News Briefs – 08/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

More Epstein Island Drone Videos:

From the comments, an entry for the Archives of Cabal – One PhD candidate went to a naturopath who prescribed some pills to optimize his performance, and suddenly his brain began zapping and his body got screwed up. Later in the thread a person replied they had the same experience from a covert domestic intelligence operation zapping him through his walls with directed energy weapons. Pretty much covers it. The neighbors suddenly swapping out, the nose-touching, the grocery stores, the zapping. It is weird to see that world, and experience it as the world really exists, and then see millions of people, walking in the same world, totally blinded to it. There is no other analogy as close as Neo and Morpheus walking through the simulation in the Matrix, knowing it is fake, and everyone else is just going about their day passing them by. Very surreal. And notice how far this guy had come, beyond even where I was at that point, in terms of highlighting basically everything Q has since revealed. In 2015, I knew it was involved with blackmail, but I had no idea just how intimately it was linked up with active, Cabal-created/funded/managed pedophile-grooming networks. Now it is clear it is just another integral part of the entire operation to control. Even I could not imagine how far it went, and I tend naturally to a pretty dim view of what is possible and what people will do to advance themselves. And I am curious how this guy tracked the scientific work back the Nazis brought into the US in Operation Paperclip. Q has said that too, though I see no way to have made that jump prior to Q. I just assumed it was US tech from US researchers. Clearly I missed something, or my mind was too closed, if this guy knew.

Another interesting link – a guy feels he is being chased through Malmo, Sweden by mysterious people, he leaps onto a train going in the opposite direction, reports his pursuers picked him right back up at the next station, so he finally runs into a shop at the station, where he told a security guard, “I want this shit to go to the newspaper. I have a bomb. I’m not fucking joking.” Ends up shot by Police, and the newspapers call his account a paranoid delusion. Again, there is a surreal aspect to something like this, which is part of a conspiracy so extensive it crosses national borders, as it does something everyone would be repulsed by if it ever got out. And yet, it not only doesn’t hide, it is so bold, that it just exposes itself on larks, for no reason at all, to fuck with innocent randos who happen into its field of view. I keep thinking, to transgress social mores so massively, it must have a vitally important mission, even if it is clamping down total control on the West for a handful of elites. But if it does, why take operational security so lightly? The media covers for it here, claiming the man was suffering paranoid delusions, but the end result is another account in the media which is archived for when this all comes to light, which I am quite certain it will, and which reveals another piece of the puzzle to the private sector snoops who are stalking its secrets. The puzzling aspects even eclipse the irritations in my mind. Also, note when I run episodes of my series showing it overseas, I am not bullshitting you. It is everywhere.

Another one for the archives of Cabal – From the article – “The United Arab Emirates finances the military leader trying to topple a United Nations-recognized government in Libya. It helps lead a coalition of nations imposing an economic blockade of Qatar, despite U.S. calls to resolve the dispute. It hired former staffers of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as elite hackers to spy in a program that included Americans as surveillance targets, a Reuters investigation found this year. And yet, in a highly unusual practice, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) does not spy on the UAE’s government, three former CIA officials familiar with the matter told Reuters, creating what some critics call a dangerous blind spot in U.S. intelligence.”

Silicon Valley is amassing your data to create a private sector Chinese-like social credit system. You want life insurance? Unfortunately your social media showed you own guns, like motorcycles, and look manly, all of which cost you Social points, which you failed to make up for by drinking Soylent, attending an SJW rally, and promoting veganism. No life insurance for you. Imagine twitter shadow banning affecting your ability to get a bank account, or a credit card, or car insurance, or a plane ticket (because the airline feared your MAGA hat in your social media posts might disrupt their flights). Without Trump, that was what Hillary (Or Jeb-the-manlet) would have done.

Warren draws a crowd of 15,000, or so the media says. I saw one a week ago which claimed a large crowd, but actual observers put the number at about a tenth what the media said. Still at least a sign the Fake News is getting behind Warren, and possibly an indicator the crowds are Secret Society pushed into working as extras to bolster the fake news propaganda campaign, which might tell you who Cabal wants to elevate. They are probably afraid Biden will be even less coherent by the time of the actual campaign, when his sleep begins getting cut and he starts to get overwhelmed. The alternative is Bernie, but he isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders either.

The media and polling operations pile on – Biden plunges, tied with Warren and Sanders in new national poll.

Joe Biden, talking to reporters gets confused about where he just spoke, then gets defensive – “I’m not sure whether it was the medical school or where the hell I spoke. But it was on the campus… I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts… Newt Gingrich says Biden’s “I’m not going nuts” may be the strangest campaign slogan ever.

Speaking yesterday at Keene State College in N.H., where he emphasized the need for college debt forgiveness, Biden later told a coed “your parents are making a great sacrifice sending you to this private college,” to which the coed replied, “It’s public.” Biden: “Oh.”

Biden told a supporter after Keene State College (N.H.) stump speech yesterday that he came out of college with “$280,000” in debt, but then just moments later, he told another supporter that his debt was “over $300,000.” Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 when the average tuition for colleges was under $2k a year.

Business executives claim Joe Biden’s brother offered the former Vice President’s political help in promoting their business ventures, according to new court filings.

Biden is back inappropriately touching, caressing and kissing women and children on the campaign trail.

Insiders are selling stock at a rate of $600 million per day. I suspect this is a sign Cabal has sent out the order to try and take down the stock market. It had two options – try to take down the market now just to hurt Trump now, and risk it coming back up by the election, or crash it starting around June or July of next year, and be assured the election would be about an economic crash. If the Storm was not going to happen before the next election, I would think they would have waited, and tried to replace Trump by crashing it next year. That we see this now may mean we are at the edge of the endgame. Keeping 8Chan down likely also indicates that Cabal has something planned in the short term to try and damage 8Chan and Q, which also makes it look like we are near the end.

Fallout from Russia’s mysterious missile disaster suggests a nuclear reactor blew up.

Google has likely been determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the national elections worldwide since at least 2015. Google’s bias may have shifted 78.2 million votes to one political party.

A link to volcanic activity globally, including a Russian Volcano that has sent up a 70,000 ft plume.

A federal judge in Kansas who formerly worked for an open-borders group and whose sister currently heads one of the nation’s leading open-borders groups has struck down a federal law that prevents people from “encouraging” or “inducing” illegal immigration, finding that the measure unconstitutionally infringes First Amendment free speech protections. So you can “verbally induce” assassination, mass shootings, and scream out fire in a theater, and it all protected speech?

UK has strange incidents of people suddenly unable to breathe, and sometimes unable to see at the beach, as some sort of gas or mist hits them.

Study finds America’s poorest 20% consume more than national averages of most European nations. Is it any wonder our society went so r-selected?

DeBlasio is about to eliminate the gifted and talented programs for students in New York City, because there are too many white and Asian kids in them. He intends to throw them into schools filled with low-performing minorities for fairness.

Growth in advanced science and engineering degrees shows the U.S. graduating the largest number of doctorate recipients of any individual country, but 37% were earned by temporary visa holders with as many as 25% of STEM graduates in the U.S. being Chinese nationals. Why are we educating China’s scientists again?

Amazon is using its ring doorbell network to weasel Law Enforcement agencies into expanding its private surveillance network. Being able to track who is going into houses and coming out, as well as keeping video on streets, is a key element of a domestic surveillance machine. Given Amazon is reportedly a CIA outfit, this should be more concerning to the public than #Blacklivesmatters. It also makes me wonder if Cabal is trying to establish its network in the private sector because it is afraid it will be shut out of the government in the near future.

Trump says he never discussed nuking hurricanes. So there is a Cabal infiltrator somewhere in the staff. Not surprising.

A surprising link between birth control and skin cancer. I wouldn’t be surprised to find skin cancer has a viral aspect.

Feds fear EMP ‘meltdown’ of nuclear power plants. I wonder if they are not worried about a human-caused EMP, so much as they have science pointing to some sort of solar flare event which tends to build up and explode during periods of solar activity that accompany Ice Ages. Or maybe it has to do with the Tic Tacs. Feels like they know something.

4.6 mag earthquake strikes central Peru.

Armed Mexican drug smugglers from ‘Gulf Cartel’ attacked a Border Patrol boat to protect a secret underwater drug pulley.

In 2019, bombings and explosions up 45% in Sweden.

An older video of the Republican Joe Walsh, who is trying to primary Trump, which shows a real mental problem which entirely prevents him from having any sort of meaningful conversation:

Over 200 arrests made in Tennessee gang violence crackdown.

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has unveiled a new 60-mile stretch of completed wall along the southern border. 390 miles of border wall is still under construction in this area. The work is expected to be completed in 2020. A total of 450 miles of border wall will be finished in 2020. Video Here:

Border wall replacement from diverted defense funds underway in New Mexico.

McCabe is said to have a target on his back as Prosecutors close in on a prosecution decision. UPDATE – Conservative Treehouse says the Prosecutor has punted the decision back up to Barr. But the NY Times says the Grand Jury is already seated and is receiving evidence.

Many Black Americans are buying guns, rather than pushing for gun control after spate of mass shootings.

Johnson & Johnson to pay $572M in Oklahoma’s historic opioid trial.

Trump says he would ‘certainly’ invite Putin to attend next year’s G-7 summit.

Giuliani is tweeting what the Fake News calls baseless Seth Rich Conspiracy Theories. Another article just used the exact same word – “baseless” – to describe how Trump was tweeting “baseless” theories about Ilhan Omar marrying her brother.

Mark Fuhrman launches his own investigation into the death of Jeffrey Epstein. I hope he knows what is out there, and the danger he will face if he digs too deep into something they want covered up.

Trump says, “I have to do the right thing… I don’t do things for political reasons.”

Explosion rocks Venezuelan oil plant.

Bombard’s Body Language gives a look at Patrick Byrne:

Kyle Bass does an hour interview with Steve Bannon, one of the tidbits was there are a bunch of US companies who did business in China, made billions over there, and now cannot get access to the funds, because China simply will not give them the money:

My suspicion has been that Breitbart News was clearly plugged in to some power network to get as far as it did. I got the impression Andrew was plugged in early on, perhaps thinking it was US Intel or something good, and as he grew disillusioned with the direction of things, they began to wear him down with an eye to moving him out, because they wanted what he had created. I never knew with Bannon, given he was former intelligence and ended up in charge of Breitbart, and I am in a place where I look at everyone suspiciously. But he seems pretty genuine in the interview, and definitely a top-tier intellect.

Spread r/K Theory, because everyone should be free.

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4 years ago

Fox News had snippets of Warren and Bernie Sanders attacking Trump on Trade! Two pointy-headed academics, one who never held a job in the real world–attacking Trump on Trade! This is an idiocracy! What do these two fools know about Trade? Jack-diddly-squat!

This is both sad, frightening and mind-blowing. These two leftist retards think they know something on Trade.What is even more scary—is that many people are following these two! Trump has a degree in business, spent his whole life in business, been around the world conducting business and has the wealth to prove his acumen–and these two jack-asses criticize him? WTF Warren’s first degree was Speech pathology and audiology! And she knows something on Trade? Sanders, our democratic socialist blowhard, who never had a real job—knows something on Trade?

This is downright scary. America is becoming an idiocracy fast. It is stupidville.

And another point to make on this-we have a huge racial problem now in America. Racial strife is increasing, black on black violence is overwhelming and there is a Christian immigrant service in Grand Rapids, MI, called Bethany Christian Services that has IMPORTED some 300 Congolese into Kalamazoo and our region here. They are bringing in MORE Africans! This is insanity.

I live in a sea of Insanity, Madness, evil. It is unreal. And with our media promoting this slavery narrative–infuriating the Blacks, and guilt-tripping whites—this does not end well.

4 years ago

Nuclear reactors are incapable of atomic explosion. So are nuclear “warheads.” Again, the FAKE news media is attempting an untruth of epic proportions.

4 years ago

Fallout from Russia’s mysterious missile disaster suggests a nuclear reactor blew up.

They don’t blow up. At worst you can have a steam explosion.

They get blown up.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

So far all we actually know is “containment breach.”

The Convair NB-36H had only enough shielding to protect the flight crew; the parts of the plane outside the shield shadow got dosed pretty good. Which complicated maintenance considerably. “Acceptable containment” is already loosey-goosey; it’s not like a power reactor down in a pit with a reinforced dome over the top. By modern standards the reactor would have been an unacceptable radiation hazard even when it was operating perfectly.

One of the reasons the NB-36 was canceled was a problem the engineers called “roll-up.” In a crash, the reactor would keep rolling beyond the crash site like a bowling ball down its lane, shedding bits as it went.

Russian ideas about radiation hazard aren’t the same as in the West; for optimal performance and payload, the cruise missile probably wasn’t carrying any more shielding than was necessary to protect the guidance system and (possibly properly suited) ground crew. Simply landing in the wrong place would be a radiation hazard if suits, portable shields, etc. were not on hand.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

> So you can “verbally induce” assassination, mass shootings, and scream out fire in a theater, and it all protected speech?

They haven’t shouted “fire” yet, but there are Democratic candidates running *right now* who have publicly called for the first two. We don’t want any crusty old laws dragged out to cause them any trouble later, now do we?

4 years ago

> Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) does not spy on the UAE’s government

The CIA is only one of *many* US intelligence agencies. And they’ve been so risibly incompetent over the years, there may be good reason they’re not allowed to operate in the UAE…

4 years ago

> Silicon Valley is amassing your data to create a private sector Chinese-like social credit system.

That system *already* exists, going all the way back to the 1950s’ “bad patient” and “bad debtor” lists, which used to be literally kept on file cards sorted with rods through punched holes.

It has been vastly expanded and computerized over the years. And “social media” has been part of it for at least ten years to my personal knowlege, when an entrant at a high performance driving school was informed his off-track oopsie wasn’t covered and his insurance had been canceled, since he had talked about it on Facebook…

So, they’re probably improving and expanding their “social media” seining to find more stuff and sell it to the people most interested, but it’s nothing *new*. But it’s likely to be quite profitable…

4 years ago

That Bannon/Bass interview was extremely informative. Thanks!

Will the real GEOTUS please stand up?
Will the real GEOTUS please stand up?
4 years ago

Joe DiGenova also announced on 105.9 WMAL that Barr will likely not pursue charges in connection with Spygate. When that announcement is made, Q should finally be put to bed along with any notion of a peaceful restoration of the Republic.


What makes you so sure Joe DiGenova knows what he is talking about?
Or maybe he is spreading DisInfo.

4 years ago

I have noticed something about r strategists and semi-r strategists that I don’t think was specifically covered in your book.

They don’t think through the practicalities of anything beforehand, the reasonable ones (K leaning libertarians for example) can often be brought to agree with you if you drag them through an analysis step by step but they always start out with a simplistic generality that doesn’t consider any practicality and they want to apply it absolutely.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I forgot to add that K strategist often seem to have an instinctive understanding of complexity and practicality without even specifically analyzing a situation.

4 years ago

Thew Recent Comments page is very useful but I don’t see a permanent link to it.
Perhaps you could make the Recent Comments header on the right side be a link to it.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

mark Fuhrman knows what’s out there. He’s former LAPD. He likely knows quite a bit about cabal. ANd honestly, everything indicates that he IS cabal IMHO.

4 years ago

What you say about Cabal messing with random people seemingly for a lark reminds me of Kafka – the powers that be, in his stories, are of enormous potency and yet occupy themselves with trivia, destroying e.g. Joseph K (The Trial) for no reason at all.

Some of it could be training, since if they only have “valid” targets every few months their skills may become rusty. There could be a deeper pattern (perhaps genetic potential, e.g. “based on our profiling, X may become a danger”). Or it’s some project that was left in the hands of unaccountable sociopaths, and they are pretty much free to do what they want, to anyone that catches their fancy.