News Briefs – 07/29/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

New Epstein Island Drone Video:

Mass shooting at California Food Festival. “Rifle” used, 4 dead, 16 injured, shooter is one of the dead, but there may be a shooter or two outstanding, Police are investigating. One anon on Q’s board claimed his friend was there and was adamant there were three shooters, though obviously that is wholly unverified. It means something big was coming this week though.

There was a post on /pol a day ago telling anons they should go to that food festival to get garlic and onions.

The food festival prohibited all weapons, had wands at the main gate. They should be sued. If you want to take on the responsibility for everyone’s security, you should be held to account when you fail.

From the comments – Anon on 4Chan notes Cuban-Spy-directed-energy-weapon effects are similar to a chemical developed that would flaot through the body harmlessly, but nuke blood vessels in the brain and starve it of blood flow when microwaves, X-rays, or ultrasound hit the person. The chemical was developed in a joint US-China-funded program.

Jeffrey Epstein provided female interns for Charlie Rose. And Epstein may have picked them up from Harvey Weinstein.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and organizations funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros are bankrolling a plan to provide temporary amnesty to Venezuela’s population.

John Brennan visited Europe in 2016 after the election to tie up loose ends, and left an imprisoned CIA agent to rot in an Italian prison over a terrorist rendition she wasn’t even involved with.

Supposedly the IRA has begun to go active again, trying to kill Police with boobytraps. Literally, they flood in Muslims for years threatening to destroy Western Civilization forever, and IRA has no problem. Cabal is just about to go down, and out comes the IRA.

28 Canadians died in the Dominican Republic this year amid concerns over American tourist deaths.

Ebola outbreak called unstoppable, as victims say they refuse any treatment because they think the government is behind the disease. This feels like Cabal spreading the rumor to try and keep the pandemic alive, probably hoping it spreads. It would not surprise me if they have a domestic network of operatives there as heavy as anywhere else, and all they have to do is put out the word, and the rumor takes off. Either way, that is bad, because that virus is evolving.

Crazy Days and Nights nabbed the 2018 Bohemian Grove visitation list. I skimmed through it, no big surprises. Though what I will say is interesting is that guys like George H. W. Bush and Walter Cronkite, were still making the trip there when they appeared to be at death’s door. George H. W Bush looked like he could barely move in his wheelchair, and his face showed indices of chronic pain, but he would hop a plane and fly across the country, and probably take a long drive to get there, to attend that camp, in his condition. Maybe they have hookers or little girls to molest there, and it is an excuse to ditch the wife, but it seemed strange, as if something was drawing them there.

Study shows trash TV is making people dumber. And that doesn’t even consider the effect on morals or psychology.

Bernie says he wants to raise our taxes now, because it will save us money in the long term.

Nadler says there is no deadline on his not-an-Impeachment Impeachment probe. He is literally hoping if it never ends, Trump cannot investigate him. So desperate.

Schiff says Dems may pursue Impeachment against Trump for asserting executive privilege over White House Counsel Don McGahn.

Former school shooter child, who was 11 when he went on a rampage with another kid, is killed in a two-vehicle crash at age 33. He was driving a Honda CRV when a Chevy Tahoe just suddenly crossed the center line into oncoming traffic, and hit him head on. So much for getting the real story out of him.

The European Commission is taking the Hungarian government to the Court of Justice of the European Union over its ‘Stop Soros’ laws that prevent illegal immigration.

The Black Plague began as a human spread disease, and only later evolved the tick-transmission. I will bet it can go back to human-human if you get enough of it, but it will not be the big one.

Economist reveals that John Maynard Keynes was a pedophile. You have to be careful, because (((Their))) tool is disinformation. But I do doubt we would be speaking his name if they did not control him somehow. As an example, r/K Theory should have exploded through political science like a nuclear bomb. But even now, as I know they talk about it in the upper echelons of politics, it is explicitly embargoed. If I was a pedophile, I would bet it would have been front page on National Review, American Spectator, and all the MSM rags, there would have been debates on TV Sunday shows, and on and on. And I would have been controlled, and I could have helped foster the racial divide, I could have been pushed to make the r-strategy sound more noble and successful, I could have done something obnoxious to demean conservatism, and I could have supported Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. And I would have been rolling in cash.

Cosmopolitan Magazine says Bill and Hillary Clinton are “good marriage role models.” Would the media lie to us?

Did Qatar funnel money to Democrats through ex-congressman?

Ted Kennedy’s confidant takes Chappaquiddick secrets to the grave: Former US attorney who the senator confided in on the night of the fateful car crash dies age 89.

Woman set to be Puerto Rico’s next governor says she doesn’t want the job as US territory reels from political crisis. Imagine the pressure that must be there to play ball and be corrupt. She doesn’t want the job, because either she ruins her life by being corrupt and getting punished, or she doesn’t go with the corruption, and the corrupt come after her.

Jeffrey Epstein was Cosmo’s “Bachelor of the Month,” back when he was just another lowly Bear Sterns Trader. It almost feels like this was actually some sort of Cabal public listing to its members, letting them know Epstein was about to be advanced big time, and if any had any bad info indicating he shouldn’t be, now was the time to speak up. Be interesting to look up all the other Bachelors of the Month, and see where they ended up.

Koch Brothers tell us we must not turn our backs on refugees. If you break your country you own it. If you fuck up your own country, even through inaction, there should be no coming here to fuck this place up. Go home, fix your country, then apply to come here.

Deutsche Bank pegs its derivatives exposure at about $22 billion — and faces challenges in shedding those assets.

Indian Migrant sentenced to 21 years for filming the rape of an 11 year old.

I love how this is such a mild incident in this precinct that you have two cops in this video who don’t even put down the papers they are carrying throughout the whole thing:

The gangs had protection.

Another massage parlor chain operator/owner busted for human trafficking of young girls. Still no answer why billionaires were going to a seedy strip mall to get manually stimulated in rooms with no privacy in Florida, but now whenever I see these, I wonder if they have some sort of occult ritual room in the basement and are Cabal/occult franchises.

Now that Mexico and Guatemala have made immigration deals with Trump, next up is Honduras and El Salvador.

Interview with CIA Officer Kevin Shipp. Says Epstein should be in isolation under 24 hour watch, not with a cellmate, JFK was killed by CIA with the help of the mafia, the Cabal is gunning for President Trump who now has to win completely or he will be killed, and the US is heading to a financial Apocalypse, though Trump is staving it off quite well. It is getting tougher now to tell whether the Clown World is reality, or if it is the ridiculous assertions of the Main Stream Media, who go on as if nothing unusual is happening, as the societal ground is literally shaking beneath us in a magnitude 10.0 Earthquake.

The Baltimore rat infestation is so bad it got its own full documentary two years ago.

A Freeper, whose father lives in Puerto Rico, and was not a fan of President Trump, writes about how his father admitted that Trump was right all along to cut the aid to Puerto Rico until they get the corruption problem in hand. Just interesting to see an on-the-ground report that shows that even as the media jives, the public is realizing the truth regardless.

Evidence piles up that Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico policy is working.

‘The Wire’ creator Tweets angrily at Trump for saying Baltimore is unsafe, then says Trump would wet himself if he ever had to set foot in violent Baltimore. Trump is gifted with enemies who literally make his point for him, even when they are trying to argue.

Bipartisan Senate report says Obama failed to secure U.S. election systems, Trump administration is making progress.

Daily Mail mentions Q-anon as if it was nothing unusual. From the article : “The temple has been of great interest to members of the QAnon community, who had been talking about the island long before Epstein’s current arrest “

Bolsonaro is threatening to jail journalist Glenn Greenwald. The journalist Snowden just happened to hook up with on his CIA op to attack NSA. It looks like Bolsonaro’s side was trying to clean out a corrupt network, and Greenwald was trying to use his press power to embarrass them and protect the network over hacked phone calls.

Spread r/K Theory, because false flags mean there is action forthcoming.

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4 years ago

>”“The temple has been of great interest to members of the QAnon community, who had been talking about the island long before Epstein’s current arrest “”
We da noos nao muh nibbas :DDD

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Trump has been using the term “infested” a lot in recent days. It’s as though he’s trying to plant the idea in the popular consciousness. Things that are infested always need a deep cleaning.

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

for an infestation, wouldn’t you call an exterminator, rather than a cleaning crew?

4 years ago

Hey Anonymous have you heard of vox day socio sexual hierarchy? It is funny watching or reading the views. The Class Gamma I think classic sociopath, Alpha and Sigma closer to psychopath or a least tendencies.

4 years ago

Are they foreshadowing a big reveal of cabal technology?

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Maybe, or they are trying to scam more government money for “research”.

4 years ago

Another way to reward cabal spawn and/or launder money?

16-year-old wins $3M playing ‘Fortnite’

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

It occurs to me that this entire Q thing is basically just one big counterinsurgency operation.

Which has a beautiful irony about it.

Cabal sent the American military over to Iraq in order to remove its ruling elite and replace them with a more manageable gentry. The military did this in a highly confusing, incredibly dangerous environment, somehow managing to figure out who could be trusted and ultimately who couldn’t. Going further, they did this in an environment that was exceptionally foreign and filled with all kinds of foreign actors trying to kill them.

What our military intelligence people are doing with the associated Q operations seems to be very similar.

What’s interesting about this is that Cabal gave the military the training ground and laboratory to develop all of the skills that they would need to pull off the same trick when they returned to the United States. In addition to giving them the skills they also gave them the motivation.

In every congressional district there are literally thousands of veterans. When it comes to the number who are skilled in intelligence operations and have the necessary loyalty, you may reduce that down to scores. Still, that can be a few hundred in each congressional district who can create the kind of intelligence network that can secure elections, identify Cabal members in local police and government, etc., And a vastly higher number than that to simply work on campaigns and get out the vote without being told more that could compromise security.

Consider that everyone associated with the Iraq invasion is pretty much out of power and will never return. The Bush family? Done. The Clintons? Done. Neocon writers and activists? Their tweets attract more scorn than admiration. All the major voices calling for the Iraq invasion have been removed from power. Ultimately, it seems, by the people they sent to do the mission.

They’re still doing the mission. Undoubtedly they realized that the biggest obstacle they were facing to creating a free and prosperous Iraq wasn’t the Iraqi people. It was Cabal. They’ve chased the network back to American and are removing it from power here.

Incredible irony.

Marine General James Mattis had some interesting things to say to the Iraqis:

“”I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all…I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

I suspect that his message may have been meant for someone other than Iraqis. Because I’m sure it applies.

4 years ago

A cabal op?

Australia’s Largest Casino Exposed: Chinese Whales Washed Money With Triads & Drug Traffickers

4 years ago

Just leaving a little message here for someone that knows who it is:
Remember when I got threatened with decapitation if I left for the US, at the start of the year, some weeks after I refused to become a civil spy?
Hope you realize that you’re much more stupid than you realize, and that despite the “access” you have, being in criminal association with known human traffickers and other types of people who move in those types of business lines will not bode well for you, and your friends if I get fucked over.
Sleep on it for a bit.
Oh, and by the way, you’re too stupid to play this game without getting burned in the long run. Should have listened to me, and should had stayed humble. You better pray I don’t get fucked, little friend. I’d rather be dead than play along with your little bullshit shitty psyops, and guess what, you’re on the list too, so, well, enjoy covering your ass a little better next time.
It didn’t had to be this way.

BTW, this in no way shape or form represents any kind of physical threat, it is just a very direct message to the little clowns who think the game they were playing would not end up the way it did, and still think they can apply any kind of pressure on me. Newsflash, clown: there is nothing you can tell me that will stop what is coming, so try to enjoy what you still have, while you have it, and pray that I don’t get fucked over when I go along my way, because if I get fucked over, you all get fucked over, remember that each time you put your head on your little pillow.

See you later 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks brother AC, God bless and protect you too. It’s all good, it’s just that cyclically the low level stooges like to, or get orders to try to apply pressure in a certain way, and I find it very fun to push back and remind them that they are in no position to do any real damage, and that if I want to BTFO them, I can, at any moment, if they try to box me in.

And they don’t realize that the moment that they really piss me off, is the moment I start focusing more on the local matters, and less on the global issues, which I tend to do for the most part, and if they really really piss me off and fuck me over big time without killing me, I will pull a kamikazee move and go public in a hunger strike to the death, and spill the beans about every type of imaginable shit I know (which now a days every one that needs to know knows too, these people are too stupid, despite me telling them that phones are surveillance miracles, they still think they are protected well enough and try to get funny). I guess I’d rather go Samson Option on their asses than allow them to fuck me over permanently. And I know that their fear is that once I find myself in the US I will just expose them, and I would, but the only reason I won’t is because of my family who are not involved into this shitshow.

Can you imagine being stupid enough to believe that organized crime protection runs forever, and that the moment that they became lose ends that will not bode well for them?

Anyway, big things are happening, seems like the Voter ID is going to get implemented and the voter fraud is going to get exposed big time with verifiable intel, and the big cases are also moving along quite well. The fact that 4chan went down earlier is also a good sign, getting flak is always a good sign.

Cheers AC, as always, thanks for all your work, God wins in the end!