News Briefs – 09/01/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arizona Audit update: Report coming shortly due to the COVID delay – Doug Logan has a fever still – A team member was released from the hospital.

Judge upholds Aug. 31 deadline for the Arizona Senate to produce election ‘audit’ records. So it has to be released on the 30th (when a false flag is already penciled in on Cabal’s Calendar), and our side will want to release it on our terms before then.

Officials face growing pressure to audit Wyoming elections.

Republicans expand the Wisconsin audit.

Texas legislature passes election integrity legislation.

Chandler, AZ to test cell phone voting.

In Australia, the unprecedented surveillance bill was rushed through parliament in 24 hours. They are actually just trying to legalize what they probably know will become public soon enough. Don’t think they weren’t doing all of this and much, much more already.

New York attorney general Letitia James’s office deployed hidden cameras and undercover operatives against a pro-life Brooklyn pastor and his flock, but the year-long legal campaign hit a snag Thursday when a federal appeals court unanimously affirmed the protesters’ right to gather. Surveillance is never deployed piecemeal. If they had hidden cams and infiltrators, they had vehicular, observation posts near their homes, foot following them into stores, and all sorts of other tech getting on top of them everywhere they would think it was illegal to do so, (but which it was not because of how the tech worked). I wonder if Cabal might hide a covert surveillance agency in the State AG’s office.

Under the American Families Plan, banks and other financial institutions would be required to report to the IRS all of your bank accounts, whether you earned income on that account or not, how much is in the account in a given year, and how much was transferred in and out of the account.

Nancy Pelosi caught on a hot mic instructing handlers not to let Biden take questions, saying, “No, we don’t want him to talk.”

US pledges $60 million in military aid to Ukraine ahead of Zelensky’s visit. How much will they set aside for the Big Guy?

Former child star Matthew Mindler dies by suicide.

A lawyer for the Jan 6th Defendents is in the hospital unresponsive, “possibly” with COVID-19, and the article notes, “Prosecutors say phone numbers associated with Pierce’s law firm have been disconnected.”

Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) briefly went missing in Afghanistan, though he is said to be safe now. It sounds like he tried a personal cross-border helicopter rescue from neighboring Tajikistan of an American woman and her four children. If so, Cabal knew he could easily be killed in a fog of war scenario, and there would be one less pain in the ass in Congress. Very dangerous.

Gov. Hochul announced late Tuesday that she’s summoning legislators for a rare special session to extend New York’s expiring eviction moratorium.

Aussie Truckie protest turns out to be a flop. I told you, truck drivers are recruited heavily into the network, because they are on the road patrolling highways all the time, and nobody would suspect a tractor trailer as being vehicular coverage. Maybe this just flopped, but look at how the population did nothing because they thought the truckies were going to save them.

US Covid Vaccines are already proven to cause more harm than good, based on properly analyzed Clinical Trial data showing, “all cause significant morbidity.” Gott use an archive on this one, because it will be coming down.

A new paper says it has discovered part of the reason people get severe cases of COVID is antibodies to two motifs on the Spike protein must look just like something in the human body, and produce antibodies that flag parts of the human body as foreign and trigger some sort of massive auto-immune response. This is not ADE. This is the antibodies attacking the spike protein and parts of your body too. So the vaccines may give your body a leg up on producing these toxic antibodies and killing you if you get re-infected. I wonder if in biowarfare research, they ever take a docking protein like the spike protein, identify non-active portions of it, uninvolved in binding, and graft onto them small pieces of human cell-surface receptors identified as producing auto-immune antibodies.

Now it comes out Dr. Fauci used taxpayer money to have dogs tortured and eaten alive by parasite infected flies in Tunisia, and there are pictures of the beagles sedated and laying with their heads in the fly chambers. I don’t doubt all these people are evil and the story is true. But there do seem to be an unusual number of stories of dogs being abused in the news. I don’t know if somebody is sending a message using the headlines, or if the machines true nature is just bleeding through. But it is definitely a pattern.

Ultra-vaxxed Israel shattered their record for Covid-19 new cases today, making people question, are ‘vaccines’ spreading Covid-19 faster? It would be interesting, if there was some known mechanism whereby vaccines can facilitate viral infections, like, say, antibody-dependent-enhancement. Israelis would tend to think in-group loyalty to protect them, and their leaders would not endanger the Jewish state, so everyone there would assume if the Prime Minister says the vaccine is great, they should take it. And now they are having the worst ride of all off of the virus. Where Israel is, is where all the vaxed will go eventually. It is a shame, we might have been rid of this by now if we had just gone with natural herd immunity.

West Virginia sees a 25% increase in deaths of fully vaccinated.

Former President George W. Bush and Bono are praising Anthony Fauci in a new sneak peek at a biographical documentary about him.

Two senior FDA leaders in charge of vaccine science are stepping down. Apparently they feel that as specialists who know vaccines and have the official governmental responsibility for vaccine policies, they should be in charge of the vaccine effort. But instead Biden has completely sidelined them to give it all to Walensky and Fauci. And they apparently don’t agree with the booster shot effort. So there are experts at FDA who are not comfortable with the vax stuff, and they have just been sidelined.

Elizabeth Warren breaks the New Mexico Governor’s mask mandates at a wedding.

Deaths following vaccine shots among people in their 20s continue to be reported in Korea, adding fresh concerns.

Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization drops, CDC says.

Emergency response says Department of Defense has taken over a vaccine shipment crash on a highway, that shuttered airspace.  So supposedly we are injecting this stuff in our veins, but a truck with some of it crashes, and airspace is closed, the military is called, and out come guys in moonsuits with special machinery to clean it up as if it were radioactive waste.

LA County to pay $400,000 to settle with San Fernando Valley church that defied coronavirus orders.

A Butler County judge in Ohio has ordered a hospital to administer Ivermectin to a ventilated COVID-19 patient, granting an emergency relief filed by the patient’s wife.

Las Vegas feed store says customers must prove they own a horse before being allowed to purchase Ivermectin.

A national shortage and tenfold increase in Australians importing ivermectin in August has sparked a warning from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) against the use of the medicine. In a way, this is kind of what Q was trying to create. A media so powerless, it can spout its narrative and all of us ignore it because we are getting our information from more reliable and less compromised news sources. Again, it is a trajectory that favors us.

Dr. Fauci warns against using Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19, saying “Don’t do it.”

Evidence mounts that MMR and TDAP vaccines produce protection against severe COVID-19 by creating life-long immunity to antigens on all the pathogens.

Kids’ noses are armed with pre-activated cells designed to fight off coronavirus, new study shows.

HHS amends PREP act liability waiver for providers to cover only NIH approved treatments for COVID-19. So if a hospital gives you Ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine, or anything else, they are opening themselves up to a lawsuit later. We never had this before, we just let doctors treat patients how they saw fit. But now the government has given total control over your care to NIH.

A new “doomsday” Covid variant has been discovered, with health experts fearing it moves nearly “twice as fast” as the deadly Delta strain.

Biden ignored proper protocol when our service members were brought home by failing to salute the coffins as they were carried past him, rather putting his hand on his heart and standing at “parade rest” rather than attention.

Nancy Pelosi shocks the country by *blocking* the reading of 13 slain American troops on House floor.

Biden took responsibility for the “extraordinary success” of the military withdrawal from Afghanistan, while simultaneously denouncing it as a failure due to the actions of President Donald Trump, as well as the cowardly Afghan people who refused to fight for their country.

‘I hope you burn in hell! That was my brother!’ – What sister of Marine killed in Afghanistan screamed at Biden during Dover casket ceremony where he ‘wouldn’t even look’ relatives in the eye.

No update from Biden admin on 24 Sacramento students trapped in Afghanistan. I thought of another reason the Afghanistan withdrawal may have been blown so badly. Yesterday I postulated it might have been defense contractors who wanted the fast pullout, with our equipment left behind, so they could sell more equipment. Of a higher probability, I thought it might have been done to time the chaos to the AZ election audit report being released on Wednesday, and they needed Kabul overrun by Thursday, so they just had everyone drop everything and head for the airport at Kabul to get pulled out. I think that was likely an element of it, but it didn’t explain leaving behind people with American passports, and turning them away at the gate of the airport, when there was plenty of room to put them on a flight. Today on OANN, they were discussing how all those Americans are now hostages, and the Taliban will determine whether or not they are allowed to leave.

Now, I think the main reason may have been the $10 billion in reserves the Afghan Central Bank has stored in New York. Now Biden can order an Iran-like deal, where that $10 billion in gold and dollars is loaded on pallets, and shipped back to Afghanistan, in return for the release of our citizens. And as with Iran, a deal can be made with the Taliban, where those pallets can be routed through Zurich, and most of the money (with a cut for the “Big Guy”), can be peeled off and sent to Cabal bank accounts, before some small fraction is sent on to the Taliban, in return for our hostages, all with the tacit approval of the Taliban, who will agree to it because otherwise they would get nothing.

Shana Chappell, grieving mother of Marine Kareem Nikoui, who was killed in Kabul, has her Facebook and Instagram accounts suspended for speaking against Joe Biden. Her comment was as follows[Update, Facebook reversed course, said it was a mistake to delete her.]:

Biden was checking his watch after every body was unloaded, and whenever he talked with families, he spent the time telling them about how painful it was to him to lose his son Beau to cancer.

Ann Coulter effusively praises Biden’s Afghanistan speech, saying unlike Trump, he “had the balls” to withdraw. A couple of decades or more back, on Free Republic, in the comments on some article about her or by her, somebody there said they knew her in law school, and she was not particularly political in any way, but was openly talking about how she planned to talk like a conservative and become a political personality. I didn’t know whether the poster was legit or not at the time, but filed away she might not have been what she seemed. Back then though, I had no idea even that an intel op ran everything.

Afghan interpreter who helped rescue Biden in 2008 left behind after the U.S. exit. This makes it look like the Military wasn’t in enough control in Afghanistan, and the refugees coming were State/CIA/Cabal. So keep an eye out and you may see some around you soon.

The pace of flights bringing Afghanistan evacuees to Philadelphia has dramatically accelerated, more than doubling the number of new arrivals to 2,386 in a day. Notice, Americans showed up at the gates of Kabul airport with passports, and were turned away, but these Afghanis were fastracked through right to the US. What was different between them? Just like when we pulled out of Somalia, I will bet a large number will be CIA/Cabal ground surveillance who will now be redeployed within the US against citizens. If CIA/Cabal hangs onto control of our elections, there will probably even be a future Congressperson or a Senator in there.

Biden administration now considers giving Taliban aid if they ‘uphold their international obligations’ as the jihadis taunt West with mock funerals for Allied troops as they flaunt billions of dollars of US hardware we left behind.

Biden was barred by statute from drawing US troop levels in Afghanistan below 2,000 without providing a report to congress outlining the specific risks, but Biden “waived” the mandate, claiming it would hurt national security.

According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.

The US Marine Corps officer who demanded accountability from his bosses over the botched Afghan withdrawal has revealed that he was ordered to undergo a mental health screening. He adds, “I was evaluated by the mental health specialists and then sent on my way. My CO is a standup guy, and I understand why he did it.” Yeah, he was crazy to think he would ever see accountability from his leadership.

Britain co-ordinated closely with the United States and did not push to keep a gate open at Kabul airport where a suicide bomber killed 13 U.S. troops and scores of Afghan civilians, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said on Tuesday. They could be lying. Or Cabal felt they needed a story to tell the families, explaining why when we were not admitting any Americans and had everyone to get away form the airport, the gates were left open and Marines were posted outside with the crowd. It being a purposeful attack, maybe even a false flag directed by American assets of Cabal in Kabul, and executed by their local assets to cover up any election audit news, is entirely on the table. It would make sense of the American military knowing where and when the attack would hit and where it would be targeted, and still having 13 service people right out there with the crowd when we should have at least sealed that gate and used other gates.

Taliban move to ban Opium production in Afghanistan. Undoubtedly a great advance in the war against Cabal.

Family blown up by Joe Biden’s missile strike had special visas and were about to leave Afghanistan. I almost wonder if they were in Cabal ground surveillance over there and played a role in the bombing of our guys, and this was the Military sending a message.

China announces any ship entering what it thinks are its territorial waters will be required to provide its information first.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan told WISN 12 News on Monday there should be no question that President Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. If Trump and Q lost, why isn’t Ryan going back into politics, instead of ankle-biting from the sidelines? If Cabal won, he would run for governor, or even President, and he would win in the rigged system.

Obama-appointed District Court Judge Miranda Du dropped all charges against a twice deported meth, heroin, and coke-dealing illegal alien, ruling that under Critical Race Theory, punishing illegal entrants into America is presumptively racist.

Colonial Williamsburg will be bringing a showcase of gay and transgender historical reenactments to life this fall.

Undercover Project Veritas video reveals Antifa high school teacher admitting to indoctrinating students. “I have 180 days to turn them [students] into revolutionaries … Scare the f— out of them.” He goes on to say other teachers are on the same page, and there is a reason kids are going increasingly left.

A record number of container ships are stuck waiting to enter California’s two largest ports as labor shortages and COVID-19 disruptions continue to roil a supply chain that’s being pushed to its limits ahead of the busy holiday shopping season. Could be this shortage is just like all the others – fuel, water, food, etc etc., and they are all chance. Or it could be engineered, to produce an effect, like a K-ification of the population, maybe just like the crime, the political outrages, and on and on.

Japan seeks record military spending in 2022 to counter Chinese influence.

Black women are seeing guns as protection from rising crime.

Texas Constitutional Carry starts Sept. 1.

Con-Man Stephen Alford, who tried to blackmail Matt Gaetz’s family, is indicted for attempted extortion of $25 million.

Chase Bank reverses course, says it made a mistake canceling Gen Flynn’s credit cards.

New York Times frets that “increasingly, state legislatures, especially in 30 Republican-controlled states, have seized an outsize role for themselves, pressing conservative agendas on voting, Covid-19 and the culture wars that are amplifying partisan splits and shaping policy well beyond their own borders.” Article specifically worries about redistricting.

The 2022 Senate midterms look set to usher in a wave of full-spectrum MAGA supporters who would turn the GOP conference an even deeper shade of red.

Invite other people to because the bigger we get the more Glowies will sweat.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“West Virginia sees a 25% increase in deaths of fully vaccinated.”

Remember the stupid lottery Gov. Jim Justice talked about? Very, very stupid.

Anyways, AC, speaking of West Virginia, what do you know about the National Radio Quiet Zone as a safe haven from EM attacks like “Havana Syndrome”?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

It’s only a safe haven if everyone follows the rules, where we know cabal does not.

Reply to  TommyEagan
2 years ago

It will make it much harder for them to hide.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Ann Coulter effusively praises Biden’s Afghanistan speech, saying unlike Trump, he “had the balls” to withdraw.”

Physiology pure and simple. A childless White woman who dates/marries only darks. What was it that one of the Q said? Cabal had “All hands on board” or something to that effect.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Saw in my news feed today, Robert Steele is dead from COVID. Timing is interesting, yesterday I heard some chatter over the wires that Robert Steele was actually an infiltrator, and couldn’t be trusted. I hope the chatter was false, and that he is resting in peace. If false, this fits a pattern I’ve seen; when they want to take you out, they first make you odious to your allies, so noone helps you, or if you die, noone will look too closely into it.

2 years ago

“Aussie Truckie protest turns out to be a flop. ”

Was it really?
Or is this enemy propaganda?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

All I saw on gab was google map type stuff that implied a success, but who knows.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

It was a flaming fizzer cobbers!

They attempted to close down the main route into Brisneyland which wouldn’t be hard to do given that there is only one two lane highway in from NSW to Qld.

Maybe three trucks were involved that I saw, Honking horns doesn’t a highway close.

It was a pathetic joke.

Perhaps somewhere else in Oz they did something but you wouldn’t know that if you lived here.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
2 years ago

And I hope you like this wonderful edit of our largest state, NSW, premier Gladys Berejiklian (there’s a good Ozzie name for you.

Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

You just needs the hitler moustache and her origins would be clear.

2 years ago

> He goes on to say other teachers are on the same page, and there is a reason kids are going increasingly left.

I don’t know about other states, but the People’s Republic of California has been pushing socialist propaganda at schoolkids since at least the 1960s. I was one of those kids. We also got a big helping of “white guilt” propaganda.

2 years ago

> Chase Bank reverses course, says it made a mistake canceling Gen Flynn’s credit cards.

They thought they’d get big Woke points for fucking with someone, then folded when they didn’t get the cheers they expected.

2 years ago

I’m not sure the truckie action is unsuccessful. I’m seeing different accounts on gab:

2 years ago

Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) briefly went missing in Afghanistan, though he is said to be safe now. It sounds like he tried a personal cross-border helicopter rescue from neighboring Tajikistan of an American woman and her four children. If so, Cabal knew he could easily be killed in a fog of war scenario, and there would be one less pain in the ass in Congress. Very dangerous.

I read it the opposite way, that he was bought by (((them))) and (((they))) sent him in as an excuse to send a “rescue” that could get bogged down and result in us re-declaring war on AFG. After all, Tater Joe couldn’t leave a rep behind the lines, even an eeeevil republican. Tater’s just too good and honorable a man.

2 years ago

A record number of container ships are stuck waiting to enter California’s two largest ports as labor shortages and COVID-19 disruptions continue to roil a supply chain that’s being pushed to its limits ahead of the busy holiday shopping season.

How many of those container ships came here straight from China and have been passing up chances to berth and haven’t had Customs on board yet? Seems like if I was planning to invade someplace, I would park ballistic missiles off the coast of their primary ally.

2 years ago

How the collapse of Patriarchy(Traditional Family) is leading to rise of Furries and other dysfunctional Males:

2 years ago

Vaccine derived virus interference = viral infection more likely post-vaccination

DOD found flu shot showed significant increased risk of infection with corona virus (and human metapneumovirus), but protection from infection with other viruses.

Reply to  mel
2 years ago

Haven’t had time to look into it much further, but there is a journal paper addressing vaccines and vaccine virus interference in chickens.

I haven’t seen a mechanism explained, but vaccines facilitating viral infection us a thing.

Reply to  mel
2 years ago

I thought that yanks called that finger lickin good?

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

“look at how the population did nothing because they thought the truckies were going to save them”

Of course, the same could be said for Trump, Lindell, Q, Devolution, et al. Obviously, you’ve already had discussions about that here before, right? How it could all be kayfabe? But what if that “blackpill” is itself counter-kayfabe, i.e., what if paradoxically Trump/Q cannot save us until we conclude that they’re NOT going to save us, thereby making us so desperate that we’re all finally willing to revolt? In that case, an essential part of The Plan would be completely losing trust in The Plan. There’s no shortage of reasons for doing so, e.g., history with Epstein, decision not to fire Fauci, being represented by Rudy “WTC7” Giuliani, trusting Alan ****ing Dershowitz, and so on. Might it be time to hedge your bets, at least? What are the downsides of abandoning Trump and thinking we’re completely on our own? If it’s wrong, then Trump/Q will still save us, anyway. The only downside I can see is that people who lose trust in Trump would then need to be re-convinced of his legitimacy, but whatever big reveal would coincide with his return ought to instantly do that. If it’s right, if it really is all kayfabe, then there’s no downside to losing trust…is there?

Reply to  White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

I always got the message from Q that its purpose was to seed The Great Awakening. That won’t happen until the majority of people perceive that a sick Cabal and its agents dominate us in every part of our lives and intend to exterminate us, leaving only an enslaved class – The Great Reset. Trump threw the spanner in their works.

A plandemic for lockdowns, enforced vaccines and economic destruction, along with blatant election fraud, an incompetent administration and a military debacle are waking people up. It’s an education process and a very difficult one at that. It seems likely the learning will only get more painful in order to teach the lessons that will reach a critical mass of people for The Great Awakening.

Some of us here awakened relatively early and must watch this process play out. Its success depends on the numbers and the mass of awakened ones. One of our primary contributions can be to help educate others. Spread the word. That’s why THEY are so insistent on canceling us. Nevertheless, The Great Awakening is inevitable.

Reply to  White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

Sophistry at its best.
Both fake, and gay.

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
Reply to  TommyEagan
2 years ago

TommyEagan, could you be more specific?

Rattlesnake Kid
Rattlesnake Kid
2 years ago

AC, any thoughts on this re the plandemic?

2 years ago

🇦🇺 From Telegram:#TruckerStrike in Australia causing a lot of traffic jams, so it seems.

Check it your for yourself at:

All the red circles are being reported as a “police incident”. If the assumptions are correct, this is great news. #Australia— 🍌 BMedia 🇳🇱 (@BananaMediaQ) September 1, 2021

In a victory for people power, the South Australian government has backflipped on its mandate that interstate truck drivers must have had at least one Covid vaccine shot before entering the state.

More at:

2 years ago

State Dept Admits The Majority of Afghans and SIVs Who Helped us Did Not Evacuate, So Who Are These 116,000 Afghans We Evacuated

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

Anderson Cooper was just on CNN breathlessly reporting that US officials (i.e., Cabal) met tonight to discuss (i.e., brainstorm) the possibility of domestic extremists (i.e., patriots) committing an attack because they’ve been inspired by the Taliban. He was then joined by, get this, Andrew McCabe and Juliette Kayyem, who specified that right wingers love meaningful dates on the calendar (oh really, more than the occult Cabal?) and could be plotting to attack on 9/11, citing the example of Waco/OKC…which obviously points to these evil ghouls planning a false flag. As you repeatedly remind us, they are surveilling everything, and so they have obviously been monitoring all the Taliban Is Based chatter on social media. Admittedly, the Taliban has done a few admirable things, e.g., who wouldn’t love to see American traitors hanging from a helicopter someday. However, we haven’t even attempted mass civil disobedience first, and we must exhaust all non-violent options first, before even thinking about Watering The Tree, etc. So please, AC, just in case there are any understandably enraged right wingers on the verge of prematurely acting out who are regular readers…please tell them to stand down. If the Cabal is going to manufacture something, might as well force them to be as obvious about it as possible.

Reply to  White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

Will mossad do another 9/11 to force another Patriot Act down everyone’s throats’?

2 years ago

U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin posted a message on Instagram Wednesday saying he was heading home after “helping get Americans out of Afghanistan.”

2 years ago

Just an observation.

Vox comments are only through SG. I would never sign up through google to make comments on his site before and most certainly wont now. I have never understood attacking others yet using their software. Hypocrite much?

So that makes this place extra special.

AC gives us pretty much carte blanche which is very honourable by him to write pretty much what we want.

Once upon a time ZH was like that and I loved it. Then, they appeared on the radar with the NZ towellhead revenge and they stopped anything slightly off colour and purged loads of their audience via comments.

Vox is whistling Dixie. I wonder how he feels crapping on into the vortex about boomers. No doubt he will see this comment and think of some retort similar to that of a child who just lost a toy.

So, we need to support AC and perhaps AC you ought to le us know from time to time if the site is under attack and find out if any of those who frequent the site can help you out.

You might even start a page of people happy to help you out before the Cabal vaccum cleaner makes its way here.

I told you guys before. We aussies will always come to rescue your yanky bums.


Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

As ever, A/C, thanks for your not merely unpaid but also probably heat-attracting work. Am even more stone broke than usual but would love to chip in a euro or two if my ghastly finances ever improve.

Would it be possible for you to mirror your posts on Substack or elsewhere? Not sure if it would help take the burden off your server, but just an idea.

We could just hijack the comments section of other blogs, e.g. Salon or Huffington Post, and start exchanging cryptic references to lembro and Kinetically Remove Surveillance aka krs time, much to the bafflement of the regulars. We could even converse with the Huffington Post commenters, agreeing with them that George W Bush was terrible, we could even get some dates with confused college girls who were just about to get their first tattoo & piercing, we could save some souls for the God Emperor.

It’s funny that I always thought readership = income but in your case it’s just increased costs & glowies.

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

>”start exchanging cryptic references to lembro”

If you want to honor lembro, I think he’d like if you mentioned the “The Lobby: USA” documentary along with your mentions about surveillance (it directly shows proof of what he seems to have always considered the main source of the gaybal global surveillance apparatus (Israel and the zionist mafia)).

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: NSW truckies

From what I am seeing on Gab it seems to have gone better than initially reported, though probably not as well as we would have hoped. Seems to be a theme this passed year.

RE: Lt. Col Scheller

No need to worry about him. He has figured out how the game is played. Possibly about to serve time after a court martial? His pension, his benefits gone? At this point in time a budding politician cannot BUY this kind of bonna fides. When he’s done with the legal formalities he will announce a congressional run and win in a landslide as a persecuted political prisoner, a simple Marine who just wanted the same sense of honor from his higher ups that he was asking of himself.

In other words he’s trading life as a Marine Officer constantly being stationed halfway around the world and VA medical in exchange for $184,000 a year for the rest of his life and the best health plan in the entire country.

2 years ago

Liberty Council’s Vaccine Mandate Exemption “Guide”

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Thank you AC. It is appreciated. It’s just possible you could some day get to or convince the right person here and that person could be, the one, that changes things. It can happen. One person can change things. It’s not easy and it doesn’t always work out that way but it can happen.