News Briefs – 10/20/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I want you to look at the next video, and imagine if the paper features a video still of either Neil Bush or Poppy Bush, buck naked, in the middle of fucking an under-aged Chinese girl:

Notice also, Jeb just needs a minor glance and knows exactly what it is, and apparently finds it more saddening than surprising. If true, is that a measure of how common these pictures are in that world, and how hostile the Bush family’s interactions are with the Q-team? Imagine you were at a funeral for a parent, and someone looked in the brochure, and pulled out a picture of them fucking someone and showed it to you. Would you take a quick glance, and look away as if to say, “Oh, I can’t believe they would do that to us again!” Or would you look, get confused, wonder if the picture was real, look closer to see if it was real, or where the picture was taken, then look around befuddled, to see if anyone is chuckling, or betraying they were the one who put it there, and then look again closer in disbelief, because you just cant believe it? Jeb looks, and goes, “Oh, one of those.”

It reminds me of that scene on Seinfeld where Kramer burst into the bathroom stall and snapped the Polaroid of the guy on the can taking a crap, and then he and Newman stuck the picture in a letter Jerry was sending the guy, as they laughed at the thought of the guy puzzling over why that picture was in Seinfeld’s letter.

If that was what it was, Hillary’s note may have featured a picture of her and Huma scissoring over the bloody body of some child they just skinned alive, and of course she showed absolutely no emotion before putting it back in the brochure. And as expected, Carter is left wondering why he doesn’t have anything in his booklet:

That could be among the most epic and unbelievable moments in human history, and it may end up being entirely lost to time, because nobody is going to talk about it. Also notice, if it was something like I propose here, the people of the Secret Society lie in a completely different world, with completely different rules, where seeing a picture like this, given to you to put you in line, is completely normal, if a bit irritating.

Nasty Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer displays a ‘kill Trump’ number code in the background during her Sunday interview. It was “8645.”

Justice Roberts screws Republicans again, by refusing to issue a stay to the absurd Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that allows counting ballots received after election day. Thank God that Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to retire under Obama. That one seat will probably prove to be the single turning point between America’s loss and salvation.

Ghislaine Maxwell loses bid to keep her Jeffrey Epstein testimony secret.

Presidential Debate Commission ditches the Foreign Policy category of questions following the Hunter Biden laptop leaks. Un-fucking-believable. The mask is off now.

DNI John Ratcliffe says info on Hunter Biden laptop isn’t Russian disinformation.

As of last night, the FBI has stonewalled requests by Congressional leaders about the Biden laptop.

The first of the 26,740 Hunter Biden emails is out and exposes Operation Ketchup that implicates John Kerry’s stepson.

Joe Biden walks off when questioned about the FBI seizing his son’s laptop.

House Republicans urge Barr to appoint special counsel to probe alleged Biden revelations.

People are taking a closer look at Hunter Biden’s connection to an Indian bond fraud scheme that happened from 2014-15, for which some business associates of Hunter Biden have gone to federal prison.

Hunter Biden associate’s emails reveal details of deal with former Moscow mayor’s wife to launder funds into the US in avoidance of sanctions.

New photo shows Hunter Biden’s indicted business partner Devon Archer meeting with Joe Biden in his VP office.

Fox News refused to run the Hunter Biden laptop story, saying they didn’t feel it was credible enough.

Steve Bannon says, ‘We know you’re watching Joe, and there’s a lot more to come.’

Graham considers subpoenas for Twitter, Facebook execs over Hunter Biden emails. We are being penetrated by a foreign intel op which has compromised the media, the intelligence apparatus, the political leadership, and a goodly swath of our society. Nobody is “considering” shit. Either there is a Plan that is laid out many, many steps ahead, being executed right now, which has considered all possible outcomes and is designed to win if adhered to closely, or there is no plan, Lindsey really is pondering his next move as he gazes as his navel, and the US is just waiting on the inevitable Civil War and collapse.

Senate panel delays vote to subpoena Twitter, Facebook CEOs as some Republicans waver. No names of the turncoats at the link, just that there are some.

Google program manager confirms election interference in favor of Joe Biden in new Project Veritas video.

MIT says Twitter ban ‘nearly doubled’ the visibility of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Sounds like a meme from Cabal to make social media censorship seem like no big deal. What would happen if the video were allowed to spread freely and dominate and trend on all social media. Cabal wouldn’t ban it if it enhanced the spread.

Biden calls lid on campaign events until after debate with Trump.

Joe Biden swimming naked in front of female Secret Service agents reemerges as an issue, but is suppressed by the main stream media.

YouTube bans the video of Whitmer kidnapping plot’s alleged ringleader calling Trump an ‘enemy.’ Wasn’t the ring leader the FBI informant who was entrapping everyone by trying to get them to do something in the plot? Makes sense.

Sundance asks, “How Long Has The U.S. Intelligence Apparatus Been Selecting Presidential Candidates?” Interesting thread linked there, which says Joe helped smooth over Barack’s passport issues with Brennan’s help, and that got him the VP slot.

Twitter and Facebook have censored Trump at least 65 times, leave Biden untouched.

Facebook has suspended the account of Ukrainian politician Andrii Derkach to keep him on ice until after the election.

Charlie Kirk says he’s in ‘a hostage situation’ with Twitter after social media giant blocks his account.

Someone appears to have set fire to an *official* LACounty Registrar ballot drop box in Baldwin Park over the weekend. Those Republican ballot boxes could be vulnerable to this.

The New Yorker magazine has suspended longtime staff writer Jeffrey Toobin after he inadvertently exposed his penis during a virtual staff call last week over the messaging platform Zoom. Apparently he claims he didn’t know the camera was on, and was caught masturbating.

Baltimore Biden fan posting a political sign was arrested after firing a gun at a Trump truck honking at him as it drove by.

Trump calls Fauci a “disaster” but says it would be “a bigger bomb to fire him.”

Rampant shoplifting leads to another Walgreens closing in S.F.

Liz Warren holds an enthusiastic rally for sleepy Joe Biden in front of 8 supporters, but 2 of them are too young to vote.

Suspect in teacher’s beheading in France was a Chechen teen.

Research shows Critical Race Theory is actually making people more racist. For Cabal that is a feature and not a bug.

Legislation in Vermont would give free condoms to kids as young as 11-years-old.

Flashback to Joe Biden’s drunk-driving brother who had a judgement for $1 million dollars against him for killing a man, but he claimed to have no assets and stiffed the family.

Mics to be cut off at Thursday’s presidential debate to allow 2-minute answers. I still think there will be no debate, but if there is, there has to be a way to fit the President with a hidden mic, and feed the output into the system, to simulate a failure of their cutoff mechanism. Or to sabotage their cutoff, or to covertly swap Biden’s mic with an ultrasensitive one which will pic up President Trump’s statements. Of course the walk-over would be epic.

99.44% of U.S. Chinavirus cases are classed as “mild.”

Senate GOP announces constitutional amendment to block court packing.

Florida’s early voting awash in conservative wave.

ATF postpones the Honey Badger AR pistol brace directive. It appears a faction may have been opposed to Trump, and now it has been punted until after the election to see if a different administration might take over.

Supreme Court agrees to hear cases on the Remain in Mexico policy and spending military funds on the Border. No date, but it will be after Barrett is seated.

Rapper 50 Cent endorses Donald Trump for President.

Despite attempts by David Letterman to get her to bash President Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian reportedly declined to do so and instead expressed gratitude for the administration’s implementation of criminal justice sentencing reform.

Some thing the fact Trump is campaigning in California means it might be in play.

Despite past Democratic wins, President Trump is making a play for Nevada.

President Trump to press Biden on Hunter Biden email stories if the debate moderator doesn’t. This will trigger Biden, because he is dreading it.

‘Thousands’ of cars gather for Trump road rally outside of Philadelphia.

1,000 cars lined up for a Trump parade from Seaford to Montauk, with no campaign involvement.

Democrats are in absolute panic as early data shatters the narrative in key states.

GOP overtakes Democrats in Gallup party affiliation, which tends to be a good indicator of how a Presidential race will go. Some think it is a measure of party enthusiasm, and it is strongly favoring president Trump.

In response to a question about Joe Biden, President Trump says Joe Biden is a criminal and the media are criminals for not reporting on his crimes.

Spread r/K Theory, because you want to keep track if you are still on your Zoom call.

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X in the X17
X in the X17
3 years ago

Nurse Gretched strikes again. Never thought that much of her as she was paying her dues in the minor leagues. But, yikes, as governor, there is just a cold blooded aspect to her visage. GOP needs to find someone with a pulse for 2022. Along with someone to replace that lesbo yenta AG from Bloomfield Hills, a heavy cabal enclave in MI (reference Sarah Ashcraft…or not, her Twitter timeline has gone completely back down the rabbit hole again, what with her ugly split from her partner, who she is accusing of using MKU mind control on her to pimp her out…I mean, I have no reason to think she’s lying, she just has a maddeningly cryptic way of communicating which probably makes sense to those who had their brain hacked as toddlers by the brutality of the Satanic ritual abusers, aka the Hivites, the descendants of the Phoenicians, who themselves practiced human sacrifice but for some reason that gets glossed over in the history books)

Reply to  X in the X17
3 years ago

> Spread r/K Theory, because you want to keep track if you are still on your Zoom call.


Independent Baptist
Independent Baptist
3 years ago

I think the Trump stop in California is for if/when Biden drops out or is deemed unfit for office, Trump will be running unopposed. The only state that could conceivably not elect an unopposed Trump is California since that is where Harris is from. He wants all 50.

Reply to  Independent Baptist
3 years ago

Hey – serious question: Do voters cast ballots for an individual or for the ticket? If Grampa Badfinger drops out before the election, does that invalidate all early D votes, or does the VP candidate continue to lead the ticket as the new Presidential candidate?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Senate GOP announces constitutional amendment to block court packing.

They should nix this idea and pack the courts themselves. Why do the Republicans have to play nice, nice with these evil cutthroats?

3 years ago

“PragerU added to Ohio school’s curriculum”

Reminder that PragerU is a literal mossad front:
comment image

3 years ago

Toobin was getting into the role. The courts are always jerking around.

3 years ago

Side thread, RE: this —

What were they doing? This is the only place on the internet that I would bother to say this, because pearls before swine.

This was a magical ritual. They were performing a ritual (likely one that they have been doing for months) that was intended to bring into reality the scenario they want at the election. Each one has been anointed and ordained as the role that they are playing, and are symbolically standing in for that entity in the election, to influence that entity to act in the way that they Will to happen in the election aftermath.

Toobin was cranking it because that’s what his magical school teaches as a way of gathering Power.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Prayer works, so right there we have proof that human consciousness + will focused in that particular manner has a remote capability to influence reality in a “magical” way (by magical way I mean, in a way we can’t understand the mechanisms that allow the phenomena to happen).

Also, there are all those accounts of kids who claimed to be people who were dead and they knew lots of details about the dead people they claim they were, I don’t know how true those accounts are, but I always found that interdasting.

Also we have the thing with organ transplants were people who receive organs end up adopting personality traits from the original organ donors. Cellular memory is also very mysterious.

So yeah, I would go on and write more examples but I have some benis enlargement spells to test (purely in the name of science and the philanthropic advancement of human knowledge, off course).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

if it really worked, 4chan might be the most powerful entity in the world………….oh wait.

3 years ago

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas talks with Tim Pool.

3 years ago

“Deep State ‘moderators’ will cut Trump’s mic off; he needs a way to tap into the onsite PA…”

c’mon, now, that’s not interesting – that’s not _showmanship_! what Trump NEEDS to do is have the parts to a small but freakishly powerful bullhorn in his suit pockets. when the idiots mute him – and of course they will – Trump needs to pull all the parts out. show em to the camera. place em on the dais. grimly assemble them, like in every single ‘a good man who is secretly a retired SEAL is finally pushed too far, and now it’s time to go Rambo on the bad guys’ movie scene ever filmed.

click. clack. twist twist twist. clack. click. rack the bolt.


democrats and the moderators (but I repeat myself) will mewl and be horrified and shit their pants; all true Americans will love it.

we’re in ‘Republic is about to fall and morph into the Empire’ endstage anyway, he may as well have some fun with it

3 years ago

Poor fapping lad, he dindu nufin, stop being benisophobic.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I frequently plug in some numbers on problems the Democrats tell us that they just can’t solve OR they say that the Republicans are the reason it can’t be solved.

So I saw this article on everyone leaving LA because of the homeless problem. So it’s apparently unsolvable. So let’s plug in some numbers and see.

LA spent $619 million on homelessness last year.

They say there’s 66,000 homeless.

So that’s $9378.78 spent on each every year. Let’s say you get a loan for 30 years such that the total interest is twice the borrowed price, (I’m using way higher figures here it could be much cheaper), that’s @140,681.7 each and @ $200 per square foot to build mass produced housing you get 703 sq. ft. er person which is not bad at all. So even if the cost vary if you could have 500 sq. ft. per person it would be fine.

You could actually do it for much less. Many homeless are living campers just need a place to park, potable water, toilets and showers. The point I’m trying to make is they don’t want to solve the problem. They also don’t want all these people they are jamming into the country to live in their neighborhoods but are perfectly happy to jam them in the White middle class communities to screw them.

These numbers on what they are spending is probably low because I bet they don’t cover all the federal and State money just city money.

Unfortunately the Jews are now moving to Texas, Tennessee and Idaho after they have shitted up California a place that used to be paradise. The Whites that moved to California during the depression that had nothing but the clothes on their backs built the whole entire water system, the highways, the power system, the whole infrastructure and now other people filled it up with and fucked it up.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

The satanic powers doing the deceiving are behind the UFO/Nephilim phenomenon. They know what’s up. They also know when Q is going to drop and, to undo all the salvation that you, AC, are envisioning, they are going to pull the “Disclosure” trick before or at the same time.

I’m no black-piller, but just imagine how little people will care about Biden indictments after we are told that our entire world is an experiment seeded by ETs.

That’s how they will be able to deceive, if possible,the very elect: Mt 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

Be ready, and don’t fall for it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

“…we are told that our entire world is an experiment seeded by ETs…”

I hate to say this. I really do but there is some really serious confusion about where modern humans came from. Ancient writing, I mean stuff carved in stone thousands of years old, say we were made to help the gods. And there is all these carved pictures of weird looking gods with fish scales, supposedly the came up from the water, carrying handbags. These handbags are even on the, I think over 10,000 years old, oldest known monument at Göbekli Tepe. I don’t know what to think about this. The people who lived many thousands of years ago said these handbag carriers taught humans everything they know about farming and other stuff. What are the handbags??? Going by the “alien god” theory, not saying it’s true, then I suppose they are computers with molecular assemblers. Such that they could take seeds from plants and modify them to be more domesticated and crop like. Maybe they would have an AI that could teach people things and analyze how to do things like engineer things, make things, etc. I doubt the “gods” would know everything but they could certainly have an advanced AI in the handbag to guide them. Same as a present day person can look up how to do a myriad of things on their phones but these would have an AI that you could talk to to d recommendations. This is not out of the realm of possibly. In 2025 according to the present rate of computer advancement a $1.000 processor will have the computing power of a human. Five years after that it will have the processing power of a village of humans. If you fed an AI all the engineering books and all the data we have and it could process it you could have a hand held device that could show you how to do damn near anything humans could do from scratch. Finding minerals, processing them, making stuff with them, engineering loads and just about anything a reasonably good experts in all the fields of science could do.

There’s also no reason a molecular assembler can’t be built. We’ve already built devices that can move individual atoms around. Of course they are primitive and only made to show it can be done but if you build one really good one…it could build more.

This is just one random link. There’s a lot on this stuff. There’s no doubt that these pictures of handbags exist and there’s also no doubt that people say ancient writings say these gods taught us all know to make civilization. What this means I have no idea but I admit not being comfortable with the idea but just the same there it is.

Of course there’s always the fact that they could have many people lying abut this even if the pictures exist.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”Going by the “alien god” theory, not saying it’s true, then I suppose they are computers with molecular assemblers.”

Garden of Eden Creation Kit

*cue in Fallout 2 music*

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”n 2025 according to the present rate of computer advancement a $1.000 processor will have the computing power of a human. Five years after that it will have the processing power of a village of humans.”

Awesome. Seems like were 20 years way from being able to play CK 2 without lag on top speed for once in our lives.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

These handbags are even on the, I think over 10,000 years old, oldest known monument at Göbekli Tepe.

12.5K years ago. Corresponds almost exactly to the beginning of the Younger Dryas Event.

The godbags are everywhere. Gobekli Tepi, Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Easter Island, Incas, Mayans, everywhere. There are lots of theories. Laptops, handbags, buckets (buckets actually works well with the art style), etc. One thing you know — if they guy in the art is important, he’s holding a godbag.

3 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

This sounds like one of the organizations helping to run the secret surveillance machine.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

It’s everywhere.
Look into any major synagogue on any Western Country, and the ADL has a foot there too.
The ADL is in tech, in the MSM, in the synagogues, everywhere.
Jewish collective power need to, and will be, terminated in the West.
No place in here for this kind of bullshit.

Let’s remember that ==the ADL was founded to protect a Jewish pedo who tried to put the blame on a Black man for his rape and murder of a female child== : – Tweet: “At his 1913 trial for murder the ADL’s Founding Father, Leo Frank, told the court that murder and rape are “negro crimes”” – “You Need to Watch This Before History is ERASED | (Leo Frank Trial & the ADL)” – “Leo Frank: HAVE YOU EVER SMELLED A NEGRO?”

Let’s also remember that the ADL receives money from organized crime: – “PewDiePie Meets The Mafia – Analysis by E. Michael Jones” – Video about Jewish and Israeli organized crime

ADL is also indoctrinating the US LEOs to bend to their Jewish supremacist agenda: – ADL’s page on “Law Enforcement Trainings” – FBI page about the indoctrination they receive from the ADL – “A Different Kind of Training: What New Agents Learn from the Holocaust”

3 years ago

For what it is, it’s not half bad. FYI, Crye is sold out till January. I bought one of these and it will do in a pinch.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’ll bet he hit reply and then got the bug where it puts your reply at the bottom of the thread.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Swelled by rain and COVID curbs, locust swarms ravage Ethiopia