News Briefs – 10/04/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The Democrat whistleblower who complained about Trump digging up dirt in Ukraine was himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump (and Manafort) while working in the Obama White House during 2016 campaign. I don’t know if this guy was turned and recruited by Q and company, but again this fits with the “Think mirror” concept. Trump does something, but for good reasons. The he gets Democrats to say it is the worst thing possible, then shows Democrats did the same thing for evil reasons. So it is like a mirror, and forces a conversation about things the media would otherwise portray as harmless if only Democrats did them.

The Whistle Blower is also a registered Democrat, which combined with his work for Obama digging for dirt on Trump is why the ICIG determined he had a significant enough political bias that it did not take his complaint seriously. There is no way this guy was left in place accidentally. Trump left him there to monitor what he was going to do, and use it to his ends, meaning all of this is part of a plan.

Joe Biden confirmed Wednesday night that his son Hunter will join him on the campaign trail.

CNN is refusing to run an ad from President Trump’s reelection campaign that questions former Vice President Biden’s role in the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor. How the fuck is this legal? Now Trump needs leftist fake news shills to approve his ads before they air?

Chris Matthews has decided we have no choice but to Impeach Donald Trump and Mike Pence, to produce President Nancy Pelosi. The level of desperation.

Biden rolls out a massive gun control plan. Strange in that gun control was a known campaign killer back when things were far more r, and almost nobody owned an AR-15. Why are they acting like this is a viable move now?

An interesting article on Epstein’s finances after his first sweetheart plea deal. He left finance, and formed a DNA data-mining service which would try to gauge customers’ predisposition to cancer by “basically organizing mathematical algorithms.” Some unknown entity dumped over $200 million into the company. Again, if you formed a company you would have tried to find some useful thing you could market to other people. And even if you did, the money would never have flown in like it did to this weird, pointless endeavor, which probably never came near being operational.

Trump says on twitter he has a duty to investigate corruption and root it out, and a Democrat tweets back, “Dude, no. No. Nope. No. Just no.” Imagine how Cabal is feeling right now. None of them are getting briefings. They don’t know what is going on, because that is how things are run. But it looks like things might get exposed, and they are hip deep in outright treason which will ruin their lives if it comes out. And there is nothing they can do but continue on and hope for the best, knowing the worst appears to be bearing down on them. We will see some real meltdowns in the near future. They are not designed for this kind of stress.

Nancy Pelosi rejects all rules and precedents to hold an Impeachment inquiry without any full House vote on it first.

Friend of Evelyn Farkas and Trump Ukraine Advisor Paul Volker testified to the House that he had told Giuliani not to believe conspiracy theories put out by Ukraine that Joe Biden was corrupt, that he and the State Department told Ukraine it should not get involved in American politics because it would hurt Ukraine long term, and he turned over documents showing Trump was going to make Ukraine investigate Biden. These are all Democrat leaks, and Republicans in the hearing came out and said Volker rebutted Democrat claims on Ukraine, so they could be misinformation, but his friendship with Farkas, and previous assignment to Ukraine when Cabal was in power would make you suspicious. Then again, Democrats lie, so maybe he was legit and has given them nothing.

Paraphrased from this article, possibly documenting a Cabal hostile takeover in action : In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased Paradigm Global Advisors. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present. After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future.

Trump raised the issue of Biden’s corruption with China in a phone call on the secret server. And Trump publicly calls on Ukraine and China to investigate Biden. Pretty obvious trap, and amusingly the Democrats are still taking the bait.

MGM to pay up to $800 million in mass shooting settlement over the Las Vegas shooting.

A mother is furious after discovering that her 16-year-old daughter’s headaches and soreness were caused by a birth control implant inserted by a school nurse without her consent.

Australia is announcing professional protestors on welfare will need to find work, because the government will no longer fund their perpetual protesting. How interesting is that. The masses showing up to protest had been given a government stipend just to show up to protests all the time. And now the powers that have taken over are shutting it down. Again, there is no money in affecting government, unless somebody is profiting from the government and giving you a cut. And much of what you have seen portrayed as your fellow countrymen was just a scripted act.

Half of Sports Illustrated’s newsroom has been laid off and the decision was announced to staff this afternoon, NPR reports. Notice SI controls what athletes are seen as “happening.” The “happening” athletes get millions simply to pitch products and help Cabal control what is said on TV and in print. Sports Illustrated probably never made enough through subscriptions and advertising to support the massive operation it had become. But like all the other media you saw, it was funded behind the scenes, because it was part of the mechanism of control. Twenty or thirty other Sports Fanatics could have tried to create kick-ass sports magazines before the Storm, and all would have failed mightily, because they were like Cargo cults – looking at what was out there and mimicking it expecting the same results, but not understanding they had utterly failed to grasp the real mechanism that had been running the world. Now if SI was a sham, what do you think National Review was? American Spectator? Did they have the readership to be going concerns? All of our media is conceivably an active part of a conspiracy to deceive the entire world of normies. And pretty much all of the world we have seen may have been a machine to keep us deceived, and unable to see the truth.

DC Journalism Museum to close amid financial difficulties.

James Franco ran an acting school which girls allege was being used to condition them to be sexually less restricted and tolerant of sexual harassment. He required they get naked for classes and endure sexually charged behavior. Makes me wonder how many acting schools were being run like little NXIVMs.

Virginia Tech Diversity Director gets six months in jail for 11 counts of child pornography.

Nutjob who stabbed three cops and a civilian to death in a Paris Police station was a recent Muslim convert. Assailant was a fired employee, and was shot dead.

Robert De Niro subjected female employee to creepy and abusive behavior. Interestingly there was another article saying he and Joaquin Phoenix didn’t get along on the set of Joker. Makes me wonder if something is going to come out about him, and Cabal doesn’t want it to be a surprise, lest you wonder who else you were lied to about. So they are beginning to introduce the ideas now. He was implicated in an investigation of some French prostitution thing which supplied under aged girls, and he is totally insulting to Trump, so I would be surprised if the Storm doesn’t hit him dead center.

National Review is pimping George P Bush’s quiet move toward running for Lieutenant Governor of Texas. I will actually vote for a Democrat before I ever vote for another member of the Bush family. Best elect an enemy who is openly opposed to you and recognizable, rather than an infiltrator. I hope the 9/11 reveal blows them all out of the water:


Notice in this next one, these are Chinese agents, probably acting under an established command authority, operating freely in a Western nation, much like the reports of CCP Police cars we are seeing crop up in Chinese communities, and local domestic intel is not the least bit territorial. Things may not work the way we would think:

Now French Cops have a suicide crisis, but leftists are tooling along fine as K-selection kicks in?:

Conservative activists clean out 50 tons of trash from L.A. homeless camp. When conservatives do for free what governments fail to do with billions of dollars. You can see how a K-society would be spontaneously great, while an r-society is just a shithole. Imagine the great majestic city a group like that would create if it could use all that excess energy to generate greatness, instead of to pick up 50 tons of trash left by the r-strategists, just to bring us back to where we were before Obama took office and the migrant flood began.

1.4 million more Americans than last year have concealed carry permits, report says.

Iowa voter-ID law survives a legal challenge claiming it is an attack on Hispanics.

A Republican attorney filed a lawsuit on Tuesday demanding that two California agencies develop a better system to verify the citizenship of people who register to vote through the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Poland tells the EU to get screwed over orders to reduce Coal usage for Global Warming. Territoriality and nationalism over globalism are all signs K is alive and well and growing.

Bernie Sanders ‘up and about,’ and will be in the next Democratic presidential debate.

A Virginia police officer suspended for turning an undocumented immigrant over to federal agents will return to duty, officials said Thursday.

The recent ruling upholding affirmative action may have set the stage for a Supreme Court decision which will eliminate Affirmative Action once and for all. This could be happening organically, but it feels like one of those things where Affirmative action was a tool Cabal needed to be able to upset the meritocracy as it pleased, and now that power has shifted, the new power that is has set this up behind the scenes as part of the Plan.

Trump suggests his administration look at starting its own news network.

Trump signs an executive order improving Medicare benefits for seniors.

Samsung ends mobile phone production in China.

Rothschild Bank wants to help restructure $15 billion of debt at the Bin Ladin Group in Saudi Arabia.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is not Cabal-approved.

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S.J., Esquire
S.J., Esquire
4 years ago

***Biden rolls out a massive gun control plan.***

Same here from the Liberal Party in our upcoming Canadian election. I swear it’s like these people think we don’t have the internet and can’t see what’s going on everywhere.

4 years ago

Regarding the “No, dude, No” chick. From her Wikipedia page:

In July 2010, Hill married Kenny Heslep, an artist. They reside in Agua Dulce, California, on their farm where they foster rescue animals.[28] Hill also rents an apartment in Washington D.C. with fellow freshman Representative Lauren Underwood.[29]

Hill is bisexual. She came out as bisexual after high school.[30] She is California’s first openly bisexual person to be elected to Congress.

Wow. What winners we face.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

How nice that they’ve found each other.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

The Big Lebowska

4 years ago

Are K-strategists really offing themselves?

Or are they r-strategist infiltrators scared of being caught “behind enemy lines”?

Was McCain ever really a K-strategist?

The healthiest churches are always the small and struggling ones. Megachurches always attract freeloaders and tourists. It wouldn’t be different going from the minutemen militia to the modern military industrial complex. Same freeloaders and tourists, abstracted from the reality of what they are actually interacting with and now only dealing in terms of social status.

Like the right-wing media whores who blab about traditional values they don’t live, but want people to think they support those values so that others will then support them.

Time and again, whether naturally or synthetically, human organizations need to be kept small and constrained by external factors in order to remain true to their purpose.

In Iron Man 3 they used terrorist attacks as the cover story for experiments gone wrong, and I would not be surprised to find that the circumstances we’re being are r-strategists are looking to exploit our trust to have us project what we think those people are supposed to be, what meaning might be behind the actions, and then make judgments on it. They don’t know how we think, but they think they know how to manipulate us effectively, based on how well they’d done it for over a century.

So, at a fundamental level, how do we even know there were actually suicides? Maybe they just pushed an experiment too far and don’t want anyone looking closely to see what’s really happening, which is something you’ve alluded to as a possible explanation already.

4 years ago

The “eat the babies” woman is either a truly insane and sick individual and is endemic of how far the left has fallen OR she’s a brilliant satirist that has just acted out a masterful version of “A Modest Proposal” for the social media age.

I’m inclined to believe the latter (ok, I really wanna believe the latter)..

Reply to  Zundfolge
4 years ago

LaRouche PAC Exposed As Ocasio-Cortez Troller Behind “We Must Eat The Babies” Viral Video

But it WORKED, they just sat there and accepted her.

4 years ago


r/K = 1

Do you understand what is being implied here?

4 years ago

SI is also a major source of r as a source of soft porn. (Swimsuit/Bodypaint issues)
I suspect that’s why they are not shutting it down completely.

4 years ago

supposedly the “eat the babies” woman was a plant, from larouchepac.

4 years ago

Judge finds no bias from Jussie Smollett special prosecutor

4 years ago

Sweden’s Anti-Immigrant Party Draws Even With Social Democrats in Poll

4 years ago

China removes former head of securities regulator from government post after corruption probe

4 years ago

AC, I’m not a biologist and i know you have the background. What do you think of this?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed response. I understand maybe 75% of it. Between you and Vox, you keep me busy learning new things.

Do you think that probiotic supplements, that many health professionals are recommending, would aid in what you mentioned above:

“who is to say one of my native GI bacterial cells won’t pick up the gene and begin producing the protein itself?”

I’m interested, because I got sick the last couple years with pneumonia. I think it’s because of my GI tract and my diet. I started taking a probiotic to help. Normally, if any of my kids get sick, I’m down with it within 1-2 days. My little guy got sick recently, and I didn’t catch anything. Has to be my diet or something, because my wife never gets sick ever.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Ok, someone posted this on a comment on a past post, and if you haven’t read this shit yet READ IT RIGHT NOW (or you’ll be a faggot forever):

This is the best hypothesis for who/what is at the top of the cabal I ever read about. Seriously, don’t be a homosexual, read it ASAP.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Also make sure you read the comments, pretty great stuff there.

4 years ago

Italy presents plan to accelerate expulsion of migrants

4 years ago

Chances of Swiss-EU treaty deal this month have vanished, sources say

4 years ago

Indiana approves new permit for John Dillinger exhumation

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

The facial bifurcation on John Dillinger is quite striking, you barely need to use a mirror.

4 years ago

Trump orders ‘substantial’ cut in National Security Council staff

4 years ago

This video is currently going viral in Europe.

It shows a man executing a citizen’s arrest on a man from Afghanistan who had earlier punched a 60 year old man and threatened to stab other passengers on a London train.

“Look at me! I’m strong”

4 years ago

I have found an AMAZING documentary on bitchute, from an youtuber who recently got banned from youtube: – “Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America”

Highly recommended.