News Briefs – 08/08/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Shipment of nearly 20 thousand fake U.S. driver’s licenses from China were just confiscated at Chicago airport. Flood up illegals, outfit them all with fake IDs and driver’s licenses produced by a first rate foreign intelligence service, and you can fix an election.

Power outage plunges parts of New York City into darkness. As I recall, that happened last time, right before Jeffrey Epstein died. At the time, Q implied it was related to an attempt on Epstein, and I assumed it was a failed attempt, but it might be a necessary step before a successful attempt. Don’t forget, surveillance is everywhere. Maybe to give orders to their pawns in the jail, they kill the power to take down most of the tech, so they can stop by their homes and brief and give orders without it being documented, such as by the systems attached to apartment building superstructures that record all vibrations at numerous locations on the steel, which can later be tuned through wave-interference algorithms to allow anything in the building, at any specific point in space to be listened to based on sound-wave travel times through the steel. If I had to place a bet, I’d say Maxwell will either be dead in the next ten days, or Q will thwart an attempt.

Sara Carter posts how cynical she is feeling right now, given the lack of indictments. In truth, we have all had these neural pathways laid for decades now, with probably most of them laid down just by the Clintons, over and over again, engaging in blatant criminality, and always escaping the consequences despite all of the investigations and inquiries. A good round of Cabalites hauled off in handcuffs would go a long way to enthusing the base right before the elections. Without that, it is worth noting while many of us will love Trump to our deaths, our feelings for everything else will move quickly from disappointment to betrayal, as her comment about feeling “played” indicates. We have seen a lot of movies with the same plot right up until this point. They never ended well. There are reasons to think this is a different script writer, but the longer it goes on, the more those old neural pathways are getting triggered.

A lawyer close to Brennan claims Durham’s people have told Brennan he is not a target, and his interview will be about technical issues of government. Of course, this is what Flynn’s lawyer, if he had one, would have said about Flynn’s first interview with the FBI over his call with Kislyak.

Facebook removes a QAnon group with 200,000 members.

Twitter bans all links to video-sharing site BitChute.

Brother of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich wants Twitter to unmask the ‘FBI leaker’ who has been supporting rumors of skulduggery in Seth Rich’s murder.

Journalist Matt Couch, editor in chief of The DC Patriot, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Verizon, NPR, Michael Isikoff, and Seth Rich’s brother Aaron over attacks on him for the Seth Rich counter-story he has reported.

The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.

Lebanese President says the explosion was either an accident, or it was the result of an external intervention by another nation. I was thinking, if you were going to have an entrance to some sort of underground infrastructure, you wouldn’t just have a door into it, with a sign saying “Underground Infrastructure.” But a warehouse, which appeared to be filled with a hazardously stored, but not particularly valuable Ammonium Nitrate stockpile might keep those you wanted to stay away, out of your business. Might explain why they kept that stuff there for years, rather than trying to resell it, or even just move it out to open up valuable storage space next to the docks, which I am sure you always want more of. It is not like that hanger didn’t cost money. Think they would let you store your stuff there for free, too for years on end?

They are claiming fireworks were stored in the same warehouse with the ammonium Nitrate in Lebanon, where the explosion occurred.

Rape suspect freed from jail amid COVID-19 allegedly kills his accuser.

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark spent at least $170 million on journalism to beat Trump. So a quasi-blackmarket bazaar, with quasi legal stuff Cabal would want to track purchasers of, filled with sex trafficking and serial killers, and the guy who founded it just happens to be dumping hundreds of millions trying to stop the one guy who might save our republic. Still think Craigslist just happened to get that successful? I think they use the millions in the domestic informant network to insert mentions all over the internet, so after a year, all of us have heard of Craigslist a few times, but nobody ever heard of Joeslist or Mikeslist. Very little ever happened by chance or organically. If you saw it, it was engineered.

More than one in every five ballots cast in New York City got discarded in the state’s June 23rd primary, raising all sorts of questions about who actually won the congressional nominations and other races. And those probably don’t count the ones deep sixed at the post office, before they came in. The big amygdala-trigger Trump should play on with this, is the idea of long protracted legal battles going back and forth for months, and filling the news with endless stories about it. Everybody hated Bush v. Gore because everybody wanted it over, so there would not be another day of uncomfortable uncertainty and arguing, filling the news, and making everyone feel helpless and powerless. By comparison, getting it all over in one night, and having it done the next day seems blissful.

Arizona’s primary election was Tuesday, but voters and candidates still don’t know the results in some of the most contentious races because poll workers at nine vote centers “forgot” to retrieve the data packs holding the results information.

House GOP leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told Breitbart News exclusively this weekend that he is concerned Google is attempting to influence the 2020 presidential election with a “tremendous amount of power” it wields to control “what people think or see” through its monopoly search power.

De Blasio suggests Cuomo is wrong to ask New York City’s wealthy to return, says residents shouldn’t buy cars. The City is already a shitshow, and now he is destroying the tax base by encouraging the wealthy residents to move their taxes out of the city? I wonder if he knows he will never get reelected, and now he is burning things down on his way out the door?

Upper West Side New York City residents rage as homeless junkies and sex offenders are moved into three luxury hotels and turn the area into a spectacle of public urination, cat-calling and brazen drug use.

The rumor is, Biden Has chosen his VP, as Susan Rice offloads Netflix stock in preparation.

Joe Biden pledged $280 million in TV advertising through the fall.

Trump campaign seeks assurance ‘basement’ Biden will debate ‘on stage, in person.’ I predicted on these pages Democrats could try to have an actor video-conference in, using deep-fake software to make him appear like Joe Biden. Looks like Trump’s people thought of the exact same thing.

Rashida Tlaib violated campaign finance law, House Ethics Committee unanimously rules it is no big deal. Obviously Cabal is going to focus infiltration efforts on anybody with ethics oversight, because it allows them to both protect their own, and take out those who are not in the network.

Economics professor says Wright State won’t let him open class critical of Marxism to all students.

A student at New Jersey’s Stockton University is fighting back after the university threatened to punish him for using an image of President Trump as his background during a class held via Zoom. He may have to attend a “social justice workshop” if found guilty of the six charges, including cyber-bullying.

NYPD officers engaged in an hours-long standoff with a cop-assault suspect Friday before Police Commissioner Dermot Shea ordered them to retreat once a stream of protesters arrived on the scene.

Canada to retaliate dollar for dollar after US announces 10% tariff on aluminum.

Sen. Bernie Sanders proposes one-time tax that would cost Jeff Bezos $42.8 billion, Elon Musk $27.5 billion. On the one hand, it is grossly unconstitutional. On the other there is no Constitution, and all of these people are the reason why, because they are only there because the conspiracy of Cabal supports them and they support it. It is why I am increasingly cool with Trump possibly being part of a counter-clique of elites that might take over much of the machinery. If they can leave alone the recluses and iconoclasts, and not support child-rape, murder, killing guys like Brian Mancini, and all the scumbaggery of Cabal, it is possible you need to violate principles to fight the principle violators.

20% of Harvard’s first-year class has deferred.

Former waitress tells how Ellen DeGeneres tried to get her suspended for having chipped nail polish, with the talk show host going out of her way to email restaurant boss to complain about the server’s manicure.

CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data.

The official coronavirus death toll in England could be reduced by 10 per cent due to the flawed counting system “Anyone who has tested positive would have their death attributed to the Chinese virus, even if they died months later of a heart attack.”

California has a new plan to tax the super rich and drive them out?

Long time national security and foreign policy advisor to republican Presidents, Brent Scrowcroft dead at 95.

George W Bush will do an entire book with pro-immigrant stories.

Trump to suspend payroll tax until the end of 2020. I assume at some point he intends to get rid of the IRS, and probably shift everything over to a national sales tax to avoid any future political shenanigans.

I do not know how significant these are, but Trump has released a slew of these memorandums announcing Federal Cost sharing on National Guard Deployments, based around the COVID-a9 outbreak and just for general economic recovery. They have mostly been border states and leftist states afflicted with unrest. Could be setting the stage for Nov 3rd.

The Air Force may ditch GPS for Earth’s Magnetic Field Maps.

Japan offers huge subsidies to companies willing to quit China. China was hugely over-leveraged based on over-optimistic assumptions of continual growth before, to the point people speculated a mere economic slowdown could have triggered a collapse. If Trump has now organized a global effort to shift all manufacturing and production out of China, then I understand what his administration meant when they said their policy with regards to China now was best summarized simply as “Change.” They are going to trigger a wholesale explosion in unemployment and full on economic collapse in the country, probably followed by civil unrest from which no leader will be able to survive. It kind of makes sense. As bad as Coronavirus has gotten in places like Italy, even at its worst, we never saw people flat out on their faces in the streets like we saw all the time in China. Which makes me think all of those videos, with both victims, and crews of people in hazmat suits running around picking up the bodies,  were entirely fake, and Chinese government allowed, if not Chinese government produced, with the express purpose of aiding Cabal in defeating Donald Trump come the fall. Which means the virus was probably also engineered and released specifically to hijack our election. Pretty much an act of war.

Study shows, most of Europe bans mail-in ballots over high risk of fraud.

Kanye West will appear on Colorado’s Presidential ballot.

Police create a super PAC to target ‘defund the Police’ politicians.

Black Lives Matters protesters could face life sentence for mischief charges in Utah.

Woman faces possible life in prison after allegedly buying paint for BLM protest and getting charged under a gang law.

By August of this year, more guns have been sold thus far than in all of 2019.

A video of Christians meeting at Walmart, reportedly in North Versailles, Pennsylvania, has gone viral on the internet.

“Evangelicals for Trump” holds event in Las Vegas casino amid Nevada ban on gatherings of more than 50 people in houses of worship.

President Donald Trump defended a group of supporters who chose to attend a press conference as part of a “peaceful protest,” after a reporter complained that they were not following the CDC guidelines to prevent the coronavirus. Just an absolute Boss, any time and all the time.

Trump wins in Tennessee as Bill Hagerty defeats Manny Sethi for GOP nomination for U.S. Senate. Absolute Kingmaker too.

Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia said the unemployment rate could fall below 10 percent by the end of the year.

Jobs numbers in July beat expectations for third straight month.

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom historically tends to have a V-shaped recovery.

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3 years ago

Regarding the Lebanon explosion and your comments about it above, it sounds like something shady was going on there:

“The first known document about it came on Feb. 21, 2014, three months after the ship’s arrival. Col. Joseph Skaff, a senior customs official, wrote to the customs authority’s anti-smuggling department warning that the material still on board the ship docked at port was “extremely dangerous and endangers public safety.”

Col. Skaff died in March 2017 in unclear circumstances. He was found near his house in Beirut after allegedly falling from a big height. Medical reports at the time gave different explanations, one saying it was an accident, the other saying there was unusual bruising on his face.”

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.”

The Priests of Canaan, Cannibals (Canaan Baals), and Cabal (Ka-Baal). In plain sight.

John Nada
John Nada
3 years ago

Would that it were so, plebs

3 years ago

Two items

Ammonium Nitrate is inert all by itself and needs a catalyst to become explosive. Chances are very good that this is a cover story as the catalyst must be mixed with the AN very well to maximize the exothermal reaction. I read an article a few days ago that I cannot find anymore that said this was a different type of explosive.

China did in my opinion, work with the Dims to engineer the Wuhan virus to disrupt the election. Even if DJT suspects this, what can he do other than cripple them economically.

3 years ago

> have an actor video-conference in, using deep-fake software to make him appear like Joe Biden.

Michael Crichton made “Looker” back in 1980-ish, about a company that was using real-time image manipulation to alter political candidates debates.

It’s quite a good movie, and it’s interesting that it’s almost unknown and seldom mentioned along with the rest of Critchton’s work. If you haven’t seen it (or not lately), it’s worth tracking down a copy.

While it was nearly science-fictional technology when the movie was made, Crichton had a solid background for extrapolating how cheap computing would develop. While he was taking an MD at Harvard, he picked up a minor in computer science with a specialty in computer graphics. And after a couple of years as a doctor at Boston General, he got tired of the politics and backstabbing and went to California to become a screenwriter, director, and producer, because, hey, why not?

Crichton was a novelist before he was a doctor or producer; he write some borderline “techno-thrillers” in the 1960s. But after he moved to Hollywood everything he did had some kind of anti-technology slant to it, including his later books. I think he may have been one of the good guys to start with, but you can’t swim in the sewer forever without getting shit on yourself.

One thing the last ten or so years has shown us is that almost nobody actually *watches* speeches, debates, or press conferences, particularly anything that has dropped off the news cycle. They depend on summaries or reports, or just make it up from nothing… but all that archived video, it is real or is it faked?

Note that after the “shithole” furor, every moment DJT is out in public, he’s covered by his *own* videographers. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wears a spy-cam and a microphone too. Any sane person would, given the kind of people he has to deal with during his work day.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Crichton was easily the smartest *and* most interesting human of his times, IMO. Smart enough to graduate Summa from Harvard – long enough ago for that to be deeply impressive – and then slacked off by kicking the shit out of med school while simultaneously writing novels. One of which turned out to be ‘The Andromeda Strain’ so MC whizzed off to Hollywood. (smart enough to figure out ‘boinking Raquel Welch and several of her friends, etc.’ was a lot more fun than ‘fixing old ladies BM troubles’) One very interesting theme of his writings about med school/ Doctoring is: don’t ever trust a doctor

as for interesting, I cannot recommend highly enough his little-known book ‘Travels.’ per the smartest and most interesting human of his times, the world is much more than we think. hint: we’re limiting ourselves

oh yeah, and then he proved Global Warming is a myth/Lie. ‘State of Fear.’ am not sure if the fact he died 47 months later is relevant or not, but there it is

oh and for you smartypants types, he also pretty much proved the multiverse theory to be true – and then cogently explains it in normal person language. ‘Timeline’

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago


If Chrichton was right, then a multiverse is proof of time travel. Multiverses are created to preserve the time traveler’s event: that the future of the time traveler is going into the past. Nothing must happen to prevent that occurrence. The time traveler is a constant so the universe will fracture into several universes to preserve the constant.

There can be, therefore, no time travel paradoxes like the traveler somehow eliminating himself.

The traveler can then return to his original timeline as if nothing happened, instead of ending up in some alternative multiverse.

The number of multiverse creations is probably determined by the butterfly effect, which itself is probably rather limited.

So, you can’t go back in time to kill baby Hitler if such an event somehow prevents you being born. If you kill baby Hitler, and Hitler’s death prevents your birth, then the universe fractures into a different timeline. When, however, you return to the present, Hitler would most certainly still be alive because the timeline of his death is in a separate universe.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Unless you can travel to the new alternate timeline.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I am assuming your time machine equipment is anchoring you to your original universe.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I would think that if you are trapped in one reality or the other that you would be trapped in the new reality you just made and are present in.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I love Crichton’s work and I’ve barely heard of Looker. I’ll have to check it out.

Crichton was very much aware of the climate change scam and wrote essays and gave speeches about it. I don’t think that endeared him to the Prog Left. I think his novel “State of Fear” had some long rants about it, if I remember correctly.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  karmageddon99
3 years ago

It is the “Authors notes” at the end of the book that are most interesting.

3 years ago

> 20% of Harvard’s first-year class has deferred.

Even a Harvard freshman has to realize that the value of a Harvard degree has tanked, and may soon be a liability. I have a list of colleges that have gone over-the-top Woke, should I ever be in the position of evaluating a potential hire again, seeing a degree from one of those would be an automatic “do not want.”

“Sorry they turned your quarter million dollar degree into toilet paper. Perhaps you should file a lawsuit.”

3 years ago

> The Air Force may ditch GPS for Earth’s Magnetic Field Maps.

The US GPS system web site ( claims: “the government commits to broadcasting the GPS signal in space with a global average user range error (URE) of ≤7.8 m (25.6 ft.), with 95% probability. Actual performance exceeds the specification.”

Surveyors, smart munitions, and mapping software use GPS, and get that much or better resolution with some software tricks, and there are few complaints. Yet… when you’re outside of urban areas, GPS locations aren’t always so accurate. I’ve been watching some “off road towing” videos; in a couple of them, the wrecker operator complains that when a customer sends their GPS coordinates, they may actually be half a mile or more from where their phone thinks they are, which can mean lengthy searches for them in rough or wooded terrain.

Everyone simply assumes the GPS system works properly all the time, and nobody seems to be interested in the times when it doesn’t…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Phones use the cell towers and for instance google maps uses WIFI data to further enhance the triangulation. This is probably why the GPS gets wonky in more rural areas.

Accident my ass. That’s why the app itself suggests turning on the WIFI.

3 years ago

“Huge Increase” – Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surges To Record Level

I hope it continues to accelerate. 🙂

3 years ago

Hey AC, don’t know if you heard about the controversy over Tomi Lahren. A nice looking blonde conservative broadcaster who suddenly revealed herself to be a feminist man-hating cunt by demanding men meet her list of criteria in order to have the honor of her company (and other women like her, her friends). Truly disgusting bs and she has been roasted over her rant, rightly so. Her career should be over and probably is. A shame, but deserved.

Anyway, was watching a series of random vids on youtube tonight and ran across something she ought to be aware of. A live enactment of Endless Enigma by ELP featuring Rachel Flowers and a variety of others, each playing their part remotely over the internet. Worth a view/listen by anyone. Tomi needs to understand those lyrics, sung as a man speaking to women. And maybe, just maybe, she would learn a little bit about reality, and how it works, how men think.

Rachel Flowers is more woman that Tomi will ever be. There was a vid a few years back after Keith Emerson passed away and Rachel got to play in his honor. And she literally balled her eyes out in public and before the world … and she has no eyes. Rachel has been blind since birth. Yet seeing her play is a joy. Every man who sees that knows he is seeing a real woman and not a play thing.

The vid is good stuff. The last line is: “Now that its done, I’ve begun to see the reason why I’m here …” says it all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It is true that there are many factors that would tempt her to go r and be cynical and demanding.

But we are all tempted with various vices and the temptation does not excuse giving in to them.

We can’t be judgemental in one sense, the sense of damning her to hell but we MUST be judgemental in judging her to be dangerous and broken.