

Read the history of the Bolshevik revolution, how many churches were destroyed and priests murdered. How the Reds dug up bodies of priests and nuns during the Spanish Civil War and displayed them to terrorize the population.

At least familiarize yourself with what happened to the Kulaks in Soviet Russia.

You’re the kulak. And they plan to kill you and your family. Tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, erasing the names of John Wayne and all your heroes is only part of the demonization process.

You’re the kulak. You’re the guy who followed the rules, went to work every day, saved some money, maybe got a house.

That entire class of people in Soviet Russia, the “middle class,” was exterminated.

You think that can’t happen here? “You’re living in a fantasy world, Neo.”

BAPs thread posted in yesterday’s comments was prescient. A post-Bolshevik US would collapse far more quickly than the Soviet Union, but the final opening of the borders and the flooding of 100 million more central and south americans is something from which there will be no coming back.

Read Solzhenitsyn. Read histories of the Spanish or the far deadlier Finnish Civil War. It’s happening here, in real time.

The goal is to murder the West, murder Western Civilization, murder you. To remove the last possible enemy which can resist the formation of their satanic world government, to remove every vestige of Truth and Beauty from the world.

To literally destroy the gene pool of their enemy while preserving their own.

You need to wrap your head around this reality.

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.”

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  ~~
3 years ago

Already been up on all of that. Yes, we know all of the Pharisee-Jew stuff. But It’s not just them- there are others. Jesuits, Assassins, Triads, Communists and others. If we just look where they want us to look then we miss the real play.

They (or their ancestors) seemed to have a hand in corrupting the early Catholic/Orthodox Church AND in the rise of Islam. They’ve been doing something out of Iran/Persia. They set the Byzantines and Persian’s at each others throats, then killed off non-compliant Greek and Sassanid nobles, while congealing the Arabs for Islamic conversion. Then they provided the advancing Islamic armies with far superior intel, after that muslim victory was practically a fore-drawn conclusion. They weren’t just Jews (although some were)- they also killed/exterminated a great number of the Jewish tribes that lived in Arabia.

Fast forward to today and everytime someone or some group that isn’t penetrated makes real progress towards figuring them out a bunch of Alt-retards (in Vox Day’s lingo) show up, start screaming about “Christcucks” or Whiteness and Jews and killing all the non-Whites and Jews. It’s pure glow in the dark stuff that any Talmudist would do frankly.

And it bothers me, with all of this “Thulian” literature, why guys who are supposedly so smart can just ignore the hypocritical Talmud, then denigrate the Torah (Old Testament) and ignore every good and traditional teaching of the Bible, especially the 10 commandments and the prophecies concerning the coming of Jesus Christ. It reeks, glows and smells of sulfur to be frank. My only conclusion is that most Thulians secretly like slutty women and beastiality and are either atheist autists or grown man-babies cursing God because they weren’t given all they were “entitled” to- that or white rabbits kicked out of the rabbit warren by non-white rabbits and they’re now angry about it. Cabal uses those “master-race” types like toilet paper.

Here is a prime example. Assassins operating heavy out of Portugal. I wish our Portu bros would talk about it more. It’s at the end of the video. How many of you even know anything about this? Yet you rail on and on about the perfidious Jew constantly.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

“…Yet you rail on and on about the perfidious Jew constantly…”

I would fit that pattern exactly and I have an answer for it. I have an answer that’s damn hard to say is not accurate and Strategically useful.

I say that the Jews are the biggest problem by far so let’s get rid of them first. After we get rid of them all the others will be far smaller and more manageable if we don’t have to deal with the Jews at the same time.

I don’t know of any pozz or corruption or rip offs or financial deceit or just about any corruptions that you can’t look a few steps into the operation and there will almost always be a Jew there involved in some sort of position. I’m sure there’s some where this is not true I can’t think of any offhand that the Jews are not somehow linked to evil doings.

If you want to put out the fire you have do it where it’s hot.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

It’s hottest in the financials. Mammon matters most to Jews. Take that hill first, focus on that and not some kind of purge. A lot of the these guys are more valuable alive and poor, than dead and rich. After that it’s making sure Europe doesn’t get over-run by muslims. That’s the strategy towards saving the West. We’re not going to re-fight WWII here, that’s not the point.

That’s probably why Q did mention “Israel” last for the storm. I assume they were referring to taking out the influence ops controlling Western financials.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>“…Yet you rail on and on about the perfidious Jew constantly…”

I too fall on that pattern. And I don’t care that some people don’t approve.
Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal toolbox, that’s undeniable, and no amount of strawman arguments (like: “You can’t blame all Jews” (which I don’t), or “You can’t kill all Jews” (which I don’t think it’s the solution)) or deflections (like: “why don’t you talk about X instead of whatever you choose to speak about”) will stop that fact from being one.

One way or the other, Jewish collective power is going to get terminated in the West, for all the right reasons, and Judaism, zionism and Islam are incompatible with the West and will always fuel conflict if they are allowed to remain in the West.

I hope the issue gets fixed peacefully, and it is possible it does.
Here is what I think should happen in order to fix it peacefully:

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

that’s cause they are doggone perfidious.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Agreed, that’s why I wrote it.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

PART I; I want to reply to Rex about this “early corruption” of the Catholic/Orthodox Churches.


Or how-about the Orthodox Witness to the Truth of the Catholic Faith. What about the Coptic Church–that corrupted too?

If you look at the Armenian Church, the Coptic Church, the Orthodox Churches and the Catholic Churches—they all teach the same thing. It is NOT they which are corrupted—

Protestants, even though they are studios bibliophiles—MISS this important teaching of Christ:

Jesus said to the Jews—-“The Faith WILL BE TAKEN AWAY from you and given to another nation”.

Christianity is NOT a Jewish religion!!!!!

What is the parable of the Wine Skins???

Jesus said—You can’t pour New Wine into Old Wine Skins. New Wine requires NEW Wine Skins.

What is the New Wine Skin—IT AIN’T Judaism.

Christianity is a Greek/European religion!! Not Jewish! It has a different culture than the jews.

Prots love using this Catholicism is a pagan religion. Duh—It supposed to be!!!! What does “pagan” signify? European!!!! Christianity is a Greek/European religion—NOT Jewish!! Christianity is the New Wine Skin. You don’t understand do you.

Jesus as God and Man is NOT a Jewish concept—It is Greek. Where Greek mythology is full of half-God, half-Man people such as Heracules and Achilles. Judiasm has NO concept of this—But the Greeks did. This is why the Jews rejected Jesus—and the Greeks accepted Jesus.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Not all Jews rejected Jesus, Wheels. Let us not forget that all of his apostles were Israelites. And there were multiple nations of Israelites,

Remember Genesis 35:11 when God said to Jacob

“And God told him, “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply. A nation— even a company of nations— shall come from you, and kings shall descend from you.”

Judea was merely one of many. Others were scattered, these were the other nations of which the Savior spoke, America probably being chief among them.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Not all Jews rejected Christ. True but it was a minority. All the apostles were Jewish. The Faith was transferred nonetheless. Jews couldn’t produce Christianity.

You’re alluding to British Israelitism. That the British people are somehow one of the lost tribes of Israel.

That is how bad philosemitism gets, when Prots think themselves a lost tribe of Israel. The only legitimacy is that one has to be a Jew to be a Christian.

Language and its study show that the Angles and Saxons are a Germanic people, not Semitic.

And for other curious readers, the Intellectual Founder of Christianity is Plato. I refer to the book by Prof. Jerry Dell Ehrlich, “Plato’s Gift to Christianity”. Fantastic read. Corroborated much I’ve already learned from a Catholic Norbertine priest.

And that is a major error that St. John Chrysostom pointed out the re-Judaizing of Christianity. That is an error.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Part II: Jesus said to the Jews—-“The Faith WILL BE TAKEN AWAY from you and given to another nation”. Jesus said—You can’t pour New Wine into Old Wine Skins. New Wine requires NEW Wine Skins.

The dogma of the Trinity is NOT Jewish—it is Greek!!! This tripartite paradigm is throughout Greek culture and is a racial habit of the Greeks. Georges Dumezil, a philologist, discovered a Trifunctionality trait in European languages; Europeans do things in threes. The Spartan government was called by Diacarchus, “the Tripolitcus” because it exhibited Trifunctional patterns. The Trinity is NOT Jewish concept but Greek.

And now the Cult of the Saints and Mary. That is ALSO Greek and Roman. The Greeks and Romans had Cults of Heroes. The cult of the Hero of Classical Greek and Rome transformed into the Cult of the Saints. Saints are HEROs of The Faith! This is the New Wine Skin.

The Sacrifice of bread and wine—of priests and altars—that is all Greek and Roman!!! The cult of Apollo which is quasi Christian to begin with had this.

It was Greek/European culture that formed the Christian Faith. It Hellenized—because it was supposed to. It is a New Wine Skin for The New Wine of the Gospel.

Jesus said Himself—The Faith will be taken away from you—and established in a New Wine Skin.

Even the Clerical Office of Bishop, priest, deacon, is a Tripartite pattern mirroring the Tripartite Godhead of Christianity. That Christ is all three—Bishop, Priest, and Deacon.

All the Churches, Armenian, Coptic, Orthodox and Catholic have this tripartite paradigm—-of Bishop, Priest, Deacon because those offices are what God does.

The Charge of “Paganism” is really The New Wine Skin that you complain about. The Holy Spirit formed The Church thru the centuries. That is what the Holy Spirit wants.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Gosh Wheels, I didn’t know Europeans were the only people who did things in threes for religious functions. Didn’t Noah have three sons, Ham being the odd one out? Adam, Abel and Cain formed a tripartite for sacrifices until Cain’s sin.

What you are describing precedes the Messianic era and is not exclusively European. Moses had a tripartite with Jethro and Aaron, and later with Aaron and Hur. Aaron had another ruling priesthood “Bishopric” with his sons Nadab and Abihu. When they were killed they were replaced with Eleazar and Ithamar. Abraham and Lot were even under Melchizedek (who may have been an Indo-European but was more likely a Semite) but, that is besides the point. It wasn’t exclusively European, it came from God and it’s power resided mostly among Israelites until the Aaron descendant John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan river and He began his ministry.

This is all in the Old Testament. What version do you use?

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Rex, you are confusing the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit in creating Holy Writ with Jewish creation. There is much in the OT that goes against Jewish sensibilities. The OT is very ANTI-Gnostic whereas the Jews are naturally Gnostic.

The Trinitarian concepts in the OT are not there because of the Jews—but despite them. The OT is Inspired by the Holy Spirit who is teaching. The Jews outright rejected Jesus and the Trinitarian formula when Jesus said, “He who has seen Me, has seen The Father”. If they were attuned to the trifunctionality paradigm—that wouldn’t have happened.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Both of you have the right idea! But consider these possibilities:

First, the great truths have always been communicated through metaphor and parable. Most of us have no direct experience with the spiritual world, and thus can only understand it through analogy. Consider Matthew 10:35. This is obviously a metaphor for the conflict between a man and himself as he begins to choose a spiritual life over a material one. And yet every single commenter at will tell you this is about Christians being persecuted. The teachings of Christ tell you to be kind and charitable to everyone you meet. How would anyone possibly persecute you for this?

Second, the great truths are being constantly corrupted by the priest class to enhance their earthly power. The truth that remains in the Bible comes from the Greek Gnostics, who got it from the Egyptians and Chaldaens, who got it from the Hindus, who got it from the Atlanteans who got it from God. The teachings of Jesus are functionally identical to Krisha or Buddha or any number of great prophets down through the ages.

Thus you have the beautiful (but metaphorical) truths of the Gospels sandwiched between the literal Satanism of the Old Testament (what else would you call a God who is constantly urging the Jews to attack and slaughter their enemies, to sacrifice animals and burn their blood, and who brought down plagues on Egypt. In Exodus ‘God’ even states that he would harden the Pharaoh’s heart to give him an excuse to do more damage! He even kills anyone who looks on him!) and the slave religion of the self-annointed ‘Apostle’ Paul, which was designed to replace paganism with something easier to control.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

The Mongols destroyed the fortress of the Hasassins. So do you think they were exterminated or not?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  info
3 years ago

The end of the Hashashin video discussed 15 million Ismaeli’s. Personally I think quite a few of them are successors to the assassins. I also suspect they (Assassins) are one branch of some organization that existed in Persia, and killed off Persian Sassanid leadership and nobility frequently in the run up to Muslim expansion. And yes, quite a few members of that organization were probably pharisaic “Jews”. Watch the first parts of this video- it’s like the table was being set for the muslims as dinner guests.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

This reminds me of a travel narrative by Freya Stark: Vallys of the Assasins and other Persian travels.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft posits the Cabal is and has for millenia comprised of the Hivites. Babylonian in origin (or something like that). Engaged from the beginning in SRA for the purpose of generating adrenochrome.

If you think Q is cryptic, Sarah is on an entirely different level with many of her tweets. Way above my level of symbolic comprehension.

I believe her 100% though.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

The Hivites weren’t exterminated like God commanded in Joshua 3. They likely intermarried with the Edomites and were absorbed by them. So Herod and his dynasty would be descendants of Hivites and by extension would have inserted themselves among the Pharisees. It would really be interesting to know just how much rabbinical Judaism is influenced by them and if any went to Sassanid Persia after the Romans sacked Jerusalem.

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

That SRA person would go on Q’s forum trying to smear people talking about the JQ has satanists, and telling mods to ban anyone who criticized Jews, because “Jews dindu nufin, it was Hivites”.

I told her I hoped her story was fake (she claims she was vitcim of satanic ritual abuse) because she was pimping it in order to try to silence people speaking about the JQ.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

All this is a complete waste of thime. The people running the show are Jews/ I don;t care if they “were” Edomites monkey demons or Babylonian fish gods. It’s the Jews running things now and we should concentrate on them first. We can worry about the monkey butt whirl daggers or whatever later AFTER we get rid of the Jews.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Jesuits were founded by a crypto-Jew.
It’s well documented.

Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal tool box, although there are other tools.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

And BTW, Jews who followed the 10 commandments only applied them to other Jews, non-Jews (the goyim, the nations) were not seen as humans, and thus were not protected by those 10 commandments.

It was Christ that universalized those teachings, and told Jews to stop applying that to just other Jews (which is part of why Jews had Christ killed).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

You are correct that many/most/nearly all Jews behaved/behave that way.

But they were commanded not to.

Exodus 12:49

“One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.”

King James Version (KJV)

Numbers 15:16

“One law and one manner shall be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you.”

King James Version (KJV)

3 years ago

The fact that major GOP figures are trying to push people towards parler to me says there is something significant going on there. Ted Cruz has been fairly vocal about big tech censorship, for example, and he went so far as to record a video about opening an account there.I won’t go so far as to say its confirmed storm related, but I view it as a possibility. I would bet that parler does glow, but I am not convinced it is specifically cabal controlled.

Think about it this way, what is one of the worst abuses that is allowed by twitter, reddit, facebook etc for the left, but not the right? Doxxing, mobbing, slander and defamation. There are hints in the wind that 230 is going to get repealed or changed and these companies will be subject to defamation lawsuits. That tells me that particular terms of service policy is will probably start popping up on all the social media platforms before long. But more importantly, these terms allow for the people actually committing slanders and defamations to more directly be subject to the consequences of their actions. And it isn’t as if they weren’t already technically subject to that anyway, it just hasn’t been enforced. In my experience, it is the left who is far more prone to lying and defaming than the right, so ultimately this could in theory end up being a big blow to the left as all these shitheads start getting directly fucked for lying about people and they have to start being more honest. At the very least, you could see how trolls would be discouraged from using the platform if their personal finances were on the line. It doesn’t really matter that individual leftist trolls couldn’t pay the whole amount, they would still be bankrupted for defaming.

You posted recently about collusive lawsuits where a leftist NGOs sue leftist governments that want to be sued, so they can implement some policy they wouldn’t be able to pass legislatively. I could see this being sort of similar for the right.

>Every other path will lead to failure, as we have seen, because every other path leaves the conspiracy in control, and unknown to the masses. I am still not sure why I am not seeing any of the big, or even lesser names on our side outside of Q mentioning that this is our problem. At least a few of them have to be honest and aware, and lacking enough in fear to step up:

On an unrelated note, neoreaction has been saying for a long time that most types of active resistance are just going to get you btfo and not to do it that way. The best thing to do, for now, is to remember culture precedes politics and persuading sympathetic elites that you are right is a better avenue for change. The neoreactionary schema didn’t include a super-organized intelligence network, but the actual actions (analysis, writing, persuasion) would be the same regardless. Since 2016, I have been convinced that things are a lot more organized than I believed starting out, but I wouldn’t have wanted to believe that back then. Seeing the truth is a path we all walk individually, and mostly advances through small steps of learning. If you give someone too much, too soon, they will be turned off. “Take your meds, schizo.” So, knowing that people have to take baby steps means providing baby step levels of new information. No way around it. It is of course important for someone to occupy various points on that path, but someone early on the path shouldn’t be going all out. That wouldn’t be helpful.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

“If you give someone too much, too soon, they will be turned off. “Take your meds, schizo.” So, knowing that people have to take baby steps means providing baby step levels of new information. No way around it. It is of course important for someone to occupy various points on that path, but someone early on the path shouldn’t be going all out. That wouldn’t be helpful.”

This is very important, tailor your message to your audience.

That is one of the great errors the cabal made, they created limited hangouts at various stages along the road to truth which they intended to use to stop people at those points but which ended up working as stepping stones to the truth that we didn’t have to find for ourselves.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Well, that, but also there is the metaphysics of free will. I believe they are right in assuming that in order to advance their agenda, it has to be freely accepted. If all that information is hidden, then it violates free will and it would justify an intervention by higher power. God pretty much. So, they have to show what they are doing in some way even if it is just fiction. “symbology will be their downfall.” They have already said what they were doing, its just a matter of people realizing they weren’t joking, and it wasn’t really as fictional as they thought.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…That is one of the great errors the cabal made, they created limited hangouts at various stages along the road to truth which they intended to use to stop people at those points but which ended up working as stepping stones to the truth that we didn’t have to find for ourselves…”

Agreed BIG TIME. I used to argue with people about this all the time. I suspect that even the Nazi shills are NOT doing the Jews any good these days because if you listen to the Nazi shills even a little and have some self awareness you realize they are telling the truth but are doing so in a hysterical way that “supposedly” turns people off. Here’s the problem the Jews have though. Everyone is so damn hysterical today that it’s normal. So the hysterical Nazis are just one more wave of hysterics and averaged out could be just as right as your average BLM protestor.

One I particularly argued about was Patrick Little. They heaped scorn on him and truthfully maybe he was a shill but if in every single district we had someone going on and on about the Jews and running for Congress all saying the same thing maybe it wouldn’t turn the tide but it would damn sure make an impression. People would begin to ask what these people are on about with all this Jew bashing.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The way I see it is this: I can’t control what others (both allies and enemies) do, so I focus on trying to streamline my message as best as I can so I can reach as much people in a potential audience as I can (because I am only one person and my time is finite, if I had a team of online out-reach operators, I would be able to mold the message to different audiences much better).

Patrick Little was an interesting case study, and I am inclined to not trust him for various reasons I won’t broach into here (although that’s just my personal opinion, and you should make up your own mind on him, and anyone I give my opinion on), but before he went full National Socialist (aka: nazi), he presented himself as NOT a nazi, and that was part of the reason why I listened to his content (I would come across the nazi threads on 4chan and just ignore them, because it always seemed to me that they were pushing some unknown agenda that for some reason wanted people focusing on the Jews to distract from something else).

Patrick Little was the person that aroused in me the curiosity to go make my own research on things like the role of Jews in slavery, the role of Jews in communism, and many other subjects related to the issues of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion which I has no idea about (and couldn’t believe in when I heard them, but he always said to not trust him and go verify the information, which I did). And during the time when PL ran in CA for something I don’t recall, he was still NOT a National Socialist candidate (which I believe he still is now, some months after that CA race, he posted on his webpage that he was going full National Socialist, and that was when I lost interest in his journey).

Although I see people falling for the whole national socialist thing as a liability, what that showed me is that perhaps I should lurk about some nazi threads to see what they said, and perhaps I could find good verifiable information regarding the JQ that people would be interested in and read about IF it wasn’t coming from literal nazis. Some content is just nothing but noise, but there is A LOT of shit that nazis say that is literally factual, and verifiable.

So I can see literal anti-Western Jewish psyop teams posing as nazis online, to try to get real people to fall for the nazi bullshit with the objective that said real people, after verifying that some of the JQ stuff is legit, start believing that nazis are the only people telling the truth about Jews, and thus self-insert into a group of people which can’t reach 90% of the gen pop due to optics.

The Jewish nazi psyop shit exists to try to get real people who end up verifying the facts regarding the JQ and seeing they are true to self-identify with a group that has optics so bad that even if you tell nothing but facts, 90% of the people will never listen to you, just because you self-identify with the nazi bullshit.

That’s why on Q’s forum the JIDF shills would try to smear me as a nazi, and I liked it because it allowed me to counter it with: “Nobody needs to be a nazi to be educated on the issues regarding Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.” So now, even if a normie luker might have thought to himself “Hey, why is this person posting this stuff? Might this be a ebil natzee?”, and because it would only make said lurker more defensive if I accompanied my posts with “I’m not a nazi.”, the fact that the JIDF shills would try to smear me as one would work in my favor, because it opened the door for my polite, logical and articulated counter to their smear. And said normie would see it, read it, and his brain, being capable of logical thinking, would see it is true, that in fact, nobody needs to be a nazi in order to be educated on the issues of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Army’s first woman Green Beret set to graduate. ”

Pushed by Stefanik. Stefanik also opposed Trump’s travel ban and supports H1B programs bigtime. While supporting the gender bending in the U.S. military.

Stefanik glows.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

she also ran ryan’s debate prep for the debate with biden in 2012

3 years ago

Can you post relevant link to unz? Does not have title or any Reed as author other than Fred reed

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  No
3 years ago

I think this is the Fred Reed link

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Earlier I said I didn’t think Clinton raped a boy. I just didn’t feel it was his style. Little boys. The things these people supposedly did even surprise me and I wasn’t sure that someone was not overdoing it. Ok fuck me I’m wrong. You know the Clinton’s are bad when they are even worse that Sam J. things they are because I really think they are evil but they are even more evil than that. Turns out a Women researching these things finds out about the boy rape and takes the boy to the FBI and…yes she’s dead now. So if there’s bodies then, yeah it’s the Clinton’s. There is so much evil. It surprises even a jaded person like me sometimes. It’s very sad. The people that do these sort of things must be…I don’t know, I just can’t imagine that level of evil. It’s beyond me to do these things or understand others who do.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

If she had gone to the US Marshals or Q instead the FIB she might still be alive.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Only understand their evil as demonic. Vanquish them. Perhaps they may have a last ditch message of the Gospel at Death Row. But they must be stopped nonetheless.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

FBI has been comped for the most part, they help the pedo child traffickers kill potential witnesses, and they destroy proof for them, etc…

If you have information that people are willing to kill you to keep you from spreading it, your only rational move is to create a deadman switch, anything else and you’re going to get killed, and the murderers will scape justice because they will be protected by corrupt cops, judges, lawyers and prosecutors.

There is no rule of law, only rule of survival.

3 years ago

MasterCard is also Cabal owned:

In order to survive even Patreon has to play ball in deplatforming our people. Otherwise MasterCard will nuke all it’s payments. This applies to all payment processors outside Blockchain.

This kind of thing is worth looking into for Trump’s admin. Very shady money business especially going on.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

This is the beginning of the Mark of the Beast system and we MUST nip it in the bud legally, the banks get so much support from the government and the government makes it so hard to start a new one to compete with them that they MUST be forced to be neutral politically and culturally.
If you aren’t breaking any laws they must be COMPELLED to provide basic services like money transfers.

3 years ago

Thousands of Chase Bank customers in US reporting money missing from their bank accounts, some missing thousands dollars

3 years ago

Brexiteers to be recruited and departments moved to regions in huge Whitehall shake-up

3 years ago

Polish president, liberal rival face tight run-off

3 years ago

I was looking for what rex2020 referenced: Douglas Reed Controversy of Zion at Unz

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  No
3 years ago

More here

scroll down and open the title link to a new page. There will be several links to different servers under the description. Click on one sometimes they don’t have that title but you will be able to find one that works.

3 years ago

Sorry intended this to be in response to Sam J and that was intended to be.a reply to Rex. On Unz I can’t find the controversy of Zion book he refers to.

3 years ago

No, here’s the link.

Reed was a journalist for the Times of London, who wrote this book after WW2.

Most recommended are Chapter 1 (The rivalry between Judah and Israel, guess who won?) and Chapter 27 (detailing an unusual book published in 1905 that Henry Ford believed to be true and published millions of copies, you got a free copy when you bought a Ford!, that eerily predicts the events of the 20th century).

Chapter 29 is notable, since it foretells what you see happening today, regarding Mandell House (“Colonel” House, although he had no military service), Woodrow Wilson’s eminence grise (he lived in the WH) who pushed American policy towards Zionism.

“The Zionist idea coupled itself to the revolutionary idea, among the group of men which was secretly selecting Mr. Woodrow Wilson for the presidency, in the person of this Rabbi Stephen Wise.”

And Chapter 21, “the Warnings of Disraeli,” is fun for all the quotes by the first Jewish Prime Minister of Britain (converted to Protestantism).

The following 3 paragraphs outline with great precision what the United States, and the West in general, are faced with. Remember, Disraeli became Prime Minister. He was a confrere of Rothschild. Let him explain the way of the world to you:


“Disraeli wrote novels (with greater success than two later imitators, Colonel House of Texas and Mr. Winston Churchill when young), and depicted himself in them as the aloof, urbane, omniscient, slightly mocking impresario of human affairs. In Coningsby he is the chief character, Sidonia, a Spanish-Moslem Jew, the master financier, power behind all powers and passionless manipulator of Sidonia remarked in 1846 (the year when Coningsby was published): “That mighty revolution which is at this moment preparing in Germany and … of which so little is as yet known in England, is developing entirely under the auspices of the Jews.”

Then, after the outbreaks of 1848, Disraeli returned to the subject, telling the House of Commons in 1852: “The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe. An insurrection takes place against tradition and aristocracy, against religion and property. .. The natural equality of men and the abrogation of property are proclaimed by the secret societies who form provisional governments and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them” (exactly the same thing recurred in Russia, in 1917, that is, seventy years after the 1848 outbreaks).

Disraeli added, “The most skilful manipulators of property ally them selves with Communists; the peculiar and chosen people touch the hands of all the scum and low castes of Europe.” This, he said, was because they wished to destroy Christianity.