News Briefs – 07/17/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Democrat says memes are more dangerous than 9/11.

Papa John evicted from his own company. Think things would have gone this way if he had been anti-Trump? Once you are a target, every contact has to be viewed as a threat. For a person in Papa John’s position, it can make operating very difficult.

Houston has a spree killer.

A former Clinton staffer sends Rand Paul a telegram from Cabal?

Sometimes I get the impression that either Rand is key to something, or they have identified him as controllable through intimidation.

Former CIA official on CNN calls for the Shadow Government to rise against Trump. The way it is supposed to work is, Cabal communications are indirect and decentralized, and often made by people who think they serve that which they cannot see. Some cry to the wind, and others hear cries they attribute to the wind and answer them, so good fortune will fall upon them.

House Democrats call for Military Folk to stop Trump. An SOS from the non-military Cabal, hoping Military Cabal is still capable. Cabalites think the Cabal is everywhere the power is (it used to be). This says to me some Cabalites know the non-military Cabal is too degraded, so they are calling for a Hail Mary from an area they know nothing of, hoping Cabal remains there with enough forces to act. It feels like desperation.

Paul Ryan attacks Trump, saying Russia is not our ally. You can argue facts and reason with rabbits, but it will do no good when they are status-whoring. The best response is merely to out status-whore them. Trump should say he doesn’t understand these naive individuals who think any nation is an friend or an enemy, as if we are still children on a school yard. He should then quote Henry Kissinger, saying “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” End by saying he will do whatever is in America’s best interests, and he can’t be bothered to rebut every person who still sees national diplomacy through the prism of a child. It is interesting how rabbits will see their position denigrated and their status lost, and they will immediately back down in a way all the logic in the world could never make them do.

Fusion GPS had open access to Obama’s full domestic citizen surveillance database. From the article – “The access to this server is a free pass to pry into anyone’s life. This is were we store, collate and even plant information on someone,” a high-level federal government security insider tells Big League Politics. Wait until everyone finds out the file contains transcripts of private conversations, had in private locations, that could only have been obtained via people living in their neighborhood or following them observing them directly, with the highest-level tech. Also the name “Life Log” pops up again. They are keeping a log of everyone’s life, literally. Only some people do a lot of the work for them by posting their lives on facebook. Oddly enough I have noticed a lot of domestic spooks (who I assume are not officially government agents) keep facebook pages with generic photos of themselves and generic data on them. That may be a way they prevent the machine from flagging them. You may need a facebook page under your real name with semi-regular updates, even if the intel on it is not specific, to keep from getting flagged for closer scrutiny by the bigger machine. That may be a sign to the algorithm that you are not hiding anything. Without it, Citizen Log opens up a file on you, it pops on the screen of your local watchers, and they begin populating your file for you. Two other really interesting points – the Russians have that master citizen-log database because access had to be loosened to prevent the good record keeping that would create problems if it were ever investigated officially, and that database may reveal the full list of all domestic informant identities and the targets they were assigned to surveil. If that goes public, expect the US civil court system to be basically unusuable for any sort of lawsuits for a few decades, as those lawsuits tie up and wind their way through the system. Everyone will sue everyone, and I would expect the spooks will even sue their handlers, and handlers will sue agencies, all to recoup what they all lose. A mess of epic proportions, all courtesy of leftist incompetence in secret keeping and overzealous government controllers at the top.

Trump says, “A lot of bad things happened during his administration.” A code to Obama and us. A lot of bad things did happen.

DOJ has been perpetually delaying a judgment in the NYPD Eric Garner Use-Of-Force case. The rumor has been the Cabalites in the DOJ have been holding the final disposition of this case over the NYPD’s head, saying if NYPD talked about Weiner’s laptop, and the sadistic pedophilia and corruption data located in Huma’s insurance file, then the DOJ would crucify this officer. Interesting to see NYPD complain the case was not being decided once and for all. When did the race baiters and poverty pimps of the DOJ’s Civil Rights division not prosecute a cop for use of force. That laptop may be the real deal.

Republicans and Democrats pummel Trump for being soft on Russia. I watched the entire press conference, and if I was an MSM zombie who had no idea about the Storm, I would have seen the same leader the MSM told me was a crazy Nazi who would destroy the world with reckless violence and nuclear war, trying very hard to make peace with a rival, as even his own media tried to stir war and conflict. Given his known history in North Korea, I would have thought, “This guy is a real peacemaker. I like that.” Maybe I am now too biased, but in trying to see things through a normie’s eyes, Trump looked very diplomatic, and the media looked slightly crazy and very impolite in trying to insult him as he tried to make peace. I just don’t think the normies want the same-old-same-old war with Russia meme. However looking at it knowing something is up, I am astounded how unified everyone was in trying to split Trump and Putin. Something is behind that. If Trump were about to unseal the indictments and imprison the Deep State, the only way to fight that would be a public relations campaign saying that Trump is taking over the government for Russia and Putin. Let’s hope the end is near.

Judging by the talk at Free Republic, which largely does not believe in Q or the Storm, regular Trump supporters, and even those who detest Putin, like that he wants to use cooperation with Russia where it is in our interests. I have not seen anyone on FR be in any way critical of Trump. Not even the professional shills dared to support the media position on FR. Nobody outside of the hard, anti-Trump left wants the hyper-aggressive stance the media is calling for, nor do they like the way the media is attacking Trump for something they see as common sense and reasonable. The media is overplaying its hand. I expect in a day they will realize they are only cementing Trump support and media hatred, and they will shut up.

Flashback – Rolling Stone did the exact same thing to Ronald Reagan after the Reykjavik summit. The Cabal has been poisoning that relationship for a long, long time, in exactly the same way time after time. It is like a script.

Rosenstein unveils yet another Russian indictment on the day of the summit to try and distract from Trump’s summit and contaminate the US-Russia relationship. Why is the machine so desperate to keep Trump and Putin apart?

Putin was an hour late to the Trump summit. That can happen a lot of ways, but one way would be as a last ditch countermeasure to make anyone on the ground with a surface to air missile assume they missed him and leave. Changing schedules unexpectedly can be a countermeasure itself. The summit could have been very important – important enough to make a cagey intel officer like Putin pull out all the stops in protecting his safety.

Putin raised the issue of a Cabal-Billionaire routing $400,000,000, with the help of US intelligence officers, from Russia into Hillary’s campaign. Putin and Trump would probably have foremost on their minds, at that moment, things they had just been discussing in their private meeting. I take this to mean they had just been sharing information on Cabal financial transactions through Russia. They spent two hours totally alone, planning something, and if you saw a picture of Putin going in, he had on a game face. Something went down in there. Is Iran next?

Putin also raised George Soros, to the consternation of the left.

A good question – how could DOJ indict the Russians for hacking the Democrat’s server, when nobody from government has ever laid eyes on the server, let alone examined it?

Intellihub says a CIA memo emerges that shows Strzok was actually a CIA agent who was installed in a ceremonial FBI post where he could keep tabs on all domestic counter-intelligence operations. A sign of Cabal. FBI Counter-intelligence used to be where the most powerful, legal-stricture-free domestic surveillance/intelligence work was done, back before somebody in the US established the domestic surveillance/intelligence/informant program it has today. Back in 1996, if Cabal in CIA wanted full control, taking control of FBI counter-intelligence is how they would have done it. Today, my guess is this would merely be a good way to make sure they control the most powerful element of the most powerful domestic law enforcement agency – and the agency which would be in charge of investigating things like unlawful surveillance, assassinations, election meddling, and so on. It explains why FBI is helpless to aid you if you fall afoul of the machine. Their key positions are/were controlled.

FBI Agent who oversaw the election meddling task force resigns, and bails to the private sector. Q said, watch the resignations. It does seem as if Trump is effectively replacing the old guard everywhere.

Trump says Strzok was probably reporting to Obama on what they learned about Trump’s campaign. There is no probably – Trump knows exactly.

Five times leftists berated Mitt Romney for wanting to be harsh on Russia. Obama : “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because…the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

President Trump refers to Obama as “Prisoner Obama.” Trolling the Deep State.

Lisa Page, who House Republicans gushed over on Friday, was back for another day of testifying. Q’s last post was about the necessity of disinformation. He said Strzok was turned and cooperating. After Q’s post about disinformation, it began to appear Strzok was not turned, but rather it was Page. Q may have muddied those waters to keep her alive.

New Leftist Mexican President announces he is abolishing the units that surveilled political figures, adding he was tailed for years by the units. “… what we suffered for years, when I was opposition. When I was in Tabasco . . . there was a car parked in front of my house, day and night, watching. If I went to the market with my wife, there they were behind me; if we went to the movies, there they were, watching the movie too,” he said.” Those units are Cabal, no matter the organizational hierarchy. They did not report to his opponents, and his opponents were under it too. They are laid out everywhere, all of the time, and they operate across national borders so they are not devoted to solely the security of the country they operate in. Who do they report to, and in what country? And nobody would believe how many people they watch. If he is serious (and I doubt he would discuss the surveillance if he was Cabal – it is supposed to be a taboo secret because Cabal does not want everyone noticing what is on them), then Cabal is taking a hit in Mexico. The surveillance will be moved into the private sector, and there is no telling how compromised the government agencies are that should police it and contain it (They will be compromised by default because that is how Cabal organizes operations to protect itself). But it indicates to me Cabal lost the Presidency in Mexico to someone who is not afraid to take them on, and who has spent a few decades developing an ardent desire to borne of constant irritation. It might explain why he and Trump seemed to have had a productive first phone call. It might also be a portent of things to come all over as K takes hold. Things are changing, so if you are under it, keep the faith and try to hold on a little longer.

CIA whistleblower says Hillary funneled Russian money through Uranium One to launder it.

EU official begs Trump not to destroy the New World Order.

Putin Offers Trump a deal – Putin will help Trump catch the Cabal operators who hacked the DNC Server from Russia if Trump will help the Russians grab up the Cabal actor who funneled $400 million in Cabal funds to Hillary. The way Trump teased this at the beginning of the conference struck me as him threatening Cabal. The two giants are uniting.

Spread r/K Theory, because the fireworks are coming

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Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

If the cabal loses all these agents in high places it would take a really long time to replace them. I have a feeling that they have complete control in a few choke points in middle management places. There they can task people below. Most will not be cabal, just following orders. A select few will be dirty and handle attacking people, disappearing records and other dirty ops. They could even be moved around as needed. But if these cabal middle positions are vacated, people put in that are loyal to the USA and aware of the past abuses it would ruin the cabals day. It would also put a huge crimp in their finances and operations intelligence. Before the government pays for the agents that feed them information. If they had to pay all these agents themselves it would bankrupt them. I wonder what the present crack down is doing to their situation awareness. Passing information by their agents could be very risky. They could out themselves easily so I bet many are clamming up and passing as little as possible. I bet when asked for situational information they stall and delay to lessen their risk. Active surveillance by government agents retasked to do the cabals bidding has got to be collapsing. No one wants to have the head of the agency asking them what the hell they are doing investigating or following people they have no business doing so.

To make it even harder for them to reform there needs to be public recognition that they were there in the first place.

5 years ago

Anabelle Neilson died yesterday, aged 49. She was a former model and until her death she was on a reality show. Cause of death was determined to be a stroke. She was a former heroin user in her teen years so that part of her history could certainly account for the stroke.

Anyway, I came across this sad bit of news today but when I read that she used to be married to a Rothschild a little bell went off in my head. Those Rs keep popping up all over the place, like whackamoles.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Are we there yet?

“…Government’s gonna kill this guy.”

Seems pretty unequivocal.

5 years ago

The Meme Wars are a microcosm of central planning vs. decentralization, of cowardly rabbit groupthink vs. independent-yet-cooperative K shitlords.

So of course rabbits hate memes.

A globe-spanning network of basement-dwelling, unpaid autists is circumventing the bloated “Shitlib Culture, Inc.” network — and winning. The chans and their various downstream normie-friendly outposts are funnier, edgier, and more entertaining than anything Hollywood or NYC creates. Memes are field-tested instantly; an entire meme campaign comes and goes before some “HERP DERP DRUMPF” crap makes it out of a soy-filled Hollywood writers’ room.

The best meme campaigns are the ones that form like how Jack Ma describes “wolf culture”: someone takes the lead, and the others fall in and contribute to the mission without being told what to do. E.g. “Draft Our Daughters” helped Trump win in 2016.

Even FBIAnon, forerunner to Q, answered a question about “meme magic”:

“I am not religious, so I ahve [sic] no opinion on kek. But meme magic is very real, in the sense that a thought large enough to gain traction with enough minds will manifest in external reality. That’s why confirmation bias works, and why Trump has used it to his advantage.”

Interesting side note: “wisdom of the crowds” — aka a shittier way to describe meme magic — was all the rage in Silicon Valley pre-Obama. The original, reddit, MySpace, etc. Then after Obama became president, and predominately starting in his second term, Current Year Silicon Valley, with all its thought-policing and biases, started to emerge.

So over say ten years, the tech industry was co-opted, converged, and flooded with soy. We’re talking above and beyond the usual funny business of piping data to NSA collectors. This was a deliberate and well-executed plan by the Cabal.

5 years ago

I believe that quote is from Palmerston, not Kissinger.