News Briefs – 09/05/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Former Seantor Jon Kyl will fill McCain’s seat until there is an election. Feels like a Cabal plan to install a long-term successor failed.

Lynch could bypass the FISA court, begin surveillance on her own, and then pursue a rubberstamped FISA court approval later.

Hours before Kavanaugh hearing, Buhs Lawyer releases 42,000 Kavanaugh documents, so Democrats can have a reason to demand the hearings be paused. I always assumed W was fundamentally a decent man. It is still tough for me to think of Bush knowingly, and happily associating with child-predators, and Laura as capable of associating with the anti-American evil that is Cabal. Reality is what it is, not what we would expect, and it can always be humbling.

70 protestors arrested at Kavanaugh hearing, but unfortunately the Democrats involved in the hearing couldn’t be arrested for their disruptions.

Three Texas doctors claim they saw protestors being paid in cash for the disruptions. Who is paying these people, and where is the cash coming from? And what exactly do these people know about the organization, and how did their relationship with it arise?

Brett Kavanaugh’s young daughters rushed out of hearings as things turn hot and aggressive. Think the Democrats are hot under the collar now? Wait until Ginsburg goes tits-up.

Bob Woodward does a hackjob of a book attacking Trump’s administration, according to the WaPo. Contains this gem, on how Trump tells a Cabal leaker who helped Woodward do this hackjob, that he and Sessions are at war – “A near-constant subject of withering presidential attacks was Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump told Porter that Sessions was a “traitor” for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation, Woodward writes. Mocking Sessions’s accent, Trump added: “This guy is mentally retarded. He’s this dumb Southerner. .?.?. He couldn’t even be a one-person country lawyer down in Alabama.” And this on Trump caring deeply if military men are killed or wounded – “The book also details Trump’s impatience with the war in Afghanistan, which had become America’s longest conflict. At a July 2017 National Security Council meeting, Trump dressed down his generals and other advisers for 25 minutes, complaining that the United States was losing, according to Woodward.
“The soldiers on the ground could run things much better than you,” Trump told them. “They could do a much better job. I don’t know what the hell we’re doing.” He went on to ask, “How many more deaths? How many more lost limbs? How much longer are we going to be there?””
Sounds like what every American should want to elect – a guy who views every military member as if they were his own flesh and blood.

Woodward’s book claims Trump aides stole papers off his desk to prevent him from signing them and creating the policy he wanted. Could be true, and this was what Cabal was reduced to in order to be able to affect policy. Still think of the hubris – unelected peons trying to overrule the man we elected President with their own judgement.

Then again, ex-Trump lawyer says quotes from him are made up.

Biden feels the push to run against Trump. How many of the creepy child molesters of Cabal seem plausibly normal in public. Imagine what Biden is like when the public lights are not on him.

Leftist Parkland shooting victim father rushes Kavanaugh, is grabbed by security, then he turns around and claims Kavanaguh snubbed him maliciously. Video shows he lies. But in his mind he isn’t lying, he is simply creating the free victories which the world should be providing him. Another Parkland father demands he stop trying to weaponize the tragedy.

Levi Strauss jumps on the gun control bandwagon.

Bernstein calls on Kelly to resign after allegations in Woodward’s book. Kelly must be an incredible force behind the scenes, based on all the Cabal efforts to break him away from the administration.

Now Trump is upset with Wray, because Wray will not do anything political.

Facebook outage throughout Tripoli as fighting erupts between different militias. Was Facebook some sort of Cabal messenger program to communicate with the ground troops, and this is some sort of offensive to take Tripoli from Cabal?

Pew claims 42% of Jews reject their religion. I want to say amygdala-atrophy erodes the belief in a higher power, just like it erodes one’s belief in everything else.

And yet, Satanism is taking off. Then again, Satanism is about making resources in this life freer, without considering the more long term effects of the strategy.

Wuerle traveled to the Vatican last week for a Powow with Pope Francis. They sense they are running into trouble.

Lay Board which investigated the priest sex abuse scandal asks to be reappointed to probe high ranking members of the Church. These types of things can arise spontaneously, but when something this perfect happens, after the stage has been set perfectly, it has the feel of a plan being rolled out.

Miami Beach cops bust two priests for engaging in a sex act in the front seat of their car right on the street.

DOJ launches an investigation of the FBI’s investigation of the gymnast sexual abuse scandal. Could Nasser have been grooming those girls for later entry into Cabal’s abuse program? I always wondered who picked him, when there were probably thousands of qualified female pediatricians who would understand the experience of being a young girl better.

Nike stands up to the God Emperor with its Kapernick campaign, and immediately its stock drops so fast it clips 15 points off the entire Dow. I will never buy Nike again, unless they make amends, which they will not.

The fall wiped away $3 Billion in market value.

National Association of Police Organizations calls on all 241,00 members and family to boycott Nike.

New study says Transgenders have at least one mental problem.

Meanwhile, NFL ad rates appear to be being affected by a fear of Trump tweets over the kneeling controversy.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s office busts 17 men trying to have sex with children. Probably the increasing r-selection.

131 nabbed in Britain on online child-sex offenses. Could Cabal facilitate and protect them the way the gays tried to get NAMBLA accepted, to create a buffer that would protect them?

Rahm Emmanuel not running for reelection. An awful lot of known bad actors are willingly giving up power and retreating into the shadows as Donald Trump dominates the stage.

Illegals opting out of welfare for fear of Trump’s crackdowns.

Trump again says he needs to take a look at NBC’s broadcast license. Makes me wonder if it is a coded message that NBC is in trouble for some sort of Cabal association, and allowing itself to be used to subvert the United States.

American manufacturers growing at fastest rate in 14 years. That was the peak of a war economy.

North Korean films being screened at South Korean film festival.

Iran admits it works closely with Soros Organization. Q proven right again.

Another massive MS-13 bust in California.

Chuck Schumer caught on tape saying the Democrats will impeach Trump, and the sooner the better.

AP/WaPo poll shows energized Democrats up 14 points in the midterms. Hyper-triggering can produce demoralization, but it can also produce motivation. We will find out which is more powerful on election day. Until then, we need our side triggered on election day, filled with fear of loss, hate for the left, loyalty for Trump, and a determination to win, so we all turn out.

Spread r/K Theory, because the winds are shifting

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Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
5 years ago

Former Seantor Jon Kyl will fill McCain’s seat until there is an election. Feels like a Cabal plan to install a long-term successor failed.

Maybe not, it’s been pointed McCain could have resigned long ago, allowing a temporary appointment until a special election this year, and that in 2019 Kyl will be able to surrender his seat to another appointee, depending of course on who’s elected governor. Kyl himself is pretty swampy and very much a part of the corrupt Arizona GOPe establishment.

You weren’t the only person who noticed it was a Bush (note spelling) lawyer who pulled the last minute document dump stunt. As for W’s supposed decency, he said not a peep about Obama’s many crimes, but has discarded the traditional quiet of ex-Presidents to harshly condemn Trump. Maybe that’s partly a family loyalty thing after Trump beat his low energy brother like a drum, but his record as president was so disastrous, if not evil himself, he’s so incompetent it’s indistinguishable.

Leftist Parkland shooting victim father rushes Kavanaugh, is grabbed by security, then he turns around and claims Kavanaguh snubbed him maliciously. Video shows he lies.

What I saw in one of the longer video clips is that the father was blocked by the chair that Kavanaugh had just vacated, then almost immediately a security guy, there was no room for him to get closer to Kavanaugh, not even really enough room to do a normal handshake without one or both stretching a bit. Kavanaugh then moved away, didn’t see if security then grabbed this shouting crazy man, something that had become routine in the “hearing” by then. As for the free victories he thinks he deserves, too bad the media has been successfully labeled as Fake News, the people on the other side have now been trained to automatically ignore stories like this.

One general note on Kavanaugh: while I distrust him, he’s obviously groomed his record for getting a seat on the Supreme Court, if Trump can break the 50/50 record Republicans have in appointees, and get at least one more to counter Roberts, the Left will lose control of the Supreme Court for the first time since 1937. That level of change, if and when it happens, will be unbelievably triggering, there’s pretty much no one still alive who was politically aware back then, they’ve gotten used to easy victories in enacting their agenda with the Federal courts, while the other branches have pretended they were powerless.

Reply to  Lina Inverse
5 years ago

Imagine if the left really does lose control of the Supreme Court for the first time in over 70 years…

Why do you say you distrust Kavanaugh?

Lina Inverse
Lina Inverse
Reply to  Karmageddon
5 years ago

As I said, “he’s obviously groomed his record for getting a seat on the Supreme Court”. Read something like the live blogging of his Senate Judiciary hearings, where he boasts how most of his clerks were women, and a quarter POC. Plus his relationship to Kennedy. On the other hand, I suspected his support for Heller was boob bait, but he’s thoroughly studied the subject, and knows, for example, there are “millions and millions and millions” of semi-auto rifles in civilian hands (this came up when Feinstein was trying to define the Heller atrocity about common use (so I label it because its a freeze on future development of guns), during which ridiculously claimed numbers in civilian hands have nothing to do with that standard). Still, he might be doing this only to get the seat, we really won’t know until he becomes a justice, and even then for guns we might have to wait for a replacement of Roberts or one of the 4 overt Leftists since Roberts has “grown in office”.

5 years ago

Sundance on CTH has a very good breakdown of the business strategy Nike, NFL and Levi Strauss are using. All connected to North Korea, with these corporations having their clothing made in sweatshops there. It’s the tariffs Trump wants to levy on China (sub contracting to NK) that is potentially a bigger cost risk to these multi nationals than losing half their customer base.

Not a gamble they will win.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…DOJ launches an investigation of the FBI’s investigation of the gymnast sexual abuse scandal…”

It’s good news that when controlled law enforcement refuse to act someone is going behind them and picking up the trail. Another good example, you noted, was the Muslim child training hit squad.

5 years ago

Loretta Lynch could only do that with Obama’s signing off on it. When that finally comes out the whole house of cards should collapse.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

There’s a really big advance in AI. These guys can use the small power of a smart phone to immediately recognize whether something is a human, a dog, all kinds objects, etc. It’s a fuzzier and not as precise but very fast and uses low power. This can be used for all kinds of AI processes. It’s a big leap. I frequently see people saying AI will never amount to anything but that’s nonsense. If a computer can recognize a dog or a person why can’t it lay a brick or add up items in a shopping car or drive a truck? It can.

Worth reading.

5 years ago

I don’t know how accurate it is , but I have suspected that Woodward and Bernstein and democrats in general wanted to take out Nixon cause he was more effective at fighting the war and was killing too many of their commie buddies in Vietnam .

There is no such thing as an American leftist, or a German leftist, or a polish leftist, there is just leftist. They don’t have nations , only people have nations. Leftist only have a host.

Reply to  Hobgoblin
5 years ago

Excellent observation.

5 years ago


Noose is getting tighter.
Big move might be pending, lots of movement, no coincidences.
Be ready to drop all info you have if no code presented in X cycles.
Thanks for all the work you do. God with us.

5 years ago

“Ginsburg” and “tits” in the same sentence? Say it ain’t so.

5 years ago

Regarding the polls showing democrats up, it should be remembered that in 2016 every single poll was wildly incorrect with the exception of two. The Investors Business Daily and the one other (Tipps?) were the only polls that got it right. At this point I believe nothing I hear from The Elite Media Mono-culture.