News Briefs – 08/25/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Someone on Reddit pointed out this suspect in the Madeline McCann case, who was said to speak English with an Australian accent (which could sound British) looks a lot like Ghilsane Maxwell, who speaks with a British accent:

The New York Post reporter who first broke the news of Epstein’s “suicide attempt,” his successful “suicide,” and the pics of his body wrote an obituary for a character in the movie Eyes Wide Shut by Stanley Kubrick which emphasized the character’s good mood before they died, wrote the obituary for Kubrick the same way, emphasizing his good mood before he died, and he flew on the Lolita Express.

Democrats are still talking about gun bans. I should not need to point it out, but for those who are ever faced with a gun confiscation scheme and who decide to go along with it, you only need to surrender the receiver. So if it is an AR, remove the upper, remove the stock, strip the lower, turn just it in, and then buy an 80% lower and set it aside with the parts. Likewise, much of the cost of a Glock is the slide and barrel assembly. strip everything nonessential and keep it. I don’t see that said enough, so if you are on another forum, spread it around so we have the ability to arm back up quickly when SHTF.

The use of a stent on Ginsburg may indicate her case is considerably worse than was advertised. A commenter yesterday said essentially the same thing.

Exorcists tell the Jesuit head that the Devil is real, after he says it is just an idea. Kind of disturbing he would say that, but not surprising the devil would be an intelligence agent running an infiltration/subversion operation.

Ex-airforce veteran, currently working for the department of defense on a classified project found mysteriously dead along with 2 sons on hiking trail. Supposedly hypothermia from rain and cold, but looks curious.

Here is a picture of Obama’s daughter with her boyfriend:

I could be wrong, but I look at this picture, and see a normal girl, and a guy who looks like a handler, sent in on orders.

Trump offers ‘thoughts and prayers’ to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, says, “She’s strong, very tough, she’s pulled through a lot.” Maybe it is just because he approaches everything as a fun joke, but I read this this little bit of seriousness and thought, Trump knows something which means her time is short.

Prince Andrew is afraid to return to the US. He claims it is because of lawsuits, but that seems questionable to me. I would wonder if there is some sort of shadow justice thing going on, as with McCain, and he worries he might be grabbed up and dealt with by it.

French prosecutors could summon Prince Andrew to Paris to help with probe into Jeffrey Epstein rape claims.

DOJ says Epstein was taken off suicide watch after an examination by a doctoral level psychologist, but they get squirrelly about revealing the psychologist’s name. If I tried to imagine being a Cabal-leader, having access to the CIA archives on mind control techniques, and giving Epstein a half billion dollars and enough insight into critical operations to destroy everything, I see one way I would do it. I would approach Epstein and offer him a deal. Instead of being just another fired Calculus teacher, or low-level plebe stock guy, he gets to LARP as an important billionaire, and molest underaged girls until his heart is content, but he has to willingly undergo hypnosis and drugging, and whatever else MK Ultra came up with, to make him essentially a remote control wind-up toy who we would always control. If they did that, it would be interesting to see a tape of his last meeting with the psychologist, and find out just exactly who that psychologist was. I tend to think he was killed, but if Derren Brown could program that kid to be a mass shooter on his TV show, it is not impossible Epstein was somehow programmed too.

First crime ever committed in space is committed by a homosexual female. Straight males say, “See, I told you!”

Bill Gates refuses to comment on why he was on Epstein’s jet.

An article that raised an interesting point – Scaramucci has never tweeted or commented on Spygate. Nobody will refuse to comment about the intelligence problem in America like those mid-level informants/agents who are high enough to know something bad is going on and could fuck them up, but not so high that they are read in on what to say about it. I actually raise the issue with people in oblique, but obvious ways just to see their reaction. Wide eyes, lips pressed together, and a look of “Holy Shit!,” but refusing to say anything, is always a give away that they take orders, and are afraid to act unilaterally on their own in any way, even to try and deny anything. The most surprising thing is the aura of fear they will give off, as if doing the wrong thing would be irreparable to their lives, so they freeze like deer in the headlights, almost as a sign of subservience to whoever else is always listening. It would actually be a good way now to establish the battle lines. Ask “our” voices online to comment on the Spygate story and see who will take about domestic surveillance launched against US Citizens, and who will not. Would Cernavich have a discussion about gangstalking? Would Laura Loomer discuss whether surveillance budgets should be classified? You’d find out pretty quickly who is ((Them))).

Mil Intel UFO chief had quit his job over a perception that the government was not addressing the UFO issue.

Thousands of banned Chinese ‘spy’ cameras are STILL watching government buildings in the US.

Case of a pedophile who practiced some sort of occult religion imported from Cuba, had a trunk full of mummified human remains, and was part of a much larger ring which one member bragged would never be crushed.

Two thieves approach a house, one splits off to the Tesla in the driveway, one carries a backpack up to the home and begins scanning the house, capturing and relaying a keyless entry-fob’s signal from inside to a transmitter the other has by the car, so they can steal the homeowner’s Tesla. Took less than 30 seconds.

SAS hero jailed for 15 months for keeping a pistol which reminded him of his 22 friends who had died.

An interesting idea from Free Republic : “If Trump asserts that China is the leading polluter and violator of human rights as a part of his trade negotiations with China, he will win the independent voters and the 2020 election. Trump is a strategic negotiator and politician. By taking the lefts position against China, he can head them off at the pass.” That could be a good way to turn the screws on China, because the leftists would have to go along, especially with the polluting and Global Warming stuff.

Antibiotic-resistant Salmonella strain confirmed as ‘superbugs’ continue to worry experts.

Biden mistakes New Hampshire for Vermont during campaign stop.

Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden is facing more campaign issues this week; with analysts saying his fundraising efforts have “tumbled” since a series of gaffes on the campaign trail.

Scientists are trying to normalize cannibalism, as if it is no big deal. Why would they do that?

Michelle Obama reveals the Obama girls were conceived through IVF. So Obama didn’t have to sleep with her. Interesting. That was about the only reason to assume he wasn’t gay.

Two big British YouTubers had their accounts–with a combined 350,000 subs–terminated on the same day. The Iconoclast–one of the YouTubers who was banned–had no previous strikes and meticulously followed ToS.

Rich part of D.C. goes tooth-and-claw to prevent new child-migrant shelter in its neighborhood.

Court rules Idaho must give tranny inmate gender surgery.

Third drag queen from Drag Queen Story Hour shown to have a rap sheet for sex crimes. By all means have your kids roll around on the ground with them.

China gears up to collect citizens’ DNA nationwide.

We should never say things like this publicly, because President Trump is out there and our rhetoric ends up being used to attack him and portray him as representative of something less than moderate and fuzzy, but we should remember these things were said. Obviously, unless something changes in our course, this type of hatred would indicate the path to full scale civil war, or at least a one-sided bloody purge, would seem set:

With this next one, you have to understand that the surveillance is tracking people coming in, protesting, and going out. Imagery is captured from cameras everywhere, even on actual watchers. And watchers will be assigned to you in real time, once you do something like this. You need to be untraceable, and it needs to begin when you come into the city, and your path home needs to be taken while unrecognizable, and it needs to include several counter-surveillance detection routes, to lose any followers. And given the matrix today, I am not even sure you can pull it off. Your best bet would probably be to make it so they couldn’t admit they knew it was you, without revealing something that compromised how their network was set up and operated. Sadly, this kid is going to have problems, unless he has super counter-surveillance skills:

As for this one, notice his ear is exposed, so he might as well not even wear a mask. I’d also wear sunglasses to cover my irises, and put something in my shoes to throw off my gait. It is a shame, all of these are just idealistic kids, and they are almost all in totally over their heads against a regime which will take them out in the coming years, and nobody wants them to know the shit that could save their lives:

Notice, in Hong Kong the Taxi drivers are Chinese and support the government. I told you before, taxi drivers chat you up for more than just curiosity. Here, they are ground-level PRC vehicular surveillance operators who spend their days as the government’s eyes and ears on the streets, and show up on orders to get a closer look at any foreign visitors who look interesting, and track where they go. Think that cab you hailed just happened to be driving by at that moment, and you ended up in it totally randomly? And then the guy starts hitting you with questions? They have been playing the game for longer than you, and they know where the advantages are and they have taken them. It is all they do.:

Fake marriage Green Card scam thwarted, when the supposed wife allows the agent assigned their case to look over her phone, which was filled with loving texts between the “husband” and wife. As the agent is looking at it, a new text comes in from some other guy thanking her for the best sex ever.

2 million pistols, 8.6 million firearms total made in 2018. Again, another metric by which you can detect increasing K in the populace. Given much of Cabal’s strategy appears to have been r-ifying the population, and we were still going K under that regime, I would imagine the acceleration toward K-attitudes now will be faster and faster.

Israel said it foiled a “pending large-scale attack” by Iranian forces and Shiite militia on targets in Israel with a series of airstrikes near Damascus.Cabal diversion averted?

Trump says he may invite Russia to join next G-7.

Boris Johnson tells Channel migrants ‘we will send you back.’ Here it comes, K-selection in full.

Hillary’s email case is still an open matter, according to Grassley’s investigation, because the FBI left it open without examining all the evidence. Barr will not comment on whether DOJ is going to get back into it.

Although the media does not report it, the Yellow Vests are still going for week 41.

Spread r/K Theory, because if we don’t help our kind, nobody else will.

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4 years ago

That guy with Obama’s daughter looks scared shitless. Also looks like Jim Carrey who I thought this was before reading your caption. Also odd that Obama’s daughter looks more southeast Asian/Pacific Islander than black, no?

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

That photo looks ‘shopped to me. Look at the hands. They don’t really match up like people holding hands.

4 years ago

8 million made – not even close. Add to that all of the 80% lowers made and sold. Not quite all as some go to low volume custom manufacturers (reported). If you pay cash it disappears from everywhere. While not all become functioning pieces as it does take some skill most do. Once you have purchased the tooling and done one multiples become easy. With polymer pour it makes DIY lowers ever easier that machined (Glock -tm style). Cheap printers will also do some items. Want to know what is happening find out how many reloading presses were made and sold. How many tons of powder, primers and projectiles and made and sold. A well known manufacturer of high end semi automatic loaders has a online map of distributors. The cluster in Europe will tell you something.

For those of you who do not know reloads ,once you practice, are as reliable as factory ammo. Your home made piece can run as relaibly as any factory piece. If you learn to be a garage smith your build made even run better. Watch the online videos for instruction there are some good ones out there and practice on scrap first.

A friend of mine was lucky and got one of the CMP .45’s made in 1941 and refurbished – it runs like brand new and better. So, dust off the old pieces have them checked out and add to the inventory of working weapons. The true adage is that weapons have only two enemies rust and politicians; both can be controlled. Numbers from 2000 using a low annual estimate of 5,000,000 X 19 years is 95,000,000 plus added to the total, makes me drool with happiness.

Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

it runs like brand new and better.

And at twice the price. There are many, many current production 1911A1’s available out there, for half the price what the CMP was charging.

Reply to  Bonaventure
4 years ago

I agree on the price and quality part. The point was that guns do not have to age. Anything made for WWI is generally ready to use with modern ammunition.

CMP pieces are of historical value and great display pieces and all have a history. The may well have been in the hands of a combatant and part of what we will never know. History is not only words and pictures but real items you can hold and tell the story to your children and their children.

Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

Reminds me of the old adage: Buy the gun, not the story.

But yes, I get what you’re saying. I have many an old “dusty” rifle that looks antiquated by modern standards, but can often outshoot just about any new production of today.

4 years ago

> Bill Gates refuses to comment on why he was on Epstein’s jet.

That’s pretty stupid.

Everyone who ever flew on that jet has had *years* to come up with a statement. Gates has his own PR people. So, for that matter, do most of the others who’ve associated with Epstein.

“Yes, I flew on the at plane. A number of us were attending a meeting which was held at that venue, and many of us took the plane since it gave us extra time together to transact our business.” That’s basic PR work; uninformative but plausible.

For that matter, possibly completely true; some amount of legitimate business would have been a good cover should, well, this kind of exposure occur…

4 years ago

> An article that raised an interesting point – Scaramucci has never tweeted or commented on Spygate. Nobody will refuse to comment

[looks up Scaramucci’s public history]

I dunno… his career was all in finance and investment. Then he became “White House Director of Communications” until he got fired with less than a week on the job. He campaigned for *both* Obama and Trump. Looks like he was trying to make the jump from finance to politics, flamed Obama, flamed Trump, went on the late night TV talk show circuit, and… I’m seeing very little other than TV stuff after mid-2017.

That’s an interesting career change. He supposedly has a net worth around $200M, which is pretty good by politician standards, but that’s pool boy money compared to the big dogs.

Some of the reports of his public ravings make him look like a complete head case. And most of those are from *pro* Scaramucci sites.

Maybe he actually doesn’t know anything. He has an established history of not being able to STFU; who would trust him with secrets?

4 years ago

> DOJ … squirrelly about revealing the psychologist’s name.

Should be a matter of public record. And it’ll be in the inquest, and every investigation that’s now underway.

Any competent reporter would have had no trouble getting the name, but I guess if it’s not on Google they just throw up their hands now.

DOJ is protecting the shrink for some reason. But all they can do is buy him a few days or weeks of time, and then it’s going to be out anyway. So the question is, what value are those days or weeks to him? Or the DOJ?

4 years ago

> Thousands of banned Chinese ‘spy’ cameras are STILL watching government buildings in the US.

And probably lots that aren’t banned.

I bought several plain old IP cameras, made by different manufacturers (different enough they probably *are* different manufacturers instead of just different names). All of them have SDcard slots and phone apps, but none of them will work unless they can connect to the mothership in China. Even though they’ll store video on the SDCard, they upload everything to the Chinese servers, where it can be accessed with the “app” they want you to install on your phone, which is probably malware too…

No, not what I wanted. But for about the same price I can do a Raspberry Pi with a camera, seal the box with silicone, and have a camera that might not be as fancy, but at least I’m not contributing another eye for a foreign surveillance system.

4 years ago

> Tesla

They’re using a “signal booster” that relays the signal from the fob to the car. It has been a big problem in Britain. This “What Car?” article has some depth:

The “secret code” some cars use isn’t much more sophisticated than a cheap garage door opener. A few put forth a little more effort, but it’s not the kind of challenge-response crypto most people (well, computer geeks) would expect…

4 years ago

Off topic but NeonRevolt found a good twitter thread.

Fast-forward to 2019, Larry Celona is still working at the NY Post and still breaking exclusives:

He was the first to report Epstein’s first “suicide attempt”

He was the first to report of Epstein’s successful “suicide”

He was the first to release photos of Epstein’s dead body

This Larry Celona character sure sounds like Cabal.

4 years ago

More Americans buying guns. Yet more of them embrace socialism?

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

TRX, I’ve had the same problem finding an IP camera that isn’t busy phoning home to mother China. I also need a camera that is small enough to be easy to hide outdoors. All the things I’m finding online are huge and bulky. Also, all the big box stores like Costco are only selling wifi camera setups. We can do the raspi thing… where do I find a small easy to hide camera that can also do night vision (or perhaps IR?) but especially has to be good in daylight for capturing two things: faces, and license plates. I’ve noticed a lot of video cameras miss the subtleties of human body language unless the other party is very cooperative. What about those cameras they used to put into the google glasses? Did anyone ever make those without that blinking red light?

4 years ago

Georgia Appeals Judge Found Shot Dead In Wooded Area Behind Home

4 years ago

Trump Dramatically Increases Seizures of Chinese Contraband at U.S. Border

4 years ago

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Admits Claims of Being Shot Were Fabricated