News Briefs – 11/26/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


These are acronyms for the following Military Intel Agencies, which I assume is what Q is saying intelligence community will look like after the Storm:

AFIA: Air Force Intelligence Agency

AJA: Army Intelligence Agency

DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency

ESC: Electronic Security Command

ITAC: Intelligence and Threat Analysis

Center, AIA

NOIC: Naval Operations Intelligence Center

NPIC: National Photo Interpretation Center

NSA: National Security Agency

SRD: Special Research Division

My only concern would be limiting state/local domestic surveillance/intelligence operations. Because if you leave operations out there, they are going to get infiltrated and taken over again.

Democrats hiring foreign spies, and helping them infiltrate our government? Ilhan Omar is a paid foreign agent? [VJ] is Obama advisor Valerie Jarret, I believe.


Fake News media complain that Clint Eastwood’s new movie Richard Jewel makes their reporter look bad, because they insist she didn’t sleep with FBI agents in return for tips, like the movie says. She may very well have done so, as we have seen that before. But destroying the life of an innocent man who actually saved lives, by wrongly telling the nation he was a terrorist is not that big a deal. I’ve also wondered if we may find out Eric Rudolph was an MK Ultra baby, and was under Cabal protection because he was a Timothy McVeigh-esque hand grenade waiting to go off in the middle of the right wing. The level of control is insane. I just don’t see much happening without at least tacit approval if not outright support.

CNN says Trump is the leader of a ‘destructive cult’; using ‘mind control’ on Americans.

The Pope tells Japan to open its arms to all refugees who want to come to it. I get so angry when I see a peaceful, happy world of innocent people just going their own way happily, and these external forces of evil come in and purposely and knowingly infiltrate and manipulate the leaders into destroying that small bastion of happiness and innocence. If the Pope and Cabal get their way innocent Japanese girls will end up brutalized and raped, kids will be molested and their lives ruined, and evil third-world assholes will gain pleasure from it all they would never get without Cabal’s help. There is no living with the left or Cabal. I hope Q’s purge of Cabal is a physical one, and none of them survive. Bear in mind, as long as (((They))) control the massive surveillance state, and all those people willingly serve these shadowy, evil masters, there is no practical means to resist their evil. Eliminate the surveillance, and justice and good stands a chance. But right now the only way for the average person to start this world on a path to justice is to begin with the piece of Cabal’s machinery that meets with us, and that we can find and prove and expose. If Q fails, blind Cabal by exposing and removing their surveillance, and the world still stands a chance of defeating this evil. But leave it in place, and man will never be anything but a slave. Every other battle we plebes see is immaterial, from abortion, to degeneracy, to voter fraud, to everything else. Whatever it takes, whoever you must ally with, unraveling and piecing together that puzzle must be your only goal at first. Once it is exposed, the rest of the puzzle will fall into place rapidly. If those who happen on any of this take anything from here in the future, take that. That point, where the mechanisms of shadow-control most closely meet the populace and are hidden and denied most assiduously – that is the weakest link in a dictatorship, because it still has to make direct contact to do its work. The Elites you see are seen because they are of no consequence and make good diversions. The issues which enrage you, and the divisions they sow, all those too divert your focus from where to begin. The only weakness we in the civilian populace can exploit is the part they are trying to hide from us, and the only way to attack it is to merely openly reveal the truth.

Ghilsane Maxwell will come out of hiding soon, according to her lawyer.

Schiff says Trump impeachment report to come early next month.

One report says, that since Democrats haven’t proven their case, Pelosi might not do an Impeachment vote.

Federal Court rules suspicionless searches of travelers’ phones and laptops are unconstitutional. Of course if you deny one, you go on the list, and become intimately familiar with the procedure for cavity searches.

Judicial Watch obtains Strzok-Page emails showing FBI’s special accommodation of Clinton email investigation.

Judicial Watch sues for documents on the Census plan to hire foreign nationals.

Joe Biden’s fake Charitable Foundations are used for money laundering your tax dollars.  Sounds like Q.

More than 60 doctors have written an open letter saying they fear Julian Assange’s health is so bad that the WikiLeaks founder could die inside a top-security British jail. I told you Cabal is heavily throughout the medical profession. My bet would be they want to get him out so they can kill him without creating the uncomfortable optics of two high security prisoners killed while in custody within a month or so of each other. Not even that Epstein is necessarily dead, but it looks that way to many, and the appearance is important. If you aren’t thinking that paranoid, you will not be ready for the Apocalypse.

National Enquirer company chief David Pecker talking with New York prosecutors, supposedly about Trump stories.. Ad yet he is a virtual fountain of old stories of Cabal shitbaggery.

Former Pentagon aide Guy Snodgrass would neither confirm nor deny Monday that he is the anonymous administration official who wrote anti-Trump book during an evasive appearance on Fox News.

Street protests across the Middle East threaten Iran’s power because they signal the weakening of Shia dominance.

Priests found guilty of sex abuse of Argentina deaf children in case ignored by Pope Francis.

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, the widow of the late Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, will receive an $174,000 payment as part of a long-standing practice of providing a death gratuity for a departed congressional member’s survivors. So it is basically tradition to just vote to give almost $200,000  of taxpayer money to the survivor of a Congressperson who died, just because it feels good?

The Financial Times says the US needs foreign intervention in our nation and a rewrite of our Constitution. The only problem they see are the bitter clingers with their guns.

Diamond thieves stole three ‘priceless’ sets of 18th-century jewelry worth up to a billion Euros from a German museum. Cabal will be tight on funds right now. An insurance scam could probably really help.

Pete Buttigieg announces plan to raise taxes on Social Security for some seniors.

Videos have begun emerging of Iran’s brutal crackdown on protesters after the internet was restored.

Luxury brand introduces and then pulls an $1,800 ‘Holocaust concentration camp uniform’ fashion line. (((They))) are introducing the idea, because this was part of their plan for this go around.

Berlin to get its first Arabic radio station.

Biden’s senior latina advisor quits in frustration, saying it’s a ‘campaign too focused on whites and blacks.’

Twitter suspends conservative journalist Andy Ngo. Gay Asians need not apply. He got back on since then.

According to 4Chan these next two tweets are a series of black on Asian crimes rising in Canada:

Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard surge in New Hampshire, while Biden drops to fourth.

Mike Bloomberg’s campaign head admits, right now, Donald Trump is winning.

Colin Kaepernick has received ‘absolutely zero’ interest from teams.

Two polls have now found Trumps approval among blacks is at 34%.

Supreme Court suspends House subpoena seeking Trump’s financial information.

Interest in impeachment inquiry is dipping among Democratic votersaccording to polling now.


Spread r/K Theory, because the pain is coming.

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4 years ago

Cabal may be disappointed with their attempt to raise funds. The Berlin museum didn’t insure the jewellery that was stolen. Some of the pieces will be hard to sell on as they’re unique. So they’ll either have to break them up or sell to private collectors who will turn a blind eye to their provenance.

4 years ago

Y’all frens need to read this (pls no bully me for culturally appropriating Southern USA’s mannerisms):

The blessings of free trade
It’s interesting to see that the West is suddenly discovering the intrinsic dangers of free trade when it is China providing services to other nations:

China could shut off the Philippines’ power grid at will, a report has warned – highlighting fears about Beijing’s role in infrastructure around the world. A report for Philippine lawmakers found that the country’s national security ‘is completely compromised’ by China’s access to the power grid.

Chinese engineers have exclusive access to parts of the system and could shut it down remotely, the report seen by CNN reveals. The findings will spark alarm in the West where China is helping to build a new nuclear power station in the UK and has already faced sanctions from the US.

But why would this cause any problems? Surely the New Filipinos who happen to be of Chinese descent love their new country and are just as Filipino as those whose great-great-grandparents were born in Manila are!

Paper nationalism is, and has always been, a shameless lie told by immigrants to advantage themselves vis-a-vis the native populations.

And who cares if China can shut off the Philippines’ power grid anyhow. The important thing is that the arrangement is more economically efficient, right? And nothing is more important than economic efficiency!

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

“Y’all frens need to read this (pls no bully me for culturally appropriating Southern USA’s mannerisms)”

Assimilation is a good thing and assimilating as a southerner is even better.


4 years ago

And regarding the article I linked on from VoxDay’s blog, here is a most interesting comment:

There are similar pitfalls in the right to repair, if companies dont have to detail the inner workings of their products and are free to interfere with independent repair and reverse engineering then any critical systems that rely on said products are at the behest of the company. The US military is so dumb as to have exclusive repair contracts with some companies and cannot even try to fix things in house. Capitalism in this form is sensitive to shock, i wouldn’t be surprised if only a handful of engineers are capable of servicing equipment at some companies (which is why they always replace instead of actually repairing). China or some other hostile country could probably cripple the us military by bombing engineering departments at select companies.

4 years ago

President Trump signs the Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act

The US Treasury will issue $1 coins commemorating the ratification of the 19th Amendment, to honor the history of the women’s suffrage movement and celebrate the heroes who fought for the right to vote

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 26, 2019″

Those coins should be melted down.

We need to repeal the 19thA.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Simon Kuper from the Financial Times could get a different perspective on foreign intervention in the U.S. by visiting central Michigan during deer hunting season. He would see so many Heritage American men carrying rifles and wearing camo that he might think the National Guard is on maneuvers. In fact, there are probably more licensed hunters in Michigan than there are soldiers in his entire (“Chuckle. Snort.”) British Army.

Think about it, Simon. Or don’t.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

This is going to come as a shock to all of you regular readers, but Simon Kuper is of The Tribe

Like a Dutch-British Mitch Albom.

He would literally never set foot in any part of Michigan besides Metro Detroit, Ann Arbor, or Traverse City.

Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago

I thought I smelled gefilte fish.

4 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Trump puts Kushner in charge of overseeing border wall construction…”

Oh no. My guess is that any money appropriated under his watch for American fences will go to build more fences in Israel. Sigh.

“…As Democrats charge forward on #Impeachment of @realDonaldTrump despite certainty of defeat, don’t let them forget phony #Russiagate scandal they created out of salacious, false opposition research. It’s fraudulent underpinnings should disqualify these hypocritical putschists.

— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera)…”

Geraldo Rivera is the only major media person that investigated the fall of building 7 on 9-11. He had on Architects and Engineers for thruth and they laid the whole problem out so simply anyone could follow it with any sense at all. He had “one show” on it and never spoke of it again. He knows what happened his show made clear. Sure it “showed both sides” but it was obvious he understood what happened. So a big atta boy to him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…All they did was light a fire at the power substation to shut down the juice, and then cut some wire on a window to get in…”

I’ve dealt with alarm systems before and any professionally installed alarm will have battery back-up. Most alarm systems that are for jewelry stores or other targets with high dollar value have a direct telephone line to the police station wired in so that if the alarm goes off or the wire is tampered with it sets off an alarm right in the police station.

This seems to be an inside job.

4 years ago

“BREAKING: Trump says he will designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations”

4 years ago

I’m not sure if this belongs here but it should interest K types.

Best bow ever:

This guy has lots more good videos on homemade weapons.

4 years ago

EU Says China May Be Dodging Levies on Corrosion-Resistant Steel