News Briefs – 10/31/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Interesting, and vaguely worrying post and discussion at Free Republic about how Soros is funding free rides to the polls from specific areas, and it is partnered with Michele Obama’s voting registration App, which might allow the ride service to offer rides preferentially with a fore-knowledge of who registered for what party.

NeverTrump magazines have taken cash from big Tech to not discuss the censorship of Conservatives online. If you understand the economics of magazines, online content creation, and marketing that product, you know Conservative magazines are not cash cows. But they do allow the power to mold the debate and control narratives, which is a valuable commodity.

One helicopter crashes into mobile homes in Florida, killing the pilot and his passenger.

Another helicopter hits powerlines, and goes down killing 2 more in NY. Two crashes together seems odd statistically, but it could just be chance.

Conservative Treehouse thinks the other spy in the Trump campaign was a former Intel Committee head brought in to help with Campaign Security. So funny. I have said Burn Notice is an excellent primer on the spy world, if you watch it with an eye to that. One of the voiceovers by the protagonist was a soliloquy about how when you want to screw somebody’s entire operation up, you approach them as somebody who wants to help them. It simultaneously puts their guard down, and gives you access to exactly the position you need to get into, to do the most possible damage. Cabal wants to destroy Trump’s security? Then they need to send an expert in posing as someone who wants to help Trump enhance his security. In fact most of that TV show consisted of the hero approaching bad guys as somebody who wanted to help them, before he undermined all their efforts and destroyed everything they were doing. Long story short, Trump’s security people who did this for a living probably spotted this guy a mile away because they were expecting him, and had him contained without him knowing it, which is why Trump won. I really hope Trump sits down some day and writes a spy-tradecraft version of The Art of the Deal, using his entire operation to take back America as a real life example of all the ins and outs of that world. Talk about a global bestseller.

Hillary jokes that all Black men look alike. The amygdala is supposed to apply aversive stimulus to prevent faux pas like that. That her amygdala failed here could point to either a breakdown of the structure, or an overloading of it by stress, occupying it and preventing it from focusing on what is in front of her. At times when my brain is occupied by other problems, I notice the degradation in amygdala prioritization/function with respect to what is going on right in front of me. To get this level of dysfunction would require quite a large distraction though. Then again, I wonder if she has received a script which involves her purposely sabotaging everything. These are huge errors she is making.

Migrants being loaded onto busses now by organizers to get them to the border in time for the election:

Meanwhile displeased Mexicans deal with the aftermath of trash and waste left behind by the migrants:

And they set fire to a Mexican immigration facility. “They are not sending us their best, people.”

And the second Caravan is now said to already be armed up with bombs and guns. They may be planning quite a little distraction on the border. It is possible that in America, things are good, and they fear that will result in a vote for Trump or at least fewer votes against him. So the plan is cross the border, create chaos to counteract that niceness, force Trump to declare Martial Law, and then precipitate a Kent State type event with dead women and children to demonize the military, the Border Patrol, and Trump, as the media portrays the migrant as victims.

Jim Cramer thinks the Fed chairman may be trying to raise interest rates to hurt the economy and take Trump down.

Taliban says 5 men released from Gitmo in Bergdahl trade are now fighting in Qatar against the Saudis. So, Taliban = Cabal? Not surprising since the CIA created them and handed Afghanistan to them in the 80’s. If so, then the Afghanistan war was not the blowback it was presented as, but rather Cabal Kabuki theater designed to keep the 9/11 mood alive and distract from the growth of government (and Cabal Ops) under Bush II.

An interesting article detailing why young voters vote or don’t vote. Lots of r/K, narcissism, and time-preference stuff, nuance on motivations and demotivators, and affirmations of how Trump winning shuts down democrat turnout. Lefties are motivated by desire for a rush, and an easy win, and actually fear effort and the “despair” (the leftie’s word) of loss and failure. Make it a slog, likely to fail, and make their candidate seem boring, focused on others and not them, or better yet embarrassing, and you will crush turnout. Five excerpts from the article, but it has a lot of good stuff on the psychology of the young leftists, though it takes a couple of reads and visualizing the leftist mind as you do it: “I tried to register for the 2016 election, but it was beyond the deadline by the time I tried to do it. I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety… I was particularly interested in voting in 2016 because Donald Trump is so stupid. It drove me up a wall — he knew way less about the government than I do… I have ADHD, and it makes it hard for me to do certain tasks where the payoff is far off in the future or abstract. I don’t find it intrinsically motivational. The amount of work logically isn’t that much: Fill out a form, mail it, go to a specific place on a specific day. But those kind of tasks can be hard for me to do if I’m not enthusiastic about it. That’s kind of a problem with social attitudes around, you know, “It’s your civic duty to vote.” I once told a co-worker I didn’t vote, and she said, “That’s really irresponsible,” in this judgmental voice. You can’t build a policy around calling people irresponsible. You need to make people enthusiastic and engaged.” And “2016 was such a disillusioning experience. Going into the election, I was so proud to be in this country at this moment, so proud to be voting for Hillary Clinton. I had my Clinton sweatshirt on all day. I was on Twitter telling people that if they didn’t vote they were dead to me — like the whole thing. Watching the results come in, it was just disheartening. My faith in the whole system was crushed pretty quickly. ” And “I feel like the Democratic Party doesn’t really stand for the things I believe in anymore. Why should I vote for a party that doesn’t really do anything for me as a voter? Millennials don’t vote because a lot of politicians are appealing to older voters. We deserve politicians that are willing to do stuff for our future instead of catering to people who will not be here for our future. “ and “So would I vote in the future? I don’t know. If somebody came along that was exciting like that? Yeah. Probably.” And “But if you lose an election, or the candidate you’re pushing loses, then what do you have after that? You have this kind of despair for the next two or four or whatever years.”

Head of the National Republican Congressional Committee criticizes Steve King for being a racist White Nationalist promoting hate, to please King’s opponent. He can’t be an honest Republican and not agree with King’s statements, which are very benign statements in support of strong borders and the President’s policy. I wonder what high paying job he will slide into in a GOPe company as Trump remakes the party in his image, and he is forced to hit the pavement.

Don Lemon says the biggest terror threat is white men. I hear this, and feel the anger rising. But the truth is, this is a script, designed to try and foster this division, so we will take whatever cuckservative they nominate as a Republican, and we do not focus, first and foremost, on ejecting Cabal.

FedEx cuts all ties to the NRA.

Scientist who stabbed colleague in Antarctic research facility was fed up with repeatedly being told the ending to books he was reading. Any amygdala trigger can become unbearable if you can repeat it, while adding an element of frustration.

From the comments – Young blood transfusions ease dementia symptoms. Since the first mouse study on young blood and anti-aging, we have taken genes from theory, to a full on industry that can tell you where your DNA came from, and even splice genes into things, use them to produce drugs, and identify criminals. We are even creating DNA for a living cell from scratch. But nobody ever even followed up on a potential cure for aging that was as simple as transfusing young blood? Think about the money there. Something doesn’t fit.

Whitey Bulger killed after prison transfer by Mafia-associated inmate. Whitey’s family is the trifecta of Cabal involvement. One brother is a prominent Boston politician, one is a priest, and Whitey was in organized crime. I’ve always assumed Whitey moonlighted as Cabal muscle and Cabal eyes and ears inside the criminal world, and that was in part why that FBI agent helped him to disappear as the noose tightened. Truth be told, I’m surprised he lived this long. But with the Storm closing in, a lot of loose ends are going to be tied up soon.

Beto is married to a billionaire heiress. Interesting. Massive private expenditures might explain his ability to stay within ten points of Cruz in Texas. I wonder if the media blitz and propaganda about him was because they were hoping with his money he could be a player. They just didn’t want anybody to know.

Pittsburgh rabbi gets tons of hate mail for welcoming President Trump.

Kanye distances himself from politics, but does it without specifics, while implying openness to migrants. May mean his work is done, and what will happen now is the more Kinetic phase of things, after the election.

Israel calls out Soros as an enemy who continually tries to undermine them. Is that Cabal maintaining pressure on Israel to send a continuous message to stay in line, or they could take them out? Why hasn’t Israel ever taken out Soros?

Robert Mueller being credibly accused of sexual assault, possibly by multiple women. And his office has said there has been an extensive campaign offering to pay women for accusations. Too complicated to know what this means. Mueller does not strike me as having the insecurity of a harasser, and this is a known Cabal tactic, being executed by a possibly GOP Cabal operator. It might mean Mueller is actually working for Trump, as Q has implied, and now the Cabal is trying to damage him just as everything is about to be revealed. It would also rally democrats for the midterms, by making them feel under siege, and in need of acting out (ie voting) to protect Mueller. I do not see Trump, or anyone on Trump’s team doing this right now. Then again, Mueller is a Democrat, he may be attacking Trump, and if so, he would need to be taken out at the start of the Storm. If this happened just after the midterms, I might think it part of Trump’s plan, but now, seems off.

Army is moving from 5.56 NATO to a 6.8 round. If this happens, it might affect ammo availability and thus affect caliber selection for an Apocalypse scenario, when ammo availability is an issue.

80% of Americans think political correctness is a major problem. Look at how the media has skewed the narrative on this.

Rush mentioned the #GreatAwakening movement. It wasn’t anything in detail, and he was quoting a site he read which said there will be a Red Wave, but it was a mention. Might be significant, with regard to going mainstream.

Denmark foiled an Iranian assassination plot targeting a foe of the regime. I would assume it was Trump-provided intel that saved the day.

A very interesting article on Trump “mysteriously” increasing the funding of spy budgets, with amazing graphs. Do you really think the spook world diminished under Obama, or his people did not want more spying? The short take is Obama came in, and after two years crushed the spending of US government spy agencies. I would have thought this, because I have always had the impression that the Cabal didn’t trust US intel as a whole because too many people who loved the myth signed up to serve the US. So Cabal moved everything they could to the private sector, and moved as much spy agency funding as possible that remained in government to divisions controlled by partisans that could be wielded tactically against political operatives. I also suspect R&D was moved out to private sector “research labs” that could keep their new super-powerful toys out of any government agency’s hands (and oversight) and thus keep Cabal intelligence ahead of government intelligence if it ever came down to a fight. And as much as this happened to non-military intelligence, it happened even more to military intelligence. Although the article doesn’t show US Military Intel funding alone, look at what including US Mil Intel does to the graph of civilian spending when added in:

It crushes it even more. Imagine if those graphs had never stopped rising. All the discrepancy, and probably a ton of Cabal spending which was already going on in the private sector, was lumped together and sent to Cabal private sector intel, which could have been bigger nd better funded than US government intel – especially if it was doing this in every nation, globally. That private sector operation was combined with (and supported by) the government intel which was run by people like Strzok and Brennan. That private sector operation is what Trump and the white hats are fighting now, and what Cabal needs to fund somehow. The funding increase the article cites in US intelligence since Trump came in, is only mysterious if you do not read Q, and have no idea about the Storm.

Abortion down 2/3 in Russia since 2000, and condemnation of abortion has gone from 12% to 35%. We assume we can launch campaigns to alter public opinion, but notice how these things shift on their own. Russia is still going K apparently, probably due to the economic situation not being that good, but maybe also due to the turbulence of the recent global conflicts and unrest revolving around Islam.

China’s economy is under tremendous stresses due to debt. Who would have thought five years ago we’d enter a trade war and China’s debt would level them while our economy took off. We were clueless because we had no idea how much we were being deceived by the traitors who were leading our nation.

Lindsey Graham to introduce legislation eliminating Birthright citizenship.

Vulnerable Democrat Senatorial Candidate says he is open to the bill. That is how bad this issue is for Democrats. The Republicans before Trump were not blind to this. They were just helping the media and the Democrats lie to us about it, because they were all on the same team – and playing against regular Americans.

Even more troops than the 5200 are heading to the border to meet the migrant caravan.

Miles of concertina wire too.

Trump says tent cities await the migrants. Notice they are getting it out in Spanish language outlets. The real issue is overcoming the stories and propaganda about all the ease and money the migrants are being told, by the pro-immigration forces down there. Between that, and the payoffs, and all the free stuff you can see the migrants are being given in the video above, it is a tough battle. So far they look at all the free food, and clothes, and other stuff being thrown at them, and think if it is this good so far, when they finish the journey they will be in nirvana. The migration people have crafted their campaign well to create a diversion of immense proportions at the border. Still, hard to imagine the migration campaign generating enough money for Cabal when everything is said and done, to justify the massive expenditures thus far, unless they think they can false flag a massacre of migrants at the border by firing a few shots at Border Patrol, and make it look like it was Trump’s hate that got innocent women and children killed unnecessarily. Something is afoot with this.

Paul Ryan claims an Executive Order blocking birthright citizenship cannot be done, but he will be long gone shortly, and he isn’t the Supreme Court anyway.

Trump to end birthright citizenship by Executive Order. The Fake News media is claiming President Trump cannot do this by Executive Order, however the reality is if he does, it will simply go to the Supreme Court, where the precedent will be set. And as this link shows, what is on Trump’s side is that the author of the Citizenship clause was explicit, on the record, that it was not written to apply to non-citizens who give birth on US soil. So the Supreme Court precedent would simply be affirming the intent of the authors of the Amendment at the time it was written, and it’s original interpretation and implementation, up until 1960, when the enforcement was changed and they began allowing illegals to have anchor babies. What is unclear is if birthright citizenships that have already been awarded could be reversed retroactively by such a ruling, going backward. Regardless, as Democrats cautioned all their candidates to not talk about immigration because it was a losing issue for them, President Trump managed to put it at the front of every newscast in the nation. Yet another case study in brilliant manipulation of a hostile media, forcing them to hurt his opposition.

Republicans are turning out early and big in California. Possibly the best, most perfectly adapted leader in the entire history of mankind. Even California will be significantly redder when he is done.

Trump now has 40% approval among blacks, a record high. This is huge, because there are a lot of blacks who will take a second look as Trump becomes socially accepted in their community, and their lives continue to improve. He could be at 60 or 70% by the next election, and maybe higher. Say goodnight, democrats.

Spread r/K Theory, because the tide changed a while ago, but the water is only rising to dangerous levels now

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5 years ago

Long story short, Trump’s security people who did this for a living probably spotted this guy a mile away because they were expecting him, and had him contained without him knowing it, which is why Trump won.

It’s worth noting all the bruhahah about Trump keeping his private security as his innermost ring of security rather than letting the USSS do it at the start of the administration.

5 years ago

Don Lemon’s lover is a white man!

These people…

5 years ago

“original interpretation and implementation”

Look also at the Injun Naturalization Act of 1924 signed into law by Silent Cal. It was obvious to all, from 1868 to 1924, that even the injuns weren’t granted birthright citizenship by the 14th.

The actual intent of the 14th, which, like the 13th, was never properly ratified, was to punish the former Confederacy by freeing negroes to run roughshod over them in politics, as part of “reconstruction.”

5 years ago

> free rides

In my state, all you have to do is call eithe the Republican or Democratic Party HQs and they’ll send someone out to give you a ride to the poll. Doesn’t matter what party you’re registered with.

Last I looked, the Greens and Libterarians were too cheap to do the same.

> Hillary black joke

A whole lot of Hillary’s statements and actions make a lot more sense if you view them in the context of her having Alzheimer’s. She ignores her staff and handlers and babbles whatever comes into her head when she’s out unattended.

> “I hate mailing stuff; it gives me anxiety…”

Yeah, explain that to the phone company or VISA…

> 6..8 … availability

What we saw in 2008 was that *all* ammo, regardless of caliber, vanished shortly after The Anointed One was elected. Even obscure calibers like .32 rimfire and .38-55; after the initial rush of buyers empted the shelves of all the popular cartridges, the speculators bought everything left in the hope they could flog it somewhere for a profit. And components – powder, primers, and bullets – vanished as well. We’re *still* not back to where we were on powder availability, ten years later.

> abortion down in Russia

During the Soviet era abortion was the approved method of birth control, “free” at state clinics. Condoms were very hard to get. Conventional birth control pills were nearly impossible to get. So abortion was both accepted and way more common in the USSR than in most countries, and even after 1992 when condoms and pills became easier to get, abortion is what women were used to.

Part of the decline since 2000 could simply be the population moving to more modern and less risky birth control methods as they become more widely available.

> Red Wave

Go ahead. Call it the Crimson Tide. You know you want to…

5 years ago

“Army is moving from 5.56 NATO to a 6.8 round. ”

The Army has been “serious” about this for almost two decades now. I’m sure that they will get around to it eventually, at least once they stop cancelling and rebooting new project after new project. Frankly, the US Army needs to have it’s ability to develop new toys taken away, because the Army weapons development is now just a black hole from which nothing useful escapes.

The 5.56 is actually now the best cartridge we could be using, assuming that our boys are using one of the newer loads such as 77gr. MK262, MK318 SOST, or even M855A1. 5.56 dominates 100meters in, which is where 85% of engagements occur. The M855A1 doesn’t play nice with the Marines HK416 based M27, but frankly I think the M27 to be a some sort of sweetheart behind the scenes deal.

The reality of what we should be issuing is as follows:
1)InRangeTV has a concept they call the What-Would-Stoner-Do rifle. It’s an AR15 made with entirely off the shelf parts that delivers a 14.5in barrelled carbine at 5.2 pounds with a red dot sight. It would issue with a Magpul D60 drum and IR-laser/flashlight modules up front which themselves are off the shelf. The carbon-fiber handguard needs to be swapped out with a much more rigid aluminum one like the current URG1, and I would prefer legacy iron sights, but otherwise their design is sound.

2)5.56 is a close range cartridge. For that reason a WWSD version of the AR-10 in 6.5 Creedmore would work perfectly a as designated marksman’s rifle, and one per squad issued. So, roughly every twelfth man to handle the 15% of engagements that take place beyond 100meters out to 800 meters.

3) To replace the heavy M249/M27 – the Knight’s Armament Light Assault Machine Gun in 5.56. This is the best thought out belt fed design on the market.

4)Whatever pistol is currently being issued, and that’s to every single man.

5) Right now, Barret makes a lightweight version of the M240 belt fed already in inventory, and at the moment it’s what I would issue as a medium machine gun. That said, KAC also makes the LAMG in 7.62, and so should be trialed. If it holds up maintenance-wise, it should replace the M240. The Barret version of the M240 shaves off about five pounds over the current M240. The KAC shaves five pounds off of that. Lighter weapons means more ammo or better mobility, which ever the mission requires more of. Also, on the KAC LAMG, the optic is not mounted on the feed tray, which means that it won’t be vibrated to death like on the M249 and M240. That means that the lighter weight optic off of the carbines can be used, unlike the current situation where the carbines have an ACOG and machine guns have a much heavier ELCAN.

There. You now have a rifle company. Again, most of this is either straight off the shelf or could be within a year in the case of the AR10. There is absolutely no reason for the Army to keep burning through money. Good lord, if we could use the money to buy trigger time for our troops we would simply be unmatched in infantry combat.

Hell, in America, our CIVILIAN training facilities like Thunder Ranch, Tactical Response, Valor Ridge, etc churn out much better trained shooters than even the Marine Corps school of infantry, and I know because I graduated from there. I highly advise seeking out such schools, and check out InRangeTV for information of the 2-gun Action Challenge matches which emphasize practical shooting only, unlike most other shooting sports which boil down to spending a ton on a racegun that would not hold up under combat conditions.

Reply to  lowell
5 years ago

The 6.8 SPC is a compromise round that is performance constrained due to being crammed into the AR15 magwell. It has a trajectory that’s almost as bad as a 7.62×39 and still manages less energy owing to the lighter bullet. The case is too short for the powder charge that would be needed for a good 6.8 bullet. Fixing that would basically get you 6.5 Creedmore. Even with plastic cases dropping the weight of the 6.5CM ammo, your magazines are limited to twenty shots instead of thirty in 5.56 or even 60 with the Magpul drum.

Reply to  lowell
5 years ago

Remember, five or six years ago the Army was taking bids for a *smaller* caliber than the 5.56, something with less recoil, for the new troopettes who couldn’t handle the brutal recoil of the “high power” 5.56×45…

Some of those troops would probably faint if they pulled the trigger on a .30-06 or .45-70…

Reply to  TRX
5 years ago

Hate to burst your bubble but my granddaughter who is less than 5’4″ and in military trim, shoots my 1911a1 with no trouble and runs me out of rounds when she gets on my civvy m-4. As for the 7.62 or heavier a small recoil pad would solve most of the problems and also make the guys better shooters as the flinch from a serious round would go away. In line rifles like the AR10 reduce recoil and any sized round will work if it fits. Remember from ballistics the longer a projectile in relation to its diameter the better it carries kenetic energy over distance. This is why a .243 out performs a 7.62 at 500 yards in energy delivered and trajectory at all distances both using the same basic shell case..

5 years ago

After reading your posts about hijacked vehicles, something that happened yesterday made me think. Four kids were hit by a bus in rural Indiana; three of them from the same family died. The woman who did it flew past a school bus with the lights flashing and arm out. Now I know we have a culture where people can’t stay off their fucking i-phones long enough to get from point A to point B without hitting kids, yet this women didn’t even look like she hit the brakes. The damage on her car looks like she hit another car, yet all she hit was a few little kids. Very strange.

On a lighter note, I found a stupid that could match your scrotum back pack and fidget butt-plug from yesterday. Some idiot broad dumped her irl fiancee for a ghost who proposed to her! Man oh man…that dumped fiancee sure dodged a crazy train. There’s a way to keep the rabbits from breeding.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

There’s a creepy thought. It means she admitted to being raped twenty times, with the latest being out in the bushes and in an airplane toilet.

5 years ago

Hit via poisoned clothes

Via WikiLeaks v/,o

This in part, coincides with another Embassy contact, Charles Tawil (protect), who told our Economic Counselor on November 29 that Zuma had received information from the mother of the King of Swaziland about CIA attempts to kill Zuma using poisoned clothes from the FBI” (link)

5 years ago

On the topic of radio mischief, you might be interested in . The anecdote from G6ZRB in “Radiation Hazards” and discussion of biological effects of modulation in “Is Amateur Radio Hazardous to our Health?” are particularly notable for contradicting the modern conventional “wisdom”.

5 years ago

ADHD is basically just the new PC term for low IQ. FYI
For medical, making passing on STDs on purpose needs to be severely punished (you know it’s an r-vector).
“You can’t build a policy around calling people irresponsible.”
This is an adult, remember. Bring back real rites of passage and the civility in civilization (etiquette) and this bull won’t happen. We need etiquette or journalists make up the rules.
“I was on Twitter telling people that if they didn’t vote they were dead to me” the people pushing Trump voters were aggressive Hillaryfags, actually his 2020 campaign ad should just be a series of Democrats threatening their loved ones to vote against Trump and he just winks at the camera, they’d have no argument. Hold up a mirror and show them how hideous they are.
“Why should I vote for a party that doesn’t really do anything for me as a voter?” He’s right, actually. Self-interest is the reason for voting and very K. All Trump needs to do is allow students to sue the colleges for false promises on graduate earnings, to get their money back (and kill alumni funds, which allow for classist entry by bribery, it’s anti-merit). Make it fair pricing, Americans over foreigners (can’t charge foreigners more, as they do here) and young people will rush to the polls, education is a product and Trump, a businessman, overlooking it is foolish. It’s the #1 Youth issue.
Nolan’s film the Prestige talks a lot about Cabal tactics of never trusting your eyes and misdirection, it was more about spycraft than magicians.
The age findings on the blood studies are a lie, it cannot be adult to adult, even teen, it must be small child.
“They linked rats included a 1.5-month-old paired with a 16-month-old — the equivalent of pairing a 5-year-old human with a 47-year-old.”
And since youth/health proteins are finite, the younger donor loses health/vitality/shortened lifespan. They NEVER report the other half of the findings on the donor, only the recipient (deliberate fraud) but obviously study both. This is major.
You missed the ballistics point. They want to be able to spot NATO bullets (say, in somebody’s body) and their own.
“research labs” Google X is China’s bitch. They also steal inventions so you know it’s China.
Abortion also densely connected to marriage rate and Christian incentives. A woman won’t keep the child of a man who won’t marry her, I hear it all the time. America needs to get this while bitching about birth rates but denigrating marriage. Anti-natal narrative is pervasive but hospitals need to treat mothers better as well (fewer dangerous C-sections, less tearing and no husband stitches) because it’s deliberately done to scare women off having kids. It WORKS. The security of marriage is required on the female side for fertility, men can’t trick women and get heirs without commitment. (Parental investment theory shows K is better anyway, basic child psych).
“We were clueless” I knew. People calling themselves right wing just called me racist but China isn’t a race? (I don’t give a shit about Korea, Japan, Thailand etc). Their economy is a mirage, Utterly fake. They’ve bought London property as “safety deposit boxes” to flee the country. Communists don’t produce value and there’s nothing to steal left, it’s all debt. Ghost cities prove it. Skyscraper Index? They IOU themselves and just voted in MORE absurd pensions, pensions kill Empires, from Rome to Red China. Young people are lying to take out too much debt to buy houses to escape inflation. They think they’re intelligent for this (IQ data cheated, corruption nullifies their self-report which exc. rural populations – their true IQ level). There’ll be a huge implosion and probable famine. Think Weimar, only worse. They know this.
Kicking them out based on real IQ data would also work (forging info to get/keep citizenship is common, especially Asians).
Chinatown is segregation in modern America, so are Muslim areas. Hoping for law on that. Either races and religions can exclude or they can’t either.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
5 years ago

and r-types intentionally getting women pregnant by deceit should have the book thrown at them for “reproductive abuse” although “seduction” (real rape by fraud) laws are still on your books and would heavily push everyone K