News Briefs – 08/25/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Las Vegas shooter’s girlfriend listed her place of employment as “FBI” on a loan application, leading an agent to tell Truepundit she may have been an asset, but it was above his pay grade. He was a loner, he avoided neighbors, he erected privacy fences around his house so neighbors couldn’t watch him, he never went outside, had no lawn furniture, and his girlfriend was a government spook. Something very strange was afoot around him.

Comey and Mueller caught funneling billions to Lockheed Martin.

Vast Majority of Weiner laptop emails never read.

Hillary campaign and DNC colluded to launder $84 million dollars into her campaign. They were taking massive donations and creating paper trails making it look like they came from other elements of the party like State parties so they could all be funneled into Hillary’s campaign far beyond contribution caps.

Amazon bans a book with the code to 3D print a gun.

Bruce Ohr went behind his bosses’ backs to feed information from Steele to the FBI.

Big Tech and Social Media meet up to formulate a strategy to prevent “manipulation” of their platforms in the 2018 elections. In other words, how do we favor the leftists in every election.

Mollie Tibbit’s killer seeks gag order preventing him from being referred to as an illegal alien. Wonder if that would allow blogs to be sued.

Some media are floating the idea that since Trump broke the law to get elected by colluding with Russia, he needs to be impeached and removed on legal principles. Trump and company are talking about Impeachment to remind voters that if they don’t turn out, and the Democrats and the Cuckservative Republicans get enough numbers, they will Impeach Trump as a matter of survival. Maxine Waters says impeachment is a responsibility.

CNN and MSNBC say “Impeachment” 222 times in one day.

Defiant Pelosi says she is staying. Did Vinny “The Chin” Gigante give up power when he was stumbling around the streets in a bathrobe?

GOP blocks Rand Paul’s attempts to defund planned parenthood.

Billionaire Tom Steyer is looking into a run for President as he is pushing for Trump’s impeachment. It is an amazing time to have such a master of the art of persuasion, that the media can literally name anyone as a potential challenger, and all you do is laugh.

Brennan says, “I take comfort in knowing ‘rule of law’ is prevailing over Trump.” A coded Cabal message to the troops – we will use the machinery to take him down, so stay loyal to the machine. Notice both he and Romney said almost the exact same thing.

Roger Stone says Mueller is about to go after Don Jr.

3 Men charged with 1460 counts of having sex with animals.

Sexual orientation can change. If it is related to amygdala volume, and if amygdala volume is related to usage, then usage can change volume, which can change orientation. Homosexuality will plummet in times of high stress.

San Francisco is paying each member of the Poop patrol $185,000 in salary and benefits.

John McCain to discontinue cancer treatment. If you believe he has cancer.

Poland PM proud that Poland did not receive a single Muslim migrant.

NASA Space Chief want to send humans to the moon to stay.

The White House begins talking about families like Mollie Tibbit’s, which have been permanently separated.

McConnell promises 12 more Trump judges will be approved before Senate breaks from session.

Republican Rick Scott leading Bill Nelson in Florida Governor’s race by six points.

Graham says Trump will very likely fire Sessions after the midterms. This might be a sign of timing. If there is a Storm coming, watch for it to hit just as Trump’s fury at Session’s refusal to do anything political peaks.

Jason Chaffetz blasts Sessions as absent, ineffective, missing, a disappointment.

Both Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley adjust their positions to allow Trump to fire Sessions. Everyone beats up on Sessions, even saying they have to fire him. The left has already said you can’t, proving Sessions is non-partisan, only to have Sessions then attack the left.

NFL Legend Jim Brown, who said he would never kneel and would always respect the flag, supports Trump in 2020 proudly. In the last 100 years, how many Presidents have worked solely to better the lives of everyday, average Americans, and put them first in the world?

A memo leaked out of the White House which may show that they employed Israeli Intelligence Firm Black Cube to analyze the network under Obama in terms of an intelligence threat to the nation and Trump’s administration. Obama’s Ben Rhodes says it’s, “a bizarre effort to validate ‘deep state’ conspiracy theories.” Given how they lie, it automatically tells you all the Deep State Conspiracy Theories are true.

In online gambling, Trump is favored in the 2020 election more than every other challenger combined. And the Storm hasn’t even hit yet.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is all good news lately

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5 years ago

The zman and rabbits

He doesn’t state it explicitly, but read a few.paragraphs in will see the obvious connection

5 years ago

“Republican Rick Scott leading Bill Nelson in Florida Governor’s race by six points.”

Senate race.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…families like Mollie Tibbit’s, which have been permanently separated…”

Oh that’s good. Forget temporary separation.