News Briefs – 10/11/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The 28 year old creator of the FGC-9 died in his car from a heart attack a couple of days after German Police raided his house, but found nothing. I think they almost got me with this. If what they did to him was similar, he would not have been hit in his car. It would have been done with the vibrations, and my impression is the vibrations require you to be motionless, because they require some type of resonant effect to build up, and if you are moving, they can’t get good resonance going. So they wait to hit you with them until just as you enter a deep enough phase of sleep you don’t want to get up and wake yourself up, in the hope they will stop and you can get back to sleep. In my case, it appeared they used the vibrations to first hit the heart area, which I assume causes minor tissue damage and began an inflammatory situation. Then they hit the thyroid, which I assume did the same thing. Then they moved to the GI system, where there is a lot of microbial material, so when they hit that, that may have damaged tissues enough to damage the barrier between the blood flow and the partially digested food. It probably allowed a lot of inflammatory material into the blood stream, which really amped up the systemic inflammatory signals and  the inflammation in the heart and the thyroid. Inflammation in the thyroid causes a dump of thyroid hormone, that pumps up your heart rate to a ridiculous degree, while the heart inflammation/damage causes the heartbeat to go irregular. Ten minutes later my heart was beating as fast as if I had been sprinting, and the beat was all fucked up. In my case, I was so tired from that stuff screwing up my sleep that when it began to hit that night, I didn’t get up and move because I just wanted to get it over with and get back to sleep. They catch you just as you hit that deepest phase, when you really don’t want to be woken up, maybe judging your sleep off your breathing rate. And it isn’t expressly painful It just feels like a jiggling of the tissue that is irritating, but not painful. My guess is he was all fucked up, felt his heart was beating out of his chest and the beat was spasming, and he was making a break to his parents for help/sanctuary, when his heart just gave out in the car. He may have had a few weeks prior of no sleep too. Fighting this is important. It really is the greatest evil on the face of this planet. If we can make everyone aware of the surveillance, and get it shut down, we might actually stand a chance on this go around. Either way, JStark1809 left behind a great legacy, which is really all you can hope for in life.

Michigan Auditor General requests some counties review 2020 election results again, and leftist media is freaking out.

Poll worker in Milwaukee was caught telling voters in Spanish to vote for Biden.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) on Sunday repeatedly avoided answering whether or not he believes the 2020 presidential election was “stolen,” after Fox News’ Chris Wallace pressed him on the matter.

Gallery selling Hunter Biden’s paintings saw federal COVID-19 loan increased from $150k to $500k after his father Joe took office.

Scotland Yard reportedly drops probe into Prince Andrew’s alleged sex crimes.

Demographers are starting to notice a puzzling increase in mortality, especially among the young, and it is a big mystery. Very ominous article, indicating the mortality from the vaxes may just be beginning. The problem with autoimmunities is they can affect anything, even things which don’t produce clearly defined symptoms immediately, like the heart. But all the while it is like that tissue is aging at an incredible rate, and by the time symptoms show up, significant damage is already done.

One month after Biden announced the federal vaccine mandate, it still has not been formally issued.

More than 1,800 flights into and out of Florida were either postponed or canceled over the weekend after air traffic controllers in Jacksonville reportedly conducted a “mass sickout” to protest the federal Covid vaccine mandate.

According to a new CBS poll, 37% of parents say they will vaccinate their 5-to-11-year-olds right away.

Southwest Airlines cancels more than 1,000 flights, delays hundreds more over fall holiday weekend. Some say it is ATC workers on walkout, others say they have staffing problems due to vax mandates.

Southwest Airlines cancels even more flights as ‘issues’ worsen.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near.

34,000 unvaccinated home health aides in New York lose jobs.

A federal judge on Oct. 8 denied a request to block Michigan State University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate on the basis of natural immunity.

Amanda Makulec: 35-year-old Washington D.C. woman gloats of being vaccinated, pregnant, and breastfeeding until her newborn son dies at 2 1/2 months.

CNN publishes an explainer about how to convince your 5-year-old they need a COVID vaccine.

Bolsonaro denied entry to Football match due to not being vaccinated.

China is preparing for a possible large-scale COVID-19 outbreak. I wonder if they are preparing for another outbreak as a cover for the takeover of Taiwan, or if infecting Taiwan with something to disable everyone, and then coming in as humanitarians to deliver care is part of the plan, but they figure some of it may blowback on the mainland.

Woman who escaped N. Korea says U.S. indoctrination and propaganda is worse.

Union bosses and their supporters are trying to change the law to force hard-working Americans into unions by slipping some PRO Act provisions into the massive reconciliation bill. They are going to allow unions to force workers to join again.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Sunday she was confident the U.S. Congress would approve legislation to implement the global corporate minimum tax agreed by 136 countries.

An army of 60,000 illegal aliens, mostly Haitians, is expected to flood the U.S. border in the coming weeks, and a second caravan is waiting in the wings preparing to further barrage the United States. I don’t panic over these, as they can always be deported later, or even motivated to self deport, and in the interim, they will tend to prefer leftist areas.

A non-governmental organization (NGO) backed by former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as well as first ladies Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, and Michelle Obama, is working closely with President Joe Biden to resettle tens of thousands of Afghans across the United States.

USS Connecticut nuclear-powered submarine was badly damaged.

Taiwan rejects China’s ‘path’ amid show of military force.

The U.S. has agreed to provide humanitarian aid to a desperately poor Afghanistan on the brink of an economic disaster.

Pacific Gas & Electric said it may shut off power to about 44,000 customers in California beginning on Monday due to potentially dry, gusty winds that could raise the risk electrical equipment sparking fires.

California Gov Gavin Newsom signs law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment. More stress on the California electric grid.

Walk Away founder Brandon Straka pled guilty to a Class B Misdemeanor for the crime of disorderly conduct inside the US Capitol Grounds on January 6th even though he did not go inside the US Capitol, did not participate in any violence, did not encourage violence, and did not plan any violence. He was able to get rid of two felony charges and a misdemeanor.

Posobiec tweets – “Confirmed via a hundred sources, Mike Pompeo is telling people he wants to primary Trump.” I can’t imagine Pompeo is that stupid. This has to be him creating a joke he knows will make Trump laugh when Trump hears it.

Trump’s NC Senate endorsement is flipping voters — and high-dollar donors.

Allen West got Monoclonal antibodies, and appears to be getting better.

CNN publishes article saying Trump’s Iowa rally was the ‘most alarming yet.’


Invite other people to because this is your daily MAGA booster dose.

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2 years ago

Brazilian President: ‘Everybody Buy a Gun – Armed People Cannot Be Enslaved by the Elites’

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I know Lembro took it as a joke last time I suggested it, but I really think he should keep an eye on how things go in Brazil as an alternative to Russia.
Bolsonaro is looking pretty good, he’s younger and more pro-gun than Putin, Lembro already speaks the language, and I see a better chance for Brazil in the endtimes than I do for Russia.

Lembro, we miss you.
GOD bless you brother.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Agreed. Lembro, you were a great, insightful and unique contribution to the conversation here at AC’s place. Thank you.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

What happened to Lembro? Did he leave for good, then?

Reply to  NotReallyMan
2 years ago

He stopped posting with his name for privacy reasons but there have since been anonymous posts that seemed a lot like him.

2 years ago

I can’t imagine Pompeo is that stupid.
Yes, this pompous, bloated bag of cholesterol and Zionist tool really is that stupid. Can you say exploding aorta, kids? I knew you could.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Posobiec tweets – “Confirmed via a hundred sources, Mike Pompeo is telling people he wants to primary Trump.” I can’t imagine Pompeo is that stupid. This has to be him creating a joke he knows will make Trump laugh when Trump hears it”.

That was exactly my reaction when I first saw the tweet – Pompeo is not that stupid. And Posobiec knows that, yet still unironically tweets this out from his ‘hundred sources’, as if…as if to create mischief in the MAGA movement. The jury is still out on Posobiec. I want to like him but the smarm concentration is high, like cordial without the water added. And he did try to undermine Q by pushing the ‘Microchip is Q’ nonsense hard. There are still more red flags than green with this guy

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s a math equation.


The first two CIA’s cancel out (Jack and Mike), but don’t forget the associative property of the CIA. “Anything to do with the CIA is bullshit.”

So in this case it’s:

FALSE + FALSE = FALSE (whatever the topic is)
Odd False = False
Even False = Truth that leaked out they are spinning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Posobiec rates medium likely on the controlled oppo scale.

His background and lifestyle fits. The question is the content he provides. My thinking is that the two marks of controlled oppo in terms of content are (1) being identified as being on the anti-establishment side (left or right) but not providing anything new, anything that is not being provided by other commentators, and (2) swerving and suddenly hitting establishment talking points on a a major issue, for no apparent reason.

What is original with Posobiec is snark, and some journalistic scoops, supposedly based off of his intel contacts, that don’t always pan out. The question is the ratio of whether the scoops are genuine or duds. There has been no swerve yet, though I am suspicious of the whole tradcon routine.

Wing Walkers Size 9
Wing Walkers Size 9
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

cia AND Navy Intel?? oh yeah: Trust Not.

That said, he is of some use. As a trained liar, he knows that he’s got to sprinkle his whoppers with a goodly percentage of truth, to keep the rubes listening to what he’s saying. My best estimation of Posobiec is he tells the truth about 60% of the time, and – as a cia AND Navy intel guy – he’s got some pretty good sources. Along with a pleasant tone – he’s not a gaping asshole like cernovich is. And as opposed to National Review or the Corporate Republicans, he at least pretends to like America.

Trust Not, sure. But that don’t mean ‘never use.’ Use with caution, but use the info you choose to believe.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

One possibility that can’t be completely ruled out, although admittedly it’s speculative, is that Posobiec is a deep cover white hat agent, like I suggested might be the case for Pompeo in another comment. He might even be run by Polish Intelligence, whose government appears to have allied itself firmly with the anti-globalist faction. Under this scenario, Posobiec, like Pompeo, infiltrates the CIA and plays the cabal game superficially. He pushes the Microchip is Q angle knowing that it’s not really going to convince anyone or move the dial, but that it does reinforce his image to Cabal of being a loyal operative. His Pompeo tweet might just be knowingly broadcasting a Trump disinformation op to give the appearance of weakness and lack of cohesion in patriot ranks, as per the Sun Tzu ‘when strong appear weak’ doctrine. Or he might just be honestly passing on the (dis)info he’s genuinely received from his sources. One thing in Posobiec’s favor is that he has pushed the Polish no-lockdown policy on social media hard, regularly including idyllic pictures of a free and beautiful Poland going about it’s business without molestation from the Medical State. There’s no universe in which I can imagine Cabal viewing this kind of output as favorable to their agenda. Like you suggest often here, nothing in this timeline is too weird to rule out completely

2 years ago

>They are going to allow unions to force workers to join again.

its funny that while I am considered far-right, one of my biggest policy concerns is average worker wages. Blocking immigration, h1-bs etc would do a lot to combat stagnent wages, which is I suppose why we have so much immigration. At least part of it. Obviously election faking and cabal network is equally or more important, but I think that slave wages is no more than 3 down on the list of wanted effects of immigration.

Ostensibly, unions you should care about immigration as well since the claim to care about workers wages. But no, the unions are all pro-saturate the labor market and under-cut the jobs they are said to care about. Clearly cabal controlled entities which will funnel all those dues back to cabal politicians and projects. Union fees are just and cabal parasite class tax.

2 years ago

>He was able to get rid of two felony charges and a misdemeanor.

If anyone wants to know how fucked up the US “justice” system is even before you get to cabal infiltration, take a look at the following article. In short, leftists or cabal fucked it up so bad in the 60s that prosecutors couldn’t convict actual criminals anymore. So minimum sentencing laws were passed and between that and the threat of absurdly over the top charges creates a fear-point that people accept a plea-deal rather than risk the trial cause they will be gone for years. Most convictions don’t go to trial anymore as a result. Prosecutors just scare people into rolling over. Its all fucked up.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

And cabal members can easily be given sweetheart plea deals with suspended sentences or probation etc.

White Boy Sumner
White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

How do you imagine Pompeo operating at Bilderburg? Pretending to be cabal but actually a secret patriot? Invited as a known patriot for negotiations with the cabal? Just there as a cabal asset preparing to monitor and control Trump? There as a cabal asset because Trump is also one and they needed to rehearse the upcoming kayfabe?

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s also worth keeping in mind, as I’ve commented here before, the strong likelihood that Trump and the white hats have been running their own global shadow intelligence operation for decades, and have built it up to an impressive level of sophistication Remember Trump’s MO, that when he says he might do something, it almost invariably means he’s already done it. That Intelligence OP, like any other, would almost certainly be running their own long term sleeper agents infiltrated into, in this case, Cabal structures, playing the Cabal game superficially while at the same passing on invaluable intelligence on Cabal operatives and plans over the years. And then when the time’s right, being activated for white hat operations. Pompeo may or may not be one of those agents, but there’s a very real possibility he is, and it’s worth considering

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  White Boy Sumner
2 years ago

Maybe someone felt Pompeo might be playing both sides so they forced him to declare which side he is on publicly where he could not back out.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Walk Away founder Brandon Straka pled guilty to … disorderly conduct inside the US Capitol Grounds on January 6th ”

His disorderly conduct was “walking away”. Clearly a message to others who would walk away. The idea was probably crafted and encouraged by his lawyer. If Andrew Jackson could see what an ethnic (Irish, Italian, Jewish) mafia the Democratic Party would become he would have made reservations for them, preferably a few miles off the Eastern seaboard.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near.”

Mostly Army and Marines. A lot of 11B door kickers. This is very good news.

2 years ago

>damaged tissues enough to damage the barrier between the blood flow and the partially digested food
Non-trivial oxegenation to keep the gut flora healthy there; mineral deficiency cascade

>China is preparing for a possible large-scale COVID-19 outbreak.
Military Olympics 2019. Beijing 2022.

>U.S. indoctrination and propaganda is worse.
“You have multiple Pravdas, and believe them!”

>another outbreak as a cover for the takeover of Taiwan
Tripwire troop presence with the SOF training there is a pretty hard line in the sand.

> to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment.
That will cause a large ‘landscaper’ exodus

2 years ago

California Gov Gavin Newsom signs law to eventually ban gas-powered lawn equipment. More stress on the California electric grid.

Racist law targeting illegal landscapers.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

Selective enforcement.

2 years ago

> Scotland Yard reportedly drops probe into Prince Andrew’s alleged sex crimes

The pop-ups confused my browser and made it impossible to read the story, but unless these were crimes allegedly occurring in Britain, Scotland Yard was “wasting police resources” as the Brits put it.

2 years ago

> Walk Away founder Brandon Straka pled guilty to a Class B Misdemeanor for the crime of disorderly conduct inside the US Capitol Grounds on January 6th even though he did not go inside the US Capitol, did not participate in any violence, did not encourage violence, and did not plan any violence.

Innocence is no defense against the jackboot of the State.

2 years ago

Random story on notalwaysright. Apparently it is really easy to change an electrical switch. What are the odds the electrician dad did it/neglected it on purpose to watch the family suffer? But then the question would be, why did he eventually fix it after 22 years. I’m curious about the psychology behind this.

Also in comments(making me feel better about myself for dysfunctionality/leaving minor things unfixed):

> I really don’t understand how or why parents can be so deliberately blind to problems that could harm them and their family and are within their means to fix. When I was a teenager my bedroom developed an infestation of small beetles but for some reason it was fairly well contained to my room- and my parents didn’t believe me. This went on for months with the infestation getting progressively worse until over the space of a few days I filled a small glass with them, took it downstairs and slammed it down on a table in front of them. They didn’t exactly apologise but they did finally get an exterminator.

> When I was a teen, I started hearing strange scratchy creature-moving-around noises coming from the ceiling. I reported this to my parents. The brushed me off, claiming I was “hearing things” and that there was no way for anything to be up there. (We don’t have an attic; it’s just a crawl space between roof and ceiling.)

A month later, Mom starts hearing something scratching around in her bedroom ceiling. Suddenly the noises are real, and Dad MUST deal with it Immediately.

Turns out it was squirrels. They’d chewed their way in at a weak point in the wood between brick walls and shingle roof. Dad took care of one, and our Calico cat took care of the other.

I never did get an apology. Did learn that things aren’t “real” until they bother my mother.

>Ah, memories of one’s youth. When I was in high school, the kitchen sink u-bend developed a slow leak. Most men would have tightened it. Not my dad. The bottom of the kitchen cabinet which contained the sink began to rot out. Nope, no fix. The floor beneath the sink began to rot. Still no fixing anything. Finally, Mother was washing dishes and fell through the kitchen floor.
Dad sprang into action. He went out and purchased a long, wide plank and put that down. “Here, Honey, stand on that.”
Mother washed dishes while standing on that plank until she died. Dad then hired a carpenter and a plumber to fix the problem he had happily left to rot for so many years. I was 24 years old.

Dave S
Dave S
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Just to throw out a for instance kind of possibility. Alcoholism does this. People can be functional enough to keep a job but with drinking away every evening and weekend every else slides. There isn’t enough time or they are too “tired.” I had a hole in my bedroom wall you could feel the winter breeze blow through that took 10 years to fix. All the while he complained about the cost of heating the house. He was a good man. He just had his demons.

Reply to  Dave S
2 years ago

“He was a good man. He just had his demons.”

This whole thread is a fascinating glimpse into the funny and sad of the existence so many of us try to eke out in this world.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Nice stories.

My mum got a drivers license late in life. The old man bought her a lump of ageing British junk that resembled a car. The thing even had a hole in the front bumper to insert the crank if the battery was dead.

When it rained, water came in from god knows where and filled the floor where the pedals were. The old man ignored all protests until finally one day getting up off his a$$, went to his shed, came back and drilled 4 big holes through the floor on the drivers side.

No way was he going to look for those leaks.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

My dad used to enjoy rearranging my things. I remember trying to help him as he was going through chemo. There were five buckets I used to feed his cows. I’d use them everyday and put them back in the same place next to the feed so they would be ready for the next day.

Every day when I’d come back to start they’d be strewn all over the barn. I’d ask him if he moved them and he’d say yeah.

I’m like “Why though? You have plenty of buckets closer to the house.” He’d just sit there and not answer.

I think he just enjoyed ruining my good moods. He took pleasure in it.

2 years ago

““Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near.”

This is going after news sources, but the deadline for the active duty army is in December, two months away. Its the furthest deadline of any of the services, and the deadline for the reserves and national guard is much later. The deadlines are just not all that “near”.

There are apparently local army commanders pushing earlier deadlines, and someone should compile who they are as it would be an indication as to which parts of the army are converged.

Penalty for non-compliance so far is removal from command positions and counseling that there will be further penalties down the road.

However, if you don’t want the vaccine and are in the army, the smart thing to wait until the deadline, since a lot can change in two months, and its not like you will be thrown in the stockade on December 15th. There could be a situation where nothing changes, but the non-compliance rate is so high that the policy can’t practically be enforced. And demand something in writing where the local command is pushing earlier compliance. Its different for the other services, which are much more aggressive. But anyway the reason for the low compliance rate in the army is that the deadline is far enough away that there is really no reason to comply for awhile, if you are trying to avoid the injection.

As I pointed out in another comment, a similar situation applies in the private sector. As of today, there is no OSHA regulation, no law (they are trying to sneak one in), and no OSHA regulation even being drafted as there is no published executive order. So any private company that pushes this, its on them. Demand the policy in writing, make them fire you, demand the reason for dismissal in writing, and be prepared to take them to court.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

And this fits with my own thoughts. Remember what happened with the disaster supplies in Puerto Rico? Someone is hoarding the cargo coming out of the ports. The cargo is actually being processed FASTER, and there are even more drivers showing up, and it’s just being disappeared. Whether it’s in a warehouse in Armpit, Michigan, or whether it’s being driven to Mexico who knows?

The Stew Peters Show: LA Port Worker Says Shortages are FAKE!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

OT: AC, you may recall I thought I recognized a correlation between wide mouths and degeneracy. Thought I’d share this image. To me, it’s as obvious as facial dissymmetry or sanpaku eyes

comment image

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Not sure. It invokes my disgust reflex, TBH. I don’t see how it conveys any advantage, other than perhaps Leftists have a lesser disgust reflex, and hence they don’t notice how gross this look is, and somehow they don’t mind ganging up with other rejects of the same flock?

Curiously, Libertarians have the least disgust reflex (I think it was Jonathan Haidt who I heard speaking about this–to a group of Libertarians, who laughed uproariously when he mentioned it).

Although Leftists are typically evil, I do think many are following their consciences, twisted as their understandings may be. Libertarians, I find, are the least likely people to GAF about anything other than themselves. They’re a small sample, however, so I need to do some work looking them up and seeing how they look, and if there’s a trend.

My gut reaction behind this meandering reply is: losers gang together to try to subvert winners. Wide mouthed people are ugly, and they suffer for it, so become Leftists to make the successful suffer. That’s the working hypothesis, at least, and it could explain why fat blue-hairs and weak homos, who also see disgust on others’ faces daily, become Leftists as well.

It goes back to my take on the sin of Pride, of which Envy is a subset. The world’s first murderer, Cain, killed Abel because of the sin of envy. I think that when people grow up envying others, whether for looks (race is part of this), wealth, or merit, they embrace a Leftist philosophy that satisfies the cognitive dissonance and allows them to blame others for their shortcomings instead of embracing their low dice rolls (in an AD&D character creation analogy) and making the best with what they were given. The only [White] people I’ve met who were both ugly AND content have been Christians (curiously, East Asians are the only other demographic I know of who don’t seem to care about how they look, but they are so different culturally from Occidentals that I just can’t compute what makes them tick).

Wing Walkers Size 9
Wing Walkers Size 9
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

It’s been awhile, and I’ll be the first to admit I may be wrong …

but I have a semi-distinct recall of Texas Arcane talking about wide mouths as a sign of Neanderthalism. He being he, it was claimed that – since all ‘Thals are superior beings – that this was a sign of wonderfulness.


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Wing Walkers Size 9
2 years ago

“…all ‘Thals are superior beings – that this was a sign of wonderfulness…”

Anonymous Conservative says,”…Clearly Neanderthals appear to have been a massive jump forward. Even today their genes are associated with math and science ability, but it is possible what made it into humans was a fraction of the original species’ greatness…”

I think this is all bull pucky. I’ve read likely ever post Tex wrote and have(had) tons of comments. It always rubbed me the wrong way that Neanderthals were supposedly this wonderbar and all Saps were spear chucking savages until one day I happened to realize that the Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years and…they didn’t do a damn thing. They built nothing. They scratched a few lines on some bones and made a little glue from pine tar and charcoal but…not much else.

But there’s no doubt at all that the spear chucking Saps after a few thousand years in Europe started building all kinds of things including civilization. The builders of the pyramids, or the Kings, had their DNA checked and they were White or at least had White genes. Even very far back Whites where building much more highly complicated stone tools that took many many steps and a great deal of abstract thought to make them work. And all of us have seen the animal painting that are so vivid.

Very Jewry looking Jews. The kind you can immediately say, hey look a Jew, all have big mouths, long trunks and short legs and…hey they look just like Neanderthals! There’s no doubt in my mind that the Jews are what’s left of the Neanderthals. They were never wiped out they are the Jews. Which would readily explain their hatred for all mankind, not them.

It would not surprise me a bit of Tex was a Jew formulating some elaborate scheme to degrade the evil Saps and boost up the Neanderthals. Jews do this sort of elaborate type gas lighting all the time and no doubt Tex was bright. Another Jew trait was his knowledge of a lot of Arcane (fits huh) knowledge.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Wing Walkers Size 9
2 years ago

“…The Jews today who are the problem, who have this secret club they draw upon to rule everything, probably for handlers above them of unknown nature, the Wieners, the Schumers, the Lucky Larry Silversteins – and even the non-Jews who are in the same club – those are not guys who are getting broken bones. And I could see any one of them telling a brother who got a broken bone they were too busy to take care of them. I could even see them stealing the brother’s shit, figuring he was going to die anyway without anyone to care for him…”

It may very well be that when Tex said the Jews were an offspring of Melonheads and Neanderthal guards he was entirely correct. How he could know this, I haven’t the faintest idea but the big head Jews seem to operate like the Melonheads who, I think, are the ones that built all these advanced stone temples and stuff. The stones appear to be geopolymiers. A form of artificial stone but even with all their smarts they seemed to be content to make a few luxuries and have a lot of slaves but no real interest in making things better. Only power and control of others.

It’s also very possible they built a lot of canals. There’s a guy who says that the inner coastal waterway in the US is artificial and built in prehistory. He makes a good case as it goes all over the place from North to South. He says there’s even what appear to be spoils ever so often on the waterway from dumping dredging. HA try to get funds to study cores of prehistoric canal dump piles to prove this!! 🙂

Melonheads, as far as I can tell, have none of the innate drive to understand all sorts of arcane things like a lot of White scientist do. I mean people sit around and stare at pictures of the Sun. Look for odd stuff on the Moon. Study the stretch of wires, Fiddle with math problems that seem to have no use at all because…they just have this curiosity but the Melonheads couldn’t have had this or we would see much more in the way of stuff they built.

“…I don’t know what Tex was describing in history, but I do see that type of person today. They become car mechanics, or home builders, or the programmers like Wozniac who you never hear about, but who have all the skills, while some Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg gets placed by the machine and gets all the fame and money, and is hailed as the big genius…”

It may very well be that this is NOT a Neanderthal trait. I expect it is not. That it only comes up in hybrids. The fact remains and it’s a huge inescapable chasm that the Neanderthals built nothing of any consequence. People with these sort of tendencies you just noted love to build stuff. You know like the coral castle the guy built all by himself. There would have to be some of this around. If one person is obsessed with building something, has food and plugs away at it his whole life he can build a damn surprising amount of mass and stuff.

“…I’d agree except for the Neanderthals with all the broken bones, who were cared for by family and kept alive…”

I’m not totally disagreeing with you and I certainly see the woz angle but I think you’re missing some of the traits and intertwining them with noble traits. This is hard to say. When you breed something you may get some good traits but tied up with that many times bad traits you can’t get rid of. It’s a package. So if you look at traits like taking care of close family that in no way means you care at all about anyone else. Blacks show this to a drastic degree in the inner city. It’s been remarked on directly by many people that have had to deal with them for work. There was a lawyer that talked about this. They may totally love their Mom while breaking into someone’s house and torturing someone else’s Mom. Little to no empathy for others.

This last point is incredibly important to me. It’s a large part of my argument. Neanderthals acted like animals who had love for close kin but nothing but aggression for everyone else. They were like packs of wolves or even more accurately chimps. Chimps show this exact same pattern where they take care of close kin but attack and eat the neighbors. THIS is why they could never build anything. Just the same way that any neighborhood where ghetto Blacks live will never prosper. They attack everyone around them so nothing can get built and anything that does is destroyed. Neanderthals were just human animals with little to no empathy for anyone not close kin.

“…But it wouldn’t surprise me if an Ice Age form of human was smarter just because they got killed off if they weren’t. And if you add in the willingness to embrace danger and care for their own, that does feel like our kind…”

Sure they were smarter. Clever but that doesn’t mean they were our kind. They were animals.

An analogy is the evil geniuses that you see in so many movies the Jews put out. The evil genius is the Jew. Think back on cartoons, movies, etc. how the evil genius was portrayed and you will see the Jew was portraying himself as the evil genius. Very frequently they will show him as evil but having enduring traits.

Of course I could be completely wrong. It happened so long ago and no one will look to see if these things are true and even if they did they wouldn’t tell us or would feed us the wrong data.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

The fact remains and it’s a huge inescapable chasm that the Neanderthals built nothing of any consequence.

Something to consider is if you would need or even want to build any of these things. When you start building cities, you are tied to the city. The city becomes something that you have to defend, something to be fought over, and a big target for you.

If you are already nearly perfectly adapted for your environment, why would you change it, especially in a way that makes it more attractive for your violent, thieving competition?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Wing Walkers Size 9
2 years ago

Great point Phelps. Genesis Chapter 4 tells us that the descendants of Cain, not Abel, became the artists, musicians, and clever craftsmen. While “society” today celebrates “the arts”, notice the horrible people who boast about “supporting” “the arts”. Vey high ratio of degenerates to lovers of beauty.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Wing Walkers Size 9
2 years ago

“…if you would need or even want to build any of these things…”

My answer is “boats”. Boats are very cool and I bet the Neanderthals never built a boat.

I also point out the better stone tools. We know they needed stone tools but Cro-Mags stone tools were better than the neanderthals.

I can even go farther. Tex said the Cro-Mags defeated the Neanderthals because the Cro-Mags spear chucking skills. I say if the the Neanderthals were so damn smart why didn’t they invent atlatl??? If you have a atlatl it doesn’t matter that your arms are shorter.

Notice at the link even the Australian aborigines have a word for it and they are really, really dumb in a most profound way.

You can thrown with a atlatl just as well as anyone but they didn’t. So even when faced with extinction they…failed. That’s a fairly damning clue that they were not all that.

I’m not buying this “civilization is evil” crap. If someone told me I would be happier living in caves, being hunted by Dire wolfs and cave bears, had to give up air conditioning and constantly hunt wild vicious beast for food and it would make me happier I would tell them they are full of it. Sure all that stuff is fun, for a while but when there’s no game and the Dire wolf is at your door the fun ends.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

It’s not an issue of good or evil. It’s an issue of what the thals thought was good for them. People desire self-destructive things all the time.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Another BOOTSTRAPPY upload. This is a short CNC vid.


2 years ago

Good one from Miles Mathis

Reply to  map
2 years ago

So, we’ve gone from the “Fab Four” to the “Rab Four”. The Miles Mathis Committee has now officially undermined every last pillar of my youthful worldview…

2 years ago

I think it correlates to some kind of personality trait that is probably related to one or more functional uses of a large mouth.
Exaggerated facial expressions for better manipulation may be one of them but so might any other functional use of a large mouth like cramming more food down faster.

As JJ points out it can quickly become repulsive to some people when it goes very far but it may be more attractive to others of their kind.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

This was a reply to AC about the big mouths but it glitched again.

2 years ago

Dr. Adam Von Frankenstein

“So my wife and I have been doing some research, and the organism discovered in the Moderna shot by Dr. Madej appears to be a parasite known as “Polypodium”.”

“This organism is found in Sturgeon eggs (Caviar) and attacks the reproductive system, literally eating the yolk of the egg. Could this be the cause of reproductive issues in women getting the shot and the now famous testicular inflammation? Are women having miscarriages because their eggs have been attacked and are no longer viable?”

“We have some great researchers here on Gab. Maybe you have more information? @Annaeva @SarahCorriher @MrJoePrich @SomeBitchIKnow.”


“You can download the PDF here and read the 44 page paper if your interested.”

2 years ago

Below is an email sent out by Michael Yon. He’ either expecting, hoping, or both that things are gonna blow soon. He offers some advice.
Listen to this — War Experience

The 2014 Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution fell apart. With severe longterm consequences.

I was not in the 2014 Hong Kong fighting because I was in the 2014 Thailand fighting.

Five years later, when the 2019 Hong Kong fighting broke out, I was in Thailand filling my arms with vaccines for a return to India.

But then June, 2019, BAM! Fight was on against CCP in Hong Kong. I’d been fighting CCP for years. Fight!

Hong Kong was making a final stand against CCP. I aborted India journey and landed in Hong Kong, in plenty of time for seven months of fighting until they kicked me out.

I learned lessons in Hong Kong.

You learn different lessons in every war or conflict.

Everyone fights differently.

Hong Kongers were “big brain” fighters. Many, many lessons from Hong Kongers that we must incorporate.

Imagine facing being ruled by the one people who you most detest, fear, and will resist, but you are outnumbered 200 to 1. Hong Kongers were outnumbered 200:1, no guns, no food or energy security. No terrain to trade or fight on.

Hong Kong was under sustained immigration attack. Mainlanders were coming to Hong Kong for years and being settled and infiltrated. History books were changed in schools. Their native tongue, Cantonese, was being supplanted with Mandarin.

(In current day in America we still outnumber our enemies, have them outgunned, yet refuse to take care of business and cow like a bunch of dogs. For now. Times are changing. Take America Back!)


In 2014, Hong Kongers analyzed what made their 2014 fall apart. It was infighting.

Hong Kongers are, after all, or were, a very democratic people with freedom of speech in Hong Kong that was unavailable in places like UK, Canada, or Australia.

Hong Kong had a magic blend of Chinese industriousness and work ethic, and laws — rule of law — which more approached the ideal than we have in current America. Hong Kongers had real courts. A real sense of justice and rule of law. Their women would throw bricks at communists. Hong Kong was brackish water were East really does blend with West, and make something especially special.

But geography.

Hong Kong is attached to The Beast

The biggest pro-Trump rallies I ever saw were in Hong Kong. Literally a mile of American flags and “Trump stuff.”

Hong Kong’s problem is Taiwan’s problem. The Beast. Proximity to The Beast.

Hong Kongers could not afford infighting. But they did in-fight, because they are human, and especially because they are Hong Kongers, who protest as energetically as the French. Hong Kongers are special.

But in 2014, infighting collapsed the revolution into dormancy.

This collapse gave The Beast five more years to grow.

And so, in 2019, it was mantra in Hong Kong not to publicly criticize fellow Resistors even when Comrades did, at times, do stuff that was, let’s say, inconvenient. Or not well thought-out. Constructive observation was best done privately. Keep the team together. This can be the biggest challenge.

When courageous Hong Kongers were attacking their own economy — like chemotherapy — this caused much pain for local businesses, and everyone in general. I saw similar in other conflict like Nepal and Thailand. In Nepal, it was Maoists doing shutdowns. It worked. Too bad they were Maoists. But the same weapon does work in whatever hands uses it. No Nepal sucks more than ever because the Maoists won. I spent a year there.

In America, Patriots will need to go on strikes. They may block roads, as Hong Kongers often did. They took the airport at times. I was there. If that happens here — and it’s not ANTIFA/BLM terrorists, but actual Patriots, please remember we are in a war. It’s starting.

Do not do anything you would be ashamed of. Do not do anything you would be ashamed of your Grandparents or Grandchildren knowing.

Remember that we are Americans. We are the Good Guys. This is Our Country.

A new Greatest Generation is about to be tested. When you see a Patriot make a mistake, learn from the Hong Kongers and take the Constructive observations offline.

If you are in a position that you see an American military or law enforcement officer commit a felony, arrest him or her on the spot. Do not obey illegal orders.

If you are a Patriot and in the military. Play the game for now. Position is everything. Take notes.

We are Americans. We Bleed to Win.

God Bless America.

2 years ago

Here’s a standard Cabal takedown of a young, promising teenager who was likely on his way to being a good guy. A hard working kid, dedicated to his community, spent many days in jail and charged with a felony.

This is how they do it.