News Briefs – 08/20/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Jovan Pulitzer says the AZ election audit team wasn’t looking for watermarks, they were documenting the secret printer dots deposited on printed documents which tie them to the printers which turned them out. Those dots were created because people had begun to produce counterfeit money on printers, and Secret service had all inkjet printer makers put the dots on a page in different locations, the locations of which act like a serial number placed on the paper that will identify the exact printer which produced it. Each printer puts the dots in slightly different positions that can be decoded by law enforcement. BIG.

Jovan Pulitzer says the Arizona audit report will be delivered to the Senate on Friday, and the results will be Earth-shattering.

No link, but on Lindell TV, Mesa County clerk Tina Peters, who Mike Lindell moved to a hotel because of threats, reported on his show that her hotel room was broken into just 45 minutes before she was to appear on his show yesterday. I have no doubt, they were set up in an adjacent room where they set up an observation post, and had ears at least, in her room through through-wall mics, and probably visual at least using thru-wall microwave, if not outright cameras in her room. Mike needs to bring in Russian counter-surveillance contracted from the Russian Embassy if he wants to play that game with any chance of winning. Otherwise he will just be letting surveillance tool him and his witnesses.

Three Democrats broke ranks and returned to the Texas House on Thursday, giving Republicans enough members needed to resume work on a controversial elections bill and ending a weeks-long standoff.

50 new precinct Committeemen were sworn in at once in Maricopa county after the entire GOP Board of Maricopa County’s Legislative District 15 (LD 15) in North Phoenix resigned because they did not like new pro-Trump “America First” committeemen.

Maricopa County responds to Attorney General’s initial inquiry, and requests “no further action” be taken over their non-compliance with state senate subpoenas. It sounds like they don’t know if Cabal is in control or not, but they are just hoping it might be. If patriots are in control, clearly this will be dealt with.

Open Letter to Maricopa County from Recorder Stephen Richer. Bear in mind, Christina Bobb reported that when the auditors would pop open a box of ballots, they would find there were as many as 20% of the ballots missing, meaning 20% of the votes counted had no corresponding ballots. She also said such boxes were often stuffed with other unrelated papers to fill them up, presumably by poll workers who thought they would never be opened. Now, the day before Cyber Ninjas release their preliminary report, this asshole drops 40 pages saying he did everything right, and even if it wasn’t done right it wasn’t his responsibility anyway, and he is a Trump supporter just like us. Plus he says we should have had the audit done by some major Cabal company like Deloitte Touche, not Cyber Ninjas. If he felt the coming report would exonerate him, I don’t think he would have felt the need to write this and release it now. What struck me was the following, which basically is a Cabal resume for somebody in the club ( He leaves off that he wrote a piece in the National Review):

I chose University of Chicago for both graduate school and law school because it had the reputation of being the most conservative-friendly of the top five schools, and because one of my intellectual idols, prominent conservative-libertarian legal scholar, Richard Epstein, encouraged me to attend University of Chicago. I took leadership roles at various points with the Chicago Law Federalist Society, the Edmund Burke Society, and Chicago Friends of Israel. Prior to getting into business and law, I also paid professional respects to the conservative movement by working for the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute, and the Washington Legal Foundation.

He breaks in the middle of it into a hitpiece on the methodology of the audit, making unsupported claims, like the auditors are looking for watermarks placed on the ballot by Donald Trump (nobody knows what they are looking for), and he even tries to tie the fraud theories to Q-anon. In short, when they release the simple measure of how many votes were in the final tally, and compare it to how many ballots are actually there, this guy is going down, and he’s not one of us.

Katie Hobbs says the AZ Senate’s election audit ‘failed to meet basic standards.’ Another panic piece.

Sen. Doug Mastriano, R-Franklin, a Republican state lawmaker behind an Arizona-style investigation of Pennsylvania’s election results, has pressed pause on the forensic probe. They have always said once Arizona goes public, things will happen quickly.

Pennsylvania’s GOP Senate leader Jake Corman is preventing Sen. Doug Mastriano from issuing subpoenas for the forensic audit.

California recall ballots are designed so anyone who sees the envelope from the outside, like the mailman, can tell if you voted to recall Newsom, and potentially dispose of your ballot before it gets to the counting center.

Two women caught on camera stealing CA Gov. Recall Election ballots out of apartment mailboxes using a USPS master key to open the entire mail box at once.

A campaign to nullify the Electoral College has come to a screeching halt, as Democrats become unsure if they will be able to flood illegal votes into big cities to alter the popular vote in the future.

Over 40 Republican senators sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland to demand he share an update on the status of Special Counsel John Durham’s probe.

Forty-four Republican senators demand the Durham report be made public.

One of the chief architects behind a takeover of the Greenville County Republican Party that pledged support to former President Donald Trump has succumbed to COVID-19.

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) official Regina Bratton is an unabashed anti-Trumper, pro-masker and Obama and Biden fan, National File has learned.

‘False Flag’ trends on Twitter during DC standoff with guy who claimed to have a bomb in his truck. Some think they thought the AZ report would come today. New York had a suspicious package too, and anons say to expect it to amp up as the AZ reports approaches release.

Biden administration appears to have stockpiled military equipment for the Taliban, shipping it into the country for months before the collapse. I wonder if we got an agreement to shut down the poppy fields.

State Department mum on why it killed Pompeo’s crisis evacuation unit. So it quietly killed the very unit that would be needed to import the Afghans, just before the government collapsed. That feels like our guys are really in charge.

State Department demands American citizens pay $2000 each for their flight out of Afghanistan. That may weed out mere Afghans with American citizenship, like I assume CIA granted to its assets on the ground, as with Ilhan Omar. Unless CIA can get them $2 grand, they aren’t going anywhere.

However they are saying this – President Joe Biden says his deputies are predicting they will extract up to 65,000 Afghans from Afghanistan.

Europe’s Afghan crime wave is mind-boggling, as Afghans stand out among the refugees committing crimes in Austria and elsewhere, especially sexual assaults.

Republicans Bill Cassidy and Lisa Murkowski join Democrats to ask Biden for more Afghan refugees to the U.S.

Afghan pilots fled in ‘stolen’ U.S. fighter jets and Lloyd Austin and General Milley have no idea how many planes are missing.

Vox Day shows the Taliban are using 4Chan memes on social media now. I’m almost wondering if that isn’t the Taliban’s internet division, but actually the script-writers at CIA stirring the pot by driving leftists nuts. We don’t really know who wrote that.

The United Kingdom’s Parliament on Wednesday held President Joe Biden in contempt for his withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, calling the move “catastrophic” and “shameful.

White House walks back Biden’s statement about defending Taiwan, says he misspoke.

Biden says he does not ‘recall’ if he was told to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. So he forgot he was supposed to keep those troops in there, and that is why it fell apart?

Biden tells ABC “We don’t have military in Syria”, but the Pentagon says we have 900 U.S. troops in Syria.

The leftist Atlantic magazine turns on Biden. That does not happen unless a higher command has given the order in pursuit of a solid objective. Could be President Kamala. Or could be the script writers are going to make everyone hate the Democrats.

Biden ignored UK PM Boris Johnson’s attempts to phone him for 36 hours, and there was no communication or consultation with allies on the plan to withdraw. Sounds like it could have been that Cabal was trying to get contact to figure out what was going on, and whoever was running Biden kept it away from him.

New poll reveals majority of Americans believe Kamala is not ready to be President.

Poll shows a majority of voters don’t believe Joe Biden will finish his first term.

FAA alert suggests the Bidens could be heading to Delaware for weekend. Not a good sign for Biden. I remember somebody who worked in a nursing home once telling me that as people get older, and begin to feel overwhelmed by life, they lose the ability to cope with what is going on and get control of it. The manifestation they almost always end up exhibiting is a burning desire to travel somewhere else, under a belief that if they can just change their surroundings, everything else will get better. But it never does.

The Biden administration announced Thursday it will automatically erase student loan debt for more than 300,000 Americans with severe disabilities that leave them unable to earn significant incomes.

Under the Biden administration’s tax proposal, an appreciated real estate asset owned at death could result in income taxes due that exceed the net proceeds from sale of the asset after paying existing debt.

Scottish Government seeks to make emergency Covid powers permanent. I was thinking about Q saying, the end will not be for everyone. The truth is, I am not sure Cabal can just be left in society, or treated with the normal level of respect for rights you would give to regular citizens. In a way I could see a ruthless intel operator on our side concluding if they are left out and about, they will just reform the network in the shadows, and bring Cabal right back. I was wondering if Q could have meant, millions of people will have to be killed, absent any traditional respect for rights or due process, to just get them off the battlefield permanently, so society can begin anew without Cabal trying to take over. And that might not be an ending that is for everyone. I could see making that call myself, knowing how it would be viewed, and not caring.

CFA exam pass rate crashes to a record low of just 25%. This comes on the heels of the study showing babies are possibly developing lower IQs, and there may be increasing car accidents, reflective of less functional cognition. 4Chan had a post months ago claiming the spike protein was designed to screw up brain function, somewhat like a prion, and we would now watch as society became progressively dumber. It claimed we would eventually see everyone in society move into an Alzheimer’s like state, with cars just stopped in the road with people who forgot where they were and where they were going, and family members no longer recognizing each other. I can’t imagine things being that bad, but these stories about brain function suddenly declining, this fast, are curious.

A new study on the effects of natural infection by the coronavirus suggests that there may be little to no benefit for recovered SARS-CoV-2 patients in receiving vaccines against the coronavirus.

A 56-year-old Greek woman died at Kalavryta Hospital just a few minutes after her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

Federal health officials are investigating emerging reports that the Moderna coronavirus vaccine may be associated with a higher risk of a heart condition called myocarditis in younger adults than previously believed.

The plastic barriers that shot up at sales counters and order windows across America during the COVID-19 pandemic may actually be facilitating the spread of the virus, not protecting people from it.

Fox News requires employees to provide vaccination status. So legally, can a company just require HIV status, herpes, genital wart status, hemorrhoids, or anything else, despite HIPAA?

If North Texas runs out of ICU hospital beds, doctors can consider a patient’s vaccination status in deciding who gets an ICU bed. I’ll bet they can’t consider immigration status, so an illegal coming over the border and getting the jab from Border Patrol and then going on and infecting Americans could end up getting a hospital bed while an American who didn’t want to take a vaccine which is giving people blood clots and heart attacks, is turned away to die. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

CDC Director Walensky says “There is an increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early.” But she doesn’t conclude the vaccines are failing, instead he says the vaccinated should get another shot. It is amazing. Here is 1000ml of 1% Ivermectin, for 189.99. At 10mg Ivermectin per ml of solution, that is 10,000 mg, or about 416 doses under the IMASS protocol, of which each person requires five over five days, so it would treat 83 people, at a cost of $2.29 per person. And they end up being better protected against future infection than the vaccinated, with less adverse effects. I recommend getting your Ivermectin from a doctor, but clearly that shows the drug is quite cheap. And overall, between all the people who will never catch COVID and have no adverse effects, the 99.9% survival of those who catch Covid untreated, and the addition of the treatment making death even more miniscule, the push for vaccines is just silly.

Cardinal Cupich instructs Chicago Archdiocese priests not to give parishioners vaccine exemptions. Very organized operation here, all working for the same purposes – Big Pharma profits and vaccine sales.

Biden’s administration is not mandating COVID vaccines for White House staff.

Massive nurse shortage hits Houston just weeks after 150 unvaccinated nurses and hospital workers were fired.

If you’re a Saints ticket holder and refuse the COVID-19 vaccination or test, you’ll not only be barred from entering the Superdome, but you also won’t get a refund on your ticket.

Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University announced that it will impose fines and WiFi restrictions on students who cannot, or will not, provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccination by the beginning of the fall semester.

Biden says he will get COVID-19 booster. I’m just thinking, he looks like shit, and he got the vax. Granted he is a “gazillion” years old. But surely that vax isn’t helping.

Moderna’s experimental HIV mRNA vaccine could begin human trials as soon as this week.

A federal judge in Nevada has declared unconstitutional a longstanding statute that makes it a crime to return to the United States after deportation, calling the law racist and discriminatory against “Mexican and Latinx individuals.”

The Taliban are carrying out a highly-organized door-to-door hunt for people on their wanted list, such as former government employees – especially in intelligence services and the special forces units. Taliban may just be an organized militia being run by Pakistan’s ISI, itself a Cabal entity that supplied Imran Awan to manage the US Congressional servers.

Taliban going door to door seeking Christians. The big problem is those in charge always wanted control, so they kept the population disarmed and helpless. They got their control so long as things went their way, but when winds changed, they lost control entirely, and it was taken by pure evil. What should have happened is every Afghan should have been issued an AK and a sidearm, and been given training in how to use it to take human life. If every Afghan had been armed and schooled to fight, that country would look entirely differently now. Instead the Neoclowns kept everyone a slave, and now that the slavemasters have changed, the Afghanis get to deal with the consequences.

Taliban militants have allegedly burnt down an amusement park a day after they were seen enjoying rides following the capture of Kabul.

Twitter suspends accounts of elected Afghan officials but keeps up Taliban terrorist accounts.

Your credit score should be based on your web history, IMF says.

The YMCA of Burbank, California recently sponsors a art class directed at young people taught by an artist who promotes explcitly pornographic paintings of Disney and other children’s movie characters online for sale and posting on social media platforms.

The main gate at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico has reportedly been closed after multiple suspects attempted to force their way through it and crashed their vehicle on Wednesday evening as they fled from Border Patrol.

A naked man stabbed another naked man on Tuesday morning in Seattle.

A new Northern Alliance against the Taliban is forming in Afghanistan’s Panjshir Valley.

Russia to spend over $130 million on making ‘Spiritual and Moral’ content for internet-loving youngsters.

The founder of supplement maker Redcon1 has announced the company will no longer serve as a sponsor for any Schwarzenegger-affiliated events over Schwarzenegger’s ‘Screw your freedom’ comment. One inexpensive supplement I recommend wholeheartedly is Creatine Monohydrate, in moderation, of course. And you don’t have to just be a musclehead to take it. Studies show it improves physical performance and cognition in the elderly. So wherever you are on the age-scale, it is a non-drug, nutritive molecule you get in small quantities in red meat, which gives your cells an extra energy reserve. Taking a scoop in the morning with Orange juice or lemonade to top off your cells lets older people move more, and be more active, which has health benefits by itself, and it can stave off cognitive loss. Consult with your doctor, make sure it doesn’t conflict with any health issues, etc.

Facebook hit by new US Antitrust case as the FTC seeks a do-over.

Rep. Paul Gosar takes a victory lap after OnlyFans announces a pornography ban. These things do not just happen. I would assume Onlyfans makes a shitload of money off pornography. Nobody just gives that up, if they don’t have to. Remember everything is controlled. You assume you could just as easily be the CEO of  Onlyfans, and you could be the one making this decision, and it would be just like any one of the decisions you make in your life now which could go any way, based on whim. So this CEO must be just like you, and making this decision just like you would. But I would bet the CEO of a major internet company is not just anyone – he is somebody who grew up following people through grocery stores and listening in neighbor’s houses, and he ultimately rose in the conspiracy to fill this acting role. The only thing is, I think if he were still working for Cabal, OnlyFans would still be doing porn. I think this is one controlled shift in a broader shift our society is undergoing, and it isn’t Cabal controlling it all.

Even as the sales of firearms have begun to slow,U.S. gun sales in the first seven months of 2021 were 13 percent higher than over the same period last year, which also blew away all previous records.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


First you bring out all of the American citizens. Then you bring out ALL equipment. Then you bomb the bases into smithereens—AND THEN YOU BRING OUT THE MILITARY. You don’t do it in reverse order like Biden and our woke Generals did.

No chaos, no death—they wouldn’t even know we left!

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t do anything like Biden would.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Maybe Pompeo is a crypto-Jew. Pompeo (the surname) implies origins from ancient Pompeii, where numerous Jews fled to after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Of course, they were fleeing again by 79 A.D because of Vesuvius. Most of those who stayed in Italy eventually became Christian, and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as they keep their faith in Jesus Christ and understand his sacrifice for them. Personally, I have no clue what Pompeo believes, but he seems sincere. Note, a true Christian will call out the Pharisees and their garbage.

As for Israel trying to shake down Poland, it is disgusting. Many Poles died in WW2, including children. Jews do not hold a monopoly on genocide or suffering.

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2 years ago

>”I took leadership roles at various points with the Chicago Law Federalist Society, the Edmund Burke Society, and Chicago Friends of Israel.”

Oy vey!

2 years ago

>”Your credit score should be based on your web history, IMF says.”

Kek, can’t wait to enjoy my negative 6 octillion credit score.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Unless the credit didn’t happen. Then your score would actually be zero.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Well, they can’t take your credit away if you do a poverty vow.

2 years ago

Ok, last post for today, but this is hilarious:–GfVXfNa0

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Look at what Elon Musk is building.

It’s extraordinary. There’s some other pictures on the same site. It’s just…I don’t have words. What he is doing is magnificent.

I’m still not convinced that he’s not a Jew and is building rockets to fly the Jews off before we go nuts on them for their psychopathic attacks on us, even so, what this guy has done is really beyond words. What he is doing so far has truly advanced the possibilities for all the people on planet earth.

Forget your criticisms about electric cars. His making of electric cars has FORCED all the other manufacturers to follow along.

His Solar energy company that does wide scale solar on people’s houses will FORCE solar power to become cheaper and more efficient. Combine the two and you get freedom from the energy monopolies by running your cars and houses from your own energy plant powered by the Sun.

His battery tech has FORCED battery makers all over the planet to step up their game and especially because no one will be able to keep up with him unless they find some way to make batteries more capable and cheaper. Otherwise they will loose and he will run all over them.

His steadily expanding satellite system will vastly unlock the power of the internet for everyone on the planet. This will in turn steadily destroy the information black hole they are forcing on us.

About the only criticism I have seen about him that even has the slightest validity is that the government helps sponsor some of what he is doing. Well that’s non sense because the stuff they are sponsoring is stuff the government, many people and I myself believe need sponsoring because we need this stuff. It’s absurd that the US had to rely on the Russians to launch our astronauts into space. Electric cars are totally in our interest and when people criticize them they always bring up coal fired plants but they charge just a good with solar.

And finally we fund all kinds of stuff most of it is not only not good for us it’s positively harmful. Ethanol fuel for example it’s in the multi hundreds of billions and it does nothing but destroy our carburetors. At least with the money we give him we get something useful for it.

Maybe he is cabal. maybe not. Maybe it’s not 100% that they control everything. Everything he is doing is in the best interest of the public at large in a long term way, so far.

He, so far, is turning out to be one of the most consequential people to have ever lived on planet earth.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I’m still not convinced that he’s not a Jew and is building rockets to fly the Jews off before we go nuts on them for their psychopathic attacks on us

Your terms are acceptable.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Here’s hoping Musk is one of our guys. Approved by the Q and Donald/John Trump conversion of Tesla research faction to rapidly introduce our hidden tech stolen by Cabal.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The raw materials necessary to build the batteries and components for hundreds of millions of electric vehicles in order to replace what the industrial world runs on now are not available.

Maybe if we start mining the moon and nearby asteroids, which is definitely being openly discussed, then we could scale up electric vehicles, but not with what is currently available on earth.

Reply to  Dave, again.
2 years ago

You have gotta laugh. On one hand he is supposedly creating green renewable crap while at the same time burning fossil fuels at the speed of a rocket.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Everything he pushes is part of the cabal agenda and will be used against us.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

One more. Holy smokes look at this. Can you believe he is going to launch this? And that’s only the bottom. He’s going to stack a big rocket on top of it. It’s amazing. It’s magnificent!

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Biden says he will get COVID-19 booster. I’m just thinking, he looks like shit, and he got the vax. Granted he is a “gazillion” years old. But surely that vax isn’t helping”.

It’s unlikely the vax could be making a difference. As any side by side photo comparison will confirm, the current Joe Biden ain’t the Obama Veep Biden. Depending on the day of the week, he is a body double, an actor in a prosthetic mask, or a CGI rendition. Therefore, any apparent deterioration in his physical appearance is the result of deliberate planning by whoever is controlling him/it, and designed to achieve some specific political objective, rather than being due to the stress of office or the vaccine. And even if that were not the case, there is no way that any Cabal member, knowing what’s in the vaccines, are actually going to allow themselves to be injected with it. They will roll their sleeves up for the cameras of course but that ain’t the vaccine going in their arm

2 years ago

It’s important to have ivermectin ON HAND to begin the FLCCC Protocol the minute you begin to get symptoms! (Or to take as prophylaxis! I am since 2 Jun.) Go to the FLCCC site and read their I-MASK protocol; start taking all the parts you can get easily and then begin the hunt for ivermectin. They have a list of docs licensed across the US who do a telemed consult and *may* write a scrip for it. Your regular — and nearly all local! — doctors will NOT. (Ask me how I know!)

I just picked up 90 pills at Kroger. BEFORE deciding on a local pharmacy — you must go to GoodRx and find the CHEAPEST pharmacy: they’re shooting the pricing through the roof: my first dispense (48 pills, 2 Jun) cost: $52 WITH GoodRx, (1st refill:) $74, (final refill:) $84 at CVS (they kept the coupon in the scrip…): WalMart (!) when I first checked GoodRx was charging $77 for the first 48 pills, Costco $85.

In the meantime, before I found another doc to write another scrip (the first one went to compounded. I don’t WANT compounded, I want manufactured!) I went to my local feed store and picked up three syringes (total cost: $20.64) of Durvet ivermectin 1.87% horse paste (wormer). No, I don’t WANT to take horse paste, although at least hundreds are, very successfully. But if I could find a scrip, I was NOT going to quit prophylaxis: this is a baaaaaad virus! And you cannot rely on the medical establishment And YES you must educate yourself carefully and fully before risking this. DO not, for instance, buy horse wormer with “active ingredients” in it!! Watch, if it’s still up there, a YT vid called Horse Paste for Humans, by a smart Brit guy. He discusses purchasing and calculating dosages.

If you have not prepared while you’re still well; and then you begin to get sick — you have NO IDEA whether your doctor or local Urgent Care or ER will even USE ivermectin. Most still don’t! You keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen?! Same thing. DO IT NOW!

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Avalanche
2 years ago

Just curious, but why don’t you want compounded? I got a prescription for IVM from a compounding pharmacy. Everything seems totally legit and this is a large compounding pharmacy filling hundreds of prescriptions every day.

Can you explain why you want manufactured?

2 years ago

Fact on the inkjet dots. ALL printers have them, but the color laser and inkjets had been using very faint yellow. The will fluoresce under UV, the pattern is unique per printer. Literally a printers serial number on each page it shoots out. This has been out for well over a decade.

Maybe Lindell already has that counter-surveillance in place 😉

Those mailbox master keys are available from the manufacturer, or other key places. If the order comes from an ‘official’ email address, you can get masters for just about everything on the market from office furniture through some more secure stuff using Medeco style or security locks.

Extirpation is the only solution for getting us where we need to go. Kill them and their families off, salt the earth, and nip anything in the bud that might ever grow back. I can imagine certain closet nazis out there hoping they can slide through this unharmed to become part of the process going forward. It’d be a wet dream for some true believers.

So, to up your credit score, start watching gay and child porn, buy a few deviant toys from amazon, and start hanging out at your local daycare…look ma…I got a 920 credit score!

And a question I have to pose….ALL of our Patriot eggs are in the Donald Trump 2024 basket. What happens is something happens to the basket? A steady intake of diet coke, Micky D’s and papa johns and he’s already what age? Immortal? Hardly. But, what happens if something happens. Do we move what eggs are left to the Great DeSantisini? Our lord (little “l”) Teddius Cruzius? Emperor Pompeo? The Good Son? What is the fallback scenario? God Emperor or not, he’s human and even the best tech on the planet doesn’t keep us alive forever. I’ve asked this multiple time, and have yet to get an answer, only arguments to keep the faith in the singular basket. Anyone?

Reply to  millerized
2 years ago

Yep. That’s how they nailed “Reality Winner”.

Reply to  millerized
2 years ago
2 years ago

“CFA Exam pass rate crashes…”

YGB, I’ve read this story before. The author is over-rated.

2 years ago

“CDC Director Walensky says “There is an increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early.” But he doesn’t conclude the vaccines are failing, instead he says the vaccinated should get another shot.”

Walensky is a female.

2 years ago

RE: California recall ballots

I saw the video yesterday, the same day I got my ballot in the mail. However my ballot doesn’t look anything like the ballot in the woman’s video. The return envelope does have a hole punched in it but you can’t really see what I chose no matter which way I put the ballot in. So I don’t know whats going on with this but something isn’t right.

Going to go vote in person anyway.

2 years ago

So, that’s what this is all about then; unethically experimenting on the world and young people with almost no risk from covid in order to create a hiv vaccine. Of course, of course.

2 years ago

> secret printer dots deposited on printed documents

Those go back quite a way, but few people seem to be aware of them:

(and likely the reason many printers won’t print a black and white page unless all the color cartridges are present and working)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

They already knew about this,
my guess is the paper ballots that were fraudulent in AZ, PA, NV and WI were more professional (China helped) and the microdots were anonymized. More isolated cases and night of the election ballot fraud (GA, MI, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee) were not anonymized and this presents a vulnerability in Cabals fraud. The microdots alone could probably turn Georgia and Wisconsin, maybe even Michigan.

(Posting from Wikipedia because Infogalactic has no page on this)

2 years ago

> New York had a suspicious package too

Like the ones supposedly sent to Hillary and Obama’s residences a few years ago, that were somehow delivered by USPS despite not having postage?

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

a bomb scare. still could have more. AZ? hollywood? broward?

2 years ago

> The Biden administration announced Thursday it will automatically erase student loan debt for more than 300,000 Americans

“And you schmucks that worked hard and paid your loans off… neener neener!”

2 years ago

> It claimed we would eventually see everyone in society move into an Alzheimer’s like state,
Clifford D. Simak’s “Way Station” (1963) had some aliens who threatened to drop a plague on Earth, that would reduce human intelligence to where civilization could no longer be maintained. Sure, a majority of humans would die off, but the survivors would be much more tractable…

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

>be ayyyy lmao
>detect human civilization with ayyyy lmao advanced scanners 6 million light-years away
>oh fug, they are an intelligent civilization, better come up with a plan to incapacitate their whole civilization just in case, to prevent them from destroying us
>develop retardation plague
>ok, time to rock bois, grab your butt probes
>get in alien ship
>travel 6 million light years in suspended sleep dreaming of being received with glorious hero parades on arrival to ayyy lmaonistan after glorious completion of mission and all the ayyy lmao Stacies that will just throw themselves at you
>arrive at Earth ready to make everyone retarded
>”dIvErSiTy Is oUr StReNgTh” “I tOoK tHe VaX” “bIdEn WoN tHe ElLeCtIoN” “iSrAeL iS oUr GrEaTeSt AlLy”
>too late, everyone is already retarded
>we have wasted our time

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I don’t know who you’re talking about, but I am sure that person would be very glad to hear that frenly reply (and would send 6 trillion frenly hugs your way).

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

GOD speed you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And don’t leave us again!

Reply to  GBFW
2 years ago

I’d say that person will likely go on another politics and news fast very soon, but I bet his prayers will stay with the frens over here even if he doesn’t show up to make retarded jokes.

God bless everyone and I bet said person would say thanks very much to Farcesensitive and you for the kind words.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: OnlyFans porn ban

Not sure about this one, except that it follows the pattern of Patreon before it. Bottom line is that major corporations don’t want to be associated with porn, even cabal mega-banks, so for OnlyFans to get to the next investment tier where Patreon is they need to shed the whores like Patreon did. They won’t actively enforce this on the gays, I’d bet, like Patreon didn’t have to. So, basically what they are doing to forcing the girls to go back to the strip club circuit, or do the move to LA/Vegas so that they can be herded into the porn studios again. Of course there are like a dozen major webcam sites and a bunch of the girls left in the last few years to concentrate on OnlyFans because the interaction there is even more limited that on the camsites, so they’re going to flood right back in.

Basically, setting the deadline at October 1rst gives the girls time to pull down all their content and repost it elsewhere as they transition to back to old platforms. It’s the same thing that happened with Patreon.

Guys remember the thing about internet THOTs is that the overwhelming majority of them would NEVER be strippers or actual hookers. The reason they are doing this is because it’s easy money that comes with ZERO RISK. If they lost the ability to be strictly internet based and required to physically interact with clients, they’d pick waitressing instead.

A woman taking any career boils down to having no faith in men to provide for them. Internet THOT is the logical extension of that where the girls can make obscene amounts of money in their twenties& thirties(seven figures in many cases) and then they buy a big house, mutal funds, etc, and then find themselves unable to date anyone in their income bracket. It’s exactly the same problem as a corporate woman, only worse because the money is that much better.

And they all have little dogs instead of babies. It’s literally stripping an entire portion of the most attractive people out of the common gene pool.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

>”and then they buy a big house, mutal funds,”

One of the best jokes I ever read here fren, most of them blow their money on stupid stuff like handbags, bolt on breasts, traveling and coke and end up as broke as when they started.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Guess it depends on your taste in women. When I was still a SIMP the ones I gravitated to all had bigger goals in mind than an expensive purse.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Seems like you liked the intellectuals : DDDDD

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

“..the most attractive people..”

I don’t think so.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

Disagree. I think start off genuinely attractive then become man-jawed monsters (IIRC Heartiste strongly believed it was because of them becoming genetically altered through too much foreign semen being integrated into their DNA).

2 years ago

Jovan Pulitzer says the AZ election audit team wasn’t looking for watermarks, they were documenting the secret printer dots deposited on printed documents which tie them to the printers which turned them out.

I’ve been out of the world too long to know for sure, but I don’t think commercial offset printers (like who should be making the official ballots) make the dots. I think that only laser and inkjet printers do. (They might now since they have moved to etching the plates directly with a machine rather than a film and photoexposure method.)

Second, the dots don’t go in one place. They get scattered all over the page. The implications if there are ID dots inside the marks on ballots is damning.

2 years ago

If North Texas runs out of ICU hospital beds, doctors can consider a patient’s vaccination status in deciding who gets an ICU bed.

They’ve already reversed themselves. Probably got a bunch of pointed and four-letter-word laced calls from their malpractice carriers.

2 years ago

If you’re a Saints ticket holder and refuse the COVID-19 vaccination or test, you’ll not only be barred from entering the Superdome, but you also won’t get a refund on your ticket.

Fraud in the Inducement. It was represented to them that if they abided the rules, they would get to attend the game. Then, after the team got the money, they changed the rules.

2 years ago

Update from the land of bad-think:

I attempted to email a colleague about the updated Ivermectin protocols from FLCC. I’ve emailed him in the past so I knew that the email addy is good.

What’s interesting is that I was on the phone with him and I emailed his gmail account from my hotmail account (yes I know I’m old!) and almost instantly I got a bounce back saying no such email addy exists….

Someone doesn’t want badthink getting out there…
(tough shit, colleague already had Covid (probably ‘delta’) a few weeks ago and treated it with Ivermectin. We in fly over country are sharing info, suck it!

Also for those who don’t think this thing is real, it’s starting to hit the kids now in earnest, got a doctor friend who work at a major metro Level 1 PICU. These are white kids without co-morbities I’m told. They along with the local children’s hospital are swamped with Covid kids, and they are coming in with viral septic shock, along with heart, gut and kidney failures, i.e. getting sick really fast and hard.

I’ve suggested to my sister (with kids under 12) to start giving ivermectin to the youngin’s and a prophylactic…And she is. Her house is a no-mask, no-jab house.

Nan C.
Nan C.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Do not panic. If you can’t get Ivermectin, get Quercetin and take it with zinc and 1g of Vitamin C daily. Take 5000 IU of vitamin D daily. This is prophylaxis.

If you get any symptoms whatsoever, Take 1 g of Vitamin C every hour until you reach bowel intolerance. Take echinacea and continue the quercetin and zinc regimin.

In the meantime, as I said DO NOT PANIC. Our mental/emotional states are tied into our immune systems. Now is the time to stay above the fray, and find dank memes to laugh at (laughter IS good medicine). Get sunshine and fresh air.

See this as a worsening/tense period we are moving into, which may last for 6-8 weeks. (it may last longer, but it is easier to prepare yourself mentally for 6-8 weeks)

Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

Take liposomal vitamin C. No bowel irritation, and you can easily superload 5-6g at a time, getting IV levels in your system.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

Why? Unless you’re obese, diabetic or have heart problems or high blood pressure and aren’t older than dirt, you have a greater than 99% chance to beat it.

2 years ago

Orthodox Talks (which some frens here might know about from their youtube channel ( )) has a new section on their website (probably because they don’t want to post vids about covid on their channel so yt doesn’t nuke it):

With God’s help we have now added a new category called Videos & Articles. In this category there are four sections that will be regularly updated.

Section One: Orthodox Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy on COVID Restrictions, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Pandemic Prophesies and Deceptions

Section Two: Doctors and Others Speak Out about Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Early Treatment and COVID Misinformation

Section Three: Other Beneficial Videos and Articles

Section Four: More Webpages – including articles and commentaries by Father Kosmas

Scroll down on this page to find these 4 sections or use the “Videos & Articles” drop down menu on the top right hand corner.

Please note that due to the continual restrictions, including lockdowns, as well as other temptations, Father Kosmas has been unable to attend the parish church to present Talk 82 – Understanding and Dealing with the Heresy of Covidism According to the Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy.

Therefore, he has decided to work on making his notes available in Section Four for the benefit of Orthodox Christians who are anxious and confused not only about what is happening in the world, but especially what is happening in the churches due to COVID. Father Kosmas has already begun this work and he asks for everyone’s prayers to help him and his helpers in this difficult task.

2 years ago

The entire COVID agenda has been a pre-staged event; the real agenda has been climate change. Al Gore, who is on the board of the World Economic Forum, ushered in Green Peace’s Jennifer Morgan, who escorted Greta to the Davos meeting to appear in Schwab’s film the Forum, which was intended to push the climate change agenda.

After exploiting Greta, who simply read from prewritten speeches that Morgan probably wrote, their agenda was not catching fire. People were not willing to alter their lives for a problem that was decades from now. They needed something more terrorizing, and that was COVID. They had to threaten people’s lives immediately, not decades in the future.

2 years ago

This new video from Schwab’s World Economic Forum is already declaring a partial victory showing that the objective of the virus lockdowns was really for the Great Reset and climate change agenda. Make no mistake about it; even Al Gore is on the board of the World Economic Forum. These people have conspired to change the world by crushing the economy, and the police are also so stupid to follow orders blindly. They want everyone to work from home: end offices and small businesses. You will buy everything from the giant retailers, and they will be delivered so ending the need to pollute the world by driving to the store or work.

The press, who calls this a “conspiracy theory,” is part of this agenda.

2 years ago

Taliban going door to door seeking Christians.

The sole source for this is FAI. FAI doesn’t just glow in the dark, it glows like the sun:

I think this is like the “shooting women for not wearing a burka” which was “proven” by a photo from 2014. This sounds like smears and a lie.

The other organization is SAT-7. Dig these naso-labial lines:

I think the Taliban is shutting down the poppy fields and killing the pedos, and this is the only thing they can do to stop it — lie, like their father taught them.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

Check out the /pol/ threads to see the memes Talibans are sharing (I would link some threads to here, but I don’t want to give the gaybalites excuses to shut down AC or come after me for sharing it (you never know these days)). It’s hilarious (disclaimer: I don’t support the Talibans in any way shape or form, I am neutral towards them).

2 years ago

Had my yearly physical today, I had an idea what my doctor would say when I asked him for an ivermectin prescription for prophylactic use, it was an emphatic “No!” He got red in the face and said it was dangerous, and misinformation on the internet. I know that’s false, but didn’t want to argue. Then he partially told the truth and said “you’re healthy, you don’t have to worry, you’re immune system will take care of you. Oh, and get vaccinated!”

Thanks AC, always enjoy the blog!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It is a great site AC.

A good number of those who were on Vox are already finding their way here.

This joint is going to get really good.

I would start preparing for the takedown by touching base with non – us based providers.

Reply to  1984
2 years ago

Get a new doctor.

2 years ago

No wonder God will blow up the whole Earth eventually:

His face is pure uncanny valley stuff.

2 years ago

The treasonous French government is increasing the tensions against their populations:

My gut feeling tells me that the European civil wars will start in France. Macron is really pushing it, and French people are notorious for rebelling once they reach breaking point.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Another thread related to this, bouncers stopping non-guinea-pig individuals from shopping:

2 years ago

FDA will grant full approval to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine on MONDAY

Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data

This is what I mean about the enemy running out the clock while the patient bleeds out on the table.

EVERYTHING our side does gets slowed down to a crawl, two more weeks then two more weeks then two more weeks……
While the enemy accelerates all of their moves.

This isn’t even legal:

Are The Vaccines Even Legal?

I DO NOT CARE if Q’s operation is a success but the patient dies.
Saving the patient is your job.

Patience is a virtue but all virtues have limits.

2 years ago

We are going to run this country, we are going to take it back, us truck drivers are going to be the front line”

Trucker drivers are threatening to block highways and ports in Australia.

Direct affirmative action is the only— Darren of Plymouth 🇬🇧 (@DarrenPlymouth) August 20, 2021

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

If truckers decide to boycott the cities and make problems for the rest of logistics, the situation will quickly escalate, which is a good thing for them if their objective is to force the gen pop into mobilizing against the government, the more pain (and more quickly) they can inflict pain on the gen pop, the faster the discontentment will turn into action against the government.

The reality of the situation West wide (with the exception of Russia IMHO) is that the governments are literally waging total war against their own people, so people will either start fighting back or they will be destroyed for the most part and the survivors completely subjugated. And once they start fighting back (the ones that will), they better win, because if they don’t, they will be destroyed or subjugated. Fighting back isn’t enough, it’s necessary to win (which is part of the reason why I want to move to Russia, my Country is no longer viable for Western civilization nor Christianity and it will take some years for it to become apparent to the gen pop, who is being replaced with Latinos and Africans at fast speed).

There will be lots of violent civil unrest and civil war West wide, hopefully all the responsible ones and their puppets will perish in the conflict. God bless the righteous warriors and have mercy on their souls.

On break from a pretty lame 1968 Richard Widmark flick
On break from a pretty lame 1968 Richard Widmark flick
2 years ago

This guy, Walter M Chesnut, on Twitter if legit has what looks like damning info on effects of the spike protein—whether in the bug or the syringe—and accelerated cell-ageing (senescence). Now there is a noted similarity to radiation sickness. It’s a bit over mu head but the guy’s tweet threads have been blazing lately.

2 years ago

Found a vid of AC’s training routine for when the ultimate happening finally start happening (kinda like those bugout type of drills, but for when ITZ HABBENING):

2 years ago

Black woman calls out the Jewish Antifa and BLM groups for almost killing her children:


PS: I’m not a Civ Nat, but she’s right about the Jewish those Jewish state-sponsored terror groups.

2 years ago

Spanish Supreme Court halts COVID passport plans in Andalusia

2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

There is a reason why historically, journalists are some of the biggest targets of the people’s rage and wrath in times of social unrest caused by tyrannical subjugation:

We (in the West) are living thru the preliminary stages of massive social unrest caused by said tyrannical subjugation. Western governments and politicians don’t represent any member of the general public, they merely serve the banks that loaned unpayable debt to the governments, the people who have the blackmail on them, the people that can effectively threaten their lives (or their loved ones) with the capacity to execute on said threats, and/or the people who finance their campaigns and costs of doing politics. This is true for all politicians on all sides of the fake left/right dichotomy (Western governments always end up in the same anti-Christian, Israel-first, pro-globohomo tragectory no matter if it’s a left leaning or right leaning politician in power) That’s why Western democracy is a big lie, as is any notion of true sovereignty. That’s why the system is unsalvageable, and it will all come crashing down and burn to the ground, IMHO. I hope for the sake of the people who remain in the West (hopefully I will be able to GTFO as it is my plan) that I am wrong. Feel free to delet dis if you think it’s too blackpilled (it might be for some, I don’t see it has being a blackpill), the point I am making is that those that stay in the West will see massive unrest one way or the other, and even unrest is able to be minimized, there is no guarantee that whatever gets salvaged is worth salvaging (there is a reason why people mock the fake ass “democracy” of the West by calling it judeocracy, the left panders to Israel and Jewish communism, and the right panders to Israel and Jewish corpocracy, and both pander to globohomo pedo-founded-LGBT-crap propaganda).

Hopefully the system is salvageable in some places (it isn’t where I am IMHO), specially in the US (because people still have guns), but I think there is a big possibility it isn’t at all, and I think people should consider that possibility if they decide stay or can’t leave the West before the pressure cooker finally blows up. It will be interesting to see how it all ends up going, specially keeping in mind the Christian prophecies about the anti-Christ and end days (which I personally believe in as a Christian), because it might mean that we get to see THE big (and last) anti-Christ coming into power during our life times before he and Satan get their heads crushed during the second coming of Christ.

God bless you all and God have mercy on our souls.

Hope to help
Hope to help
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you’re open to the musings of an Israeli intellectual, you might find this Sam Vaknin discussion of narcissism as one root of today’s predicament to be fairly insightful.

Reply to  Hope to help
2 years ago

I have nothing against Israelis per-se (I think its really sad the degree to which the ziocunts and Israeli governments and original founders have brainwashed them, and I think they are screwed because I believe once the US balkanizes and/or the US people take back control over their body politic (gets rid of the zog) Israel is going to get destroyed), I really like Ido Portal and Gilad Atzmon (although Gilad is no longer an Israeli because he criticized them so hard he is no longer allowed in there despite having been born there (and it’s also funny how the typical anti-zionist Jewish organizations don’t want nothing to do with him because he calls them out on their bullshit too, so he has both zionist Jews and anti-zionist Jews calling him an anti-Semite despite the guy being an ethnic Jew (but he says he renounces his Jewish status and is no longer a Jew, kek, it’s really funny))), although I strongly dislike the subversive zionist lobbies, agents and organizations that have pretty much taken control over the Western body politic and are absolutely destroying the whole West.

I am going to watch the link now, but I would say that at the end of the day the problem is a lack of repentance and love for Christ (love for Christ meaning following His teachings and God’s law), and everything is going down the toilet because people have turned their backs on God (including even the Western politicians on “the right”, but I won’t go into that here in respect for our host AC and his rules), and ultimately everything is supposed to go down the toilet until people repent en mass, and still, then we’ll still have the whole anti-Christ situation (which is going to be announced as the Jewish Messiah BTW), which will only be fixed once Jesus comes back and God crushes Satan’s head and blows up the whole Earth so the Final Judgment can start.

Thanks for the link fren!

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Hope to help
2 years ago

(((Vaknin))) ? That makes sense. Within a few seconds of listening to him a couple years ago I had him pegged as a narc. What tipped me off? He started off good and reasonable, then pushed his analysis beyond all reasonable bounds. I think his conclusion was that fapping was a type of narcissim as evil as adultery. Well, no-fap is good, but classing it with adultery (or whatever he actually classified it with, I don’t remember) was way over the top. It was like he was a narc who knew he was a narc who was trying hard to not be a narc, but didn’t really know how.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
2 years ago

It would be interesting to see what he might have to say about Judaism in the context of the whole “special boi”/choosenite syndrome it inflicts upon many religious Jews.

I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, but he makes some good points on that particular vid.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Dave, again. says,”The raw materials necessary to build the batteries and components for hundreds of millions of electric vehicles in order to replace what the industrial world runs on now are not available…”

You haven’t kept up with battery research. Also do you not think that these people don’t know this and are working on mitigation? Surely you don’t think all these people are so stupid that they can’t see this?

Not that I know all of it but there are many, many batteries being made of sodium “salt”, and carbon that are perfectly acceptable.

One of the big problems with these type batteries is dendrites, spikes of materials that grows on one side of the battery and shorts it out. Recently they’ve figured a way to defeat this with a layer of materials that keeps them from growing. Plenty of other advances too.

As I said Musk rapid and quick battery advances have forced others to react lest they be completely left behind.

I’ll tell you why this is happening. The mental framework that is driving this in large companies. All the big executives know about how Apple and Microsoft came in and saw what Xerox was doing in Palo Alto and how Xerox totally gave away the whole entire personal computer industry to these upstarts. They could have owned it all themselves but were clueless. Look at the Steve Jobs interview at this link where he explains this. He saw it clearly and their management missed it.

None of them want to lose out and be seen as the same as the losers at Xerox. None of them want to be humiliated. They are seen as jokes who lost out and now no one even knows who they are or were.

As for the methane used to fly his new rockets the amount is minuscule in the big scheme of things. It doesn’t even move the needle.

I do hope he is on our side. I’m not sure why he evokes so much hatred. Th only thing I can think of is shear envy at how he has been so successful. But he worked really, really hard to get where he is and has made a lot of very shrewd decisions to get there.

He’s going to launch this thing, this massive huge thing probably in September. It’s going to be an extraordinary event. A historical event. Hopefully it will not just blow up on the pad. He says if it will just not blow up he will consider it a success. It’s so difficult to do these sort of things, the forces are so immense.