News Briefs – 07/14/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

YouTube deletes Tommy Robinson video where he appeals for help due to his prison sentence. YouTube says it violates hate-speech rules. In reality Cabal is protecting its British pedophilia operations. video follows:

New York City has a power outage. It was exactly 42 years after the 1977 power outage. And yet:

One of Q’s Manhatten Anons said the Police flooded the area where Epstein was being held. Of course El Chapo is three cells down, so they may have thought his Cabal Cartel bros were coming to get him. A lot of them saw this anon’s post as significant, which it could have been (click for the full version):

Tracy Twymann, pedogate researcher who was found dead mysteriously at age 41, drops her Deadman video about facing a high-end intel op on US soil. If you don’t have time, I can summarize it just about en toto for you – many of her online friends she made doing research suddenly turned on her and began trying to trigger her, she got death threats, was under surveillance, and experienced electronic harassment. And one of the guys doing it had a campground where she thinks Isaac Kappy went to poke around right before he died:

Epstein Island drone videos (Some anons think the dome may have concealed a radar to make sure there were no boats on the water on that side watching, or aviation approaching, when they wanted privacy for ceremonies, or whatever they did. It is possible it was removed purposely before the hurricane to hide that, and make sure the hurricane didn’t blow the dome off and leave the radar there. Interesting intel, if you were ever to plan an op to catch them in the act. They may have been one up if you tried to do a flyover with cameras):

Epstein preferentially targeted girls with a very special background combining economic hardship, and disrupted father/parental-relationships. And how did he know the girl who had just been accepted into an elite performance high school came from such a background, of economic hardship with a father who had died of AIDS, when she was flagged and approached by her recruiter?

NY Times article makes it sound like Epstein may have been planted in the Dalton school to groom young women of prominent families. Not only was he hired to teach college math without a college degree, he flouted the school’s rigid norms by dressing in a fur coat with gold chains and an open shirt, and cultivated too-close relations with girls at the school and showed up at the kid’s parties. His arrival coincided with a new leader of the school who himself would get in trouble for sexually abusing a 14 year old girl. I think it was a school for the children of the wealthy, who were going to be leaders themselves, and Cabal infiltrated these characters in to get control of the school – admissions, success and failure at the school, and blackmail. I wonder how many good honest kids from nice parents had their lives derailed to allow scum like Epstein to ascend and take their place.

Prosecutors move to seize Epstein’s townhouse.

Jimmy Saville made rings from the glass eyes of the dead. Jeffrey Epstein had the main hallway in his house adorned with the false eyeballs of dead soldiers, in artwork commissioned from a British artist.

The Chinese eat baby soup made with aborted fetuses as a sex tonic. Stop by a Chinese herb shop and you will see a lot of weird stuff like dried scorpions as a blood-moving tonic and even dried lizards, not to mention a plethora of fungi. In Chinese Medicine sex drive is associated with the Kidney system in loose terms, which is also the system which is gradually exhausted as you age. Implying, that in their theory they are using the baby soup to replenish youth, which also replenishes the youthful hormones that strengthen sex drive. They have a similar theory about nuts replenishing Kidney Chi actually, with them being the fetus of the plants. So this could very well be a legit story, and if they are doing it I would not be surprised to see Cabal elites at least try it.

Princeton Policy Study: 300,000 illegal immigrant kids will enroll in school in a few weeks.

Ebola is still going strong, and now it has been compounded by an aggressive measles’s outbreak. You wonder if any gene-swapping could go on in somebody infected by both simultaneously.

6.6 earthquake off the coast of Australia.

UK: Police “lose” fingerprints or DNA profiles of 144 terror suspects. Cabal doesn’t like its agents being tracked.

Rapid DNA testing reveals a 1/3 of migrants faked family relationships with kids.

France will launch a Space Force.

Protesters remove U.S. Flag, replace it with Mexican flag outside ICE facility in Aurora. Video of the Mexican Flag being raised here.

Man attacked ICE detention facility with incendiary device while armed with a rifle, got himself shot dead. No Fake News coverage? I’m shocked.

Texas court rules father must raise son as a transsexual.

Prominent founder of an African American history museum, is found dead in the trunk of a car.

New self-cloning, swarming Asian ticks kill five cows by sucking their blood dry.

They are placing cameras in public places like restaurants and college quads, and grabbing faces from social media for facial recognition databases. But it is OK because the databases are only being used to program the systems, and they assure us nobody is keeping them. Google and Facebook have the largest sets.

Hollywood Reporter tells us how dangerous and potentially immoral Deepfakes are. Also rehashes the old chestnut that the video of Nancy Pelosi slurring her speech was a Deepfake (it was edited for length, condensing all of her slurring into a shorter video, it was not made up). This is how you know the videos are out there. Interestingly it pointed out that in New York, despite a very friendly political environment, the actor’s union could not get a law passed making a pornographic Deepfake a crime. I’ll bet it is because if a video of Hillary raping a child came out, that would force the FBI to investigate and announce if it was fake, or if it wasn’t. Better it not be a crime, so they can just claim it is fake. What screwed Anthony Wiener was hacking twitter would have been a crime, so you had to get the cops involved. I wonder if making a Deep Fake to affect the US government for a hostile foreign subversion operation is illegal already? If not it should be.

Never-Trumpers who were quick to sign letters when Cabal was ascendant all of a sudden are saying maybe Trump isn’t all that bad after all. A sign Cabal is all but dead on its feet.

Trump set to ink a deal which will mean when an asylum-seeker from any country shows up in the US, we will send them to Guatemala to apply for asylum there. Boom.

St Louis Police, under mass investigation over Social Media posts, urge Members to post the Punisher Skull in solidarity with the officers under investigation. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but what crossed my mind was, the Punisher is Q’s logo, the cops who are going to be targeted for social media posts will be the rock-ribbed anti-leftists who oppose Cabal’s agenda, and those doing the targeting and investigating are going to be Cabal trying to oust non-Cabal, non-Secret Society cops from the rolls, to take over the department. Is this cops who are savvy to Q telling the Cabal, “Where We Go One We Go All,” and “Nothing can stop this?”

Rumors swirling that one of Epstein’s underage prostitutes has provided damaging information on Epstein’s friends and accomplices.

Nearly three dozen Disney World employees arrested in child sex investigations.

Ukrainian Parliament approves forced chemical castration of pedophiles.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s blackouts are necessary.

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4 years ago

Just the other day we were discussing Epstein/cabal child surveillance and you mentioned being suspicious of a teacher who spent way too much time on essays and then wouldn’t you know it, turns out Epstein and Virgin Island sponsored essay writing contests.

Also looks like Epstein has a DNA database.

Jeremiah 16:4
Jeremiah 16:4
4 years ago

The Chinese eat baby soup made with aborted fetuses as a sex tonic.


Also watching that Mexican flag footage. A lot of White people standing around the pole while that rag gets raised. Absolutely Shameful.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Again, I think you’re problem in all of this is for some reason you believe that all sorts of people are in on this “secret” and that with it, that secret comes with extensive realization of all manner of facts. I really don’t think it’s like that. Most of these people don’t know much of anything. They are SLAVES, and I mean that in the fullest, deepest sense. They do everything based on threat of fear or promise of reward from their handlers. And the most important thing that they learn as a part of becoming involved in things is to not ask questions. Most of these people are very low caliber with no ability to think big thoughts and they certainly have zero ability to be loyal to anything, particularly abstract concepts. Cops involved in this don’t see constitutional rights as a necessary thing that they are supposed to protect. They seem them as obstacles that allow “dirtbags” to get off.

Cabal is breeding out those who desire to be free or in control of their life and destiny. It’s replacing them with sociopathic sycophants who are greedy and fearful and loyal to nothing other than their own impulses which are manipulated by their handlers.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

“For whatever reason, Homo sapiens is a slave phenotype. This is what makes possible the ponerology of his decaying social structures. As a biologically inclined slave, he will always listen to the wrong people asserting themselves as his masters. Homo Sapiens is a brutish slave who would give away the entire West in a fortnight for a case of beer and a sports jersey. ”

-Texas Arcane

New Name
New Name
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Seriously think about it. These people don’t know that Kennedy was assassinated. Your first mistake is thinking that they could possibly know any more about JFK than a vague idea of when he was President and that he was assassinated. That’s it.

Think of how astonishingly ignorant most Americans are of even the most basic elements of American history. These people can’t possibly be loyal to your idea of America because your idea of America is not something that they can even comprehend. It’s totally beyond them.

Look around at American consumer spending habits and entertainment habits and it should be abundantly clear that we are dealing with a population that has very low natural curiosity or abstract reasoning ability. And furthermore, these zombies likely have lived a life of “American transience”, having been swept around the country by impulse, economic changes, family quarrels. They have no solid connection to anyone other than the closest relatives. This is an aberration. Around the world, most people are very close with grandparents and cousins. And their friends parents are their parents friends, etc. They feel connection and fondness from where they are from.

Think of people who are in debt for years to own a pickup truck with an interior that has nicer furniture than their living room. Who drive that gas hog hundreds of miles a week to get to their job, 95% of the time having no passengers or no cargo in their 3/4 ton truck. Such specimens are in constant debt, eat absolute poison, entertain themselves with garbage, are just barely functionally literate (they can fill out a form but struggle with the instruction manual of the most basic consumer electronics.)

And you think that such creatures are in on some elaborate secret? They don’t have loyalty to the US or to any “cabal” because they are incapable of loyalty without the most apparent rewards/punishment dangled in front of them. The only loyalty they have is to keeping their truck from being repo-ed. They are kept isolated from meaningful connections with family and community, kept functionally isolated, kept disconnected, kept numb, kept in debt, kept drunk.

Many social problems are pervasive simply because we regard as problems what Cabal regards as features.

They want slaves. And they’ve exquisitely shaped every institution from law to law enforcement to education to the workplace to the housing market to make damned sure that they get a fresh jackpot of proles every generation who are thoroughly disconnected from any source of real self-improvement.

Whatever our institutions have sought to produce, it’s clearly not people who value the flag and the constitution or the ideals behind them.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

The question of “agency” always arises — are people capable of self-determination and choice, or are they propelled by inner, unknown, sub/unconscious forces, or worse yet, malevolent outside forces?

I don’t have the answer, obviously, but as I get older, I’m increasingly sympathetic to the idea of forces buffeting us, genetic/internal or external; simultaneously, I’m less confident we are truly able to chart our own course in life.

As an academic escapee, I used to watch, mostly silently, how new hires were vetted. Nothing was said overtly — well, not much anyways — but the silent cues that job seekers gave were incredibly important in the decision to hire. Also, language. If a seeker used a few of those hot words academics love, the content of their statements was often ignored because those hot words conveyed so much. They suggested the seeker was in synch with the values and outlook of the academy.

Most people are herd animals. They do and say what others do and say. They conform. Happily. In the pursuit of self-interest, they do what it takes to get whatever they want. I’m not sure there’s a Epstein-like cabal in the academy, in fact, I doubt it, because the programming is so strong it’s not needed. Academic sheep eagerly walk the same direction at the same speed without a shepherd to guide them.

Perhaps it’s just my interest and background, but I fear for the kids pushed through colleges/universities these days. In the past, a few sane profs would help disoriented kids, but now the departments that count (in programming) are dominated by academic sheep. No alternatives exist. No solitary voices of reason can be heard. One goes to university not just for a training — the sciences — but for an education — the humanities. That’s my bias, anyway. These kids are not getting an education. And won’t. They’re being taught how to be good little sheep, one at a time.

It’s just tragic.

4 years ago

CDAN– ENT Lawyer

#2 – A reporter needs your help. They know you will figure out the name in this blind and hopefully you will know something that will help bring this celebrity down. They are A+ list at what they do. If you turn on this cable network, you will feel they are on almost all of the 24 hours in the day. Of course if you manage to watch him for longer than five minutes, you must have it on mute or have lost your remote control. According to a very close family member, this host/celebrity has raped multiple young boys. He is paying people off and many of the boys he has raped have been family members so it is a very closely held secret. The reporter is afraid everyone will be bought off before he can be exposed. So, send me tips to send to the reporter.

Guy Fieri?
Comes close to home and the narrative fits.

4 years ago

Part 2, 2:28, by the road going by the mayan ball court: Microwave transmission gear. Very narrow beam, very direction, high speed if used for data, very hard to intercept.

4 years ago

UK: Police “lose” fingerprints or DNA profiles of 144 terror suspects.


New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“A sign Cabal is all but dead on its feet.”

I wouldn’t go that far. This thing will remain very dangerous and lethal for many, many years. It has multiple streams of income, even if some of the fat, juicy sources have been cut. It still controls a lot of local law enforcement and has its agents firmly ensconced in all kinds of federal, state, and local agencies. In public schools. And HR departments. And banks. And on and on. These people can make your life miserable. They are practiced at it, have no moral qualms, and are still on the payroll. Cabal doesn’t have its payroll, it utilizes the payroll of companies and local government agencies it has co-opted.

It has plenty of fight left in it and I’m absolutely sure that in the future years will see ongoing efforts of sabotage, poisoning, harassment by controlled state agencies, and on and on. And often times worse. Expect vandalism against non cabal businesses as well as sabotage from the inside by planted employees. We already are a country where many people are fearful of displaying their support for Trump in their front yard and on their vehicle, which is fully indicative that we are living in a thug state and our democracy has broken down. If citizens can’t openly support a candidate or party without fear of mob violence or retribution, we clearly do not have a functioning democracy.

4 years ago

Your image of Biden is frightening. His facial skin is blotchy and red-pink — perhaps he was hot or flushed but still, he looks unhealthy.

Biden used to be bald, or at least balding. I saw him at an event a long time ago and there was barely any hair on his head. It’s got to be fake.

Reply to  K
4 years ago

Rush calls him “Plugs” Biden.

4 years ago

Con Ed can’t explain what caused the Manhattan blackout

4 years ago

comment image

from q drop after your post.

the blond punk in right middle..
bigtime bifurcation, huge nasio l disgust BUT to me it appears that he enjoys the disgust side (his left, our right) and that the placid side is what he had to put effort into too.

4 years ago

the blond punk in right middle..

That’s Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran.