News Briefs – 10/12/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

The MSM turns out a hitpiece on Prince Salman. Notice, he grabbed up women’s rights advocates after he let women drive. Why? Rule #1 of Cabal is make sure your people are the opposition that stands up against your own people in power. Just like John McCain and Hillary Clinton. So Salman takes power, he knows all those “rights activists” are Cabal actors who will soon turn against him, only for real – and they will have full Cabal support in their operations. On top of that, they may be running surveillance of his palaces on the side, they may help set up an assassination, handle logistics, or be run as couriers, or just wait until orders from Cabal come in. Now Salman may have done something to Kashoggi, who was good friends with Dopey Prince Alwaleed, and worked for the WaPo. I have no idea what Kashoggi was up to, but I will bet he had some involvement in something that was designed to overthrow Salman. Or maybe they turned Kashoggi and now he is providing intel to the Saudis. Whatever the case, so far Salman just looks like a strong leader who is willing to fight against evil and has all the right enemies – the US Media among them.

An article about elites forming a school in Africa to save girls from sexual exploitation. Guess what happened to the girls?

The good news – San Francisco is #1 – The bad news? It is in Poop complaints. This meme never gets old. Who knew Trump was so prescient with his “Shithole countries” line?

Deputy Commissioner of London Police testifies he locked himself in a car and watched while one of his officers was stabbed to death, because he felt anyone who faced the terrorist would have gotten injured. He was acting Commissioner at the time. In times of r, when ability doesn’t matter, those rabbits fly up the hierarchies. But when K hits is when ability becomes an issue, and suddenly those r’s just don’t cut it.

Rate of new Ebola cases has doubled since September. That vaccine isn’t doing shit.

Susan Rice’s Republican son assaulted by leftists. Notice, he has an easy route into Cabal central, and here he is traveling deep behind enemy lines. You hate to assassinate the character of a potential ally, but how many of you were ideological “Republicans,” in the college Republicans yourselves, at 20? Then again, the God Emperor is an enthusing force… Stay paranoid regardless.

Leftists are using Kavanaugh’s defeat to promote Witchcraft and Magic Spells as ways to fight back. They have literally lost control so completely that subconsciously they realize that their only hope is conjuring the spirits of mother gaia.

Atlanta priest goes to drag show.

Beyoncé and Jay Z cut all ties with Kanye and Kim. I have old family friends who are clueless leftists. They actually volunteered for Obama, and I often marvel they were destroying the nation. But as much as I hate to admit it, I will still talk with them freely and help them if they need anything. This complete break implies a much more important fissure than mere politics lay between Kanye and Jay Z.

US has first PrEP failure. Gay man taking the drugs still got HIV. Is the resistant strain here?

Flea-borne typhus spreads to Long Beach, 91 new cases. I don’t see why they maintain a bacterium which is spread by fleas could not evolve to live long enough off the human host to follow the same fecal-oral route that spreads norovirus.

Stocks and Bonds dropped together on Wednesday. This was not investors trying to shift their assets from one to the other to maximize returns. Cabal may have been pulling its resources out to try and drop the markets and hurt Trump for November, or they may be running out of funds and are now trying to liberate money to save their network.

Michael Cohen has registered as a Democrat.

Israel is going to go into Gaza. Probably not related, but a cursory examination of Cabal shows part of their blueprint is to establish some sort of yet-to-be-elucidated command/control/communications/banking operation in a denied area to their theater of operations, as a failsafe. So if Cabal was corrupting Israel’s government, they might have established their central command deep in some denied area, or at least relatively denied to Israel’s equivalent of the FBI. Might be why America has funneled so much money to the Palestinians, which were to Israel what the Norks were to us. We were funding Cabal’s denied area for its Israel ops. Might be why Trump just pulled the funding to the Palestinians.

Chris Coons threw wild cocaine fueled parties for friends. Obviously he must resign, because the allegations are so serious.

Trump attacks the Federal Reserve for raising interest rates. If you think about it, Clinton, Bush, Obama, they were always keeping rates at 0%. Suddenly Trump takes office, and it is hike after hike. Cabal created a lot of levers to exert control with.

Donald Trump says Eric Holder better be careful what he is wishing for. About Holder’s exhortation to leftists to kick conservatives and take things physical. He’s right. Conservatives don’t view leftists as human any more. If things go kinetic, there is not going to be a lot of mercy or restraint.

Trump signs music modernization act, creating an agency to handle licensing of the work of artists online. Notice, previously Cabal filled that function, and combined with their control of radio stations, controlled everything. They could determine winners and losers, and fill the ranks with their people. On top of that, I remember Courtney Love detailing how they would saddle all costs for their machine on the artist, so when she produced a record that sold millions, after she paid for the Cabal’s costs, she only got about $60,000 per year, and was entirely dependent on touring to make money. This will hit Cabal in the pocketbook.

There is now an NPC simulator, so you can talk with a liberal even if there are no liberals around. NPC stands for Non-player-character. Those are the characters in games who just stand somewhere and repeat the same lines when you encounter them, but otherwise have no agency or ability to really interact or change. Somebody on 4chan observed that many of the leftists they met had no character, personality, or logical thinking, and when they talked with them, they just repeated the same lines about racism, homophobia, Nazis, and justice. They said they felt like they were in a computer game and the leftists were the NPC’s. The meme then took off, and it drives leftists crazy. I suspect the reason is it takes a narcissistic psychology which wants to be the center of the world, and ridicules it as a meaningless character with no real personality or reason for being (as it portrays the conservative as the player in the videogame, passing by them). It is a good trigger. The phrase that really sets them off is, “Leftists are just NPC’s in the game of life.”

Space Station crew survives Soyuz rocket malfunction. Given the sabotage of holes drilled purposely in the capsule, you have to wonder what went wrong and why. It is possible Cabal wanted only China up there.

Publication of McCabe’s book delayed by FBI from December to February, as they go over it for classified material. Might speak to Storm timing?

Amazon’s Cloud center locations released by WikiLeaks.

Mattis orders US Jet Fighter readiness increased 80% in one year. Eight years of this administration is going turn America into a level of greatness that will be mind blowing.

A Democrat pollster says the Kavanaugh battle woke up a sleeping GOP.

Supreme Court affirms North Dakota’s right to demand voter ID’s.

13 Sinaloa Cartel members arrested in Ventura County, along with $11 million in drugs. Cabal just saw more money and operators float away into thin air.

Republicans see Senate gains coming.

Trump gets eight more judges confirmed. They are aiming for 40 more before the midterms.

GOP voters more angry, more likely to vote. Amygdala is good.

Kanye stops by the Oval Office to jam with the God Emperor. Gives a long speech, which I assume was filled with confusion and punctuated with intermittent MAGA pills that were allowed to get in because of the brain’s occupation with the confusion. Trump only recruits geniuses.

Spread r/K Theory, because it doesn’t matter what tone you spread it with

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Each time I see your newest article pop up on my feed, it delivers its own kind of tonic hit to my amygdala.

I never realized this until today I was perusing the news, becoming enraged, when I saw “News Briefs” as my next unread article

I literally felt my mind relax.

“What this world needs is some muscular Christians.” – Chariots of Fire

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

“entirely dependent on touring to make money”

I know a lot of professional musicians who get regular radio play. I’m told the only money they make is from selling t-shirts at concerts. Sad.

5 years ago

Wow, I did not realize PrEP was supposed to be that effective in the first place.

5 years ago

“elites” forming a school in Africa to save girls from sexual exploitation …guess what happened to the girls?

The lead is named in the article. Katie Meyler. Interesting surname, that. I searched avotaynu for it and found exactly what I expected to. Her picture at morethanme has some typical phenotypes, such as fivehead and lots of gum showing above her upper teeth when she smiles.

From the article: “First touching down in 2006 for an internship with an evangelical charity” – but don’t be fooled by that word “evangelical.” Search for her full name at Algemeiner and you’ll see that she was one of the keynote speakers at the 2016 ROI summit in Jerusalem.

Other interesting names at morethanme’s team include Senior Advisor SAUL Garlick and US Advisory Board members Mindy GROSSMAN, Michael LOEB, and Harlan PELTZ. It seems a certain group is over-represented in the non-African portion of the team members of this organization.

“Cabal” is a good word. Much better and more accurate in etymology than “cathedral” which was popularized by a certain someone sharing certain characteristics with the names above.

Reply to  anonymouscoward
5 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  anonymouscoward
5 years ago

I used to attack the word “cathedral” by calling it the #Neo-Synagoge. Really pissed people off. They would have fits. My assumption that the word cathedral was chosen on purpose.

5 years ago

The local talk radio was full of cucks wringing their hands over Trump having such a “foul mouthed” and perverted individual as Kanye in the White House. Michael Savage was doing something similar last night. The only media person in my area that was positive about the visit was a black centrist who focuses largely on local issues. Yeah Kanye was, well, Kanye, but I thought he said some important things. Cabal has done their best to make and keep cities dysfunctional messes. Destroying any kind of economic opportunity has done much to fuel the spiral down. Throw in the institutionalization of of victim mindsets, corruption, and cronyism and you get what we have now.