News Briefs – 07/02/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Europe Desperately Looks For A Way To Seize Russian Assets For Ukraine

DFT – In Britain, Electric Car Fueling More Expensive Than Gas Or Diesel

DFT – Eurozone Inflation Continues

DFT – Ukraine Highly Profitable For German Arms Makers

DFT – Argentina Moves Further From The Dollar

So I ended up with a RuTube account that could upload. Thank you to those who helped, it is appreciated. It didn’t work out though, and I thought the reason was interesting, in that it shows how we were mis-programmed by the West, with a completely irrational view of the world.

In a nutshell, the reason it didn’t work out was the story of my life – the joint was too classy for me. But it was more than that. I thought RuTube was just like Youtube – a place with limitless storage, where people could upload anything, no matter what it was, or what the quality, or if there were other copies online, or even if anyone was interested. It never dawned on me the place was actually a business, and bandwidth and storage was at a premium.

Bear in mind I run this site and have been back and forth with the host over all these issues, as I am paying a somewhat lowball price for the hosting, but we are getting big enough our traffic is beginning to become somewhat of an issue on the server. But it never dawned on me that in Russia these businesses have the same problems we, outside of Cabal, have with overhead. I was expecting a Cabal property where everything was free in limitless quantities, and they let everyone upload everything to trap them under control, so the real power could then suppress what they didn’t want and promote what they wanted.

It turns out they have strict terms of service, which forbid covertly recorded videos of other people, like I was uploading, and if you stop by the page, they also favor a higher production value in videos. They don’t just take any video you recorded and post it unedited. They prefer you make it like a TV show. I imagine where Cabal prefers mindless garbage to make us dumber, they prefer stuff that makes their people smarter too.

It turns out they have someone look at the videos as well, before they go up. They didn’t want grainy gangstalking videos that are available elsewhere taking up space and bandwidth, and I understand. I’ll probably use Catbox until I can set up my own server and host them myself. Until then I have copies, so they will not be lost.

But it was kind of funny to me, as I write about all this stuff here, I deal with it myself running this site without Cabal’s backing, and still I never thought that a businesses outside of Cabal’s corner of the world would have to be run like a business. That is how deeply the programming has seeped in all my life. It also points to Russia being outside Cabal’s sphere. There businesses actually have to abide by capitalism’s rules.

It makes you wonder, just how does Cabal manage to make everything free, in limitless quantities, from Youtube, to Twitter, to Facebook, to the physical surveillance? And the truth is, I think the free stuff we see pales in comparison to an architecture in the shadows that it has probably assembled to customize each of our internets, and maybe even our real lives, to remove others it does not want us linking up with, and keep us isolated from our kind.

Anyway, thank you to whoever got me the account. As I said, it is appreciated. It turns out I’ve just got more unique needs than RuTube can satisfy.

James Giordano, PhD discusses the capabilities the US Military already has in relation to Neuroweapons.

The lead prosecutor in the Hunter Biden criminal tax case is refusing for now to cooperate with a congressional investigation into IRS whistleblower allegations that the Justice Department substantially interfered with the investigation to spare the president’s son more severe punishment.

Chris Christie ‘wouldn’t vote’ if Donald Trump becomes GOP nominee.

New evidence that the Biden DOJ edited footage from January 6 in order to convict innocent January 6 protesters and Oath Keepers.

Photos have just leaked of Michelle Obama currently vacationing on a massive private yacht on a private island in Greece. This means the Obamas were rage-tweeting about being “oppressed” & “victimized” after the SCOTUS Affirmative Action ruling from THIS luxury yacht:

Joe Biden says he wants to crack down on ‘privilege’ in education but he once called UPenn’s President to get his granddaughter in.

A group of Georgia Republicans, working with two Democrats, are looking to pass legislation that would give in-state college tuition to illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. They don’t do this out of empathy. These illegals are overwhelmingly Cabal agents, imported by CIA, after spending years running ground surveillance in their home countries, betraying their own citizens for what they probably assumed was CIA (though maybe they know it is something else at the top), Now they are here, to operate against us, and this is about one group of Cabal agents taking care of another.

Isn’t it curious, they all make this face at one time or another:

Bill Gates-backed companies approved to sell ‘lab-grown’ chicken in the US.

A leading mind in the development of artificial intelligence is warning that AI has developed a rudimentary capacity to reason and may seek to overthrow humanity.

Four New Zealand rugby players were critically affected mid-game. Two are in hospital, and two died. The Auckland Rugby Union said they were “unaware of the cause,” but inexplicably added, “We are fortunate that events of this nature are extremely rare.”

The rate of death in Australia remains well above the norm, with a rise in killer diseases other than Covid leaving doctors baffled.

Bodybuilder Jo Linder passes away at 30 from aneurysm – alleged heavy metal found in his blood during his routine blood work after receiving 4 jabs.

A research document published on the White House’s website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the earth from climate change. Comms? From light to dark?

Such astonishingly good luck they just happened to hit just as he had decrypted the database to begin working on it. I mean what are the chances? How could they have such good luck?

Erotic poet appointed as new head of doctrine at the Vatican.

Vicar accuses Yorkshire Building Society of ‘bullying’ for closing his bank account over trans protest – Nigel Farage also kicked out.

‘Disgusting’ slideshow offering assisted suicide ‘is emailed to HEALTHY patients by Canadian healthcare provider,’ as unease grows over country’s euthanasia program.

In France:

French Police say “We’re at war with vermin” as nationwide riots spread like cancer. We will see the same thing next summer as the 2024 election nears., with all the Cabal agents who have infiltrated our nation

This next one is being debated on 4Chan. The first person to post the video that 4Chan could find is a reliable social media news personality in France. However after it was posted on 4Chan a swarm of posters claimed it was an old video, however nobody could point to any place where it was posted before. A few posted a story about a Jewish guy who was killed by a trolley, as if it was settled, but his video was of a different layout of tracks, and it looked like he got run over entirely. Gore anons swore that they had never seen this video before and would have remembered it. Current belief is the mob threw this guy in front of the trolly, trying to kill him and he lost his hands. Actual video is here, but it is pretty nasty.

Special forces deployed as rioters rampage through Paris and Marseille, torching cars hours after hundreds of family and friends attended funeral of boy, 17, ‘executed’ by police.

Historic buildings in France that survived bombardment in WW2 can not survive the cultural “enrichment” of open borders.

A cop who was Cabal was told to allow a protestor who was Cabal put him in the George Floyd positions, so a photog who was Cabal could take a pic of it, and a reporter who was Cabal could put it in the news report:

That position is the easiest thing to escape from.

French rioters fire RPG at Police station.

A video circulating on social media shows French President Emmanuel Macron dancing at a concert in Paris while his country is burned to the ground by rioters.

The riots and looting in France and Belgium spread tonight to Switzerland too. Stores were looted in the city of Lausanne and rioters clashed with the riot police.

UK is kicking Military families out of their housing to turn it over to asylum seekers.

On 4Chan, they said the Russians give this to their soldiers:

Right after it on 4Chan was this:

Godspeed, Russia-bros, Godspeed.

CIA Director William Burns called Russian spy chief Sergei Naryshkin after last week’s aborted mutiny in Russia to assure the Kremlin that the United States had no role in it. Tell me you are afraid of the Russians, without saying you are afraid of the Russians.

Charges have been dropped against a New York City subway rider who stabbed and killed an unhinged straphanger after he allegedly punched his girlfriend in the face.

Maine dodges bullet, Senate votes down ban on private sales of firearms.

Fifth Circuit panel appears skeptical of ATF pistol brace rule.

Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda has taken another body blow, with a U.S. District Judge in Texas putting a halt to the ATF’s rule treating unfinished frames and receivers as if they’re firearms themselves.

Senator Lindsey Graham was booed nonstop on the stage at the Trump rally in South Carolina.

The number of Americans who believe Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 election has grown to 62 percent, with another 6 percent who say they don’t know if he won or not. Those are all people more open to the idea there could be a Stasi-like operation in America, because now they know somebody is rigging our elections.

Trump rallies voters against ‘Crooked Joe’ at Independence Day celebration.

He’s still got it: Donald Trump shuts down CITY ahead of huge rally that’s first 2024 campaign rally since classified documents indictment.

Trump Rally: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Pickens, SC 7/1/23:

Spread r/K Theory, because if it is to be war, let it come in our time, right after the surveillanec is fully exposed

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10 months ago

It’s not hard to shut down a “city” (Pickens SC) with a population of +/- 3500 and why was Graham there anyway, are Biden’s judicial nominee confirmations all caught up? Trump keeps saying he’s going to get rid of the RINOs yet there was “little buddy”.

Reply to  WDS
10 months ago


10 months ago

“Erotic poet appointed as new head of doctrine at the Vatican,” just a heads up for readers who are not Catholic, the Vatican has been occupied by Satanic imposters since 1958. That poet has no more to do with the Catholic Church than Jorge Bergoglio or Joel Osteen. We all need the Church to have a Pope again. Well, most Catholics I guess believe it’s just the end of the world but I’m loathe to be presumptuous.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

There are predators both within and without.

In this case somebody made a call to the police very quickly, either a handler of this cabalite or somebody who figured out what was happening.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

1958? The Vatican has been murdering and thieving all over western europe for centuries. It’s always been evil. Sure, there are some nice lay catholics struggling to be decent people. But I can assure you that most live under the threat of terror. Lack of compliance or perceived disloyalty brings harm to one’s children, lack of opportunities, and all the rest.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

If not for Roman Church christians would still be fed to lions.

If not for Roman Church organising crusades, Europe & America (North & South) would have been islamic centuries ago.

10 months ago

It makes you wonder, just how does Cabal manage to make everything free, in limitless quantities, from Youtube, to Twitter, to Facebook, to the physical surveillance? And the truth is, I think the free stuff we see pales in comparison to an architecture in the shadows that it has probably assembled to customize
Off-planet resources?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

How can it all be “free”?

Fake foreign aid
Fake climate change
Fake “Nukes”
Fake Food
Fake Pharma
Fake NASA/Space….
….. Budgets

So many Grifts they have oodles of cash (1s and zeros in digital world!) floating around.
We don’t need old civilisations or Aliens,, it’s all right here!

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

You wont know how much a parasite drains you until it is gone.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Yep. Nuke London and the Vatican and feel real freedom worldwide.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Not just “free”, but in almost call cellular phones and some desktop computers, part of the standard load of the deskop. If you delete it, the next OS updates will reinstall in.

“Just tap the icon! It’s so easy, and all your friends are there.”

tinvowoot nope
tinvowoot nope
10 months ago

You know AC, yesterday you wrote how it was interesting how odd it seems they would be openly alluding to such things as RFK’s actual assassin, and reveals regarding what all evil they commit with children and child trafficking. Like we are being fed a certain diet, a very bitter meal. Reminding us all of things which subverted and undermined our general morale and unity. Our sense of self and place. Its pretty emotional stuff too. Almost like being toyed with maybe?
Well one thing might be kind of like Levine running healthcare, its an insult deliberate, a straight up fuck you to all us good folks. Everyone knows thats just totally unacceptable no matter what, and a total farce. But we must pretend to like and accept it, after all its our new normal. So take that anon.
And it could be they are feeling so confident, reasons i do not know, or its more mind control/conditioning, may be just using threatening as in intimidation tactics, that letting us know outright is a kind of a bully saying, or an organized crime gang casually asking you “what are yah gonna do about it.”
I mean we are talking about humans who quite frankly got a serious case of 30 pieces of silver mind sets, they in every way sold all us honest folks out. And its like a hive mentality/secret club your definitely not invited nyah nyah! And now they have reached a level if corruption and control where they are thinking they are untouchable, add in some nasty contempt for us dirt people, well self exposing these crimes and doings, its bragging rights, lets just rub the plebs faces in it for shits and giggles. They can not do anything, we control everything kind of mentality.
But I gave this a real good think. I can not help it, got this notion its may be got to do with how so many if us good folks, we know we don’t got to take this crap, but we do, we do not accept it, we will not, even so we remain something, and its very important, there is those of us regardless of everything foisted on us and fone to us, we remain Prudent, and it is the lack of Prudence today that is may be the greatest issue of our time. There’s that. There is more to it, for our part, its our codes you see, and its these ruthless ones, sometimes i get the sense they are no longer members of the human race even. They done things beyond a pale, and know they are locked in like a prison of the soul. Thats just me taking gut sense, that last thing. But here’s the thing, there is nothing like how mad good folks get when their codes are ruthlessly violated. Yet we are not prone to flying off the handle, and there is cold anger to add to the mix. In effect, quietly, being prudent in our actions its effecting these assholes, its not us but them whose in their heads, because no matter how much they taunt and poke and stick it to us we stand and watch them, and we see these total fools, and you know what dude? Like WTF, there was more than enough for everyone, I mean everyone, alls they needed to do was leave us be, let us loose, and it’d be prosperity like nobody ever imagined, we where on that curve, i sedn it. was part of it, we had it all in the damn bag. Its another thing here, they poke at us indeed, try to get our goat, we know what they are doing, they know we know we know, and still they are failures at getting us to go full retard like they want us to do, then they have the perfect prerequisite to do something to us, what that is is not clear but knowing these assholes i would say its a real nasty thing. And besides, there’s fairly close to a hundred million of us and no smal number if us are armed to the effin’ teeth. To hazard a guess, i think its them who are afraid, of us good folks, that we remain so prudent even with all this depravity shoved right in our faces, thats strength, and such strength inherently is a threat to them unlike any. Like theres those of us who are so strong nothing they can do can manipulate us into discarding our prudence, like it seems everyone else has. It scares them. And it does something else, winging it here but i think i am close, see they use fear, weaponized fear, lot of it in the form of terror and reprisal, low intencity T&E operations, but its that none the less, they push and push and get the same results but its killin’ them in thus small way. Why aren’t we submitting, why do we refuse our consent, quiet that may be, but you add prudence and withdrawal of consent together you have no power over me, particularly fear, up yours asshole. Kiss my arse. whats happened is we refuse to take council from our fears it makes us individually invinceble, we can not be beat, God bless us there is none like us. Amen.
Get what I’m saying here Mr. AC?

Reply to  tinvowoot nope
10 months ago

Wonderful post! IMO this is exactly the state of things. They are brilliant, highly knowledgeable, and have been highly successful. But they are locked in, which is a terrible place for them.

Some on our side, perhaps many, may be, and are, unable to grasp the enormity, and I use the real meaning of the word, not the absurd modern meaning. So what? They (and all of us) are honest, solid, loyal, trustworthy, and sincere. That is something out of the realm of the other side. The rulers know about this fact, and cannot fully deal with it, but the apparatchiki do not know or understand, which is why they (the apparatchiki) are so steadfastly clueless as they carry out the orders.

As to the rulers, you make an excellent point. The rock solid traits on our side are a sovereign protection against all their clever tricks.

10 months ago

Watched The Irishman not expecting much, turns out it was one of the best movies I have ever seen, every aspect. The individual principal actors are not appealing human beings, but their performances were uniformly superb, brilliant.

I read the book as a result of watching the movie. The movie was completely faithful to the book. The book had additional detail, but the movie organized the material far, far better.

For me, the book and movie brought together the many disparate details of the Kennedy assassination, specifically the involvement of the various parties. NB: what I just said was NOT the point of the movie or book, except in the most subtle of implications, but the implications are unmistakable IMO.

The book and movie did NOT state or imply that the CIA had anything to do with the murder of Hoffa. But it is very valid speculation to see that the CIA had motive to do so (as did the Mafia) and actually took part, just as the CIA and Mafia cooperated in killing Kennedy.

Again just speculation, but it is now plausible to me that the CIA and Mafia are, and have been for a long time, simply two criminal organizations which operated in highly similar ways, including omerta, surveillance, and psychological manipulation, and that the interests of the two organizations – – far from conflicting – – were an ongoing source of mutual cooperation and mutual protection. The FBI also plays a role in the situation, also because of mutual interests and methods, although more partial.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I had to laugh every time Russel Bufalino referred to the nameless guys in control of things, guys higher than even the top bosses like Bufalino. At first, a person might assume that Bufalino was referring to other mafia guys, mafia guys even higher than Bufalino. But after watching the movie and reading the book, I believe he was referring to the real guys who make decisions, the guys for whom even the Mafia is a front.

That is an astonishing thought, especially now that it appears to be so obviously true.

Last edited 10 months ago by Tonawanda
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Yes, it’s important to keep in mind that all big mafia takedowns in the US have been nothing more than a kind of official self-cleansing project. They were just getting rid of the most unruly or treacherous amongst their own people. And it just makes sense to have the FBI do it instead of a messy gang war.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago


Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

and just who was their guy, who they would propel into office, and do anything for them…

Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

Type “FDR deal with Mafia” into your favorite search engine. His supporters put the spin on his several open associations with organized crime during his presidency, knowing full well what he was doing was both illegal and dishonest.

10 months ago

Re: Riots in France

The African and Antifa riots serve at least two Cabal purposes: 1) social justice for the underprivileged POCs – ramp up the diversity, inclusion, equality program and bless France with more migrants to further weaken native, trad French society; 2) have the same native French demand protection and increased national security from the state which will be used to surveil and deny them legitimate protest (yellow vests etc) that threaten Cabal hegemony – the 9/11 model.

One of the major purposes of Cabal’s provocation of Russia in the Ukraine was evidently to ship weapons there for distribution on the black market into “rioters” hands throughout Europe. While the African Cabal assets in France are being utilized to escalate the national security problem currently, no doubt Cabal’s owned and operated “white-supremacist Nazi” assets throughout Europe will soon appear. Germany, in particular, may see white terrorist false flags in order for the Cabal-owned government to fully restrict its popular political opposition.

Here in America it feels unlikely we’ll reach the November 2024 elections without major Cabal provocations in our society – evidently, Cabal cannot allow Trump the presidency. On the other hand, I think Cabal’s RFK Jr strategy is to provide an alternative to Biden et al that is acceptable to Dems and many Republicans. His “win” would be fake but the steal plausibly deniable. This would kick the can down the road a few more years perhaps and buy Cabal’s assets time to retire from the stage.

The Cabal parasite has been denied its jump to a fresh new host in China or Russia. The BRICS/SCO multipolarity that is emerging will fundamentally alter the world and America. The petrodollar is over. Our landing can be hard or soft but we will land and our society will be dramatically improved as we return to self-sufficiency. In the process I expect Trump and Putin aggressively eradicate Cabal or RFK Jr allows Cabal to go deep cover again.

Reply to  Huck
10 months ago

So, I guess I have my own idea about who runs Cabal and that is the Synagogue of Satan. But you guys don’t believe that the Bolshevik Revolution was Cabal, huh? The way a lot of you write, it sounds like no. And that China ended up Communist, not Cabal either? I guess I have always looked at those places as conquered bases of operation. And they are both wholly immoral countries paying some lip service to being moral by easily pointing out the depravity we are being subjected to over here. But, they are the ones who have arranged meticulously through their own activities and the subversive activities of American liberals to have us subjected to all this perversion. So…why do you all love them? I have confusion.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

There’s a race war starting in Europe. I don’t want to live through a race war, but I have to accept the fact that one is starting. As mentioned upthread, there will be a reaction by ‘White supremacists’ (Operation Gladio types) which will cause a mud reaction and the tit for tat escalates. It’s an ancient tactic.

I watched the French film Athena from last year about an Arab kid getting shot by police, sparking riots, it is EXACTLY the script we are seeing now, even the real kid who got shot and the one in the film look alike. The film is extremely intense.

Here comes the pain.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

> I have no idea what the history of Russia is. 

[greatly simplified]

Rome was built in marshlands. As it grew, the problems with getting fresh water and getting rid of sewage got out of control. Emperor Constantine moved the capitol of the Empire northward to Byzantium, which was officially called New Rome.

The nobles didn’t like Byzantium; it was far from their estates, and a shitkicker town compared to Roman night life. Eventually many of them sloped off back to Rome and chose a new Emperor and Pope. Most of the civilized world considered New Rome to be an abberration and went back to taking orders from Old Rome.

New Rome became known by its original name of Byzantium. It was an explicitly Christian Rome, to the point of making its official language Greek, like Jesus spoke. (The Greeks had been everywhere long before the Romans; if you were going to be an itinerant preacher, you had to speak Greek)

The Byzantines considered their mission was to spread Christianity. They didn’t send out missionaries or hold happy-slappy rallies; they hired mercenaries to convert populations at swordpoint. The Rus were a Viking offshoot, mostly in what we now call Ukraine. The Rus were the Army of the Lord.

Byzantium, now a city-state with negligible territory, could afford to do this because the entire Roman treasury had been moved there when it was the capitol, and it stayed there. They were filthy rich.

In 1453 the Muslims managed to attack and conquer Byzantium. Some of the nobles and politicians escaped and went north to the homeland of their mercenary army. The Rus were used to taking orders from them, so it worked okay.

The Rus expanded their territory and eventually moved their capitol east from Ukraine, to Moscow. The line of Emperors, dating back to Gaius Julius, ended with the assassination of Nicholas II in 1917.

A lot of European history talks about “the Church” and its involvement in politics and war. Most of the books don’t bother to differentiate between the Roman Catholics and the Greek Orthodox (Byzantine) churches. The Catholic Church spread its influence over dozens of independent countries; the Greek Orthodox under Byzantium was a theocracy; Church and State were one, with a militaristic evangelist policy. When the seat of that church moved north to the Rus, the evangelism went away, probably because the treasure that financed it was now in Muslim hands.

Yeah, I know it sounds like a lot of religious history, but the history of Russia is basically that of the Greek Orthodox; the Tsars were both the rulers of the state and the highest church officials, just like the monarchs of England after Henry VIII.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The Bolsheviks and the CCP were both cabal.
The theory is that the Russians began to break free under Stalin and completed the break under Putin.
Some think the CCP also broke free but there is little evidence for that and much against it.
The CCP is trying to take dominance from the western cabal but it is still part of cabal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I was told Stalin was a Nationalist that reinstated the church in USSR.

The real enemy were the Leninists – and when Stalin was murdered, the Leninists started exporting Revolutionary Communism again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Here’s a way to understand cabal’s control of China. China is dependent upon exports. Cabal controls countries all over the world. If China gets out of line, cabal directs countries to restrict trade or enact stiff tariffs.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

The take that seems to fit best IMO is that a Sino-Nationalist faction is in power in CCP. Thing to remember about China is that they’re a civilizational state; they view themselves as the only real civilization on the planet, and everyone else is shit-flinging barbarians. The CCP faction of the Cabal get suborned by Sino-Supremacists, who then need to take over the rest of the Cabal, so they ally with the Cabal’s primary enemy, Russia. What Russia gets out of it is industrial support against the more demonic Western Cabal.

Tl;dr, neither Russia nor China are our friends, but they are the enemy of our enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

> Thing to remember about China is that they’re a civilizational state; they view themselves as the only real civilization on the planet, and everyone else is shit-flinging barbarians. 
Yes, despite generations of Chinese Communist policy trying to eradicate all of the old Imperial Chinese culture, which was all evil badthink.

Until they decided maybe it wasn’t *all* evil badthink, at least if there were parts the CCCP might be able to bask in the reflection of.

Other than (most of) some languages, 2023 Chinese culture has less in common with Imperial culture than it does with American culture.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

If you were legit you’d stick around here for a few months and learn from AC and the commenters here.

Reply to  Huck
10 months ago

I suspect that we’ll have riots here in the summer of 2024. It will be a repeat of 2020, where the summer of riots kept people from discussing relevant political issues. That’s paramount: keep americans from talking to americans about america.

In a sense, I suspect that all this French stuff is PARTLY about priming American minds. When Americans watch TV and see the riots in France, they subconsciously accept the idea that rioting over a police shooting is acceptable.

Obviously, there’s other goals going on France that you clearly explained.

But I would definitely plan on chaos in the US from about May to November 2024. There needs to be something ongoing that keeps Americans from logically thinking about anything.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Brandon needs a reason to cancel elections like Zelenski did.

Will the French military and police launch a coup?
Will ours?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Militaries through out the west have been hollowed out so much they couldnt do it with the numbers they have, ignoring the number of freemason/satanists & non-combat capable 5th columnists amongst them.

10 months ago

Well Big Mike was also watching Notre Dame burn from a yacht drinking wine too, right?

Reply to  Thesokorus
10 months ago

Amazes me how a homely black boy can rise to such heights of power and privilege. More like Black Privilege to me

Reply to  Rizzo
10 months ago

“homo black boy” you mean.

10 months ago

Ppl should research Eugene Debs and the SCOTUS decision regarding him.

Lawfare is clearly trying to do that to DJT.

It means of course DC and Cabal are set on riding in after a global conflict wrecks everyone else and taking charge.

10 months ago

Fwiw, for me the threshold question I ask about a leader is: can he do every job within the org he is going to be in charge of?

That’s why I like DJT and Elon and Putin. And Ike and Nixon. And I have to admit, as much as I hate him, Lincoln.

I know DJT never served in combat, but I have no doubt he would have been a great General.

Or even a great engineer.

Or lolyer.

10 months ago

Oh yeah, the Sundance article posted by Farce ystdy pointed out Zuck-lizard has a Twitter competitor ready to go.

The “fight” thing is some weird comms.

Or God going with the lulz.

10 months ago

> A group of Georgia Republicans, working with two Democrats, are looking to pass legislation that would give in-state college tuition to illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. 

Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas bought into something similar during his time as Governor – “free” (the working citizens of the state would pay for it) college for *any* illegals in the state.

That offer did not apply to America, or even Arkansan, citizens. Just illegals.

The legislature bitch-slapped that one back to Planet Bozone where it came from, but I’m keeping an eye on Huckabee 2.0 to see if she pulls a new version out of her hat.

10 months ago

> Vicar accuses Yorkshire Building Society of ‘bullying’ for closing his bank account over trans protest 

A “building society” in Britain is roughly analogous to a credit union in the US.

10 months ago

> French rioters fire RPG at Police station.

“How’s that gun control working out for you, Pierre?”

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Works just fine: keeps Pierre unarmed and quiet like; as for Achmed, now he’s quiet happy Pierre isn’t firing back a him.

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

The French are unarmed. But the French are far from quiet. I have much more faith in the average Frenchman to stand up to tyranny than the average American. You could never get American armed patriotards together like the Yellow Vests in France.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The French have overthrown their own government half a dozen times since 1776.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

If they are non-French it isnt a Police matter, it is a military matter.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
10 months ago

It makes you wonder, just how does Cabal manage to make everything free, in limitless quantities, from Youtube, to Twitter, to Facebook, to the physical surveillance?

Well, we know YT, FB and who-knows-how-many other Big Tech operations are Federally funded. FB was probably a CIA operation from the beginning. We also know the storage space at the Utah Data Center is virtually unlimited. And that’s just what we know about.

So my answer to the question is, we taxpayers are probably funding it, unwittingly.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Machine Trooper
10 months ago

Unwittingly and undoubtedly.

How can it all be “free”?

Fake foreign aid
Fake climate change
Fake “Nukes”
Fake Food
Fake Pharma
Fake NASA/Space….
….. Budgets

Not forgetting of course Fentanyl etc, organ harvesting, human trafficking etc

So many Grifts they have oodles of cash (& 1s and zeros in digital world!) floating around.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
10 months ago

It’s all paid for by the taxpayers.

Your local gangstalkers are tax payer funded.

More importantly, so many operatives are on the payroll of government agencies where they do absolutely nothing but work out of a government office and receive salary and benefits to do cabal operations on the clock.

There’s a local non-profit I’ve been paying attention and I’ve noticed they have a number of people on staff making BIG money and I don’t really see them interacting with anyone. They are just in their offices messing around on computers and engaging in phone calls. They are supposed to be engaged in helping the public. I never see them with the public. Ever.

There are local police department detectives working purely for cabal, all on the dime of local tax payers.

This is why cabal always wants more government solutions. They don’t believe in government solutions to social programs. They don’t care about social programs or anyone’s problems. What they care about is getting people on a fat, cushy government benefits package and then cajoling them into doing what cabal wants them to do.

How do you think so many state and local governments snapped immediately to attention for the COVID lockdown? Because while they are government employees and paid by taxpayers, they WORK for cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Nice Fedpost, GlowAnon.

10 months ago

Vatican poet could be interesting. Belli’s sonnets are outstanding, both impious and still reverent. Burgess nails the translations, too, perfectly. But no, alas, it’s The Current Year, in The Most Interesting Times (getting to be too fucking interesting, lol) so of course this Vatican poet is probably just another satanic pedo, maybe he reads poems at their child sacrifice rituals, who the hell knows. But since part of the excess interestingness is the Culmination of History (and Future) in the form of finally being told what the real deal is with all this spooky alien, God, occult intelligence agency, Cabal, time travel, A.I., demons, Q, mega-kayfabe multiverse…forgive any redundancies…is some manner of Jesus Actually Fucking Being Here Again Somehow, in a provable way, then this ought to go from too interesting to thoroughly entertaining again when Jesus 2: Electric Bugaloo gives us an update on the table-flipping and whipping. Perhaps he’d borrow some of that Havana Syndrome tech or cut them in half with a fucking katana. Oooh, Kratman would enjoy substituting for Jesus there, I bet.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

You should post more.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

The Arab conquest of France: failure to understand what is happening to France is to fail to understand what is planned for the U.S. 
Money quote:

These people are going to Europe to conquer. That is the goal. They have done this before, throughout history. For 1,500 years, these people have been trying to conquer us. This is in no way new, and it is unfortunate that it could possibly be a surprise. But this is the situation we live in: our morals and values are determined by the whims of women, and men have been beaten into submission, to the point where they actually believe this gibberish that women spout about “vibrant diversity.”
We need to remember that it was women who wanted this. Of course the Jews came up with the idea, but this was enforced by women.
The first thing we need to do is stop listening to women. Then, we need to find a solution to the immigrant problem. After women, the biggest obstacle is the government, which is controlled by the Jews. But that is a minor obstacle, after we stop listening to women.

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

I am trying to get my head round it all.

Today I watched Europa. It paints a soft focus picture on Hitler. WEF does appear to be totalitarian communist (slavery, starvation), and what happened in 1920s Germany seems to be happening around us today.

Interesting points raised. Now I start to think that every bad man literal Hitker ( Gaddafi, Assad, Mussolini, Putin, Trump, Saddam Hussein) was only ever a nationalist trying to do best for his country, and got in the way of cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I have a difficult time believing Iraq is better off now then under Saddam. Was he cruel? Were his sons brutal? I’m sure that they were. But I’m also absolutely sure that the average Iraqi never had any problems with them.

Saddam was taken down because he had a thriving, fairly self-contained society that they couldn’t easily control or exploit. End of story.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

That, and because he made a public announcement that he was at war with the USA, and that he had chemical and biological weapons, and that he would have nukes Real Soon Now, and that he intended to use all of them to attack us.

Hey, we just took him at his word. FAFO.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

I’m sure it had nothing to do with Daddy Shrub telling him to go ahead and invade Kuwait and then using it to destroy his military and place his entire country under siege.

Had we dropped the sanctions and left him alone he would have had no reason to antagonize a giant half a world away and would have gone back to targeting Iran. (which we should have been happy to see him do but there was another state in the region that wanted us to destroy him even though it strengthened Iran)

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Now I start to think that every bad man literal Hitker ( Gaddafi, Assad, Mussolini, Putin, Trump, Saddam Hussein) was only ever a nationalist trying to do best for his country, and got in the way of cabal.”
Stephen Mitford Goodson’s “A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Humanity” has a section on Napoleon Bonaparte. He suggests that Napoleon gave France sound money, and the Bank of England (ie the first of the central banks) couldn’t allow that example to stand and thus instigated most of Europe to fight a contrived war against France.

It’s an excellent book by the way. It shows the hidden hand of the financial power at work through much of history.

Reply to  starets
10 months ago

Each of those “dictators” had extremely large stores of gold, silver and jewels that mysteriously disappeared prior to their own “disappearance”.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… …And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exposed.”
— Adolf Hitler, speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. ‘The Speeches of Adolf Hitler,’ April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

Farrrrkkk, who listens to women anyway?
Tennis balls werent just invented for dogs to chase you know.
Im sure you know the old truism about how to fix the dishwasher?

10 months ago

putin ordered his troops out of Zaporizhia. Rumor has it, he’s going to drop a nuke. What a powerful leader! How heroic! Well, you are about to get what you love, DEATH of your fantasy nazis. You are just as evil as Putin. Fuck this website.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

That poster spouts venom as if possessed.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Why on Earth would Putin drop a nuke? Do you lunatics even listen to yourself?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

You’re right, of course. It’s still amazing me to run into people who really think that Putin is this dastardly boogie man.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

> weapons of mass destruction

Saddam said he did. He thought it was in his own best interest.

The Central Intelligence Agency said he did. It was in their best interest.

George Bush believed them both. But really, what other information did he have to work with? We had already slapped Iraq down once; obviously it hadn’t worked. We were already right next door in Agfhanistan; it was never going to be any cheaper to slap him down again.

Bush turned out to be a weasel, but that doesn’t mean every decision he ever made was wrong.

Now, the occupation of Iraq was a dumpster full of shit, on fire. But you can’t blame entirely on Bush; the US stayed there though the Obama and Trump administrations, only leaving during Biden’s general bug-out from the Middle East. The “military-industrial complex” was making money hand-over-fist, and they were dug in like a tick in a belly button.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Why do you seem to think it was our place to slap him down or that it was good for us to do so?

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

link please

10 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Fwiw, I think most is Elon showing those who matter that Twitter is the absolute key node in information dissemination.

The media is absolutely paralyzed without Twitter.

Reply to  Thesokorus
10 months ago

Only a key node for the suckers who use Twitter.

If you use Twitter (or Facebook, or Instagram, or…) you’re being programmed. You might think you can avoid it, but it’s like heavy metal poisoning; it builds up over time.

“Here. Download this malware into your brain. It won’t hurt you.”

10 months ago

Q: How does Cabal manage to make everything free?
A: By possessing infinite money:
“The purpose of this essay was threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined.”
-The Richest Man in the World

Stephen Morris
Stephen Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I’ve posted this idea before but with the numbers in this article it seems relevant. The numbers I came up with simply from talking the total world money supply in U.S. dollars and the world population and applying the 90/10 wealth concentration rule. The numbers match up fairly well until you get to the last two levels. But the very top money level with the very few controlling it match the articles conclusions almost perfectly.
Bottom 7.2B people have $20k ea.
The next 720M have 194k ea.
72M have 1.67M ea.
7.2M have 15.78M ea.
720K have 138.9M ea.
72K have 1.25B ea.
7.2K have 9.7B ea.
720 have 111B ea. 
72 have 833B ea.
8 have 72T ea.
Or 7 have 10T ea. and one has 500T

English Tom
English Tom
10 months ago

Re blotting out the Sun. Could be comms, light to dark, could also be the blotting out of Christianity.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

It seems like they’ve been trying to blot out Christianity all along. 🤔

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

Go solar while we blot out the Sun

10 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

They look like Dorks of the Same Feather

10 months ago

Massive fire at chemical plant in Guixi, China. Million times worse than Ohio disaster.

10 months ago

Additional JFK Assassination Files Released by National Archives

10 months ago

I wouldnt usually recommend a url but if you want to watch some people with excellent verbal skills who have been cancelled from banks, their tv positions and so on yet are succeeding in continuing to reach others without the use of social media their discussion is very enjoyable: