News Briefs – 07/09/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.


Highest-ever security team monitoring Ghislaine Maxwell’s every move as officials vow to keep Epstein ‘pimp’ alive.

DOJ activity indicates John Durham preparing indictments.

A couple of weeks late on posting it, but the federal government has announced it is bringing back federal executions. Intriguing.

New evidence turned over to Flynn shows DOJ doubted criminal case against Trump adviser.

Never-Trumper Republican PAC puts forth list of GOP Senators targeted for removal  for supporting President Trump.

Petition for the rehiring of a cop who was fired due to writing on facebook that a business which insulted the memory of two dead officers should get no business.

Facebook takes down Roger Stone-affiliated accounts for ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior.’

Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant warns Jeff Bezos, after passing special Amazon tax on larger businesses, ‘We are coming for you.’

Harvard & MIT are suing the Trump administration over ICE’s new student visa rules.

A proposed policy platform for the Democrat Party, drafted by supporters of Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders would give asylum to the world’s migrants — inviting them all to the United States to live and work.

Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley’s ‘BREATHE Act’ calls on states to expand voting to ‘undocumented people.’

In a new video, Joe Biden can’t remember the phrase “America First.”

Biden forgets his proposal in mid speech, goes on autopilot rambling.

In another video, Biden says Police come into neighborhoods like “The Enemy.”

Hong Kong businessman says a Joe Biden election would mean Chinese communists ‘won against the free world’ — ‘Game Over.’

‘Baby-Sitters Club’ kid show reboot features transgenderism and occult propaganda.

Amazon pulls Washington Redskins merchandise from its site amid calls for the team to change its name.

Redskins merchandise pulled by Walmart, Target, and Dick’s.

Subway sandwiches bans open carry of firearms in restaurants nationwide.

In New York City, BLM protesters are put out when an SUV doesn’t sit still while they pop the tires with a knife.

12-year-old boy arrested in attempted rape of woman in Queens

NYPD limits number of cops filing for retirement amid 400% surge of officers heading for the exit.

Vindman retires from the Military, blaming Trump. And yet he was just selected for promotion, and ended his own career. So that was not why he left.

New York Times goes on a fear-mongering binge over “far-right infiltration” of the German Military.

Migrants in the United States sent about $103 billion in mostly untaxed remittances to six foreign countries last year — including about $19 billion to China.

New developments show the US is ready to compete with China on 5G.

Conservative group Judicial Watch on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against the University of Delaware over it ignoring Freedom of Information Act requests for Biden’s Senatorial papers.

SCOTUS decision allowing religious exemptions on birth control is a big win for religious liberty.

The immigration system, funded with visa-fees, is going bust, and thus will have to lay off workers, and immigration will slow even further.

According to a new poll by Democracy Institute,  Americans are turning to Trump as Democrats continue to embrace lawlessness, defunding police, and ongoing street violence.

Spread r/K Theory, because you want to.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Seattle councilmember Kshama Sawant warns Jeff Bezos, after passing special Amazon tax on larger businesses, ‘We are coming for you.’ ”

The CIA’s pets are coming for it. Either that or it’s already dead and they’re just eating the corpse. Old timers will remember when the CIA (and the U.S.A.) was more like this:

3 years ago

Redskins merchandise pulled by Walmart, Target, and Dick’s.

This actually isn’t much pressure at all on the Redskins themselves. NFL teams don’t get paid based on how their merch sells. They get paid on how all the merch sells. That means that if Redskins merch goes from $32M to $0M, the Redskins don’t see their revenue go away, they just see the same $1 (32/32 teams) that every other team sees.

Frankly, if I were the NFL, I would tell these companies that they either sell all the NFL merch or we were pulling all of it.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

It could be kayfab, to make it look like they’re pressuring the franchise and Snyder. In reality Snyder could be getting blackmailed or threatened. So he either sells and is out, or the Redskins change their name because of “pressure” or Cabal uses force on Snyder. Cabal is doing everything it can to advance the narrative and make it seem like name changes should be normal because of our “racist” society. Looking at the way the league is going, and with the knowledge that pressure will only increase, it would make sense for Snyder to sell. He can keep the money and move to Israel, that way Cabal in the U.S. and China can’t get all of it and will probably pay out the ass to advance their narrative. Or Snyders jet could just fall out of the sky one day and the same will happen anyway, only Cabal will keep it all.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

On overnight consideration, I think this was intended to stoke us into a kurfluffle about it, so that we would rail on social media about it, buy a bunch of gear, become easily identifiable, etc.

Turns out we don’t give much of a shit about football anymore.

3 years ago

This comment refers (07-08-2020 blog) to the case in Virginia where ACLU tried to get the Police to stop using tear gas. The complaint goes far beyond that in that it attempts to completely disarm the police and create a national standard for police behavior. In the filing there is a reference to “impact weapons”. If you go on line you will find a variety of definations but if you go to “Blacks Law Dictionary” you will find no legal defination yet this is used in the lawsuit and has no formal recognized legal defination. However the term does legally exist. In the case of the US vs City of Seattle the term is created and it is defined. This case resulted in a consent order where the city agreed to reform the police department according to the settlement. Now the term “impact weapon” has a legal effect although in a local and singular setting.

IMHO what is being tried is to introduce the Seattle settlement (at the same time creating new law) into Virginia and begin a national march to make that settlement into national law. The next step would be to allow a national actor such as a special office of a three letter group to soon have effective control of all police forces in the country. It would end local control of police and create a stasi. Add in AI and neighborhood snitches and the tryanny is complete.

For reference the Virginia complaint is on the 07-08 A/C blog and the settlement is able to be looked up US vs City of Seattle Civil Action No 12-CV-1282

FYI I am not an attorney and have no formal legal training

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Goose
3 years ago

This kind of slow insidious corruption of institutions and law is how the Jews have taken over our country.

3 years ago

how the hell was Vindman – LTC Bratwurst himself – “selected for promotion”? how does an officer class that prostrates themselves at and makes regular sacrifices to the altars of ‘follow orders!’ & ‘chain of command!’ promote a guy who, when he went to testi-lie to congress, was violating direct orders from the WH? They wanna **promote** the guy who **committed a crime**, UCMJ and otherwise, by giving his superiors the finger & testifying? does that sound like US military officers?? or someplace more like ThirdWorldistan?

how is that possible unless vast swathes of the military have gone rogue?

3 years ago

regarding the federal death penalty:Barr moved to have the death penalty restored on the same day Muller’s report came out. This is according to fmr. CIA chief of station Brad Johnson.
Maybe just a coincidence.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

Good news AC. The recent House DoD appropriations bill bars the use of funds to demilitarize M-1s, M-14s and M1911s that can otherwise be commercially sold. Page 52 and 53.

3 years ago

“Migrants in the United States sent about $103 billion in mostly untaxed remittances to six foreign countries last year — including about $19 billion to China.”

It’s time to ban or heavily tax remittances without proof of citizenship/legal presence.

3 years ago

“The immigration system, funded with visa-fees, is going bust, and thus will have to lay off workers, and immigration will slow even further”

Someone pointed out that by having it be self funded it encourages a permissive attitude about approving applications.

It needs to be funded out of the budget and return any money it makes to Congress.

3 years ago

The Beginning of the End of Whites in South Africa

Trump needs to give the Boers first call on ALL refugee slots.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

No. Trump needs to declare GENOCIDE. Send the Green Berets in to arm and train the local Boers. Then, send in the regular Army and wipe out the Africans. Just like we’ve done for every other shithole brown country.

3 years ago

Gab founder and his entire family cut off from ViSA:

Cabal is coming after us in both MasterCard and Visa.

3 years ago

Gorusuch who goes to a leftist Episcopalian Church led by Female Pastors ruled in favor of an Indian Child Rapist:

3 years ago

Top general says U.S. ‘perhaps’ not doing enough to stop Russia in Afghanistan

It’s time to fire him.

3 years ago

Easy. Officers files go in front of a promotion board. I am out of date, and it may differ by rank, but it is 3 or 5 more senior officers for each rank promotion. So with between 6 and 9 people, you could control every captain to major, major to LTC and every LTC to colonel. Which also controls who is even eligible for general for the next several decades.

Want to bet those promotion boards are not cabal compromised?

Does vindmans promotion show the army has a problem? Yes. Vast swathes? Not necessarily.