News Briefs – 08/07/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q and 8chan is still down. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

8Chan on Zeronet was not set up by Q’s people, so don’t go there:

As a window into what may be Trump’s thinking in calling for Red Flag laws, an anon on 4chan noted how by taking a position supporting Red Flag Laws and background checks immediately, Trump took the centrist/moderate position. The left was hoping to occupy this spot, but Trump took it first. So now the left has no choice but to play the radical position of full semi-auto ban, seizures from homes, magazine bans, and so on, which means they probably go for that and can then lose everything. And if anything minor does pass, which if it does, it would have one way or another, Trump takes credit for it, and the left looks like losers. That sounds about right, though I would state red flag laws will hurt some gun turnout in 2020, in my opinion, compared to rebuffing everything. We have to keep in mind both Don Jr and Eric are hardcore NRA, so there is no doubt what way the wind will blow with the administration. As seems to always be the case with Trump, you can’t let trigger issues set you off and complain, until the dust settles and you see how it turns out.

More Epstein Island Videos:

El Paso shooter’s father’s psych center may have been grooming young girls through molestation. John of God was an associate, so no surprises there.

The father of the accused El Paso shooter, John Bryan Crusius, worked with Colin A. Ross at the Timberlawn Mental Health System in Dallas. Ross specialized in multiple personality disorders and associated trauma-disorders and shared a relationship with Sydney Gottlieb, the father of trauma-based CIA MKUltra LSD mind-control experiments. He also claimed to have researched satanic cults and psychological research on military veterans at Timberlawn. Not hard to do that math.

El Paso shooter said it was the Democrat debate, where every candidate raised their hand to provide free healthcare to illegals, which set him off. So it wasn’t Trump’s language which set him off, it was Democrats saying they were going to make Americans give free healthcare to illegals who broke our laws.

Pictures emerge of the Antifa shooter in Ohio wearing a dress and an Antifa mask in his band “Menstrual Munchies.”

Antifa shooter was also one of the armed Antifa Counter protestors at a KKK rally. Obviously the fact he had an AR with 100 round mag and an Eotech sight, and cops dropped him with mid-frame 9mm handguns in about two seconds would speak to the capability level of the armed Antifa guys.

Top FBI complained that senior executives, including Strzok, were banging CNN on air staff in return for leaking information. Bear in mind, in intelligence, sex = blackmail and control. Though since the media was Cabal too, it could have been Cabal using CNN bimbos to blackmail some FBI leaders who had eluded Cabal’s net, or it could have been Cabal FBI getting control of some CNN personnel who had slipped through to high positions on the other side. Sometimes I have wondered if all of these people, doing things like this while knowing they are under full surveillance coverage that captures everything, wasn’t like pledging loyalty to Cabal and giving it full control by willingly giving it blackmail.

Judicial Watch obtains records of 14 referrals of FBI employees for leaking sensitive or classified information.

Did a local news affiliate report there was a shooting in El Paso, before it happened, then say, “Wait, that hasn’t happened yet?”

Strzok’s lawsuit says, “Management” in the FBI counterintelligence division (CD) gave a character reference to Strzok to try & avoid him being fired, calling him “gifted” who they “believe[d]” would “never again engage in misconduct.” Full thread on the lawsuit’s gems at Undercover Huber’s twitter.

Gun control fail – 14 shootings over the August weekend in Toronto.

The cold, hard math says Netflix Could crash 70%. No Cabal bucks to prop it up?

Peter Strzok, key figure in Russia probe, sues FBI, DOJ over firing.

The man suspected of carrying out the mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio heard voices in his head, saying dark, evil things. M. Scott Peck, a well respected psychiatrist who ended up treating the possessed before exorcisms described a genuinely possessed patient who heard voices in her head telling her to do evil things. If we know there is a technology which can put voices in people’s heads, and people are hearing voices in their heads, is it more likely a parallel thought process is going on in a cognitively isolated part of their brain thinking up novel things to say to the rest of their brain, or that a demon is possessing them, or is it more likely there is someone out there, using the tech, maybe as a test or experiment, saying things which the victims think are voices in their brain?

Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea team up to write a book on ‘Gutsy Women.’ It sounds great. You write a book, it is marketed to hundreds of millions, and you clean up. But nobody has time to read, and even if they do, there are a million more interesting things free online, and more easily accessible. Nobody will buy this. And we will be told it sold millions, was on the NY Times best seller list, and they will be paid millions. This is a payoff, plain and simple, done right in the open.

Navy moving ahead with unprecedented review of JAG Corps. Think about it. You run a conspiracy designed to subvert an entire nation. But within this nation is a risky organization made up overwhelmingly of idealistic young warriors who would kill you cold if given the chance. They get security clearances and can conspire against you. And their organization is the biggest threat you face. Within the organization is a bunch of faggy lawyers, who can drum up charges and prosecute the members you don’t like, and kill charges against your infiltrators you sent in. They could even protect your operators if your conspiracy gets uncovered and someone tries to use the Military legal system to purge them with tribunals. Would you make infiltrating it a priority? If Military Tribunals were going to be used to purge the Cabal from our nation, would Trump need to take a much closer look at JAG before launching the Tribunals? I wonder if Cabal was cruising along, hoping a compromised JAG would be their failsafe, and POTUS let them, right until the last moment, when he planned a quick purge, and then on to the Tribunals. If so, POTUS wins, again.

Navy admiral who oversaw SEAL prosecution implicated in ‘Fat Leonard’ scandal, documents indicate. Q said those who take the most rise the highest, at least in terms of rank. And she was going to put a combat SEAL in the brig. Her pic:

Ilhan Omar’s new white soyboy boytoy is a married man.

Paypal permanently limits Straight Pride Parade account.

Chinese State Media slams Trump as a White Nationalist.

Protesters gather outside McConnell’s Kentucky home, one calls for his stabbing ‘in the heart.’

Japan issues a travel warning to the US due to mass shootings. A bunch of countries have done this. It is possible this is due to intelligence on the state of the Storm which is not known to us in the public, and which indicates this is a critical period where Cabal will try to light it up. Q did say traditionally August was the hottest month, and to say something if we saw something.

Lawsuit alleges “pedophile epidemic” in the Boy Scouts of America, identifying hundreds of possible predatory scoutmasters and at least 800 victims.

Nadler is renewing his push to impeach Brett Kavanaugh.

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Thompson and Ranking Member Rogers have summoned 8chan owner Jim Watkins to appear before their committee to answer questions about extremist content.

NY Times changes a headline which said “Trump Urges Unity Vs Racism,” to “Assailing Hate But Not Guns” after leftist complaints it was too positive for Trump.

Prof calls to get rid of grades because they are ‘capitalism in action.’ It is not real socialism unless you take the hard work of someone else and give it to those who didn’t do anything.

Norwegian tax agency blown up.

Former Indian Foreign Affairs Minister dies suddenly at 67.

There is a report NRA looked into purchasing a $6 million mansion for the use of its chief executive Wayne Lapierre. This is a leak, in WaPo, from probably anti-NRA New York investigators, and the buy never actually happened. So it could be total fake news and the mansion wasn’t a mansion but an office, and it wasn’t for Lapierre, but who knows.

Google, Facebook, and Twitter aren’t prepared for deepfakes, Adam Schiff says. There may be a video from the Standard Hotel coming.

AT&T employees took bribes to unlock millions of smartphones, and to install malware and unauthorized hardware on the company’s network, the Department of Justice said yesterday. Interesting, like the Awan case in Congress, these were Pakistanis running this, and one is believed to be dead already. Ostensibly this was to unlock iPhones, but they had full access via rogue wireless access points to AT&T’s internal networks controlling their whole operation. I wonder if they were flooding the US with rooted and hacked iPhone via eBay, or something, looking to see what they would get. Or they could even have been supplying Awan with the phones he was giving congress people.

Corey Booker demands all Trump rallies be canceled, presumably forever. Leftists are just caricatures now.

More than 1,000 public pensions in California are so big they exceed IRS limits.

There is a device which can detect what you are thinking through electrical impulses sent to vocal muscles even when you are only thinking to yourself. Requires contact with the neck, so given how EM dissipates with distance probably won’t work at any distance, but interesting nonetheless.

Amazon is using local Police to get citizens to give permission to access their Ring Doorbell feeds. So CIA Inc., a division of Cabal, Inc. is trying to get Cops to lure citizens to give them legal access to their feeds, as opposed to the covert access they already have.

Amazon finally gives Alexa users the option to stop staff listening to recordings of them having sex. A measure of how programmed and moronic the population is. Who would install this in their home, unless they were completely on autopilot?

Protestors swarm McConnell’s home, threaten to “Stab Motherfucker” in the heart.

Steve Scalise blasts this next tweet’s subject as fanning flames and endangering the lives of Trump supporters:

Disney has a huge earnings miss. Again, a Cabal media entity that suddenly is not so flush, I presume because ad revenue is down. Ads are a great way to launder money transfers.

Kamala plummets to 1% with black Americans after Tulsi takes her down.

De Blasio says Bernie would have won in 2016.

Sexual abuse settlements have begun to strain the Boy Scouts’ finances to the point where the organization has said it’s exploring “all available options,” including Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

RCMP raid the home of aspiring tranny ball-waxee Jessica Yaniv.

Court reinstates Sarah Palin suit against New York Times.

“Trump sues over California law forcing candidates to turn over tax returns.”

The FBI says that it has opened a federal investigation into the Dayton mass shooting attack, stating that the shooter had been “exploring violent ideologies.” He had been talking with Antifa on Twitter.

Infowars asks if the El Paso shooter’s manifesto is fake.

China blinks on currency, US stocks rebound, Trump wins.

American Thinker notes how strange all the Republican resignations are, both last cycle and this cycle, and wonders what the pattern could be. They do not read Q.

Florida’s Governor orders state criminal probe into Palm Beach Sheriff and former State Attorney’s handling of the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case.

Trump adds more sanctions on Venezuela, with specific pressure on Maduro.

A federal judge has maintained a block on three Arkansas abortion laws that would restrict access to the procedure after 18 weeks of pregnancy.

As Leftists try to out-virtue-signal to each other with the terror they feel, twitter has become comedy gold:

And then they just picked up and went on, as if nothing had happened. The life of a rabbit today.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it’s an act of love too.

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4 years ago

> Don Jr and Eric are hardcore NRA

So was “member for life!” George Bush, until he signed the Assault Weapons Ban.

Not that “NRA” carries much weight among serious gunheads who realize the NRA is a paper tiger, if not a false-front organization.

Just remember Wayne’s LaPierre’s cry for a “Federal Mental Health Card” after Sandy Hook. Just after diverting member funds to support a NASCAR team. (which they still support…)

4 years ago

> Netflix Could crash 70%.

“They” keep saying that Netflix is going to go under, but they always seem to come back even bigger than before.

For a company so often up against the ropes, they sure make a lot of money…

Note that rentals and streaming are services that would be easy to fiddle the numbers on, making the profit-and-loss statements look any way their accountants wanted. And if you have billions you needed to launder somehow, what better way?

4 years ago

This video shows that the Dayton shooter was taken out by a cop with an AR. The other officers with handguns unloaded after the rifle dropped him:

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Castro’s releasing of names of Trump donors is hugely significant, and if you understand Cabal’s method of operation you’ll be hugely concerned.

The civil war won’t be as imagined. Cabal never goes into a straight up fight. They don’t wear uniforms or wave flags.

Castro isn’t merely calling out these particular donors. He’s sending a message that all must be IDed and that something must be done about them.

Even up front, in your face boycotts are too straight up for these people. Expect vandalism and harassment. New hires causing problems and waste and disruption. Customers being made to feel uncomfortable. Silent boycotts. Slander campaigns.

Expect local government officials to come up with sudden zoning challenges. Teachers and school administrators to green light harassment of the children of those donors. Expect a thousand cuts, all plausibly deniable, by people who will pretend to be your friends and take offense and gaslight you if you call them out.

This will be going on for years. This is how the civil war will play out.

At this point in the game, if you’ve got anything to lose, I’d be very, very cautious about expressing support for Trump. And I’m convinced that this is why he did better on election day 2016 than the polls indicate. Those with an awareness of things know very well to keep their thoughts to themselves.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

This is why getting intel on the enemy is so important.
They are not the only ones who get to make lists, and who get to fuck with other people. Don’t forget most of the people involved in this shit have some very nice glass houses themselves (mostly related to criminal connections to organized crime, typically drugs, and most big time movers of drugs, that supply them, have connections to human trafficking).
Also, if the local illegal harassment/surveillance networks don’t go down in a few years, you can expect people who have lost everything to start going kinetic against the ground level stooges.

But you do make some excellent points.

Steven Z
Steven Z
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

You make a good point, these people can be blackmailed also, that is probably what prevents them from turning on their handlers. I also think the lowest levels of Cabal are considered expendable by the higher ups and will not share in any spoils.

Steven Z.
Steven Z.
4 years ago

As for the story about the professor saying that grades were capitalism in action; what people like him want is to do away with merit. With merit, people like him lose in competition to those better qualified; his kind get by on sucking up, playing social games, etc.

4 years ago

Is there any Trump voter in 2016 that could have imagined that Trump would be caving to the left, adopting their anti-white propaganda and language, and fulfilling their gun control wet dreams in 2019? Who would have thought that Trump would be sticking up for a scumbag rapper to pander to blacks, but won’t intervene for the 1 person that did the most to get him elected and has put his life and freedom on the line (Assange)? Who would have thought that Assange would be in prison rather than Hillary? Who would have thought that 3,000 illegals per day would *******STILL******* be pouring over the border while Trump makes a dog and pony show over 20 illegals being deported? Who would have thought he’d be pushing for the death penalty for “anti-semitism” and “hate crimes” while Hillary, McCabe, Comey, and Styrok would be doing book tours?

Who would have thought that Trump would totally ignore his supporters being deplatformed, beat up, fired, censored, demonetized, and generally depersoned by BIG Tech and the banking system???

Who would have thought that Trump would be so feckless as to have no response whatsoever to an attempted coup, other than whining on Twitter? Imagine the leader of *ANY* other country responding in such a timid manner?

“And if anything minor does pass, which if it does, it would have one way or another, Trump takes credit for it, and the left looks like losers.”

So we compromise and chisel away our rights yet again, become Demonscat-lite just to stay in the good graces of the “classical liberals” and cuckservatives.

“We have to keep in mind both Don Jr and Eric are hardcore NRA”

We know what that means-the NRA sold us down the river on the bump stock ban and they’re now supporting red flag laws. At the same time, they’re using donations to enrich insiders rather than actually doing stuff for the 2A. Anyone that cares about the 2A should donate to groups that actually get stuff done, like the Second Amendment Foundation which won the Heller and McDonald cases.

“As seems to always be the case with Trump, you can’t let trigger issues set you off and complain, until the dust settles and you see how it turns out.”

He hasn’t fulfilled a single promise, other than the ones that benefit the Chamber of Commerce.

I’ve consistently overestimated Trump. If this is winning, then I’m sick and tired of #winning!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That remain in mexico policy hasn’t stopped 3,000 people a day from coming over the border, regardless of their ability to falsely claim asylum or not. Trump is the commander and chief of the most powerful military in the world with a $700 billion+ budget-he should start acting like it. He also doing exactly squat to address birthright citizenship nor *legal* immigration, particularly chain migration. He wants immigrants in “the largest numbers” ever, despite the fact that 90% of third worlders will vote for socialist scumbags and stab us in the back. But it’s ok because the Chamber of Commerce benefits from it.

4 years ago

Notice the pic on the OP of this thread.
This is why the false flags are accelerating now.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

AC is right on the money.

3c. During Epstein’s 2008 arrest someone in Zorro Ranch won the PowerBall lottery and claimed it under a shell company.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Yep. Like good sheep everyone has moved over to the new talking points.

4 years ago

which means, LDT, that left/cabal/DS knows their time is up.

4 years ago

I can understand and accept 3d chess but you don’t ever sacrifice your king.
Guns are the king, if we lose them it’s game-over.

Trump needs to stop moving the overton window towards confiscation, we had pro-gun momentum before he took the wind out of our sails with the bumpstock ban.

4 years ago
4 years ago

POLL: 65% of Gun Owners Say They Won’t Vote for Pres. Trump Over “Red Flags”

4 years ago

DRC medics arrested over murder of WHO Ebola doctor

Ebola crisis ‘accelerating’ as virus kills 500 children in Democratic Republic of Congo

4 years ago

> Epstein drone videos

Same CGI stuff that has been hawked elsewhere. Nobody has any real footage?

4 years ago

> AT&T employees took bribes to unlock millions of smartphones

Not mentioned: If your phone as the standard AT&T utility set preinstalled, they can send down additional hidden apps or backdoored “updates” and have root control of your phone, turning it into a real-time spy device. The phones were *designed* for that, and all carriers install software to implement it.