News Briefs – 10/17/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


“Debunked” is the new meme-word on /pol. I get the impression that Q’s intel is inserting the word debunked as a meme of mockery on every thread there because the Cabal is telling the media the next Biden drops will have to be called “debunked.” So by making the word an overused meme of mockery now, along the line of “fake news,” they will preemptively disarm that attack before it can be launched.

On Friday, Senior U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said during a hearing that the president’s intent on the subject of complete declassification of Russia documents seemed crystal clear, and those documents are declassified, even if DOJ didn’t get an official order. Interesting. So Trump just created a precedent where he does not need to rely on the mid-level bureaucrats to pass his orders along for them to carry the force of law. His public decree is enough. Should make mass declassification easier, if that is part of the plan.

4Chan finds a youtube video by a Chinese dissident from a couple of weeks back that detailed that three hard drives were going to be revealed which would contain materials about the Bidens. One would contain all the compromat the Chinese government had on the family, including bribery and financial data and sex videos of Hunter that are “disturbing and obscene,” treating underaged Chinese girls the CCP threw at him as sex-workers like animals. Another would contain data on the Chinavirus bioweapon plan. The third would contain data on all the overseas properties of Chinese elites which could be seized by President Trump. Apparently copies were sent to Pelosi, to let her know how the CCP has the Democrat Party by the balls. But a dissident got the tape and forwarded it to President Trump. It is difficult to capture how enraging it is when evil adults exploit their positions to victimize children for their own benefit. And in the Bidens, we even have them taking part in it all not only for their own benefit, but in service to betraying our nation. I hope it does come down to firing squad lotteries.

Steve Bannon boasted ‘I have Hunter’s hard drive,’ two weeks before its secrets were revealed – and allies of billionaire Chinese fugitive who pays Bannon and partied with Rudy Giuliani hinted at ‘sex and money scandal’ late in September too.

Twitter is no longer blocking the Biden article. Tough to keep doing if that article was just the first 5% off the laptop, and much bigger stories from it were coming.

But Twitter has refused to unlock The Post’s account unless the news organization deletes six tweets about its own reporting on Hunter Biden’s emails.

Breitbart confirms the Biden laptop identified a meeting between Biden and the Chinese which was not officially recorded, and which confirms the laptop has information which could not be faked.

Joe Biden lashes out at a reporter for asking about the Hunter emails, saying, “I have no response. Another smear campaign” Sounds like his entire campaign has been debunked.

Person on email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden verifies the veracity of the messages.

Now Hunter is getting tied to pay-for-play deals with Kazakhstan, and John Kerry’s daughter is getting roped into her own pay-for-play deals which Hunter was helping set up.  Romney’s kids and Pelosi’s are also out there, supposedly.

MSDNC says the whole Biden thing is a Russian disinformation campaign. Ominously, it also says FBI claims it has evidence Rudy is part of an active investigation, as a target of a Russian disinformation campaign to interfere in the election. Do you think they got another FISA on Rudy, which would then allow them to hop surveillance onto the President, and hop again onto every single person who works for him? President Trump probably has a FISA right now.

RNC files FEC complaint against Twitter, claims company made ‘illegal in-kind contribution’ to Biden campaign.

Joe Biden rakes in more than $50 million from Wall Street, including from Soros.

Chris Wallace says, ‘I’m suspicious’ of the NY Post Hunter Biden story, and Giuliani is not a ‘reliable source.’

The Companies of Biden’s brother received $54 million in taxpayer-funded loans to finance energy projects in Central America.

Biden campaign manager is warning Dems that their polling does not show the former vice president up by double-digits.

Biden raised record $383M in September, while  Trump raised $248M. This si the same Biden who has so little enthusiasm he had nobody show up to the first rally featuring him and Kamala. Now imagine if a foreign intelligence operation/nation/entity, which can drop billions through Zuckerberg and Soros at the drop of a hat here, and which gets trillions out of the US government, formed a grassroots level network of civilians, and would drop just a little of that money on the citizens they could control, so their business ventures would succeed over the ventures of others not in the network, and they would rise socially, to the point they would become the upper class. They could inject a lot of people into high society, not by buying it outright, but by putting in just enough to help some succeed in the competition over others. They might even make a profit if the arrangement invited kickbacks from the successful. And then the successful, from whom our political leaders are drawn, would be these people from the network, while other regular Americans not loyal to the foreign power are trapped at a lower level. Add in a foreign-controlled CIA helping some businesses and not others, as is documented now, and you have even more power and influence. And once it got big enough, it is like a parallel nation that controls ever more levers, which knows it doesn’t want non-network members succeeding.

Somebody is paying Somalis as much as $200 per vote. Older video, but this is another person indicating that it is widely known knowledge in the Somali community.

Biden’s townhall was loaded with DNC ringers to ask questions.

All of Joe Biden’s homes, in photos in Town and Country.

FBI Chief Chris Wray hid information from the public, Congress and the executive branch that absolved President Trump during impeachment.

370K Pennsylvania mail-in ballot applications rejected. 90% of them were rejected for being duplicates. They claim it was confusion, because the people were already getting a mail in ballot due to participating in the primaries, but who knows.

Utah man concerned about finding voters ballots in dumpster.

Ilhan Omar funnels 70 percent of campaign expenditures to husband’s company.

YouTube mass purges popular channels after announcing crackdown on “harmful conspiracy theories.”

Students will no longer be graded based on a yearly average, or on how late they turn in assignments in California’s second-largest school district. Notice, they say it is because of racism, but what it does is create a completely subjective grading system, where if there is a teacher in the network, they can elevate whoever they want, regardless of their ability or effort. This eliminates the meritocracy Increasingly I think every facet of the establishment left’s and RINO’s official platforms are memes which do one of two things – offer an altruistic explanation for some change designed to enhance their control over the system, or explain why they are sabotaging our nation (which they are really doing for some enemy in return for cash routed into their personal account or the accounts of family members). Racism? Sympathy for illegal immigrants? Unfairness of the meritocracy? Lax criminal punishment? Police are the enemy? False foreign forever-wars that take soldiers overseas? Enhance voting ease with vote by mail? Tax our businesses to drive them overseas? Punish our industry with global warming bullshit while China does what it wants? Prostrate ourselves overseas and give other countries what they want because our power is evil and needs to be destroyed? All of it is trickery and excuses to keep us from recognizing they are open enemies of the nation, and keeping us from fighting back the way we should have.

University Of Minnesota offers a lecture teaching 12-Step AA-type program to recover from being white. White man bad. I think these are memes designed to tell whites who are not in the conspiracy why they are being discriminated against. The blacks not in the conspiracy get the “systemic racism” meme. Asians not in are the “too many of them at the top” meme. And affirmative action for blacks, white privilege, and Asians are too capable probably covers hispanics who look up and see an idiot above them who definitely didn’t get there by ability. All of them together mean, if any competent American, of any one race looks up, and sees a total incompetent in power above them, their brain has some excuse ready for why their own path was blocked.

CDC stats say Flu vaccine effectiveness is as low as 10% this year.

French teacher decapitated after showing an image of the prophet Mohammed. The de-noginator posted a pic of the head which went viral on social media, right before he was shot dead. However one /pol reply said, The teacher’s death has been debunked. They got him to the hospital after that and he is now in stable condition.

In Germany, a migrant hailed as a model migrant, and even dubbed an “Ambassador of Saxony,” beat his former girlfriend, an aid worker, to death.

An article on Steve Bing. So he died within days of the one year anniversary of his girlfriend’s’ death. They had an argument, and she took a Xanax pill that was laced with a fentanyl overdose. So she was either dating a billionaire, and unable to just go to a doctor and get real Xanax and she was getting street pills from somewhere, or her doctor’s pills were laced. Or she stole one of Steve’s pills, because Cabal wanted to take him off the game board then, but missed with that one. Also he was estimated to be worth over $590 million, but his estate is only valued at $337,000, and reportedly its sole beneficiary is the Clinton Foundation. I’ve been saying, these billionaires are LARPs, and are distractions from who really has the money and the power. That is why they all “disinherit” their kids. It makes perfect sense to me, because that is exactly how I would run it if I were in the catbird seat. Nobody would ever know who I was.

Crime is skyrocketing in New York City under Deblasio, to the point now there are protests by regular citizens, like bike delivery guys, because there isn’t enough aggressive policing of crime going on, and their bikes are getting stolen at gunpoint.

America has the fewest cops in a quarter century. Every cop who left, as we approach this pivotal point, will have been one of our’s.

Former Director of the U.S. Marshals says of ‘Defund the Police,’ ‘Organized crime will come in and seize the moment.’ Who could possibly want that to happen? Obviously that is a feature, and not a bug.

UK couples living apart banned from sex under new COVID-19 rule. What they don’t realize is the government really is watching in a lot of cases.

UK’s US ambassador investigated over fears he leaked White House secrets to CNN reporter.

Tommy Lee threatens to leave if Trump wins re-election.

Bruce Springsteen says he’ll be ‘on the next plane’ to Australia if Trump wins reelection.

Moderator announces topics for Oct. 22 Presidential Debate. Guess what will probably not be a topic – one candidate possibly being a Chinese spy who will be owned by a foreign nation through blackmail. Does anybody think the President might mention it in passing at some point? My guess is much, much more breaks between now and then, and Biden finds a way to back out. Pretty amazing times. I don’t think we’ve ever missed a scheduled Presidential debate before, and this year we will miss two.

Iran hit with ‘major’ cyber attack.

NFL ratings among Republican voters have been down through the first three games of the 2020 season, according to a report from Comscore.

No year has seen legal immigration cut like the 2nd half of  2020. Cabal would not allow this if it was still in control.

Michigan court stops 2-week absentee ballot extension.

US Navy Destroyer transits strategic Taiwan strait, risking Beijing’s anger. The God Emperor is like the Honey Badger – he don’t give a fuck.

Trump administration announces deal with CVS, Walgreens to give COVID-19 vaccine to seniors.

Corey Lewandowski in a video breaks down the latest Trump internal polling – OH, AZ, TX, GA, WI, PA, MI and even MN are looking great for Trump.

The Supreme Court is going to hear whether illegals should count in the Census toward the apportionment of congressional seats and Presidential electors. And we will have Amy Barrett on the bench by then, since Nov 30 appears to be the date.

Rural Minnesota is making the switch to Trump, because the democrats no longer support the working class.

Asian Americans are surging behind Trump.

Pollster who predicted 2016 win predicts another Trump victory.

PA bakery claims cookie sales have predicted past presidential elections, and presently Trump is winning by a margin of 3-1.

Law Enforcement’s Blue magazine names President Trump 2020 Man of the Year.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is only one Man of the Year.

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3 years ago

Reposting this Vox Day quote from a couple of days ago where I replied to Lembrador’s link to Vox talking about taking the ticket – or not. I think he nails it and it’s an important message to ponder:

“If you are a good person, if you are a moral person, if you are a Christian, you are not going to be allowed to succeed in the system past a certain level. It’s just not going to happen. But it’s very, very freeing to know this. You’re not going to get the scholarship. You’re probably not going to get the acceptance. You’re not going to get the interview. So, this means you have the imperative to go out and make things happen on your own. Because here’s the magical thing about it. They can’t create. They cannot create things that are good, beautiful and true. They’re predators and parasites. And so, there’s always going to be a certain amount of room that is granted to people that just do their own thing, or for people who just work outside the system, because that’s where the positive change – the necessary positive change – is going to happen…What we’re dealing with here is a society that is run by the wicked and is run by the hedonists…And so, you can save a lot of time…The beauty of this is that by knowing that you have no chance to succeed within the system, you can give yourself the opportunity to succeed without it. And the fact that you are never going to be given that handout. The fact that you’re never going to get given that fake, pseudo success, means that the success that you achieve will be real. You’ll never have that impostor syndrome that they’re always talking about…And so, you have no chance to succeed in the realm of the wicked but that knowledge frees you to pursue genuine, meaningful and lasting success by pursuing the good, the beautiful and the true.”

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Thank you for this. My first boss gave me advice which reminds me of what you are talking about. I love people. I also have a strong work ethic. I started out at 15 years old serving Chinese food. Worked there till 21. Became a bartender. I have been a bartender ever since 2020 when covid hit. I think my people person days are over. I like ceramics and pottery…

3 years ago

Your summary of the China hard drives story was inaccurate. Copies of the three hard drives were sent to DOJ and Pelosi. The Pelosi copy was intercepted and sent to Trump.

The Pelosi copy was probably a friendly heads-up to their previous primary USG contact point.

If the CCP were still backing the Democrats, they wouldn’t have mailed hard drives full of compromat before the election at all, much less to the DOJ. So it is as I said, Trump has already flipped the CCP.

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

That’s a nice try but it would be dissidents in China feeding us the info not the CCP.

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Never mind, the video description is too ambiguous to draw the conclusion about intercept that I did. The pronoun “these” has an ambiguous antecedent. Reading too quickly.

The first three are not dissidents, but CCP members retired from public office. “Fellow fighter” is presumably a dissident.

Regardless, the CCP is obviously not backing Biden anymore if they’re sending Hunter’s hard drives to the DOJ. China has known that Trump would win for some time now, because China manufactures all the Trump/Biden signs etc, which lets them correctly predict election results. Unlike the USG and Farcesensitive, the CCP is not stupid.

Reply to  Littlebook
3 years ago

Ok, I watched the video. Fortunately, one can simply fast forward the subtitles. It’s rather confused, and the summary doesn’t do it justice. To summarize, there’s a factional conflict within the CCP. I guess the more liberal Hu Jintao faction sent three hard drives of Xi-Biden compromat to the DoJ and Pelosi. Said compromat was blocked by a Biden loyalist in the DoJ, but then unblocked and reached Trump.

This sounds plausible. It suggests that Trump may support a factional power shift within the CCP from Xi to Hu. Trump has proven his skill at such things with Saudi Arabia. It is a necessarily opaque process, and the more it is publicized, the lower the odds of success and the greater the backlash against foreign interference. Therefore, I’ll just say it might be mutually beneficial and an appropriate outcome to the COVID19 debacle. I don’t follow China’s internal politics, so I don’t have a strong opinion on it. Either way, the CCP continues to rule China.

3 years ago

AC looks like you were right all along on the book deals

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If you’ve heard of “Hollywood accounting”, that’s pretty much how the publishing industry works. They claim they don’t know how many books they printed, or how many were sold, or how many were returned, yet the IRS lets them just make up a number for their tax papers.

The only thing that’s keeping tradpub alive is its primary business seems to be to function as a money laundering system. No real business could keep throwing tens of millions of dollars into so many complete sales failures.

Oh, and those “best seller” lists; those are almost completely imaginary; often claiming more books sold than the publisher claims they printed, and both numbers probably inflated by a couple orders of magnitude.

It’s lizards all the way down.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (anti-Semitism is a disease, you get if from Jews. Kungflu is also a disease, you get it from China)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (anti-Semitism is a disease, you get if from Jews. Kungflu is also a disease, you get it from China)
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I sold 6 trillion copies of my book.
I am numba 1 best sella, kang of all writers (both ded and living (sorry Vox Day, you may be a 4000000 IQ nibba, but my writ-tings and gifts are most in harmony with the taste of our times, pls no jelly)).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC,”…With book deals, you have to publish a book that should be as attractive as a professionally published book to potential readers, tell a hundred thousand people about it, and see how many sell (maybe three, and one is probably some academic somewhere who you hit on by blind luck). Once you do that, you realize book purchases are not that common…”

It’s so interesting you talk about just when I’m reading a book right now, on the exact page where some of these numbers are broken down and how it’s a scam. The book is Michael Collins Piper – “Ye shall know the truth (2013)”. Free on internet archive,

He says page 26,”…The truth is that reasonably reliable statistics indicate that If you
were to walk into the average non-fiction section of any standard book-
store in America or even into any local library of any consequence in
either the smallest town in America or in New York City itself, you would
find,” and this will surprise you, the average non-fiction book on those
shelves has hardly sold more than roughly 10,000 copies in hard-cover…”

few people know it .it takes roughly only 40,000 in sales for a book to
reach The New York limes best-seller list. That’s right,” only 40,000
copies on the average . …”

And speaking about how his book is never mentioned but was by any means a best seller,”

…As of 2012, Final judgment [Michael Collins Piper-Final Judgment_ The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy-American Free Press (2004)] has sold some
50,000 copies in the English language, both here in the United States
and, to it limited degree, through distribution abroad…”

By the way I STRONGLY recommend people read Michael Collins Piper,”Final Judgment_ The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy-American Free Press” (2004) if you have any interest in Kennedy’s assassination. It’s I think the best I’ve read. Michael Collins Piper was a serious super fact finding journalist. Old school dig, dig, dig until he found the story. And yes the Jews hated him and it’s very likely had something to do with his early death.

He wrote for American Free Press before the Jews bankrupted them with Lawfare.

“…“The Strange Death of Michael Collins Piper
When famed alternative and revisionist historian and reporter Michael Collins Piper (1960-2015) died in 2015, rumors circulated that his death may not have been due to natural causes. Based upon the evidence we have gathered, murder does not appear to be the cause of death.
It is not as though some have tried to make the case. Writing within a week of his death, Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, opined that the relatively young Piper was probably the victim of murder. The basic premise for the case for murder is that Piper was an outspoken critic of Israel and Jews who wouldn’t keep his mouth shut. Also, 3 weeks prior to his death, his cabin in Idaho burned down, after which he was living in a budget motel at the time of his death. The insinuation is that he escaped one assassination attempt, only to succumb to a second.”…”

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago


3 years ago

Very interesting article linked on 8kun/Qresearch today describing comments by Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, in response to statements made by Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s Minister of Defense. Clearly, the author, Andrei Martyanov, believes Russia is actively separating itself from the elitist, degenerate globalists. In the process Russia is becoming the last bastion of traditional, European, Christian culture.


Lavrov Has Had It. Proposes Russia Stops Talking to the West

Sergei Lavrov is a man of no gimmicks–if he says something, that means he means it. By definition it also means Kremlin means it. So, today, he says it as it is at Valdai Conference:

Translation: “Those people in the West who are responsible for foreign policy and do not understand the necessity of mutually respectful conversation–well, we must simply end communication with them for a while. Especially since Ursula von der Leyen states that geopolitical partnership with current Russia’s leadership is impossible. If this is the way they want it, so be it.”

It is my long-standing contention that any professional discussion between Lavrov and former gynecologist such as von der Leyen, including Germany’s Foreign Minister Maas, who is a lawyer and a party worm of German politics is a waste of time. Western “elites” and “intellectuals” are simply on a different, much lower level, than said Lavrov.

You do not negotiate with monkeys, you treat them nicely, you make sure that they are not abused, but you don’t negotiate with them, same as you don’t negotiate with toddlers. They want to have their Navalny as their toy–let them. I call on Russia to start wrapping economic activity up with EU for a long time. They buy Russia’s hydrocarbons and hi-tech, fine. Other than that, any other activity should be dramatically reduced and necessity of the Iron Curtain must not be doubted anymore.

I reiterate, there is nothing in common culturally between modern Russia and the West and the gap is growing. Europe is being primed for cultural and demographic suicide, not to speak of institutionalizing degeneracy both in art and in real life, plus the US needs to eat someone to extend its agony for a little bit longer. It is totally logical, and if I need to see Renaissance art, Hermitage gives Louvre a run for its money. EU is a cemetery and one doesn’t do business with cemetery other than burying.

Lavrov’s statement today is important in that it shows that Kremlin has written the current EU off. As I have stated for years, observing events in EU, when I have the time, I totally expect a stream of refugees from Europe to Russia soon, because many still sane Westerners will be faced with a terrifying choice: either adapt to living in Orwellian reality including a fairly fast (in historic term) transition to third world economies and standard of living, or making a decision to regain personal liberty and common sense, and economic stability and opportunity in Russia and those East European nations which will maintain strong economic ties with Russia.

Boy, come to think about, writing this now–how did the times change. Who would have thought that for many even today Russia becomes a shining city on the hill. Don’t believe me? Go to comments to any Voice of Europe videos, among many–scores of Germans, Belgians and even English people leave comments there that they seriously consider moving. Some decry their inability to do so immediately.

We don’t know real numbers of Westerners who are already in Russia on permanent bases, I know that there is a vibrant American community in Russia, how large? I don’t know but American expats moving or living in Russia resource is updated regularly. I would love to stay in the US, but the way thing are going not just politically (unlike EU we have guns and we may yet reclaim some of our freedoms) but economically–401K, Social Security, don’t bet on it–it is all going down the drain as I type it, but we’ll see. After some time in Russia, I still begin to miss ocean and Cascades of Washington, Idaho or Montana, I also miss Oregon’s coast.

As for Germans. Many Germans already are in Russia, especially from East Germany. I know scores of Russian Germans are moving back. We are just at the beginning of a process which may take decades and as I pointed out on very many occasions, Putin’s talk at Valdai in 2017 WAS about Russia effectively getting ready to become the Arc for whatever will be left of White Christendom in Europe, the rest, can go to hell–they earned it. EU has no subjectivity and as such is not agreement-capable. This is exactly what Lavrov said: ” We should stop to orient ourselves toward European partners and care about their assessments.” Exactly, the time has come.

Source: Reminiscence of the Future

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

America needs to follow suit, Europe is our enemy for now.
Russia should do the same with China, China will attempt to destroy them just as they have attempted to destroy us.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

He is right.

Europe is right now a cesspool in many places, and in many places (including the place where I am typing this from) in 2 or 3 decades it will be a 3rd world shit hole without any type of Western culture (and maybe without functioning plumbing) because of demographic warfare efforts being supported by EVERY member of the political class (all parties are comped, not a single party is non-pozzed, the ones that pose as right wing nationalists are are zoged up neocon suckers to Israel).

Russia and the US need to close themselves, lay down a strong nationalist foundation (like Russia has been doing, and the US is starting to do with Trump) and when everything goes tits up in the places in Europe where the demographic event horizon has been stepped over, if we are lucky, either the US or Russia will have some kind of self-interest motive to try to help nationalists in here retake control of our failed Countries. This is assuming that once we achieve 3rd world conditions in those place where the zionist globalist gaybal demographic warfare was successful, the economic disaster that accompanies the descent down the civilizational toilet takes down with it large portions of the invaders in the accompanying famine and health degradation.

One the bright side, there are some places in Europe where common sense is more prevalent than the zionist globalist gaybal influence, and those places seem to be successfully protecting themselves and preparing for a future that will go along much smoothly (the places where nationalist policy is being enacted successfully instead of globalist/zionist subversive policy).

God bless the US and Russia, and thank God at least Russia is going to 100% succeed in keeping the anti-nationalist cultural and demographic suicide at bay (I hope Trump’s plan to get the US on track again is successful, literally praying for him and the plan every day).

3 years ago

>”“Debunked” is the new meme-word on /pol. I get the impression that Q’s intel is inserting the word debunked as a meme of mockery on every thread there because the Cabal is telling the media the next Biden drops will have to be called “debunked.” So by making the word an overused meme of mockery now, along the line of “fake news,” they will preemptively disarm that attack before it can be launched.”

Sorry fren, that information was debunked already.

3 years ago

>”University Of Minnesota offers a lecture teaching 12-Step AA-type program to recover from being white. White man bad. I think these are memes designed to tell whites who are not in the conspiracy why they are being discriminated against. The blacks not in the conspiracy get the “systemic racism” meme. Asians not in are the “too many of them at the top” meme. And affirmative action for blacks, white privilege, and Asians are too capable probably covers hispanics who look up and see an idiot above them who definitely didn’t get there by ability. All of them together mean, if any competent American, of any one race looks up, and sees a total incompetent in power above them, their brain has some excuse ready for why their own path was blocked.”

I am going to debunk that analysis as partially right. You are correct and that is one aspect of it, but there is also clearly an aspect of proactive ethnic termination warfare being waged against Whites. It’s a literal objective of the gaybal.


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3 years ago

>”Rural Minnesota is making the switch to Trump, because the democrats no longer support the working class.”

I’m going to have to debunk your choice of wording because Democrats never did.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

I think he was being ironic; in public perception, democrats supported the working class, even if in actuality they never did.

3 years ago

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Indicted For “Criminal Association” In Libyan Funding Scandal

3 years ago

Harrisonburg explosion: Three people injured as firefighters battle explosion in Virginia

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“4Chan finds a youtube video by a Chinese dissident from a couple of weeks back that detailed that three hard drives were going to be revealed which would contain materials about the Bidens.”

I watched all of this and that’s some crazy stuff. Not saying it’s not true. It’s so crazy it’s likely to be true.

Another comment here talked about the US falling apart but it need not be. If we could get control of our money supply from the FED, confiscate all the stuff they bought with this huge never ending bankroll they gave for free to the bankers and then clawing back some of the cash they stole from us we could be in good shape.
Don’t laugh, Vox Day said he thought Trump took over the FED and always remember that at the depths of the world wide depression while farmers in the US were hanging themselves in their barns German workers in Germany run by Hitler, with no Jew controlled central bank, were taking paid vacations. Things were good and the Germans built this in a few years from a totally wrecked economy. We could more easily do the same.

This is not some fantasy. The extraordinary amount of cash fronted the Jews and their lackeys is breathtaking. If reallocated to the middle class and the working poor we could have a serious boom of epic proportions. Now some will reflexively have a “communism, Socialism, fit and declare anyone getting something for nothing is evil and maybe so but if we are going to have this huge money spigot why not send it too the middle class?

Let’s look at some numbers. I’ve seen as much as $43 trillion(I think it’s more. This is just above the board numbers). I mean that is a major slush fund. What if we took that back and used the proceeds, which are probably in corporate bonds and stocks, to fund the general fund and SS? Figuring 300 million Americans and a family of four each one would get $573,333. That’s a lot of money.

If we ran our economy in a way where the cash spent went to benefit everyone instead of just the Jews and the rich we could see rising standards of living across the board. If you stop and think for a moment we are living off of a lot of the infrastructure the public spent money on in the 30’s through the early 60’s. TVA, all the dams and power projects. The water systems that feed the western states. Canals, locks, interstate highways, etc. In many cases all of this has been neglected and all the funds to expand and repair went to the already wealthy.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Very high IQ comment.