News Briefs – 10/09/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.


President Trump is cleared by his physician to engage in public engagements starting Saturday.

The Department of Justice has paved the way for prosecutors to investigate suspected election fraud involving USPS and defense employees, reversing a longstanding policy put in place to avoid affecting the outcome of the election.

President Trump indicates AG Barr has enough evidence to charge Obama admin officials — including Obama and Biden — with spying on his campaign.

Durham is seeking grand jury testimony from computer scientists behind an allegation that Donald Trump’s real estate company had a secret communications channel with Alfa Bank.

Conservative Treehouse points to the info above, and says it may point to Durham taking so long because he is going after the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the bank intel is significant because tracking its origins will lead to unlawful tapping of NSA databases. Good article which shows the massive machine, designed over decades to already occupy every position required to take it down, which Trump was faced with when he entered office.

FBI and CIA continue to stonewall on Russia probe, key Senate chairmen say. You can also understand how they would all initially think the machine would be undefeatable, so they had better not take President Trump’s side. Of course now that he has won, they should still all get fed into the gas chamber.

FBI is stonewalling congressional oversight on Hunter Biden.

Pelosi announces a commission to review the health and fitness of President Trump for office under the 25th amendment.

Presidential Debate Commission announces the second Presidential debate is going to go virtual without consulting anyone, Trump immediately drops out and schedules a rally, Biden breathes a huge sigh of relief. They wanted to let Biden use his teleprompter from his basement. Unbelievable. There is a possibility it may get rescheduled a week later.

Judge orders Twitter to reveal identity behind account that started Seth Rich conspiracy. When it turns out to be Julian Assange, or some FBI Organized Crime Task Force or Counter Intelligence guy who knew what he was talking about it could get interesting.

NY Times calls for UN ‘election intervention’, saying Biden must follow the lead of Belarus protesters and ‘appeal to the world for help.’ It doesn’t sound like they are confident of winning in November, and/or preventing President Trump from successfully destroying their network and seeing them punished properly for their treason. If you don’t have a gun that would be acceptable for firing squad use, now might be a good time to pick one up and make sure it is zeroed in. Chances may be as high as 50-50 they will be holding a lottery for firing squad shooters at some point in this especially given the shortage of injectables, and the unpleasantness of gas. Not sure what the punishment would be if you took the ticket and then only shot to maim, Saint Kyle of Kenosha-style. In the nutsack. Accidentally, of course.

FBI uncovers armed militia plot to abduct Michigan Gov. Whitmer. Hey kid, wanna see what it feels like to hold an explosive?

Anarchist arrested for plot to kidnap and kill Meg Whitmer hates President Trump, and has said, ‘Trump is a tyrant.’

In the USA, the average American is recorded 238 times a week. They find this shocking. What will happen when it is revealed they have a dedicated unit in each neighborhood monitoring everyone there, building files on everyone there, and listening inside people’s fucking houses whenever they pick up on something interesting going on there, literally listening to all their private conversations and moments? The only way to avoid a Civil War is if Trump breaks it all up first, tells people about it afterward, and can show the government is going to impose penalties commensurate with what the public would have done itself in the Civil War which would have arisen from it. It is the biggest fucking shitshow you can imagine just waiting to unfold, and it is a global shitshow, because that thing is everywhere.

A small parish’s pastor was half-naked having sex with two women dressed in corsets and high-heeled boots, there were sex toys and stage lighting, and there was a mobile phone mounted on a tripod, recording it all. Do you think Cabal has a copy of the video? Interestingly, both the women have no eyebrows, which, if they didn’t paint new ones on with markers, would given them a decidedly demonic appearance. Seems like there was more than sex drive motivating that little interlude.

The left tries to poison conservatives against Trump’s miracle Chinavirus cure, implying Regeneron admits it came from Embryonic stem cells. That story baits and switches however, saying at some point the antibodies may have been tested using a protein made in an embryonic stem cell. Regeneron says it’s totally false, and the treatment was not made with any stem cells or fetal tissue.

Court reinstates fraud conviction for Hunter Biden business partner who defrauded Sioux Tribe out of bond-sale payments.

Frank Luntz focus group ‘overwhelmingly’ says Mike Pence won debate.

Biden tells the media, ‘They’ll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over.’

ABC news only fact checks Pence, and ignores Harris.

Texas mayoral candidate arrested on 109 counts of mail-in voter fraud.

Twitter locked the account of Ric Grenell after he shared an image of ballots sent to him by a friend living in California, who says they were addressed to his parents — who he claims have been dead for ten years.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday that Canada is preparing for potential “disruption” in the U.S. in the event of a disputed November election.

It is becoming hard to find Law Enforcement professionals willing to become Police Chiefs. Bad news, because that is how Cabal opens those positions up to their own. Next thing you know, serial killers are off limits, and corruption networks are permanently protected.

Orthodox Jews say they’re being targeted by new NYC lockdowns. I wonder if Cabal has spent decades programming the Jews to vote for the democrat, and Cabal has calculated now that enough Jews are going to vote for Donald Trump, that his support has reached a critical mass, and if these Jews are allowed to interact, the Trump-supporting Jews may deprogram the rest, and shift the entire population pro-Trump. So they are trying to lock them down as much as possible, and prevent them from interacting, and the Trump-support from spreading.

Orthodox Jews launch a federal lawsuit over lockdown restrictions.

In France, shock as two Police officers are dragged from their car, beaten, and shot with their own weapons by North Africans.

Seven more men picked up in a new UK grooming gang.

FBI says over four times more killed with knives than rifles.

John Crump, a regular journalist for AmmoLand News, and Gun Owners of America have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging violations of provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 by Facebook due to bias in censoring affecting political campaigns and the elections.

The Department of Justice has sued Yale University for race and national origin discrimination in undergraduate admissions.

Democrats are resigned to the fact that the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation is inevitable. God will give you what you need, if not necessarily what you want.

Iowa Republican files an FEC complaint over ‘dark money’ going to Sen. Ernst’s Dem rival.

ESPN may lay off hundreds of employees as part of Disney cost-cutting. Ever wonder how a sports channel went woke?

Feds charge violent Portland arsonist who was set free by the local DA.

Missouri governor says he’ll pardon St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters after indictment.

57% of Republicans and 39% of Democrats have a gun in their home.

Heated Montana Senate race appears to be surging Republican.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has committed to a $60 million get-out-the-vote campaign.

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots in battleground Wisconsin.

Donald Trump will be joining the Rush Limbaugh Show Friday for a virtual campaign rally.

Early voting favors Trump in North Carolina.

President Trump says he beat the Chinavirus because he is a “perfect physical specimen” and extremely young.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have nothing ot worry about when you are a perfect physical specimen.

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3 years ago

for any that have a way of messaging Sundance, for the last few days, my efforts to reach his website bring me to his posts for October 5th. No way from there to access his more recent postings. I can reach more recent posts through links from his twitter (and the link above works). Pass it along fyi and fwiw.

Own-Up Time
Own-Up Time
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

Clear your browser cache. His platform provider had an update issue back around the 5th. It worked for me.

3 years ago

Hey AC, here’s an idea:

A “surveillance spotters” video channel, that aggregates footage of suspected intelligence agents filmed in public behaving suspiciously.  Imitate Active Self Protection:

Uncontroversial videos on YouTube, hotter ones on Bitchute.  Could burn a lot of agents, combat paranoia, and improve awareness of tradecraft.  Would be a lot more effective than just text.  And you’ve already paid the capital investment to handle video anyway.

With user submitted videos, you could slip your own in without self-revealing.

Then again, maybe the video evidence would be too subtle.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Qanon’s forces are destroying the Cabal. I’m sure that credible evidence of rogue intelligence operatives intimidating patriots on American soil would be acted upon. If you are correct and Q agrees with your interpretation, then surely the info would be useful to them.

I read a bit about John Lang, and I think he was nuts. So his failure to persuade was natural.

In public, there’s nothing wrong with having a conversation on video with someone you think might be surveilling you. Maybe it’s a random stranger and you have a nice conversation and upload it on YouTube. Maybe it’s an agent and the exposure is professionally harmful to him.

I briefly experienced paranoia during my days raffling guns on campus as a conservative activist, which made me a sort of public enemy. One’s brain doesn’t want one to live around enemies, because in the ancestral environment a tomahawk to the back of the head was a common dispute resolution mechanism. It’s like a fear of heights.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“What will happen when it is revealed they have a dedicated unit in each neighborhood monitoring everyone there, building files on everyone there, and listening inside people’s fucking houses whenever they pick up on something interesting going on there, literally listening to all their private conversations and moments?”

Went for a walk through my neighborhood last night. Saw several Trump signs that have been out for a month or more. What was new was there were three Biden signs that popped up since my last walk a few days ago. All of them in front of houses on corner lots. Curious huh?

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

can confirm last paragraph word-for-word 90%. 2 streets in a Old Geezer/Sun City development. 5 new Biden signs, 4 on corners. all within the last week.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Cabal has calculated now that enough Jews are going to vote for Donald Trump, that his support has reached a critical mass, and if these Jews are allowed to interact…”

It’s Jewtonian motion, they might start following the Torah again!

3 years ago

>”Orthodox Jews”

Reminder that like Islam, Judaism has no place in the West.
Judaism is based on racial supremacism, approves of pedophilia and forces parents to commit child abuse in the form of genital mutilation via forced circumcision.

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Video: “Jewish pedophile ritual Metzitzah bpeh”

Video: “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

Video: “Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America”


Also, reminder that 95% of Jews in the US are pro-Israel (and Israel is the enemy #1 of the US and the whole West). – “American Jews, Politics and Israel”

95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…

Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.

3 years ago

> no eyebrows

I’ve seen several of those in the last few months. Notable, since I’d never noticed such a thing before.

Of course, it could be just another one of those idiot styles, like multiple pairs of shoelaces, walking around with their mouth open like a carp, or big clown circles painted on their cheeks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Just to confirm, I have no visible eyebrows to speak of right now, hair is tiny and very blond/transparent and my guess is it’s because I drink very little water, but a lot of coffee.
My blood is probably very thick because of that. Not good, I should/will try to fix. My high school pics show eyebrows much thicker and darker.
By the way, our consciousness is in the blood, so maybe that’s why I can be thick at times.
Or, not.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Copy that.

3 years ago

> recorded 238 times a week

Some states, any business open to the public has to have security cameras; in a few, they must allow police access over the web. Cameras as common on traffic lights now, for “traffic control” or revenue collection. OTR trucks, Teslas, and some other vehicles stream video from their cameras, both of the outside and “cabin area.” Some of those ancient coax street cams are still operating. Police cars have cameras. Policemen, firemen and paranoid people like me wear body cams. And, of course, some newer “smart TVs” cameras that watch you watching them, just like in Orwell’s “1984.”

Cameras, storage, and connectivity are incredibly cheap nowadays.

3 years ago

Wow, that pastor caught with the two dominatrixes really look like he’s just a demon wearing his humanity as a skin suit:

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3 years ago

President Trump says he beat the Chinavirus because he is a “perfect physical specimen” and extremely young.


Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

It sounds very amusing but in my opinion virtually EVERYTHING Trump says has a specific purpose, meaning or code. Just consider the reverse – has there been any statement of his that is demonstrably false or untrue? I expect that in years to come the historical evidence will reveal that Trump has been carefully and consistently drawing us towards reality and Truth. Now, why would he possibly say he’s a “perfect physical specimen” and extremely young? I don’t know but I do believe that with Trump and this war against Cabal we’re dealing with the spiritual world, with Good versus Evil, with Satanists and with God. Who is to say how God, in his infinite power and wisdom, may be working through Trump as his instrument?

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Vitamin M.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

White supremacist in B-29. What’s he doing??? 🙂,_OKINAWA-A-2C_Don_W._Murray_of_Mazon,_Ill.,_flashes_a_victory_smile_from_the_gun_blister_of_his_U.S…._-_NARA_-_542361.tif

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

That didn;t work maybe this.

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3 years ago

“The left tries to poison conservatives against Trump’s miracle Chinavirus cure, implying Regeneron admits it came from Embryonic stem cells. That story baits and switches however, saying at some point the antibodies may have been tested using a protein made in an embryonic stem cell. Regeneron says it’s totally false, and the treatment was not made with any stem cells or fetal tissue.”

Here is the latest, Regeneron lied a little and now admits it was tested using proteins made in embryonic stem cells.

See the update at the top of this article:

But there is no reason to believe Trump knew anything about it and no new babies were killed.