News Briefs – 08/23/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Greenbaum lecture. A fascinating transcript of a 1992 lecture by a therapist who specialized in Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It details how he and many of his colleagues believe there is a massive cult/conspiracy, present almost everywhere in the US, composed of US government personnel and regular citizens, who ultimately serve a small group of elites. He and his colleagues believe this cult has produced many MPD cases through some sort of brainwashing/MK Ultra-programming that originated with Nazi doctors brought over in Operation Paperclip, including one named Dr Greenbaum, who helped develop the techniques in the Nazi camps. The techniques have been massively refined since then, and deployed across the nation by Cabal therapists, creating a secret cadre of Manchurian candidates who are programmed, and then give their children over to be programmed because of their own robot programming. He also describes a massive network which keeps an eye on these programmed individuals, often with neighbors, or even family members who are themselves programmed, Jason Bourne style, and this cult is thick in Medicine, because they need certain drugs for programming. Also interesting – these tens of thousands of Manchurian candidates have some sort of suicide switch which will go off if their programming is exposed to cover it up. I picture Q talking about Suicide Weekend. Will the Cabal try to cover its tracks by mass triggering all of these wind-up toys to self terminate, to cover their tracks, and will that be suicide weekend? Are these crazy protesters who illogically turn on people and act out violently, some of these tens of thousands of MK Ultra windup toys? This lecture, and the accepting response of other therapists to it, feels like a big piece of the puzzle Q has been describing.

Brennan was interviewed at CIA headquarters instead of DOJ, even though he no longer works there, so that any perjury could be prosecuted in “United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia” instead of “United States District Court for the District of Columbia.”  Phelps wisely pointed out in the comments, you never do this kind of interview as it opens up the risk of perjury if you say the wrong thing, and it reveals your defense strategy to the prosecution. You only do eight hours of this if you have turned and are cooperating, and giving up everything you know on everyone else. And the only bigger fish he could turn on are Obama, Biden, and Hillary. And the left can’t really bitch about such a case if it is their commie hero who revealed it all and vouches for the authenticity of it.

Alex Jones announces he will delete all of Millie Weaver’s Infowars content, including Shadowgate, from Banned Video, and he is cutting all ties to her. He also says Q is bad. I watched the video, and still have no idea what reason he is using to justify it.

More than 550,000 primary absentee ballots were rejected in 2020, far outpacing 2016.

Canvassers demand answers after 72% of Detroit’s absentee ballot counts were off.

In New York City, an innocent man going out for toothpaste is caught in the crossfire of a gang shooting and is now paralyzed for life. If an innocent man needs to be paralyzed so leftists can tell us what to do, that is a perfectly acceptable cost.

In Chicago, a woman, 73, was shot while opening the door to her Calumet Heights home.

As murders soar in Chicago, judges are freeing even more violent-crime suspects on electronic monitoring.

In Portland, as riots intensify, balloons with feces are thrown at cop cars. Note that long before this, Portland, and Seattle, were rumored to be a hub of strange, glowie activity, supposedly luring homeless from all over the world to there, and sucking them into some sort of MK-Ultra-like program, testing methods to screw with their minds, combined with extensive gangstalking/surveillance activity to monitor it all.

In Portland, rioters go around shining lights into houses, and demanding the residents wake up and come out into the streets.

Rose McGowan rips the DNC and the Clintons while saying, ‘I believe Joe Biden is a rapist.’

Paris Hilton reveals her abuse at a boarding school when she was 17.

During Joe Biden’s presidential nomination acceptance speech Thursday night, both his personal YouTube page and the Democratic Party’s YouTube page racked up massivve numbers of “dislikes” which were mysteriously dropped in the hours after the Democratic National Convention (DNC) had concluded. Think they might do this for President Trump?

Biden is reportedly not leasing his own campaign plane, ending a decades-long tradition of presidential candidate jets. Cabal funds running short this cycle?

Joe Biden faces new plagiarism claim over DNC acceptance speech.

Rush says Biden’s speech may have been prerecorded and stitched together from multiple takes.

Trump calls FDA a part of the ‘deep state’ & accuses drug administration of slow-walking vaccine tests until after election.

Bill de Blasio moves dozens of homeless men into Brooklyn boutique hotels just days after vowing the end the controversial scheme that saw 13,000 vagrants housed in luxury Manhattan hotels.

Amazon censors the book The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals.

The House of Representatives kicked off heated debate Saturday morning over a $25 billion funding bill for the United States Postal Service. Them suddenly rushing back and doing this on a spur of the moment almost feels like it was supposed to be a payment for some sort of deal which was just struck behind the scenes, between the Democrats, and some facet of the Post Office which would benefit from this if Pelosi could force it through. Trump has promised a veto however.

USPS launches new website with resources and information on mail-in ballots.

Climate change alarmist Harrison Ford flies his son to college on a private jet.

Mexican cartels are now using explosive-packed drones in a chilling new brand of warfare.

Biden supporter arrested for stealing Trump hat from 7-year-old child.

Tennessee Governor imposes strict penalties for Antifa-style violence. Truth be told, the government is supposed to protect the First Amendment right to free speech. These violent protesters are destroying the ability to peaceably protest by rioting. Engaging in any crime while protesting should be a federal charge with a mandatory ten years, to protect the sanctity of protesting.

Ratings continue to crater for protest-filled NBA, which is now trailing golf, NASCAR and wrestling.

Spain to build 30-foot walls around its African cities to stop migrants.

The Trump administration’s tax break for underprivileged neighborhoods has attracted an estimated $75 billion dollars in private investment, potentially lifting 1 million people out of poverty.

Trump’s approval rating surged during Biden’s convention.

Trumpslide boat parades are underway in New York, Massachusetts, and North Dakota.

Spread r/K Theory, because in the 90’s, you thought life would be boring in the world’s lone superpower.

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3 years ago

Regarding your 1st news item: the Greenbaum Lecture ~ if you haven’t already, you should watch the Aaron & Melissa Dykes documentary ‘The Minds of Men’ on their utube or bitchute channel – Truthstream Media. It is several hours long & will absolutely creep you out! It details, with supporting documents & interviews, what the Greenbaum lecture only skims.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  2P
3 years ago

” Greenbaum Lecture”

Now I can’t in any way prove this but as soon as I saw this video I immediately knew this was one of theirs attempting to off themselves. There’s a really long video about this where they show her at the police station and she is totally normal after freaking out and being run over by a truck. Only asking people over and over if “she looked ok” and worried about her appearance. Of course right after this they let her go ??????????? and she killed someone and beat herself in the head with a hammer. Now they found some sort of person where they stayed or something , in the US, and of course they had no idea what they were doing in England. I bet these girls are dead. I wasn’t able to find anything more about them. I bet they were sex slaves of some sort and since they were older they had no use for them. Watch the video of this it’s bizarre. I have seen a longer documentary somewhere but I don’t know offhand where.

What needs to be done with these people is they hunt them down relentlessly just like the British hunted down the Thugees, a group in India that murdered people and stole from them as part of their religion, and hung them all. They disappeared as a group.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

How did the girls get the superhuman resilience and durability?

That’s some Marvel Comics – level stuff right there.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

What if they are vat babies who are genetically enhanced and the gaybal was doing test runs on that kind of super soldier, to see how well they would blend in with the gen pop, but they were all glitchy and emo and murderous and shit but they just let them do their own genetic modified undercover super mutant thing for the laughs and science?

Also, didn’t some ME guy complained about genetically modified super soldiers some years ago?

Just Me
Just Me
3 years ago

Provo Canyon School did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment Saturday, but released the following statement to People: “Originally opened in 1971, Provo Canyon School was sold by its previous ownership in August 2000. We therefore cannot comment on the operations or patient experience prior to this time.”

That’s a funny way to refer to students – “patient”

Reply to  Just Me
3 years ago

“Give your child the help they need with their behavioral and mental development by enlisting the services of Provo Canyon School. As a behavioral health center in Provo, we place a heavy focus on the academic, therapeutic, and developmental needs of our patients.” (

Sounds like the rich-kid equivalent of drug rehab, or maybe “send them to special therapy instead of reform school.”

3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Censored South Park ending.

This is how the Jews operate.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

For posteriority purposes, here is a backup of that vydia:

3 years ago
3 years ago

Here is the video of the greenbaum speech:

3 years ago

In your first link, the translation writes Cabalistic rather than Qabbalah or Kabbalah as it is usually spelled, which given your personal terminology might be a bit confusing.

3 years ago

The news is that Kellyanne Conway’s daughter has gone kind of bonkers and is making a storm on social media. I presume that she’s been targeted by cabal for many years with organized stalking and gas lighting. Kellyanne is immensely talented and Cabal will definitely want Kellyanne out of this race. And that’s what happened. Kellyanne announced she’s stepping down to deal with family.

Reply to  Anti-Cabal
3 years ago

Fifteen years old?!?!?!?

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Open Society Foundation = Woke ISIS with a shit ton more money

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

” renaming “Refugee Centers” into “Departure Centers””

Too funny! (and good riddance)