News Briefs – 11/07/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Democrats presently projected to take the House. Not sure if I buy it as I go to bed given the scanty number of precincts fully reporting, but we will see later today. One thing I notice is at midnight, Republican districts are almost all fully counted, while Democrat districts are mostly uncounted, as if they are counting the Republican precincts, and handing the takeovers to the Dems early to make it look like the shift was all one way, and waiting until later to see if any Dem precincts shift to Republican. Regardless, Republicans keep the Senate, and Dem Gillum goes down in the Florida Governor’s race, Beto goes down in Texas against Cruz, and Dem Abrams goes down in the Florida Governor’s race, so we kept those. If it was my choice I would have said take the House, but God knows what he is doing. The Senate was the big one, because we have Supreme Court Nominees who are going to keel and/or leave. Also, we need to win in four years, above all else, so placing Pelosi front and center, and letting Democrats go overboard with things like impeachment and partisan rancor, as we know they will, will be excellent for the God-Emperor’s re-election chances. It will also downgrade leftist amygdalae more than if in four years they felt completely powerless. Now the God Emperor can assume the role of the moderate sane person in the room, and tone down the amygdala attached to him, as the Democrats begin to look unhinged and extreme and accumulate that amygdala themselves. For the last two years, true amygdala has not attached itself to the Democrats, because they were never in a position to do anything and reveal exactly who they are or piss people off. If these results hold, that will change.

I have no idea what this portends for the Storm. I assume it is planned for, and it is no big deal. But even if it wasn’t, we always have full civil war, should Trump choose to call up the armed patriots of America. I know if I had Trump’s microphone, I could motivate every Republican and probably half the Democrats to level the entire government and begin anew, just by revealing the true nature of what is going on to everyone. So I know Trump always has that Ace up his sleeve, and the madman is probably crazy enough to do it too. Things will change.

Shortly after I wrote the above, Q weighed in:
We got what we needed.
Thank you, Patriots!
Senate means everything.
Think Judges (SC) & Cabinet.
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
POTUS has ultimate authority.
Shift to Senate Judiciary (oversight) from House to now occur (stronger position and held in reserve for this scenario).
Lower chamber (House) used as 2-year starter.
Upper chamber (Senate) will be used next 2-year closer.
Military planned.
No impact re: ongoing investigations
Team is stronger [PRO].

Declassification and exposure is all Trump needs.

WaPo thinks Trump may have wanted to lose the House.

Study says priest pedophilia is on the rise, and linked to homosexuality.

Hot Adenovirus in Jersey that got its start in a rehab facility for immunocompromised children, now up to 10 dead and 30 ill.

South Carolina voter machines changing votes.

Broward Florida places voter centers inside gated communities, and security guards are not letting voters in. Who do you think Cabal would install in those security guard positions, to keep an eye on the wealthy people in the community? Think Cabal has files on citizens in that precinct roughly approximating who each of them would vote for? How can you make access to voting require approval of a private security guard with authority to block whoever they want on the spot with no recourse?

NY Times had filed to have information on Carter Page’s FISA Warrant released earlier this year, but now they want everything kept secret out of fear of security concerns.

Interesting stats on California here. California has lost a net 130,000 residents last year, lost a net 400,000 just to Texas since 2001, all part of 15 consecutive years of net losses that peaked during the 2004-2006 housing crisis, and has been quickly rising recently. And yet, in the graph below, look at how Democrat and Independent voter registrations keep rising, as Republican has barely dropped, as if there is no loss of any voters in registrations. It will be interesting to see how the percentage turnout measures today, as I will bet many of those who moved will vote in California, whether they know it or not:

Valerie Jarret says the strong economy got off the ground under Obama, and she is heartened to see Trump has not destroyed it yet. These leftists are walking memes.

HuffPo freaks out over civilians being allowed to buy nightvision riflescopes, says they should be banned.

Snopes sent an email to Breitbart indicating it was going to try and debunk Breitbart’s coverage of the Black Panthers holding an armed rally for Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams

More bones found at Vatican Embassy. Turns out it isn’t the 15 year old who went missing, that they thought it would be, since the bones are from an older woman of about 30 years.

Man shot during “Red Flag” gun confiscation by government. was the largest advertiser on Facebook for a week before the election. Here’s a thought – did Cabal really spend that money, or did it merely shift it from Cabal bank accounts to MoveOn accounts, to Facebook accounts, and back (after facebook overhead) to Cabal accounts?

Sharyl Attkisson points out the CIA decided it should monitor all US Government computers to proactively look for anyone doing bad things that might be related to espionage, rather than avoid domestic spying unless it had a specific valid reason and approval from higher authority, and nobody ever tried to stop it. Long before they did it, they compromised all possible oversight bodies, so there would be no risk even if somebody tried to stop them. What I think will surprise everyone is that this has happened everywhere, even down to what many regular people say in the privacy of their homes. I have come to suspect the extensive coverage and file-building on every regular citizen in any moderately densely populated area is CIA, perhaps through contractors, because there are things they do which I do not think even the most off-the-reservation Law Enforcement agency would allow. My guess is Attkisson’s article is the beginning of revelations which will start to come fast and furious in the near future, and she may even be coordinating with Q and Trump.

Palm Beach Post refused to run a Gillum advertisement.

Biden guarantees Trump will question the integrity of elections if Republicans don’t win. Of course there should never be any investigations into election integrity.

Soros alone spent $500 million on Migrants on the move in 2016.

Mosques want to get Gert Wilders banned from Twitter. The state of things. Muslims are demanding everyone call the skinny white guy who tweets a dangerous threat.

Snowden warns Israelis to watch out for too much surveillance. Why Israel? Is this the first step in turning the people against the government for purposes of Cabal?

The Chinese don’t need facial recognition, they have gait recognition. I have to wonder, if Cabal wasn’t such a force in China would their surveillance state have been this cutting edge and massively deployed? Or might they have relied more on simple informants, arrests, and aggressive interrogations?

Macron calls for an EU Army to defend Europe against the United States. In reality he needs troops in France who will be more loyal to him than to the French people, so he wants an army with mostly foreign troops.

Ms BumBum Butt Competition in Brazil devolves into chaos as fight breaks out over the winners being accused of having silicone butt implants, and third place goes to a transsexual. More or less the state of peak r-selection these days.

Photo’s emerge showing Nazis were into cross dressing. Quick – do you think those National Socialists back then were r or K? Deeper question – did Cabal select them precisely because behavior like this would leave them blackmailable?

Interesting interview with Papadopoulos by Dan Bongino. Basically before Trump, PapaD was working for an international Law Practice which, unbeknown to him, was fully comped by FBI and CIA assets, but nobody paid attention to him and he just did normal day to day law stuff. He gives notice he is leaving to work for Trump, and suddenly they are emailing him with all these people they need him to meet, who were all spies setting up his Russian connection so the US intel apparatus could get surveillance warrants on Trump. He also noticed his surveillance in Greece, and somebody told him they can hear every word he says, maybe to see how surveillance aware he was. It is a good interview, because you see how a normal person goes through life with a fairly stable social circle. So did PapaD, but the moment he went to work for Trump, people were popping into and out of his life left and right, Russians, Brits, Americans, Israelis, Australians, Turks, some sweating profusely with bug eyes and panicked expressions, some super suave, all recording him, setting him up, offering him jobs, following him, telling him secrets to involve him in conspiracies, asking him to say strange things so it can be caught on tape, trying to get him to keep secrets from Trump’s team, trying to sleep with him, putting money in his hand and refusing to take it back. I’ll bet there were “random” girls in airports and hotels trying to get him in the sack left and right. And it even involved nationals from countries you would think would not cooperate with US intelligence, because the conspiracy is not a US conspiracy, but rather it is a multinational, in which any single intelligence agency is merely a subsidiary which does what it is told. Think about how different that world is from what you are used to. Then understand you are probably living in that world right now, to some degree these days, and have no idea. Everyone in a suburban or metro area is, and nobody has any idea. Are you trained for it? On the bright side, the information does show intel operators put their pants on one leg at a time too, and often use assets to insulate themselves who are not cut out for the work. Even though PapaD wasn’t trained that we know of, he was spotting a lot of what was going on. You can resist, even with minimal or no training, just because the work of setting someone up is so complicated, and the job of destroying an operation is so easy, if you are aware of, or at least open to it.

Australia offers Veterans special benefits like boarding planes first, but veterans say no. Notice these K’s are so exactly opposite to r’s, that where an r expects free victory and advantage over others, these K’s are made uncomfortable by it.

Female Dr Who goes all SJW, audience drops 25% because people don’t like the political correctness. When K turns, the anti-conflict attitude itself becomes an amygdala trigger.

Trump administration asks the Supreme Court to review its DACA decision and knock DACA down now.

Strong Majority of Americans still oppose a ban on assault rifles.

A little post-election silliness that made me laugh:

A little more post-election silliness from Q, which given we kept the Senate and will place two more Supreme Court Justices seems fitting:

Just a reminder our President is not only a Leader among leaders, he is our Leader among leaders, with a wicked sense of humor and a relentless drive to troll the media:

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because judges are the most important legacy

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5 years ago

Female Dr Who goes all SJW, audience drops 25% because people don’t like the political correctness.

The wife and I stopped watching at the beginning of last season because of the nonsense. I remember the exact moment my wife quit. There’s some alien with a giant pyramid, and it summons “random” member of the superpower militaries, and it’s the American GI who piped up immediately and says, “well, they are too powerful, there’s no way we can beat them, so we have to surrender.”

My wife just yelled, “BULLSHIT!” and stormed out of the room. Hasn’t watched since.

5 years ago

Reading between the lines on that Broward election day article:

It seems the gate guards simply required those entering the community show their ID. If you showed the guard your ID he would let you in.

In Pasco county, there were complaints that another private community required people state what their business was prior to entering. Some mexican with a thick accent confused a guard and was turned away, so of course they put up a big stink about it and now the gate is wide open.

The only people who seem to be taking issue with this are democrats who like not having to ID themselves so they can commit voter fraud, and mexicans who shouldn’t be here anyways.