News Briefs – 07/21/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – IMF Says Global Economy Is Slowing

DFT – Deutsche Bank Fined $186 Million By US Federal Reserve Over Money Laundering

DFT – British Pound Bounces Off UK Consumer Spending Beat

DFT – Exxon Mobil Set To Build Lithium Plant In Arkansas

DFT – Google Working On AI Tool Which Will Write News Stories And Headlines

One of my local surveillance showed up in the comments, with this genius comment in response to Phelps confirming the surveillance kid next door was outside my home talking to another surveillance kid about following me:

We followed Boo Radley.

This is an important comment, as short as it is, because it contains and reaffirms everything I have told you, and reveals some things about the surveillance operation.

What does that mean? They are saying I am Boo Radley I assume because I spend my free time doing this single mindedly now, and I don’t go, wherever normal people go, the club, or a bar or something. I have gotten street theater before about being reclusive, which for some reason they think I would care about them being critical of. Especially since they flood their people in where I go, so if I were to try and be the faggy social butterfly, I would only be associating with their kind.

The locals seem to not get your psych profile, or if they do, then the shrinks are morons. Any psych profile would immediately recognize that now, I know am surrounded by enemies – and that I am not entirely bothered by that. I kind of like the fight against a true evil, and I hate bullies, they are just subhuman.

As a kid, 8 or 9, I remember being in class, hearing about the Revolutionary War, or WWII, I don’t even remember. But I do remember thinking all those men, in life or death battles with true evil – what purpose, what a life lived, immortalized in the history books, everyone marvel at them for centuries after they die. And there I was, in the mid 80’s, in the dominant country in the world, completely safe and stable, with no threats, no real reason to get up and go to a cubicle each day until I died, which is what it looked like my fate would be when I was a kid.

Now, we are all in an epic battle against a great evil.

And you can see it in this comment. I keep telling you the surveillance is evil. They seem nice. I am sure BonBon, who probably commands my coverage there, and whose house is the seeming source of the vibrations there, could seem a charmer, she would be just like you, anon. They will play you, if you let them.

But this is the real them. This person read To Kill A Mockingbird, and took away that Boo Radley is the guy who you ostracize, who everyone should ostracize. Personally, I see that as missing the point of the book. The people who hated Boo, ostracized Boo, wanted to mob up on Boo and drag him from his house to kill him, were the morons and the evil people. They were the sub-human bullies, who wanted to hurt innocent people, but only if they thought they could get away with it, and they could hide in the mob. Boo, it turned out was a good guy in the end, a hero even, and probably understood what was outside his door better than most.

I view the mob in the book as immoral and pathetic. Cowards, morons, absolutely subhuman, hiding behind the mob. Not even smart. They were not the bold individualist who would gladly die for his cause, like Atticus. They were not warriors, or even intelligent. They were the opposite of all of that, and should have been ashamed — but they were too stupid even for that.

This person read that book, written to show the mob as evil rubes, and in the mob they saw kindred spirits. They saw fun. They saw belonging, which for some reason they desperately need. They actually look for Boo Radleys, people just going their own way, and try to ostracize them in their own real life. They aspire to be the faceless coward in the back of the mob outside Boo’s house in that book. They loved swarming around me early on, talking into their wrists, hoping to freak me out with their numbers, while I just lamented the guns were not coming out, just yet.

Atticus Finch, in their world, is the bad guy, in their way, stopping them from having fun tormenting Boo, a nice guy who wanted to go his own way. Think about how deep the rot runs in your soul, when that is not only the case with you, but you advertise it, and are proud of it, and could not imagine why you should not be. Those are the people this recruits. That is the job.

I think they even may have wanted to recruit me. I was a 14 or 15 year old sophomore in high school. They had thrown bigger and bigger bullies at me the year before, and the prospect of being unleashed morally, with even a chance to hurt them was always too much no matter how big they were, and I fought and fought, I never backed down, no matter the risks. My file will show, I would fight any bully, no matter how big. I started walking into school on air, gleeful at that day’s prospects.

They saw it only invigorated me, and gave up, and the beginning of the next year, they had a much smaller kid than me, funny looking too, bump into me, and mouth off like he wanted to fight me. Called me an asshole. Other kids they had in my group egged me on, told me I should fight him, and tried to goad me into it. I would have killed him, in about two seconds. Unlike the Boo Radley haters, I need no mob.

But I was totally taken with the fact he had such balls, or so I thought then, and I ignored everyone in the group, and ended up befriending him, again or so I thought. I suspect it was in that moment, I eliminated any chance of joining this crew. I think that was their test. I didn’t take the bait, so obviously I was not the kind of guy who should be finding out there is a whole quasi-governmental Stasi agency devoted to doing such things – as adults no less.

It is nuts. You see it in the first video of the surveillance on my surveillance page, which the uploader titled, “Gangstalking – Bullying for grownups.” America has a whole domestic surveillance machine, modeled on the Stasi, and devoted to being adults, in adult society, bullying innocent Americans who are just  going their own way. And it recruits by looking for people, who see Boo Radley as the guy who should be bullied, who see Atticus Finch as the bad guy, and who think the mob who wants to kill Boo are the heroeshaving a good time. Those people are the target recruits. In America, of all places. I am gobsmacked. And they elevate these people over you in society.

I keep telling you, we are heading to a place where I think all of this is coming out. There is a trajectory. And it will produce a real, noble war, between the good, the Atticus Finches, who will be entirely unleashed of all moral constraints, and an almost comic-book like evil, which will have to be entirely eliminated. I mean people with black souls, who not only see Atticus Finch as the bad guy, but who were happy to see the firefighters and cops who ran into the twin towers die, because it would feather their own nests. The machine gives them stuff it prevents you from getting honestly, elevates them over you. Meanwhile, they happily kept the secret of 9/11, which all of them knew, as warrior after warrior was killed, or maimed, in all the bullshit wars that followed, and 9/11 First Responders gradually succumbed to all the diseases which came from working the pile. They love and support that system. These are the children of the father of lies. And they are all around us.

I look at the Revolutionary War, WWII, even the Global War on Terror, and I think those were just pointless scuffles over nothings by comparison. You want good vs evil? You want the battle which will fill its own history book? It is almost upon us, in the here and now. It is coming.

If you believe in God, you should see where this is going. You are not here by chance. In this land which has so often been blessed directly by the hand of God, Where mists rose from the earth in the middle of a sunny day to cloak our threatened warriors as they cleared a danger zone, I think we will be blessed once more. As I have said, prepare yourselves. I don’t think we are the generation destined to rot our lives away in cubicles, with not even a footnote in history to our credit. I think God has much greater plans for us. There is a trajectory.

Latest Shawn Ryan, interviews second UFO whistleblower:

This is about 50 minutes, interviewing the second dude from the right in the still above. Full summary – He was an army combat vet, would sometimes take leave to help his dad’s construction business which did work on a nearby base, work which he got through some Delta Force guys he hunted with and knew. He and his dad go there to measure an underground room for an indoor shoot house they are contracted to build for the Delta guys. They get put in a van with no windows, driven for 15 minutes, and are lead to a door, which leads to an elevator, which takes them underground. Doors open, they have to walk through some kind of underground hanger, to get to stairs which lead to the shoot room. In the hanger is a “monolithic slab,” kind of like it is made out of granite, 20 feet wide, seven feet high, with some kind of black toolbox like thing on top with wires, and even though it is silent in the room and he can hear his own breath, he can feel his body vibrating from it. As he gets closer, the vibrations increase, he stops to tie his shoe, glances under the slab, and it is levitating a foot to a foot and a half, off the ground, nothing under it. He looks over his shoulder, and sees a guy with a giant boulder, sounds like it was roughly five feet in diameter, it has a black box on top, it is levitating too, and the guy is pushing it, and it is spinning along the vertical axis like a top. There were some shipping containers too just laying around. They go down stairs and measure the shoot-room for 30 minutes, it is silent up the stairs where the stuff is, they come up to leave, it is all gone. It would take three cranes to just lift the slab, but it was gone. They leave, 24 hours later a worker for his dad calls him, all the company equipment is gone from the yard they keep it in and a building there is cleaned out of tools. He goes to his dad’s place, the door was kicked in, the house is stripped bare, dad is sitting in a chair, tells him it is all gone. He asks if it was the shoot-room incident, the dad explodes, tells him to never mention it to him again, and then angrily cuts off all contact with his only son for ten years despite the son reaching out, until he dies, despite them being super close until that moment.

Guy  goes to go on a parachute jump with his unit right after the shoot-room incident, one of the Delta guys pops up out of nowhere on the plane just as they are about to jump, and pulls a stunt jumping out which knocks him out of the plane and fucks up his chute deployment, causing him to burn in with a partially undeployed chute, and almost die, in what he says was no doubt an assassination attempt, that only put him in a coma for a month. Delta guy stops by ten years later, right after he moves into a new house nobody knew he was in, to drop off a “thinking of you” condolence card about his dad, who just died, supposedly of fast-moving cancer, but this guy thinks he was killed. He says Delta guy was telling him he could touch him whenever he wanted, with the card. That is about the whole thing.

Here is the thing. If this shadow government was always so powerful, and it would kill at the drop of a hat to prevent exposure, and it has all this alien tech, why is all of this happening now? What has changed? It can’t be a fight with them, or we would see JFK-like assassinations everywhere, probably just from weird shit like aneurisms and seizures. Was Havana syndrome them? Was the Capitol fencing and militarization them? Something like that might make sense, but they would have had to lose something, the ability to cloak and remain undetected, or access to some kind of tech, or something which made them vulnerable.

How does mask-wearing, green-screen-shooting Biden figure in to that? Might Secret Service be worried about an assassinations from a stealth UFO, since apparently somebody has them, so he is kept locked down inside and they fake the media appearances? Where does the surveillance fit in, since it looks like Delta guy had access to the files, so it is doing some sort of overwatch for this thing? Why is it still operational? Are the vibrations these characters? Why not kill everyone? They have to know who they are?

Something doesn’t fit right now, and there are too many missing pieces to fill out the puzzle and understand it. But it is definitely not as simple as they are presenting it, where brave Congress is fighting to get to the bottom of things. as the shadowy conspiracy is puttering away in underground bases somewhere, trying to hide, but unable to just take control. And that assumes the whistleblowers are not psyops themselves.

Lawmakers press for transparency ahead of UFO hearing..

Lawmakers claim UFO ‘cover-ups’ from Pentagon, military as witnesses head to Congress (plus video of press conference).

Donald Trump faced a deadline of midnight on Thursday to say if he would appear before a Washington grand jury convened by the special counsel Jack Smith to consider federal charges over his election subversion and incitement of the attack on Congress on 6 January 2021.

FBI knew Hunter laptop was authentic in 2019 but lied to social media companies so story would be censored during 2020 election.

Grassley releases FBI doc on Biden bribery allegation.

Burisma owner thought Hunter Biden was dumber than his dog: FBI document. But he bemoaned that he had to hire him for the board and pay Joe to prevent problems.

Biden family allegedly received $17.3 million from foreign entities. If it had been $17.33 million, then you would have been cooking with gas. Maybe that would have been too obvious.

Burisma’s top executive told a confidential source for the FBI that he funneled money to the Biden family in ways that would take investigators “10 years” to unravel the money laundering scheme used to provide “illicit payments to Joe Biden.”

FBI told Twitter Hunter Biden laptop was LEGIT hours after NY Post’s bombshell in 2020.

Paul Sperry:

BREAKING: According to just-released FBI FD-1023, Burisma oligarch Zlochevsky had 2 recordings with Joe Biden and 15 with Hunter. In his memoir, Hunter said he spoke personally with Zlochevsky during Burisma board dinners and retreats, including a trip to Norway

Everything is intelligence-based at that level, using intelligence techniques of blackmail and coercion, and you are always being recorded by someone looking for leverage.

After tripping up the steps of Air Force One on more than one occasion, President Joe Biden will reportedly begin using a shorter staircase to get on the aircraft.

Conservative businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has caught up to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a first national poll, a surprising tie as both are preparing to join in 2024’s first primary debate next month.

Democratic congresswoman Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands won her election in 2014 in one of the “biggest upsets” in the political history of her district however she may owe her surprise win in no small part to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, newly released emails show. She was the one who had a sex tape leak, which I think is how they warn them to know their place.

Illegal immigrants in Chicago are demanding paid job training and safe housing conditions, speaking in Spanish with signs in English written be a Democrat Jackass.

Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds. Google started out great, but gradually became retarded too.

New York City agrees to pay violent BLM-Antifa protesters $13 million after 450 businesses were damaged in the riots. They sued because they said NYPD was not nice to them.

Sexual predators who identify as ‘transgender’ are getting no jail time, even for horrific abuse. You can search, but there is no explanation for this, beyond spiritual evil.

ATF visited some guy because he searched for FRT on gunbroker. Never ordered anything off gunbroker. If you do not read all this stuff regularly and keep up on the cool new acronyms, as I do not, FRT is an acronym for “Forced Reset Trigger,” one of the myriad of AR trigger devices which simulate full auto fire, but apparently ATF has declared that this specific one is actually full auto, and you can’t have them. On the tweet, maybe they could be fishing. However the video seems kind of unclear what brought them there, and the guy was putting it in on Gunbroker’s search, so he was looking and could have picked some up elsewhere, or could even have been doing something else, and this was a pretext to get into that. But there is a weird trend of videos like this which may or may not actually be ATF agents, chasing down minor stuff. You will remember the ones who showed up somewhere, claiming to be ATF, who had stuffed swinging steel plate targets in their plate carriers, when the agency would just give real agents actual plates with their carriers. Then there was another of an ATF agent who asked to see serials on a guy’s guns because he had purchased like five in three months. I don’t think they do that. There is too much other work.

The two ATF I crossed paths with did not do these types of visits. They chased serious cases, full time, and you get those by latching onto local Law Enforcement, and piggybacking gang and drug raids, and chasing down the serials on guns found during them, as well as guns found elsewhere in other cases. That will lead to the gun runners who are buying guns in quantity somewhere, and running them to crime-areas and supplying the local criminal elements. I got the impression that to them, there was a ton of rewarding work like that, and chasing after some 19 year old kid who wanted to go Brrrrp, or asking the guy who bought five guns where they were, wasn’t really worth the time by comparison. So I view these types of videos curiously, as each of these agents would normally be doing other work, IMO, and some have shown signs of maybe not being ATF, with fake gear. In this nation, even if somebody shows you an FBI or ATF ID, and even if ATF or FBI refuse to disavow them, there is no real certainty they are who they say they are. CIA, or whoever has taken over CIA, can make all those agencies bow down, apparently, and let them pose as anyone. And that assumes a twitter video is real. I am not sure how much of anything we see is real lately.

Anthony Weiner does a podcast, and really freaks out when the interviewer mentions the Clinton Body count. Very interesting he cares so much. Ask me about Trump as an agent of Russia, or the pee tape, I would not care, because I know they are bullshit.

We are being warned of a new pandemic from CCHF, that is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever as experts say cases are already in Europe and it has to do with climate change.

Principal knowingly flouted SCOTUS by suspending student for posting memes off campus: lawsuit.

YouTube is pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ interviews, reviews for ‘violating community guidelines.’

DC Uniparty kills House resolutions to end US emergency powers in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. Would seem to indicate you can disregard their UFO bullshit. They are not on the side of good.

Famous hacker Kevin Mitnik dead at 59 of pancreatic cancer.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly on a ‘trial separation’ amid nasty fights, financial pressure, and opposing lifestyles. Divorce papers might have been filed. Once somebody doesn’t like a narcissist, the narcissist needs to destroy them, because the narcissist needs to believe anyone who dislikes them is evil, so it explains why they are not liked, since they know they are perfect. If true, Megan now has a moral crusade to make Harry as miserable as possible.

Biden threatens ‘special relationship’ with Israel over judicial reform.

Mexico’s National Guard escorting new migrant caravan headed to U.S. border.

Chinese hackers breached US ambassador to China’s email account.

Tim Ballard of Sound of Freedom fame, exposing the pedo ring ratlines of Ukrainian children trafficked from the war zone to sex hotels in the Caribbean.

Ukraine launches US-supplied cluster bomb attacks on Russian forces – weapons that are banned in 120 countries that were condemned last year by the same Biden regime.

Organ harvesting ‘big business’ on frontlines in Ukraine — Russian diplomat.

President Donald Trump came to the defense of country star Jason Aldean after he fell subject to a cancel campaign over his recent song “Try That in a Small Town.”

‘Sound of Freedom’ crosses $100 million domestically.

Lib media freaks out over Trump’s ‘Sound of Freedom’ screening.

Spread r/K Theory, because God has blessed America before, to bring us freedom

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9 months ago

Wouldn’t that require a shorter plane?

9 months ago

Too stupid to be ashamed. I think that is an apt description of most of the lower level cabal toadies we deal with on a day to day basis. Well put.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

wassa da matta? they are in line for promotions to middle level minion.

Reply to  Ultra
9 months ago

Why would Tards be ashamed of living kickass lives?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

My first wife’s a tard — she’s a pilot now.

9 months ago

Anthony Weiner-dog and other skeptics should pay more credence to The List:

I mean, seriously – how many people do you know who’ve had dozens of associates die in mysterious circumstances?

Reply to  Maniac
9 months ago

Randy Quaid makes a similar point about the Hollywood Starwhackers.

9 months ago

So far as I can tell, Aldean made no mention of race anywhere in that song, yet people are still crying racism. So are the naysayers implying that it’s black people that commit the sorts of things Jason is saying that small-town people wouldn’t tolerate? That sounds, well, racist and stuff.

9 months ago

I just want a quiet life with family. I don’t understand why these others need to do so much graft. When you’ve got a few million, what benefit is conveyed by another 17.3 million? These people are animals. Their god is their belly.

Reply to  Jimmy
9 months ago

Mortal motivations cannot explain the depths of wickedness, it is a spiritual battle of God and goodness against Satan and evil. There is no material basis which covers the timespan, consistency, organization and dedication of seemingly normal “people” executing this behavior.

Reply to  Jimmy
9 months ago

Mortal motivations cannot explain the depths of wickedness, it is a spiritual battle of God and goodness against Satan and evil. There is no material basis which covers the timespan, consistency, organization and dedication of seemingly normal “people” executing this behavior.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

I’m not so sure. Your fellow homo sapiens are largely a very wretched group of people. Do not make the mistake of projecting your humane virtues onto them. All sorts of people love tormenting, torturing, stealing, and wrecking lives. They really get off on it.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

They do but not in such an organised fashion without ample help.

9 months ago

> Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly on a ‘trial separation’ amid nasty fights,

That’s probably the best thing that could happen to Harry. And if skankho files in the USA, all he has to do is move back to England and ignore any court-ordered division of assets.

Not many men get to make a fresh start like that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Most assets go to the first born anyway. This has been going on for centuries amongst European aristocracy. It is called primogeniture.

9 months ago


There are at least three “ATF”s.

Group 1, by far the largest, are the bureaucrats in DC and West Virginia, clerks who work 9 to 5 in offices processing the vast amounts of paperwork they require to do business in alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or explosives. Your only encounter with one of these would ordinarily be if you were filing papers as an FFL or to purchase an NFA weapon, and the closest you’d get would be seeing their name on the forms when they came back.

Group 2 are the agents. As an agent at the local ATF office explained to me, they are mostly concerned with alcohol, then tobacco, then explosives, and guns are dead last. Most state offices don’t have *any* agents trained in gun regulations; Little Rock was one of them, and he told me he could forward my question to the bureaucrats in WV, or he could give me a direct number and I could call them and probably get a faster response.

The agents that do FFL checks are often rotated in from out of state, not necessarily part of the local branch.

Group 3 seem to be mostly political; the ones who run entrapment schemes, harass FFLs, and file outrageous charges for prosecution. They get the most press, of course, but I suspect they’re mostly an independent group using the rest of the agency as a shield.

Reply to  TRX
9 months ago

> As an agent at the local ATF office explained to me, they are mostly concerned with alcohol, then tobacco, then explosives, and guns are dead last.

Believing the official line from the agency trying to destroy your rights is probably naive, but thanks for the info.

9 months ago

Lol. Weiner brings up pi**agate! Right away.

God I hope that story comes back.

9 months ago

DFT – Exxon Mobil Set To Build Lithium Plant In Arkansas

Some say Q security clearance is to hide the fact that nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants aren’t real or don’t work the way the media says the do. Funny how spent nuclear fuel burns like a lithium chemical reaction if the reports from Fukushima have any validity.

My guess is that Q clearance items don’t require a PHD from a prestigious university to understand. I think Bel and the Dragon might give a hint as to what is going on:

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

AC I think we’ve discovered the lone down thumb isn’t a bad guy but a a triple thumbs up.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Everyone’s moved back home around Fukushima….

….. whatever happened to the fallout?

9 months ago

Any psych profile would immediately recognize that now, I know am surrounded by enemies – and that I am not entirely bothered by that. I kind of like the fight against a true evil, and I hate bullies, they are just subhuman.

Same. I’ve been listening to My Chemical Romance’s The Black Parade lately (yeah, emo, also rock-opera first, which is what I am into.) These lyrics stab me in the heart every single time:

When I was a young boy
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band
He said, “Son, when you grow up
Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned?”
He said, “Will you defeat them?
Your demons, and all the non-believers
The plans that they have made?”

9 months ago

New York City agrees to pay violent BLM-Antifa protesters $13 million after 450 businesses were damaged in the riots. They sued because they said NYPD was not nice to them.

Good. Now we have a list of defendants who are estopped from claiming that they didn’t take part in the events who can be sued by the 450 businesses for damages, and they have the money to pay said damages.

9 months ago

About the ufo whistleblower video. Haven’t watched the video but going by AC’s summary the.sequence of events isn’t logical.
Why would you line up a.contractor to visit a secret place to get a quote on doing some construction work and just happen to let them see the top secret anti-gravitation tech, then whisk it away out of sight (oops!), and then harass & intimidate them to be silent, even attempting to kill them forever after?
If you have outsiders coming to see a room to make a quote, you don’t let them see the secret tech stuff period. And if he was in that much danger before then what’s happening now? He’s suddenly ok to go on podcasts?
Bombard’s body language channel often mentions how the eyes move in a certain way when the brain is accessing memory as opposed to just making it up & pretending to recount a post event. This would be useful to check.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

In the other interview from the same guy posted yesterday he said his squad got stopped by 8 black ops guys and peacefully escorted away from an alleged ufo.

Yeah right. Those dudes would have smoked your ass and not even blinked, followed by a quiet shallow grave burial in the woods nearby. No chance they just happened to walk in on some giga secret and just get out unscathed.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Watching that video, did you have a gut feeling that it was overly-dramatic, and scripted? That dialogue could an academy award.

9 months ago

Not sure why, but your commentary on bullying brought to mind an incident that happened to me about 20 years ago. Back then I had no idea about the surveillance; but I also knew something wasn’t right. I like to grocery shop late at night when the store is basically empty, so I guess it would look odd if there were 17 people in the same aisle as me. Anyway, they send in some fat slob to try to agitate me; back then I worked out about 2 hours a day minimum and this guy looked like a couch potato child molester. I’m watching him try to do his ‘thing’ basically letting him know he wasn’t fooling anyone. I must have flustered him because he actually rammed me with his shopping cart, kind of hard like. I look at him all nonchalant and say, “When we get outside, I’m going to kill you and I’m going to take great pleasure in it.” or words to that effect. So when we get outside he’s running to his car and then tries to run me down with it. I threw a can at his rear window but missed, so whomever was watching the op, knowing what I know now, probably wrote a report that said, “better leave this one alone” because when i do spot the surveillance every so often they will not come within 50 feet of me.

Reply to  anon
9 months ago

Sundance of The Conservative Treehouse has come around to “Full AC.”
“In the bigger of the big pictures, this Joe and Hunter Biden story is the tip of an iceberg story about how the FBI is a domestic surveillance operation assembling files on everyone; that includes members of Congress and key political leadership that could advance to power. Why is all of this surveillance taking place?…
….Because it is a very specific type of Continuity of Government that must be maintained.Don’t look at the Potemkin village we call Washington DC.
Look for the people behind the construct.
Look for the people who are using these files.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I would not be suprised if we find out that in some cases the FBI agents are doing the actual shooting. I suspect that the Las Vegas mass murder was done by several professional shooters and they used this weird brainwashed man as fall guy.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

There was no one shot at Las Vegas except, maybe, Stephen Paddock.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

FBI Agent Lon Horichi, supposedly a trained sniper, only managed to wound Randy Weaver slightly. Then “accidentally” killed his wife and wounded a bystander. He was one of the shooters at Waco as well, but the FBI managed to whitewash that.

Just in case you’re considering making a purchase from them, H.S. Precision hired Horuichi to endorse their products back in 2008. They seemed utterly clueless as to the venom that came back from the public. They issued a wimp press release saying “they didn’t mean to offend anyone”. Horiuchi was a lousy shot and a killer cop; they knew full well who they were hiring. HS is a rifle manufacturer; they couldn’t *not* know who Vicki Weaver was or who murdered her and got away with it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

I think they got overconfident and decided to stop “wasting” effort on the PR stuff and then went so far with the skulduggery they are being exposed.

I don’t know if the surveillance is part of some hidden official program or not, but the FBI has always been evil at its core.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Thucydides
9 months ago

Excellent referral.

9 months ago

Not sure why, but your commentary on bullying brought to mind an incident that happened to me about 20 years ago. Back then I had no idea about the surveillance; but I also knew something wasn’t right. I like to grocery shop late at night when the store is basically empty, so I guess it would look odd if there were 17 people in the same aisle as me. Anyway, they send in some fat slob to try to agitate me; back then I worked out about 2 hours a day minimum and this guy looked like a couch potato child molester. I’m watching him try to do his ‘thing’ basically letting him know he wasn’t fooling anyone. I must have flustered him because he actually rammed me with his shopping cart, kind of hard like. I look at him all nonchalant and say, “When we get outside, I’m going to kill you and I’m going to take great pleasure in it.” or words to that effect. So when we get outside he’s running to his car and then tries to run me down with it. I threw a can at his rear window but missed, so whomever was watching the op, knowing what I know now, probably wrote a report that said, “better leave this one alone” because when i do spot the surveillance every so often they will not come within 50 feet of me.

9 months ago

There is an AI summarizer tool to summarize youtube videos:
Paste in a youtube link and it scans the subtitles file and summarizes each section of the video. Make sure to click “See More”.
Here is the summary of the 3 hour UFO interview posted here the other day:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

What is bizarre is why creatures abducting humans into UFO’s would be affected by Supernatural means. Like Abductees calling Jesus for help.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

That is pretty simple if you look at it from a Christian perspective since they are all fallen angels/demons/familiars. You have to remember what Paul said in Ephesians 6:12-17.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;”
The veil is getting very thin, and you may see things in the coming months you had no idea existed. Fore warned is fore armed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

It cannot replace listening to the video itself …using of course the video speed controller Brave addon, to go beyond 2x speed:

Reply to  WesternMan
9 months ago

That is remarkably cool. Thank you. At the very least, it allows you to get a good overview of something like a documentary before committing the full time to watching it.

English Tom
English Tom
9 months ago

Re the massive increase in UFO reveals. Werner Von Braun, lately of NASA via the NSDAP, told his secretary in the 1960’s that a fake alien invasion would be the final card played by cabal as a means to take over the world.
Having said that, I know this universe is so incredible that I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a extra terrestrial civilisation millions of years more advanced than us primitive humans.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  English Tom
9 months ago

How about not ruling out higher technologically advanced human civilizations. The Darwinian slime to rodent to ape to man myth has to be abandoned.

9 months ago

Cubicle farms is part of the system to enslave us. Just like in the Matrix with its dull colors and hideous architecture. Life lacking the inherent Goodness of God’s World. Babylon.

Don’t think that this was the life we are meant to live anyways even in the absence of evil. We are meant to live lives of adventure. Of sailing the oceans seeking new horizons. Of gleaming cities stunning in their beauty like the New Jerusalem with people doing meaningful rewarding work like in the Garden of Eden.

Working Masterworks of various sorts surpassing in Skill the Craftsmen of Old.

Of riding on the steppes whilst the endless sky and emerald grasslands stretched before you. Of clear waters flowing which your herds drink. Of the bright starry sky where you see all the Stars in their Full Glory.

We are meant for conquest and heroism without end.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

When you live like probably many have/do on this site, it is a common experience.
When I was younger and the flag outside my bedroom window indicated the wind was in the right direction, I took great pleasure in driving past my university to a beach with noone on it, no houses around and surfing all day.
I get the same feeling from going for 30km runs through the hills and trails where i see kangas and wallabies from just a couple of meters away, goanas, koalas and so on. The only thing that detracts from these experiences are the same as in life, sharks, and snakes.
The point is to do things as often as you can that are good for the soul

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Such is the nature of many Urban Environments we live in. There does need to be reform there.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

I find it really strange how many conservative republicans defend suburban sprawl and think that it somehow represents the highest quality of life in the world. As if spending a couple of hours a day driving down endless strips of fast food joints, car lots, Jiffy Lubes, nail salons, and pawn shops is somehow desirable.

I wish conservatives held one city in this country and one could enjoy an urban lifestyle (walking to 95% of what you need, access to libraries, museums, the arts, urban life).

Our suburbs are like well-appointed concentration camps designed to keep us alone, isolated, watching TV, and draining the taxes and energy costs right out of us.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

There are good suburbs and bad suburbs.
Done right it is an excellent alternative to both urban and rural living with the best features of both.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
9 months ago

This is true. There really are good suburbs out there. People flock to them. There are suburbs designed from the ground up to deter crime, for example. Others are designed around large wilderness areas and parks. Some are designed around walking and cycling.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The absolutely charming walkable cities of Europe are delightful because they are full of cultured, cultivated, civilized Europeans. Who, not incidentally, on a regular basis, went absolutely medieval on people they didn’t like within their walls. This included people who had different opinions about deities. This includes the various massacres of Christians when pagans were ascendant. Then it involved killing the remaining pagans when Christians became rulers. Then it was types of Christians fighting. Or factions in favor of one governmental style. Or factions in favor of one family over another.

Right now, we are not killing off the criminal elements of cities. So, people who want a safe life for their children retreat to suburbs. Consider them well- stocked miniature farms, raising children instead of corn. Do you want to pave over the acres of soybeans? Some people tweet about wanting to kill of kulaks. Unfortunately, those people tend to be political campaign workers for Democrats.

A suburb is a style of life that is opaque to you. That’s fine. You don’t have to join it. Just, please, leave it alone for people who prefer it.

Reply to  Wooderson
9 months ago

Walkable is great. As long as it’s not 100F, or -20F, or iced up, or raining, or you’re old, or crippled, or carrying more than a few day’s groceries.

It’s like the biketards bragging about how wonderful bicycles are, but then you notice they’re all in their SUVs when the weather turns bad.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
9 months ago

Worth a listen.

REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal – Ex-Army Ranger Reveals Dark Truths of War & Society | Real Ones with Jon Bernthal

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

There are many channels on YT exploring the past: monuments, megaliths, and natural formations; they are discovering that the narrative we are given about our history and our ‘civilization’ is false. The high quality cameras have become ubiquitous as is the camera phone and are being taken to places only the elites had access to; the intelligent peasant is waking up: we’ve had seventy plus years of access to higher education in the sciences: archeology, geology, biology, math, and physics; just because the elites and the cabal control who gets the jobs does not mean all that knowledge of the ones kept out goes away. They are using their knowledge to discover the truth and are destroying the false narrative to which we are subjected; we have to acknowledge their discoveries and new understandings of reality.
Some sites:
Wise Up:
Paul Cook:
Tyson’s Mudfossil Adventures:
Mud Fossil University:
Then there are the mud floods, the orphan trains, the Oera Linda Book; and evidence of a higher civilization active before being destroyed by the elites of the current society: Tartaria.
Finally, the NIkon series 900 and 1000 have destroyed the global earth narrative; and have exposed the planets as non-material bodies; they’vve even shown the stars to be pulsating fields of energy.
Open you eyes or go back to sleep?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Hear hear.

9 months ago

AC, keep your wits about you.
I would be more concerned with the relevance of the title of the book than being Mr Radley.

Reply to  Thedawg
9 months ago

Concur. You, AC, know about the book because you read it, and know the story backwards & forwards. I simply cannot conceive of a modern young person, for whom the world began 5 years ago, spending that kind of time, going to that kind of trouble. They might miss a text! an important TikTok vid!! More likely, they wiki’d it, glanced at the synopsis, and remembered the name because, y’know, Boo.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 months ago

Man is to be both a Lion and a Lamb. Gentle to the True Ingroup. Tearing the enemies like this to shreds.
Aragorn is a Gentle King to his people. And Mighty in Battle.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

Aragorn son of Arathorn

Reply to  Thedawg
9 months ago

Very good dawg…living by a set of rules programmed from birth and pushing back against the programming…take the road less traveled and find it’s secrets

9 months ago

Regarding the screenshot of the video about UFOs – I didnt realise that Curly was still alive!
On the subject matter,and I am acknowledging this as bonafide weird shit.
A couple of days back, the other half and I were in our vehicle approaching a local airport. We looked up and saw a fighter jet. That hasnt happened before. This cuntry ( “o” purposely omitted ) has only 80 fighter jets in total. There are no airforce bases nearby.
That jet was not, i repeat NOT moving. No sound was coming from it either. It was motionless about 500 meters up and about 300meters from the flightpath of incoming passenger planes.
Nice cover for a UFO.

9 months ago

Great, epic intro, AC. These bullies are all scum. “If you believe in God, you should see where this is going. You are not here by chance. ” Agreed 100%.

9 months ago

Abortion pills approved:

They WILL have their child sacrifices no matter what.

9 months ago

sliding down a greased blade into a jar of alcohol

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
9 months ago

Thanks for linking to Charles Hugh Smith’s, “oftwominds”. I’ve been reading him for years. I would also recommend Jim Quinn’s blog, “theburningplatform”, especially his “Thirty Blocks of Squalor” essays about Philadelphia, PA.

9 months ago

Jesuits, mixed marriages of Spanish and Chinese in order to subvert China, and scheming by various competing factions. All in the 16th century.

The model was the La Raza created by conquistadors and South American natives.

Reply to  Wooderson
9 months ago

Read James Clavell and get true insight into Jesuit pursuits.

9 months ago

Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE) announced that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador would not be allowed to comment on the 2024 general elections, stating that his comments were in “violation of the principles of neutrality, impartiality and equity in the electoral contest,” La Jornada reported on July 21….

AMLO is an enemy of America, but cabal seems to be running a similar playbook against him, kind of like Netanyahu.

9 months ago

Its the illuminated Adenochrome drinking, baby eating black-grey opus dei Venetians Radhanite freemason Jesuit Vatican Knights of Malta Sufi scientological lizzards of old Tartarian Phoenicia I tell yer…

Reply to  Anonymous
9 months ago

The Lone Down Thumb?

9 months ago

The Weiner interview was embarrassing.

Weiner has questions to ask, but bombarding him with a list of names is not an interview, is is a theatre.

If someone posed a question like that to any of us, we would all respond in the same way.

Childish and unhelpful.

9 months ago

Don’t know how well known this is.

I used to be a firearms dealer, and as much as they say “don’t worry, we don’t keep data on your NICS background check when you buy a gun” the ATF requires every dealer who closes shop to submit your logs of every gun you ever sold, and to whom.

They keep the data.

Reply to  Jimmy
9 months ago

And the ATF refuses to periodically destroy it as the law requires.