News Briefs – 07/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

James Wood’s Liberal talent agent drops him because he supports Trump. It would not surprise me if he was ordered to.

UN actors are still trying to get universal small arms registration and tracking from all member states. The article is probably talking about the leftist ideal which likely won’t happen. But it is worth noting that people who push for central control of everything are the people at the top who want to control everything. And they are still working to set things up for after Trump leaves office.

Liberal voices are saying the best path forward is to fight for even more leftism, even more aggressively. They are trapped. Things are going K. The populace opposes their ideals. They face a master of the art whose skills far surpass their own. The best path is to retreat, take cover, and wait until conditions change. But their amygdalae are so irritated that they are uncontrollably driven to act, even as all conditions are against them. And they are going to do so in an even crazier fashion than what is already failing. It only gets better for Trump from here.

Another example – Politico says Democrats should play dirty. Democrats playing dirty tricks with Trump, when Trump’s support is going sky high and everyone loves him, will not end well. Amygdala drives action, and affects logical analysis.

Trump is privately saying he has settled on his Supreme Court Nominee. It will be a great one.

DHS has begun DNA tests to match parents with kids at the border. A PR nightmare for the left, because previous articles have said when heading north, a villager will borrow a kid from the village to portray as their own, because at the border it will make it more likely they will get released with the kid into the US, and then the kid can try to get citizenship, and bring their real parents in. Now Trump will be able to point out 76% of the kids at the border are not being brought across by their parents, which raises the issue of child trafficking and real parental separation which was going on.

NY Times is whining that a Conservative in Poland is doing a Donald Trump in Poland as he is flushing the leftist rot out of their courts and government. K is rising everywhere.

Japan finally got around to executing the members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult that launched a Sarin attack in the Tokyo subway.

Spectator points out there may be a massive red wave. I thought it would be optimal to increase leftist amygdala for months prior to the election to set a baseline amygdala on the left, and then lower amygdala on the left in the weeks prior to the election to diminish r-strategist, amygdala-driven motivation on election day and thereby crush turnout. Trump has so far increased amygdala non-stop, to never before seen levels. That has triggered massive insanity on the left, and thereby caused the sane population to reject the radicalized left to an ever greater degree. I am now not sure whether diminishing leftist amygdala at the election is a competent strategy, or whether he should just drive them ever more insane as much as possible right through election day. All of this is a learning experience, which must inform future study of this nascent field, and Trump’s extreme mastery in triggering amygdalae is giving us an excellent real world case study to examine and learn much from. Theory can inform experiments, but only the real world should decide what the truth is. And Trump is giving us the truth.

Texas mom at a gas station sees a thief jump in her car with her two toddlers inside, so she jumps in the back, tells him to get out, and when he doesn’t she shoots him in the face. Nice feel good story, except for the fact the thief lived. Also, note, she should have had the gun on her, instead of having to push by him to get it from the glovebox. Could have ended much worse.

Portland Antifa leader gets probation for two counts of sexual assault against a teenaged boy and teenaged girl. The machine protects its own. In two weeks he has another trial for five more sexual abuse counts, but don’t be surprised if he walks on those. Probably recruited because of these proclivities.

Trump says of the Statue of Liberty protestor, “I would have let that clown jump!” Zero Fucks given, total alpha, and amygdala stimulating of the left because it involves mortal salience and ignores them as unimportant. Such a mix of diverse brilliances.

Elizabeth Warren’s travels to visit troops on the Fourth Of July is seen by leftist media who know her as a sign she is setting the stage to challenge Trump in 2020. Notice the subtext – the left who know her think she would never just visit the troops as a gesture of appreciation. She has to have an agenda.

Fed minutes indicate some want to cool down Trump’s hot economy. Tough to say if that is honest worries about inflation, or Cabal actors who want to take down Trump’s economy, and Trump by extension.

German coalition decides to toughen migrant policies. I keep going back to that 4Chan post:

AP admits China is worried about trade clashes with Trump. Which means they will give us things to avoid it.

Guam does not have any doctors willing to perform Abortions. That always struck me as a soul-crushing job, even for ardent believers in abortion. A mark of K could be the inability to find doctors willing to do it.

Trump points out that a vote for a Democrat is a vote to let MS-13 run wild in our nation. Another sign of K – the master has recognized it is in his advantage to exploit in-grouping against enemies because in-grouping in the nation is high.

Spiders actually use static-electricity-charged strands of spiderwebs to generate lift and fly thousands of miles. And it even allows them to fly without wind.

Italian media ramps up attacks on Cardinal Burke. Cabal seems to still be pushing the migrant/leftist/destruction of the west, even as a lot of powerful forces seem to be deciding to embrace the pendulum swing back.

Scott Pruitt out at EPA. Probably got out because of the threat he faced, but it is also not impossible he is being moved around in preparation for the Storm.

Poll shows Americans overwhelmingly denounce Socialism. Everything is still going K, no matter what the Fake News tells you.

Illegal fireworks lab in Mexican City blows up, kills 19. Made a decent sized, almost Mushroom cloud. Apparently such explosions are not uncommon in some parts of Mexico, so be aware of where you are traveling south of the border. Life is cheap down there.

30 year old Mexican dude who stole MAGA hat from 15 year old and threw a drink on him ID’d as Kino Jimenez, a Dungeons and Dragon’s cosplayer with a decent sized rap sheet for several DWI charges, a drug possession charge, and a burglary charge. He was fired from the bar he worked at part time.

He was also kicked out of the Green party.

He was also arrested, and because when he stole the hat by taking it off the kid’s head, he made physical contact, it made it a felony, which means he faces at least six months, and maybe two years when convicted. All of your law enforcement belongs to the God Emperor now.

And along those lines, the Patriot Prayer protestor who knocked an Antifa protestor out cold, and reportedly left him in a coma with brain injury, will walk free, because the Antifa guy was wielding a weapon in offensive actions when he was knocked out.

NY Times on why a lot of rabbits today are not having children. A big article detailing the reasons the rabbits give, but none address why the rabbits are like that today, when young people were not like that in 1950. Without r/K nobody has any clue.

Justin Trudeau accused of groping young reporter-ette. I’d be less skeptical if it were a guy he groped.

Newly released report details horrific rate of child rape among illegals. r-strategists, migrants, lower age of sexualization of young, less constrained sexual strategy.

Gang of Rhino poachers breaks into game preserve, gets stalked and eaten by a pride of lions.

Schumer actually asked Trump to nominate Merrick Garland. Lefitsts are detaching from reality.

Spread r/K Theory, because at the end of the day it is what we need

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5 years ago

“I would have let that clown jump!”

Did he say CLOWN?

How very Q of him.

I think one could write a research paper on that one sentence. What did he mean, who he was talking to, etc.

I feel freer already. Don’t you, AC? Trump seems energized, confident, pleased, accelerating, freer — like never before.

5 years ago
White guy
White guy
5 years ago

AC I don’t know if my comment got put to spam or not, but CDN has had a metric ton of reveals, and they seem to line up perfectly with Q’s storm.

Indian Movie Star+ Mafia guy+ Drug and sex trafficking

Is this Cabal or just people doing their bidding?

Kubrick was a predator, and once again, England seems to be at the center of a lot of pedophile issues

Q said these people are sick.

And just for fun
James Dean just died at 95 yrs old??? Wha????

5 years ago

Regarding the Fed, the problem there is that their policies are based on a theory of questionable accuracy, namely the Phillips Curve. The theory states that there is an inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation. Thus one would expect the Fed to want to raise rates as the economy and unemployment improves. Larry Kudlow takes issue with this idea, by the way. Inflation is not caused by economic activity but rather by increases in the money supply.

SJ, Esquire
SJ, Esquire
5 years ago

Guam does not have any doctors willing to perform Abortions. That always struck me as a soul-crushing job, even for ardent believers in abortion.

I am not sure. On the one hand, yes, I’m certain it crushes one’s soul, although they won’t admit it. On the other hand, I believe to certain extent you need to have a crushed soul even to begin this career in the first place.

When I was in medical school there were two classmates that I felt spiritual “alarm bells” over. One of them was fanatically (and fantastically) gay, and pro-abortion, and all the rest of it, and to this day he’s the only person I’ve ever met whom I truly believe was probably possessed or controlled by demonic forces (we Christians throw that idea around too much, but I really believed it about that guy).

The other was a female classmate who calmly (or was there an ever so slight quiver of excitement in her voice and sheen in her eyes?), as if it was the most usual thing in the world, told me that she had spent the summer helping perform abortions. I was literally struck dumb that someone could be so nonchalant about something so wicked, but looking back I would guess that her soul had already been crushed by… something?

Justin Trudeau accused of groping young reporter-ette.

For those not following: this is important mostly because Castrosson has a history of proclaiming that every accusation should be taken at face value; that men who harass should be crucified, etc.

Reply to  SJ, Esquire
5 years ago

Yikes. Your story about your classmates is chilling; if I had to pick, the female classmate is made of ice … Do you know if both are practicing today?

SJ, Esquire
SJ, Esquire
Reply to  FJ
5 years ago

I haven’t kept up with them; I’m not one for Facebook or that sort of thing. It’s a good question – sometimes I do wonder where they’re at, and whether the second one ever became a legit practicing abortionista, but then sometimes I think I’d rather not know. Believe it or not I pray for them from time to time, though, when something reminds me of them.

5 years ago

“Notice the subtext – the left who know her think she would never just visit the troops as a gesture of appreciation. She has to have an agenda.”

The left always projects. It’s almost scary how well that explains most of what they do. It’s the same reason why they cannot fathom that Trump isn’t corrupt in the Clinton mold. The idea of genuine service or sacrifice is alien to them. #CincinnatusWasn’tARabbit

Also, another gem from the Montana rally: reflecting on his Electoral College victory, Trump mentioned how Clinton winning the national popular vote (which is meaningless and exactly the sort of bullshit a rabbit would celebrate) is easier when people are able to “vote four times.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  chad
5 years ago

“…Trump mentioned how Clinton winning the national popular vote…is easier when people are able to “vote four times.””


5 years ago

– Hollywood would be completely different if it were K. Or if more Ks were openly K.

– Re the NYT article on childlessness: Some years ago I read an article about women who disliked their children, and how they regretted having children in the first place. Some of the women were Type A workaholics, but there were also stay at home moms who thought they’d wanted a family.

Now, I see the Type A workaholics as masculinzed women who don’t have the nurturing instinct. But I still don’t know what to make of the Homemaker type who regrets becoming a mother. What do you think? Is it some other personality disorder that makes them think and feel so coldly to their own offspring? What do you make of post-partum depression, etc? Post-partum seems like a recent trend, too, but maybe it’s just because nowadays everyone is talking about everything.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’m growing suspicious about the narrative surrounding post-partum. It’s assumed that pregnancy is expected to be miserable, and I don’t doubt that it is in many, many cases.

Really wondering now if there’s a difference between r and K women and pregnancy, because there is no way a woman’s body/immune system doesn’t react to numerous and multiple partners.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

They must be, right? Women are certainly affected on an emotional and psychological level, and there isn’t a separation between mind and body and spirit.

These are the kinds of questions to ask when you don’t want to get funding for a study.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  FJ
5 years ago

“…I’m growing suspicious about the narrative surrounding post-partum…”

I had a friend whose wife had this. They had a kid and she completely lost any interest in sex or her husband. I knew her, she was normal before. It really hit her hard. They got divorced by her request. She wasn’t bitter or mad or much of anything she just lost interest. What ever it is in this case it was real. There’s some stuff that just happens. People get deep depression for some reason and no one really knows why. As complicated as the body is, moods, hormones, nerves, are it amazing it doesn’t run off the rail more often.

5 years ago

There are K selected and r selected reasons for not having kids.

K: Worry about finances and the future (apocalypse)
r: Want more leisure time, don’t want monogamy

Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

Japan Sarin attack’s –

AC, do you think the Apocolypse will bring about the end of 20+ YEAR “dragging on” trials and legal BS stall tactics for spawn of Satan-types like this cult in Japan which killed 12 and harmed thousands?

In a K world, these SOBs should be dealt with swiftly and severely. Raining Hellfire down on these psycho Sub-humans is what they need.

While reading this story, my gut instinct would be to legally fast track a case like this as fast as possible so effers like these don’t enjoy living on the public’s dime a nanno-second longer than necessary. Not fair to tax paying living victims or any taxpayer for that matter.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I understand your reasoning about this but I think it’s wrong. I think a lot of every day gentle civilized people would be ploughed under by the wicked and ruthless. Yes they would eventually harden up but not necessarily in the ways that you would like. I base this on the break down in Yugoslavia and the general state of humans in the wild. A few people wrote about Yugoslavia. They talked about how the good people were just overwhelmed but a lot of worthless vicious people who before were nothing became warlords and preyed on everyone else. He also talked about how you were forced at times to do things that made you sick because you and your family had to survive.

We are actually becoming more civilized in some ways. Some areas are backsliding but compare the wilds of the Congo to the wilds of Detroit and as bad as Detroit is I’d rather be there than the Congo. We also see, if it’s not another fog of bullshit thrown up by the deep state, Trump and patriots taking on the evil that resides on the planet. Could this have happened earlier without civilization and the internet? I don’t think so. I also think it possible that if Trump had not shown up that people would have randomly started hitting these people.

I think that the idea of the “cleansing fire”, the “Apocalypse” never works out like people want as the wicked are always among us and transparency is the only way to deal with them.

5 years ago

One more link for you, all charges dropped against a man who was found by police to be straddling, fondling and then choking his crying, 3-year-old son while completely naked. The police tazed him and he continued to resist arrest. Combination of drugs that turned him violent and supposed legitimate jiu-jitsu moves were enough to let him off. No surprise it’s from the Bay Area, rabbit central: