News Briefs – 07/14/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.


Someone was asking about the most free, K areas in the US in the comments today. One said South Dakota but I see a lot of activity there on streetview. My own assumption is, it depends on how problematic you are. One of the problems is, in real life, you tend to not make friends easily, or meet a lot of strangers. So if you get targeted, they can flood in artificially, must faster than natural, organic friends, so it can be very easy for you to end up in a bubble of them. And that can spell trouble. I personally think you need a sparse enough area they won’t want to keep somebody waiting for you to go shopping, an area where you can drive off road or exploit off-road paths to get places and cut from road to road, and a small enough community that anyone from outside will stand out and anyone inside will not want to act against the community. Much of that points to Alaska. Even places like New Hampshire have a God-awful number of regulations on things like driving ATVs off road. And they appear to be up there. On an episode of Northwoods Law, I think they may have had a gravel truck T-bone one of the game warden’s trucks at an intersection to prevent him from going to a call on a episode. A lot of those law shows are good because the cops are going around stopping in isolated areas without a lot of traffic and making scenes, while the camera crew is showing you what the traffic looks like when they do. My guess is Alaska is the best bet to get away, but of course everything up there will be as expensive as hell because of the remoteness. If anybody knows of an area in the lower 48 that would be Cabal-resistant or Cabal-free, please pipe up. As it stands, I actually may end up in Russia, maybe Crimea of the Caucasus, if Q doesn’t pan out. On the bright side, I see areas there indistinguishable from the mountainous woodland areas of the US. And Putin has been liberalizing gun laws.

Politico reports Chelsea Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell were such ‘close friends’ they actually vacationed together.

Police under investigation for traffic safety message that offended Black Lives Matter protesters – a billboard which said, “All lives matter.”

George Soros is pouring $220 million into the ‘racial justice’ movement. He’s also funding the vote-by-mail movement.

Naya Rivera’s body found, amid a report her son, “described being helped into the boat by Naya, who boosted him onto the deck from behind. He looked back and saw her disappear under the surface of the water.”

Judge permanently blocks Georgia’s ‘heartbeat’ abortion law.

Scooby-Doo producer Tony Cervone confirmed that the show’s incarnation of classic Scooby-Doo character Velma Dinkley was, in fact, a lesbian.

Television companies working with Nick Cannon refuse to answer questions about the TV host’s recent anti-Semitic tirade, which included comments claiming that Jews control the global banking system. He also praised Louis Farrakhan and said Blacks are “the true Hebrews.” I think you can measure Cabal panic by how quickly they begin having their agents point at the Jews – their last failsafe. Although the fact that here it is just blacks, makes me wonder if BLM is failing to turn the blacks on the Cops and whites effectively (and maybe is pissing off blue collar blacks as they see their neighborhoods rendered uninhabitable), so they are now trying to turn all blacks on the Jews, in preparation for linking Trump to the Jews. Be interesting to see if BLM suddenly dies back now all at once.

Israel is having trouble absorbing all the Jews flooding into the country as the world goes nuts.

Co-founder of BLM Vancouver says that ‘reliability’ and ‘loyalty’ are white supremacist concepts. r vs K traits. At least we know we face an opposition which strives to not be reliable or loyal to each other.

1-year-old boy shot to death in stroller outside Brooklyn playground.

At least 64 people had been shot in Chicago this weekend, and 11 of those people died.

NY Post reporter assaulted right in front of Police, and nothing can be done. We are told this is just happening, but what if DeBlasio gave the order to the command to go hands off, because he is in the Network, and so are the protesters.

NYPD is not only not allowed to grab a person by the head or neck while grappling, they are not allowed to pin them to the ground by applying any pressure to the chest, back, or stomach. Renner Gracie of the Gracie family of Gracie Jiu Jitsu does a whole piece on how these rules are disastrous. It basically makes arresting someone impossible without knocking them out or shooting them. So, they implemented the no-bail laws, emptied the jails, stood Police down and withdrew them from areas, started riots and looting, and now made arrests impossible so Cops won’t do anything until a suspect needs to be killed. Really amazing times. Things you would think are impossible just happen. They just do it, even if the public opposes it entirely. That is the level of control, even if you do not see it in more peaceful times.

LA’s first black DA slams BLM for targeting her after her husband pulled a gun on protesters at their home and says defunding the police would lead to lawlessness.

Mayors back reparations that could cost $6.2 quadrillion, or $151M per descendant.

President Trump says federal government may “take over cities” to combat rising crime.

Through court-ordered consent decrees, the Obama administration Justice Department (DOJ) forced dozens of state and local law enforcement officials to accept to run their departments under direction of a court-ordered federal monitor. Obama used it to stop immigration enforcement or get control of local departments on hiring or policing. Now some think Trump will turn it around and use it to free departments from onerous leftist oversight.

Back in April the New York Times did a piece demanding Trump’s Secret Presidential powers in classified presidential emergency action documents be made known to Congress.  Basically they are documents that give the president incredible powers in the event of a National Emergency, like a Chinese Nuclear attack, or a Foreign power compromising our government with a massive infiltration and espionage campaign. But the Cabal media worries they don’t know what those powers are.

NBA store allows ‘Defund Police,’ and ‘Beware of Jews’ on custom jerseys, nut bot ‘Free Hong Kong.’

A U.S. federal judge issued an injunction on Monday delaying what would have been the first federal execution in 17 years, scheduled for later in the day, thwarting at least for now the Trump administration’s goal of reviving capital punishment at the federal level.

Newsom orders all California counties to close indoor restaurants, shut down bars.

Flu vaccine appears to make you more susceptible to non-flu respiratory viruses like Coronaviruses.

Reddit removed a subreddit dedicated to tracking hate crime hoaxes, accusing it of promoting ‘hate.’

‘Sex slave’ NYC priest, 57, accused of using $1million in church funds to pay for his BDSM master and buy a house is found dead in his New Jersey home

Ridgecrest temblors tripled chance of big earthquake on San Andreas fault, according to a new study.

Fire continues to rage aboard Navy ship in San Diego.

100,000 mail-in votes rejected by election officials in CAÂ’s March primary due to late arrival, lack of signature. So ballots can be delayed en route to get them disqualified, or they can claim the signature is not sufficient.

China goes on highest flood alert as 38m people evacuated.

Poland narrowly elects the conservative and rejects the pro-EU candidate.

Rich New York City residents fled the city, and now it looks like it will produce an undercount in the Census.

Customers rush to buy Goya foods after leftists pledge to boycott it over CEO’s Trump support.

Doctors urge FDA to consider hydroxychloroquine as OTC option.

Roger Stone says he plans to write a book, and speak and write for Trump’s candidacy.

White House coronavirus task force member Admiral Brett Giroir said Dr. Anthony Fauci “doesn’t necessarily … have the whole national interest in mind” when dispensing advice on the coronavirus pandemic.

Three Chinese nationals sentenced to prison for illegal photography of U.S. Naval installation in Key West, Florida.

India finds benefits to Hydroxychloroquine. Trump doesn’t steer us wrong, and in cases like this, where I think Cabal would have used a profit generating drug like Remdesivir in the script, it lends credence to Q’s story.

Vandal dumps red paint on Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.

Backlash against leftist mob rule growing, polls show. Cabal is saying, quick, point at the Jews! Actually, if they can get the black racialists to turn on the Jews as oppressors, and then get the right to blame the Jews for the BLM and mob stuff, it could end up pretty hairy for the Jews, and given Cabal’s control, I am pretty sure we would never be able to redirect the populace to uncover the real force in the shadows. Cabal hasn’t survived for millennia by chance.

In wake of continued gun violence, prominent members of black community call on NYPD to bring back anti-crime unit.

Trump does a roundtable with people whose lives were saved by Law Enforcement.

Border Wall activity is up to 738 miles either built, being built, or in pre-building preparation, with 235 miles completed, 342 miles under construction, and 161 miles under pre-construction.

Greyhound’s value drops by $156 million due to less illegal immigration to the U.S.

Stocks jump after Pfizer, BioNTech fuel Covid-19 vaccine hopes.

Trump reelection campaign now 50% larger than 2016 campaign.

Trump cuts Biden’s lead in half, gains 13 points among independents.

Spread r/K Theory, because the enemy has a lot of experience in shitbaggery

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Blacks are “the true Hebrews.” ”

Let’s just nip this in the bud right now. The only true Black Israelites that I’m aware of are the Beta Israel and Lembda people, who are both from the tribe of Dan. Ironically, many muslims may have ancestors from Reuben, Gad and through the Himyarites, Judah. These are probably pretty rare though, although the early muslim Caliphs took captive wives from the Israelite tribes they destroyed in Arabia it’s unknown what became of these progeny. The ancient rulers of Ethiopia were also said to be descended from Solomon (who was from Judah), but this may be fanciful as DNA testing has proven unproductive. Priestly male lineages have shown up in parts of Africa, suggesting some fleeing Levites went there. It is rumored that the Ark of the Covenant (or it’s remains) is somewhere in Ethiopia.

That’s about it, parts of 5 tribes. Most of the 10 lost tribes were dispersed to the North after the sack of Israel in the 8th century BC. These slaves were carried in the Persian, Greek, Kurdish and Roman peoples over the centuries, and they mixed into these populations, forgetting their heritage. After the Diaspora in the 1st century AD more Isrealites (in reality just Judeans) were dispersed into Europe, with many becoming Christian. The remnant of the other Judeans became Mizrahi, Sephardic and Ashkenasi Jews that we know today, who followed the Talmud, and the Karaite Jews, who do not follow the Talmud. The Talmudic Jews typically don’t like the Karaites.

If the American Black “Israelites” have any blood from ancient Israel it is either from Arab muslims who conquered their ancestors or from White Europeans, who inserted their DNA into Black populations in the antebellum American South, modern racial mixing aside. And mostly, it wasn’t Black muslims being sold into slavery 400 years ago, so Arab/Israelite DNA in American blacks is very, very rare.

And another point, the word “Hebrews” refers to the Habiru, which is any descendant of Eber, a distant ancestor of Israel (proven by DNA). That includes all the Arabs, Midianites, Edomites, Moabites and Ammonites in the Bible. All Israelites are Hebrews, but not all Hebrews are Israelites. To claim all Hebrews were black is demonstrably false.

For research, two very nice Beta Israeli women having a conversation with Black “Israelites”. You will notice the women look like a mix between Black and Semitic, the Black “Israelites” don’t really.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

I suspect it’s another SJW word-manipulation/definition-change thing. As I’ve seen it used recently, “black” (or as the media prefers it, “Black”) now refers to anyone not pasty white. Some of the “blacks” the media have been promoting could have passed for white anywhere in the pre-Civil-War south. Of course, they may be “identifying” as black, which now confers tons of black privilege, from preferential hiring and grading to freedom from being annoyed by the police.

Hey, they start writing checks, I’ll be standing there with my hand out too. Just because I have a melanin deficiency doesn’t mean my ancestors didn’t come from central Africa, just like everyone else’s.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Division between “Black” and “White” are merely ways to employing a Hegelian Dialectic. Which is the Dissolution of all European Nations/Asian into one.

And the Dissolution of all Browner of Blacker Populations into One. As a prelude to homogenizing all Humanity into One.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

You are trying to use some kind of logic in regards to these retards. I live in NYC, I’ve seen guys like this “preaching” on street corners for years, and they are all barely literate ex cons and gang bangers.
They are ridiculous and ignorant, and more than a few black people I’ve worked with tell me these guys aren’t from the black community in NYC. One woman told me no one knows who these guys are or where they live.
They just converge on street corners and belch nonsense for hours at a time, day after day, with no visible source of income, and then pack up and leave, to be replaced with another group of clowns.
They have some unknown source of funding that keeps them clothed and fed, and they circulate in large cities like NYC, Chicago and DC.
I’ve seen them on various corner in NYC for more than 30 years, and all they do is insult people all day, every day, and yet, they are allowed to operate with impunity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s the interesting part. They never ask for donations or handouts. These guys will set up on corners at very busy intersections, spend a full work day standing there reading random bible verses, insult passing white people and threaten them with violence, and then pack up, go somewhere, but not to black neighborhoods like Harlem or the Bronx because people that live there never see these guys, then come out again the next day, day after day, and repeat the process all over again, with no visible means of financial support.
Makes you wonder who is supporting crews like this for decades on end.
Like I said, I’ve seen crews of these guys in NYC and DC operate for 30 years and none of them have jobs.

Reply to  Dave
3 years ago

I’d guess Farrakhan, but he and his homies have long demonstrated they’re incapable of that level of subtlety. hmm.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Thanks REX 2020, been wondering about this

3 years ago

Coming soon to a country near you…

“If a man had a brick house in a row of log cabins, or two stories in a row of one-story houses—there was your kulak: Get ready, you bastard, you’ve got sixty minutes [to pack all of your things]! There aren’t supposed to be any brick houses in the Russian village, there aren’t supposed to be two-story houses! Back to the cave! You don’t need a chimney for your fire! This is our great plan for transforming the country: history has never seen the like of it.”

Reply to  ~~
3 years ago

Miles Mathis regards Solzhenitsyn as another fake:

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Sometimes fakes are still valuable to us.

They created too many limited hangouts that actually help red pill people instead of stalling their progress.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

“…Miles Mathis regards Solzhenitsyn as another fake…

Well I regard HIM as a fake. Have you ever really read a good deal of Miles Mathis stuff? It sounds good at first and enlightening and you think maybe he is going somewhere but read on. It soon turns into a big pile of gobbledygook that you can’t make heads or tails of. Totally goulash mixed up gibberish. Now I could very be wrong and I’m not a genius, but I’m not a complete idiot either and if you sit down and read a substantial amount of his work in my opinion you will soon believe that he is spouting gibberish.

He has a pattern. He will make some sort of statement that is interesting and follow that with a few facts that seem to point in that direction then it will from that point on start veering into gibberish. I challenge you to just take one fairly long substantial article of his and just wade through it until the end but stop and read every single word until you understand it, or until you pronounce it gibberish, and see what you think then.

Now I fully accept the idea that I’m too stupid to understand what he is saying but by the same token he is not smart enough to make what he says plain and direct enough that normal humans can follow it.

I have been accused, and I’m guilty, of being too wordy, and I am. But there’s a reason for this. I try to write in such a way that links big ideas I have to little things that we generally see in every day life. I try to link big ideas also with examples that anyone can see are true. It’s difficult to do this without a lot of words. The normal procedure is to just call someone a faggot but I don’t think that proves anything. You have use reason and examples to fight off the poz.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I decided to read all of Miles Mathis regarding Solzhenitsyn and look up the characters. Now he says Solzhenitsyn was definitely an agent because he got a Nobel prize. Now the noble prize is pozzed a bit but it was a while ago when Solzhenitsyn got it and not everything is owned by the Jews so he really can’t be sure of this fact making Solzhenitsyn a definite.

He also says Lev Zalmanovich promoted him so…he must be an agent. Well that doesn’t follow either. Lev Zalmanovich was thrown in the gulag by Stalin for being a Trotskyite. It also could be entirely true that while Lev Zalmanovich hated Stalin he was still a commie. Miles also says that Khrushchev allowed Solzhenitsyn to be published “proving” that he was an agent. Well it doesn’t do any damn such thing at all. Khrushchev allowed all kinds of criticism of Stalin because…he hated Stalin and wanted a decent non-psychopathic government but was STILL a commie. Khrushchev still believed in communism. If you look at Miles Mathis papers you just see this same sort of strung together bullshit over and over and over and over. He takes some tiny spec of data and then proclaims,”that’s it they are Phoenician/Jew infiltrators”. And people say I’m paranoid.

It appears to me with a casual reading of him that his goal is to get anyone who actually tries to make sense of his work to come to the conclusion that anyone who talks about the Jews as being a big world wide problem is a raging lunatic because he doesn’t make any sense at all.

3 years ago

Today is the anniversary of the French revolution, a world-historic tragedy from which NO “good guys” emerge. France imploded exothermically.

Reply to  robertpinkerton
3 years ago

I’d have to look up *which* French revolution you’re referring to. It was a national hobby for quite a while…

3 years ago

> President Trump says federal government may “take over cities” to combat rising crime.

Teflon Don reminds me of a little kid tapping a fish tank to keep the fish spun up. Whenever the media fish slow down, tap-tap and they’re banging off the glass again.

3 years ago

> 738 miles

The border is two thousand miles long. So they have some sort of wall over a third of it.

I’m unimpressed. Particularly considering how many tunnels they’ve found, and narcos using boats and submarines, and that they can still walk across a checkpoint legally, then vanish into the population.

What I want to see is the Border Patrol using a giant catapult to return illegals to their side of the border. “Pull!” THWOCK!

Further, I want to see their home countries billed for the cost of finding their citizens, the cost of whatever public services they sponged off of, and the cost of their internment, food, and medical care, and the cost of repatriating them.

If they don’t want to pay, I could get inventive.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Nuke the border.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

If we actually controlled our destiny I would seriously entertain the idea of invading Mexico and pushes every damn one of them all the way to the other side of the panama canal. With control of the canal we could easily control our borders and we would have a massive new territory to exploit. I would also invade all the the Islands in the Atlantic, except Cuba, and deport all these people on the Islands. Who would stop us??? If we are going to be aggressive imperialist then let’s do so for our interest not others.

Another fine invasion target would be linking up with South African Whites, invading South Africa and pushing all the blacks out. Maybe even link up the former Rhodesia. Make South Africa a State and the White South Africans citizens.

Anyone ever read “Marching through Georgia” of the series The Domination by S. M. Stirling?

3 years ago

> Greyhound’s value drops by $156 million due to less illegal immigration to the U.S.

That, and a bus makes the cheap seats in an airplane look positively roomy. Hard to balance that with “social distancing.” And the stations are designed for high-density passenger management.

Also, in the few areas I’ve seen bus stations in meatspace, the stations are all in urban areas where, to hell with the .45, I want something belt-fed. Not exactly the transport of choice for anyone who has any other options.

And finally, when my sister-in-law had some romantic idea of taking the bus to come visit, I hit the web site and found out that an easy 6-hour freeway drive for less than $40 in gas was a two-day bus ride for $240 as their shortest route meandered through a bunch of “middle of nowhere” for no reason that I could figure.

3 years ago

> Stocks jump after Pfizer, BioNTech fuel Covid-19 vaccine hopes.

There have been corporate and national announcements of a vaccine Real Soon Now for months. All of them have been silent after that. Also note that researchers have been working on an effective “flu shot” for decades, and there are good reasons why they are largely unsuccessful.

Even if someone did manage to come up with an effective vaccine, by the time it shipped in quantity COVID-19 would be history and the media would be screeching about “COVID-20 WITH EXTRA MURDER HORNETS.” Or they’d be back on the Ebola bandwagon. Remember Ebola, that was going to kill us all by this time last year?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“…Or they’d be back on the Ebola bandwagon. Remember Ebola, that was going to kill us all by this time last year?…”

They’ve run into some problems there because they were using African countries to try these out (the truth being it’s likely they were infecting them with Ebola) and the Africans not being complete idiots threw them out of their countries. Same with India who threw out Bill Gates vaccine kill shot group.

They killed, maimed and sterilized a great amount of people. We should deport Gates and his crew to Africa and India to stand trial for murder.

3 years ago

> Flu vaccine appears to make you more susceptible to non-flu respiratory viruses like Coronaviruses.

TANSTAAFL: There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

3 years ago

I signed up for Starlink. I actually got the link from here. They start Beta testing for the public in Sept. I gave them my address. I hope it’s cheaper than what I’m paying now!

3 years ago

gotta love Miles Mathis

Someone linked this yesterday and it is worth linking again.

From 2015: Persuasive argument that the real Stephen Hawkings died in 1985, was replace by a blond fraud and then there was a second attempted replacement. Means his famous book is a fake.

See Mathis follow up here from 2018:

And a big UK news outlet wrote about this in 2018.

AC, you might be interested to read Mathis’ account of losing all the photos in his PDF version of the original article. 2018 Sounds very Cabal….

They finally killed him off in March 2018.

Another reason for the hoax — aside from having a famous professor as a puppet to push climate change, etc. — is for “proof” that diversity is our strength, ’cause, you know, Anon, even the disabled can be great scientists.

So … pi = 4 ?? hmm….

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

pi=4 when motion is involved.

3 years ago

Okay, here’s the idea pi = 4.for circular motion. Apparently different than in static geometry.

Here’s the video linked by mathis 8 mins; apparently, the time aspect of circular motion changes 3.14.. to 4.0

3 years ago

That is a good article by Roosh. Gul Arc should be required reading for everyone.

3 years ago

My guess for places of the grid would be rural idaho/utah up in the mountains, maybe western montana.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Interesting. What’s your reasoning? Convergence of low pop density, white Christians with guns? Land prices and house affordabiity? Weather? Adequate healthcare services and competent schools? Outdoor activities…I’d love to see a thorough, non-PC ranking of the states and regions based on all of these metrics.

Check out how generally Republican the top states are on this list of retirement destinations:

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

High % whites and low population density. In some places can winter in valley with little snow, but mountains/lakes a short drive away. Plus Idaho just passed a law that you don’t need a permit to concealed carry.

3 years ago

NBA store allows ‘Defund Police,’ and ‘Beware of Jews’ on custom jerseys, nut bot ‘Free Hong Kong.’

nut bot?

Anonymous Conservative: beware of the nut bot!


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Do robot waifus dream of electric dick?

3 years ago

Interestingly enough, the underlying reason that pi = 4 for circular motion is the same reason that Mathis provides when he fixes Calculus. Essentially, everyone for thousands of years has failed to properly calculate curves. Started with the Greeks and geometry.

Here’s one of the calculus articles.

So, start with triangle embedded in a circle. Points A and B are on the circle with a small c line between.

Now Mathis says: “Let us say points A and B are on a circle, and you wish to travel from A to B. It seems like the simplest thing to do would be to take the path c, since it is the most direct. You just cut straight across on the [c] hypotenuse. In fact, that is what the ancient Greeks assumed, and their original assumption has skewed this problem ever since. It is still the assumption today. Mainstream physicists and mathematicians still assume the circle is composed of a lot of little c-paths. They make the c-paths very tiny and then sum them, giving them the circumference of the circle. But what I have shown is that they have cheated. You can’t take the path c, because it doesn’t correctly represent the forward motion and the sideways motion we just talked about. Obviously, the path a represents the forward motion and the path b represents the sideways motion. Therefore, no matter how tiny you make that triangle, you have to keep the a and b paths.”

This is the same flaw that Mathis identified with the standard formula for doing calculus (which, for simplicity, is the measuring of curved lines on a graph). Standard calculus assumes that curved line on the graph is the sum of tiny triangles and the “c-lengths” are all added up. But, that is not correct. As such, the standard calculus formula is wrong and, to make it work, the standard formula is manipulated. But the manipulations violate the rules of math with respect to how equation are modified.

AC, how Mathis has been ignored mirrors how you and your r/K selection theory has been ignored.

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

His conspiracy history is always well researched but I disagree with some of his assumptions and conclusions.

I believe that they hate him for his science more than for history.

I think his science is missing something because it can’t explain magic/miracles but it is way ahead of the mainstream.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

“…Therefore, no matter how tiny you make that triangle, you have to keep the a and b paths…”

I’m inclined to believe that he’s a plant. The reason is his articles descend into gobbledygook and statements like above. When says that the lines “approximating” the circle can never be perfect but…leaves out how, with such small measures of difference, do they jump from 3.14 to 4. I mean how does that happen??? That’s a huge difference. And he also leaves out that the successive approximation in the mentioned example is really only a visual/mental guide that is used to “explain” calculus. It’s not the ACTUAL method used to find and area or where a line is tangent to a curve. The “actual” method is a mathematical trick that gives you the “exact” point or the “exact” area. It has nothing to do with successive approximation. Now, I believe, successive approximation is used by computers to get extremely close answers but I’ll damned if this procedure gives off errors in the range of 3.14 to 4.

If he’s right about this his wording is so pozzed that it makes no sense to anyone who knows anything.

I’m not saying he’s wrong about everything but Alex Jones is not wrong about everything either and Alex tells some huge whoppers at times and misleads you.

On the other hand you can learn a lot by reading guys like this and by listening to Alex Jones. The reason is simply that if they are to be effective they MUST mix a little truth n with the poz or no one will listen to them. And yes it’s difficult to separate the poz from the truth but…that what we got to work with. If you listen to straight news it’s mostly all poz.

3 years ago

One more for the day:

AC, here is Mathis’ theory on “who Cabal is” (and some of where Mathis is politically). Not sure what Mathis’ definition of “conservative” and “revolutionary” are. He seems VERY red-pilled.

This is from his recent post on the “where is the ACLU?”

“I trust you noticed I have just critiqued the ACLU in a way no one else has.

Normally, the ACLU is attacked from the right, by conservatives. I am not a conservative. I have just attacked the ACLU from the left.

I am a real leftist and revolutionary, so I don’t like being blackwashed, stalled, and blocked by fake leftists like those at the ACLU. As I showed you, the problem is that the ACLU was founded and bankrolled by the usual wealthy old families, and those families are not interested in equality, equal rights, or equal opportunity. They are interested in maintaining their hegemony. But to do that, they learned early on they need to control their opposition. So they assign their sons and daughters to these projects, where they infiltrate the enemy and completely co-opt his position. All these people are rich kids pretending to be leftists of some kind. …

When we look closer, we realize it is all theater, and both the left and the right are played by actors from the far right.

By far right, I don’t mean Christian fundamentalists or MAGA people or Neo-Nazis or Tea Party-ers. I mean the very wealthy, old money families that have always run the world. They aren’t interested in a meritocracy, because they have always prospered through a plutocracy/bloodlines system, where they are guaranteed the first seats at the table, no matter how incompetent or soulless they may be.

But they realized a long time ago they needed to create and staff these fake organizations like the ACLU, because that fools average people into thinking progress is being made. It fools people into thinking selfless heroes are fighting for our rights, often without pay. It fools them into thinking we have voting rights, or a representative democracy, or a working Constitution. When we don’t. The ACLU is just another part of the smokescreen, glued in place to prevent anything real from ever happening.”

This sort of reminded me of your recent comments about how, it would all make more sense if there WAS some sort of difference between Cabal and the rest of us they are trying to control.

Certainly, “bloodlines” and “families” would have the money — and the absence of economic and efficiency concerns — to operate and run Cabal for decades and longer and would relish convincing their “inferiors” to self-enslave. Just some thoughts.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One of my ancestors went through something like that. He was challenged to a duel and the challenger tried to cheat but was shot by the town constable. He was still harassed and had to leave Pennsylvania and live in Scotland, marrying and only returning with his children right after the American Revolution.

3 years ago

Actually, if they can get the black racialists to turn on the Jews as oppressors, and then get the right to blame the Jews for the BLM and mob stuff, it could end up pretty hairy for the Jews, and given Cabal’s control, I am pretty sure we would never be able to redirect the populace to uncover the real force in the shadows.

I don’t have as much confidence that they can give up the juice. I think that they have come to rely on them as foot troops too much, and don’t have another reasonably high-IQ backup. A talented 10th plan to slide blacks in there is doomed to failure.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

I think they wanted to replace them with the Chinese but I don’t know how well that plan is working out for them.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Chinese triads maybe?

3 years ago

Maybe some places in Georgia. I’m near Forsyth County by Lake Lanier. Pretty conservative, and I haven’t seen much of what looks like active surveillance….but I’m also not a professional.

3 years ago
Douglas Reed
Douglas Reed
3 years ago

Chicago’s mayor slipped up, thought you would like to see this AC.

3 years ago

Massive Pipeline Fire In Egypt Burns Highway Of Vehicles

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

They’re washing these peoples blood or something(this is a thing and it does work). I think they have run experiments of dubious ethics on people for years to extend life and have a bag of tricks they can use. Many of these people at the top look to be in remarkable shape for their age. I believe they also use this as one of their enticements to keep people in the fold. I expect you have to have these treatments every so often.

3 years ago

Biden Gaffe: A Bold New Plan ‘to get our kids to market swiftly’

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The fact child trafficking exists means it literally exists a market for children. And there are tales of auctions and shit like that all over the public domain and in culture. It’s definitely a thing.

3 years ago

Man wins $2M lottery after clerk gives him wrong ticket

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Sorry to re-post but these guys tickle me.

“The Jews ain’t morning they run the diamond district”

“That’s right!”

3 years ago

“Co-founder of BLM Vancouver says that ‘reliability’ and ‘loyalty’ are white supremacist concepts. r vs K traits. At least we know we face an opposition which strives to not be reliable or loyal to each other.”

You said before that Cabal has cult-like loyalty to each other. Therefore what they say is opposite to what they actually do.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

@Anonymous Conservative

“I don’t see how you get them to turn on it and rejoin America proper.”

If they love the machine. And there is no evidence of them actually changing course. Then the only thing left is to banish them from the living. Preferably from Death Row where they have one last chance to hear the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ.

Then its time to expel from from life.

3 years ago

For Lembrador’s files:

Rabbi hurt in California synagogue shooting admits fraud

The longtime leader of a Southern California synagogue who was wounded in a deadly attack at the house of worship he founded pleaded guilty Tuesday to participating in a multimillion-dollar fraud that disguised charitable contributions for personal gain.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Oy vey!
Thanks for the link fren.

3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I was looking at LaFonds site because he is all up on what s going o in the ghetto. Now I think he has valuable info because his ear is too the ground on this sort of thing. He has some cops that read his site. Interesting what they say about the police not being allowed to hold anyone’s chest down. Now I think this is stupid. I’ve said over and over that doing so for 10 minutes is an easy way to kill someone and I’m against this but not to get them under control. Totally differnet.

Anyways one of his cop readers says,

“…We have to stand here and watch as these rich Antifa white boys hand out cash to these street thugs and then assign them to do this or that. One thing is we are not allowed to stop them from painting the streets. That is now an agreed upon civic activity. We see some working people who are angry and idealistic. But these are mostly bought and paid for professional agitators mixed with the worst kind of criminal scum. I guarantee some of your thugs from Baltimore have caravanned up here to get in on the payday. We can actually see the money changing hands in the street. Yet you will not see these exchanges on the news…”

“…A fellow officer from [a federal agency] warned me that the fix was in. I think this is about establishing federal law enforcement by discrediting and overwhelming local police, in other words, police who might have the potential to care about the community, not that that is always the case by a long shot. But the potential is there…”

The last part is a very bad sign.


“…It’s plane that the higher ups want it to be impossible for us to effectively do our jobs. Think about that, how they turned that truck on a dime. This is some high level organization and the thugs on the streets are acting in perfect cooperation with the higher ups—as, if, they get the new rules of engagement before we do!
-Anonymous City Police Officer…”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

For weeks now, I have been getting the impression that Q is an op meant to string us along and give us a false sense of security. They don’t mind revealing the truth because they are so close to the endgame that there is no reason to hide. When Durham and Huber come to nothing, it will be too late for us to organize, and our side will be thoroughly demoralized. I would love to be wrong about this, but it’s not what my gut tells me.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

What would you have us do different?
What has Q prevented that would have happened without him?

3 years ago

>”Television companies working with Nick Cannon refuse to answer questions about the TV host’s recent anti-Semitic tirade, which included comments claiming that Jews control the global banking system. He also praised Louis Farrakhan and said Blacks are “the true Hebrews.” I think you can measure Cabal panic by how quickly they begin having their agents point at the Jews – their last failsafe. Although the fact that here it is just blacks, makes me wonder if BLM is failing to turn the blacks on the Cops and whites effectively (and maybe is pissing off blue collar blacks as they see their neighborhoods rendered uninhabitable), so they are now trying to turn all blacks on the Jews, in preparation for linking Trump to the Jews. Be interesting to see if BLM suddenly dies back now all at once.”

Having Blacks turn against Jewish collective power is a great thing. The more time and energy JCP has to spend defending from Blacks, the less it can use keep attacking the West (which it is, and has been for the past thousands of years). As for the gaybal counter-move to try to associate Trump to Jews, it’s very easy to counter, and will ultimately fail. Here:

comment image
comment image

3 years ago

>”Israel is having trouble absorbing all the Jews flooding into the country as the world goes nuts.”

Israel doesn’t want all Jews in Israel, they want Sayanim in goyim nations so they can keep subverting said goyim nations for the benefit of Israel. And then their fellow Israelis like Barbara Specter and all others over at IsraAID and other subversive Israeli NGO’s will stand out too much in the goyim Countries.

Jewish collective power needs to be terminated in the West, that’s for sure.

3 years ago

>”NBA store allows ‘Defund Police,’ and ‘Beware of Jews’ on custom jerseys, nut bot ‘Free Hong Kong.’”
>Beware of Jews

Excellent advice.