News Briefs – 06/30/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Mexican Political Canddiate Assasinations are up to 130 in ten months. This feels Storm-related, as if the Cabal is pushing to seize control south of the border to use it as a redoubt to stage penetration ops back up into the US after the Storm.

FBI Agent who was due to testify in Fast and Furious Scandal found dead. Trained in both high-level intel work and shooting, so he would be no pushover.

Trump wants to pull out of the WTO. Whether they were designed that way, or infiltrated and taken over, it would not surprise me if all of those globalist organizations are Cabal machines to control everything.

Reporters do survey, find 300 piles of feces throughout downtown San Francisco. Shithole indeed. And a graph, because tracking these things is normal in rabbit-land:

Trump questions the necessity of NATO. What if the Russian threat was entirely conjured to move military hardware to all the participants, and NATO was never necessary.

Obama Air Force Colonel accused of raping two young boys, but avoids prosecution. Congress is investigating. The pedophiles are being elevated. There is no other explanation for their prolific ever-presence. They are not that high a percentage of the population.

Woman convicted in Britain under slavery laws for trafficking women into Europe for prostitution. Interestingly it involves Satanic voodoo rituals and she had the juice to have the victim’s relatives arrested in Nigeria when they complained. It seems the Cabal in Britain doesn’t want competition.

Long but interesting article on NXIVM and the use of hypnosis, and sexual abuse, and molestation the founder, who claims he is Satan, promoted. When you see it again and again – molestation, occult, Satanism, it all begins to appear real. But if you haven’t looked at it before, I can see how it would seem preposterous.

Mueller delays Flynn sentencing yet again. Perhaps timing it for the Storm, which Q said begins in July?

RFK says CDC is a government funded private vaccine company with a portfolio of patents relating to vaccine production. Based RFK? Somebody needs to get him surfing 4Chan.

Iranians chanting Death To Khomeini during fourth day of protests in Iran. Rial is plummeting to new lows, as the God Emperor’s economic might is being brought to bear.

Families earning as little as $117,000 now qualify as low income in San Francisco. Rabbitry is a consequence of free resource availability.

Workers at a facility that houses immigrant children report being stalked by people who follow them around and phone them at all hours. Whether it is a BlacklivesMatter protest, Occupy Wall Street, Anarchists running wild in a city breaking windows, or this, it is all organized and funded. Regular Joes don’t come home from 16 hours spent landscaping, and begin coordinated following of employees at these facilities. It is all very strange, and I can’t wait to see who put it all together and was pulling the strings at the top.

Venezuelan Inflation on track to hit 480,000% The Democrat Party wants to bring that socialism here. Compared to the winning of Trumpism, what a losing ideology Socialism is.

DHS is warning its people to not wear badges in public and lock doors and windows. You wonder if this is really just for the crazies, or if Intel chatter indicates the next Cabal false flag may target them.

Jobless rates for those with disabilities are dropping. All the products of America-first economic Trumpism.

Trump wants a second round of tax cuts. Compare to “Read My Lips…” Poppy Bush.

Trump will announce Supreme Court Pick on July 9th.

Trump has Sessions looking at making it almost impossible for anyone who crosses illegally to get Asylum. Bing, Bang, Boom, problem solved.

Leftists push conspiracy theory that because a DHS document title contains 14 words, and begins with the words, “We must secure…,” and has the number 88 used in it, it is a Nazi code specifically designed to trigger them. Why they would ever think the God Emperor would troll them like that I do not know. They sound paranoid to me.

Zogby finds Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics all are pleased with their finances, and that will get Trump reelected.

Trump is worshiped as a God in India. It will not just be India. If he overthrows a possibly multi-century conspiracy to covertly enslave the world, that has killed a President and his son, as well as untold numbers of Americans, and he does it all before he is halfway through his first term, he will officially be as close as you can get to an Archangel on Earth personally sent by the Lord.

A good example of r-selected mating strategies in action. A very pretty young reporter shows up to do a story and is beset by ugly female homeless bums who berate her appearance, makeup, and clothes to the point she has to abandon the shoot.

Spread r/k Theory, because you like nice pretty girls

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5 years ago

The spying thing might be worth asking Q about on 4chan.

I would love to develop methods to push back against those bastards.

5 years ago

Off topic question: Are you familiar with Ronald Bernard? A Dutchman, claiming to be an ex-Illuminati, who has made several interviews wherein he exposes (at least somewhat) the top workings of the “elite” (Cabal?)? No surprise that he claims they are Luciferians into pedophilia and child sacrifices. He appears to be sincere in his assertions. However, if they are true, it seems he would have been Arkancided by now.

5 years ago


This specimen is exactly like Bob the narcissist who borrowed his friends’ car in order to crash it!

5 years ago

“Trump has Sessions looking at making it almost impossible for anyone who crosses illegally to get Asylum. Bing, Bang, Boom, problem solved.”

Until ICE has the National Guard going door to door finding illegals to catapult over the big beautiful wall, the problem will not be solved. THEY HAVE TO GO BACK.

5 years ago

Random question: what is the Chinese character in the r/K logo at the top of the page? It’s gotta be the opposite of peace in some way but I’m curious what exactly.

5 years ago

Reading your qrd is my morning ritual. Never stop

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

“Iranians chanting…”
Perhaps out of fear that they will be identified, but check out the photo in the article – many of the womenfolk in burkas look like they are actually men!

“Workers at a facility that house immigrant children…” and “Trump is worshipped as a God…”

AC, you say you can’t wait til we find out who has been/is pulling the strings at the top… do you REALLY think we ever will? I dearly hope and pray you are correct. One of the many thousands of reasons to be praying for our POTUS. The whole of the corruption/evil/problem seems so utterly massive (and that’s just what we know that has been publicly speculated about), it would be a miracle. I DO believe in miracles 🙂

Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
5 years ago

AC the story on FBI agent has been reported as a murder suicide that happened last March. Source you linked to has supposedly been debunked.