News Briefs – 06/11/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Almost 60% of White Americans and Swing Voters say immigration has made their life worse. If you came from a shithole, or live in a shithole, immigration probably doesn’t change things much. But if you live a first world life, importing the death squads from Latin American street gangs into your world is not going to make things better. Imagine the numbers in Europe as the Apocalypse kicks into gear.

National Archives Archivist in Charge has a problem – Many key Obama Administration records are entirely missing. Our nation made huge strides in the past two decades in terms of becoming a nation absent any laws or rules, where raw might meant you did whatever you wanted. I’d assume this happened out of necessity, because law-breaking requires ever more law-breaking to cover up.

The Hammonds, of Bundy ranch/Oregon Standoff fame, may be looking at Presidential Pardons. I have always wondered why the Federal Agents involved in these wars out west seemingly cared enough to make all of this so personal, and why the machine cared so much about little ranchers out west. A Cabal Agenda to control those vast tracts of land for some purpose would explain a lot.

McCain tweets out to America’s competitors in Europe that a majority of Americans side with Europe over Trump. I thought politics ended at the water’s edge, but apparently that is only when Cabal controls the American government. Fortunately Trump makes him completely inconsequential.

Satanist loses challenge to strip “In God We Trust” from our currency.

Daily Mail does a story on Prince Harry and how worried he is about how veterans are committing suicide every 13 days. It almost feels as if the media is running this story at this moment to make people beleive suicides are common, and so the waves of them we are about to see are perfectly normal, and not to be questioned.

Vermont mandates that all citizens must have health care.

It come on the heels of a sweeping gun control bill, that limited magazine capacity, all signed by a Republican traitor.

Leftist German party calls for “an end to arms exports; a social program for everyone in Germany to solve housing and employment difficulties; and finally, safe and legal escape routes as well as open borders for people seeking protection.” Good luck with that as the K closes in.

There were irregularities in the Irish abortion referendum, and there is a legal challenge over them.

Netflix will do a children’s cartoon about superhero drag queens. It would appear that Netflix is a full on Cabal entity, carrying out Cabal orders to degenerate society, beginning with children.

Doug Ford’s victory a five alarm warning for Canadian leftists that the party is over.

Kim Jong-Un scheduled to leave very quickly after a short summit. Q may have been right, and the whole deal is already done, and everything now is for show.

Kim is also bringing his own food supply. Interesting, because he fears being poisoned. Who would do that if the media narrative now is real, and everybody wants him to have a productive meeting with Trump.

DeBlasio’s plan to change admissions to elite schools will slash the admissions of white and Asian kids.

Brennan Tweets to our enemies, “To allies & friends: Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration. The America you once knew will return,”

Another Hollywoodite at Disney’s Pixar forced out by sexual abuse allegations. Seems like a lot of house cleaning which would not have happened if Trump had not been elected.

Lindsey Graham snubs John McCain, and points out a majority of Americans likely do not support Europe’s position over Trump’s. Has Lindsey sensed a shift in the winds, and a time for realignment at hand?

Trump’s Ambassador to Germany says he wants “to empower other conservatives throughout Europe, other leaders. I think there is a groundswell of conservative policies that are taking hold because of the failed policies of the left.”

Florida Lawmaker seeks nationwide, computerized gun registry. The battle never ends.

Iraq extradites 20 year old murderer of 14 year old girl back to Germany.

The “Please Touch” Children’s Museum will host a Drag Queen storytime program for little kids.

Soros laments that everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. He still can’t grasp that this is not chance. There is a fundamental environmental shift, and that is altering psychology, and producing his endless defeat. For a long time, we have sat back as things have worked against us and our efforts have been thwarted, despite all our K-selected logic. Now the tide of r/K is turning, and it is our turn to watch our side’s effortless victory, and the inevitable collapse of leftism all over the world.

Spread r/K Theory, because the tide is turning, at long last

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5 years ago


Found this website and thought it might help the yeoman’s work you do here.

Best regards,

Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood
5 years ago

You may have seen that the new Italian government has begun to crack down on the invasion ships, as far as I can tell to general approval here in Italy.

5 years ago

The bundy deal never made sense until I read this.

Obama building human trafficking go zones through the use of the national monuments.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

Brennan Tweets to our enemies, “To allies & friends: Be patient, Mr. Trump is a temporary aberration. The America you once knew will return,”

I’m firmly sure this is correct unless we secure the voting system. They will steal the next election. I have a sneaking suspicion that the military hacked the voting machines to delete the hacks that the cabal put in to defeat Trump and that’s why they were so surprised that Trump won. They were going to steal it no matter what.

I’m also fairly sure that the Senate race in Alabama was rigged. My Mom votes there and said that the place she votes she never sees Black people voting there, (they live in a different part of town), but this time the whole polling place was filled with Black people when she voted. This is the same place she’s voted for 20 years or so.

There is a way to secure the vote or at least the totals. Here’s something I thought up. You get a ballot with blank borders on the sides. On top is a number keeping track of exactly how many ballots were handed out at the polling place. Mark your votes inside the border. You scribble, put numbers, draw pictures or whatever in the border around the vote page sides. A picture is taken of the ballot and the scribbles on it. The scribbles are the random part added by you to fingerprint the ballot. The vote is then totaled and the picture has a HASH taken of it. This is a mathematical formula that represents the picture just like a fingerprint. Some hash types are md5, SHA256 and SHA512, you write the HASH number of your photographed ballot on the bottom of the ballot and you KEEP the ballot. You verify the vote before agreeing it is yours and accepting the votes they show you on a screen. Each polling place bundles all the photos, the totals and the hash in a file. Later you can call up the ballot you cast and see the picture by using the HASH number you wrote down to check it. Everyone can, and everyone can download the total votes, the hashes, see all the ballots and add them up themselves. Now this doesn’t control access to ballots or who votes but it makes sure every vote cast can be checked and I bet a lot of people would. It also allows anyone with basic software to count all the votes. It would use cheap computers. Normal desktops and normal cheap internet cameras. A voting place could use their normal computers they use for government for this and just boot up a Linux OS to use on vote day(or Windows or whatever the software is not that difficult and could all be open source). It would cost very little. The weak point is people could hand out more ballots at the poles to fake voters but they can do that now so nothing is changed there. One safeguard would be to have video monitors counting everyone voting and the ballots should add up to the number of people walking by the monitor as a check. These could be added up by a more sophisticated software system than is needed for counting votes but it’s not unreasonable. The tapes could also be public of everyone voting, not their totals just that they got a ballot and then people could on their own count them and see if the numbers added up. It’s not perfect but it would make stealing votes way more difficult because you would have to get lots of unqualified voters to actually go to the polls and vote with ballots or the numbers wouldn’t work out. You could not cook the results because it wouldn’t add up and if you changed the votes anyone could show it by showing their original ballot. To save money you could use normal legal paper for ballots that could be printed up at the local print shop with multiple sheets if necessary.

Computers make it easy to switch votes but they could also do the opposite with what I outlined to make elections more trustworthy than the normal paper ballot system.

5 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I like this site too.