News Briefs – 12/13/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Arizona GOP tweets that Arizona votes for President Donald Trump were duplicated and “flipped” to Biden – Democrat Judge sealed the evidence. If things go as planned, this will be one of many, many forms of fraud employed to rig the election in many states, all of which was not even enough to overturn the result, forcing a reckless halt of the vote counting, and probably a very messy injection of hundreds of thousands of votes across multiple states which will look even more egregious. And all of it will be documented in excruciating detail in a report laid on President Trump’s desk, complete with all of the hard evidence proving it.

Reason writes of a Trump statement on his powers, “In a chilling op-ed in The New York Times, Brennan Center legal scholars Elizabeth Goitein and Andrew Boyle suggest that Trump’s statement could be referring to the secret powers that previous presidents have granted themselves in “presidential emergency action documents.” As Goitein and Boyle explain, “These documents consist of draft proclamations, executive orders and proposals for legislation that can be quickly deployed to assert broad presidential authority in a range of worst-case scenarios….These include suspension of habeas corpus by the president (not by Congress, as assigned in the Constitution), detention of United States citizens who are suspected of being “subversives,” warrantless searches and seizures and the imposition of martial law.” Maybe I am reading too much into it, but they sound worried.

A plaintiff in a lawsuit who has taken forensic images of Dominion voting machines in Michigan has petitioned the Court for the right to make the results public because it is a matter of National Security, and he needs the Electoral college to see his Forensic teams findings before they vote on a President. Should hear more on this Monday, but I expect to see it suppressed until after Biden is voted in.

This video discusses using QR codes to detect ballot fraud with an inventor of the QR code at 1:52. The expert, who is working with Sidney Powell and Team Trump, seems to say the ballots have QR codes that are scanned and registered in a log file when votes are scanned, and those QR codes will reveal where the same ballots were scanned multiple times, and where fraudulent ballots with fake QR codes were scanned. If so, clearly the machines could have been programmed to reject subsequent scans which had the same QR code, or bogus QR codes. But given they weren’t, it looks like somebody wanted to document how much fraud there would be. He talks more about detection here. He likes to talk a lot, and takes a long time to get to the point, so you have to listen to a lot of get the gems, but he seems to say here in this one, these mail ballots that were in envelopes being sent to voters, would have gotten scanned a lot more than you would think on their way to the voter and on their way back, all of which would document their travels. And the folds in the paper should have been recorded in the photos of the ballots stored on the Dominion machine. Plus the states have no envelopes corresponding to the ballots because there never were any envelopes. Interesting, but all of it seems meaningless if we have all Cabal judges running cover for the conspiracy.

Michigan attorney moves to release the findings from Dominion voting machines forensic audit in Antrim County for the public to see.

Trump legal team to file reworked Texas-style election challenges in individual states.

Wisconsin Supreme Court showed great divisions as it heard the Trump lawsuit seeking to overturn the state’s election. Three Liberals were in strong opposition, three conservatives were in strong support, and a fourth Republican judge who had sided with liberals in the past, was a harder read.

Arizona’s Republican Party says it’s going to appeal its election integrity case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Pennsylvania Republicans on Friday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review their claims that Pennsylvania violated the Constitution by allowing anyone to vote by mail.

Three Democratic Party operatives were indicted by a Grand Jury in Harris County, TX, for election related felonies and misdemeanors in two separate districts.

Newt Gingrich says of the Georgia Senate runoff, ‘We need to win by a bigger margin than the left can steal.’

The Chinese may have been running thousands of Honeytraps in the US. Amazing Swalwell apparently fell for it, judging by him letting her put people on his staff. Though I guess letting yourself get owned by one of the players in Cabal’s network is good for your career. And he may have felt, at least he didn’t have to molest a child to get a career in politics. Think you could have run for office like Mr Smith GoesTo Washington, and won?

Acting US defense secretary’s chief of staff Kash Patel files $50M defamation lawsuit against CNN. If these networks are shown to be CIA/Cabal propaganda subverting our democracy, every network may get a class action lawsuit, representing every American, and devoted to bankrupting every single network.

Twitter says it ‘inadvertently’ blocked users from liking and replying to some of Trump’s tweets about the election that they say violated its rules.

New email shows Hunter Biden requesting keys to his new office be issued to Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, and his Chicom business partner.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden and James Biden are refusing to cooperate with Senate committees.

Kamala Harris named in a Hunter Biden email as a key contact on a China deal. She was chosen because she is deep in the conspiracy, and has proven her commitment to it.

Hunter Biden DOJ subpoena seeks info on Burisma, other entities. He now actually has four known investigations of him.

The Cartels are telling migrants the ‘border will be open’ when Biden takes over.

Texas governor says companies moving headquarters to the state has turned into a ‘tidal wave.’

As he signs a new $100 million per year deal, ex-Howard Stern staffers say multi-millionaire (liberal) DJ is a penny pinching scrooge. $100 million per year should add up quick, since you can only spend a small fraction of that, even if you are trying to burn through it. And once you hand that kind of money to your kids, they can’t spend it faster than it will generate more money from investments. But his kids will never become the seeds of a Rothschild-like dynasty, filthy rich for all  eternity on holdings that accrue more money than anyone can spend year after year, and only grow bigger, generation to generation. That is because the money is not his. Cabal needs to park it somewhere in the system, and a single $70 quadrillion account down at the local credit union would attract attention. To everyone else, he has beacoup fucking around money, and shouldn’t be such a penny-pinching miser with it, but to him, if he loses that cash, he will end up being the one on the table at the next sacrifice ceremony at Epstein’s Island.

Rev. Al Sharpton seen maskless around his new $2 million digs in an luxury Upper East Side building. You don’t realize it when you are raised with the assumption that guys like this are just given money by followers. But followers are not rolling in the kind of cash where they can just cough it up in such quantities as to let a guy like this live a multi-millionaire’s dream. The vast majority of people just see him on TV, and would never classify themselves as followers of him. And of the few hundred who might tell you they are a “follower,” most people are kept tight by the system so they can’t get off the hamster wheel of life and look around, or contribute to things like this. And this especially applies to a guy like Al who offers nothing that isn’t offered by a few hundred other street organizers all over the country. The difference is Al was picked to play this roll. So the media featured him all the time on TV, on orders from above. Even the luxury lifestyle is part of the show, because it makes him look more credible and successful than the honest blue collar guy who just wants to improve his community, but who has to work a 9 to 5 because the machine will not put millions in his bank account every year. It is interesting to see how I used to look back on these things, and never give them a second glance. It was like a TV playing in the background as you did something else.

Mark Levin tweets, “Remember when Romney voted to remove President Trump for a perfectly legitimate phone call but dismissed the evidence of Hunter Biden’s serial sleazy business deals as nonsense? With all due respect, what a dumb ass.”

Antifa allegedly stabs 4 Trump supporters in Washington, D.C.

Cuomo under consideration to become Biden’s attorney general.

Some colleges are now encouraging students to inform on other students who violate COVID mandates. These are things which open the door to a Gestapo-like, surveillance society where citizens informing on citizens keeps the people fractured and controllable. Before you know it kids are spying on other kids at school for the system. And it all just seems normal to everyone involved.

Newly elected Los Angeles DA says he will no longer prosecute trespassing, drug possession, drinking in public, resisting arrest – among other crimes. It is very much like when they were changing the bail laws to keep their Antifa pets out on the streets during the rioting and looting. You can see there is only one reason to do this. They are making the most heavily blue areas unlivable, so people will migrate out to battleground states.

Insurers balk at covering Portland businesses; brokers say downtown upheaval has made carriers wary. Another pressure forcing people to move.

Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the Coronavirus pandemic are now permanent. And that is a national average, so you know the numbers are far greater in leftist/Cabal cities, and with those businesses went jobs, which are required to survive in the city. All those people will have to move out.

A Bloomberg News report indicates that multiple migrant caravans are forming in Central America and are heading for the border in the coming weeks, to test Biden’s openness to migrants.

One of our’s shot one of their’s at a protest in Washington state. No word on status of the shootee.

Beijing makes a desperate plea for Australia to be ‘rational’ amid tensions. The sound of China suddenly realizing it needs Australian food and trade more than Australia needs it. The article actually says, “China’s foreign ministry has urged Australia not to cut them out of the country, citing the financial benefits to local authorities.” In other words, you will lose our bribes if you don’t let us continue to screw your people.

CA Superior Court smacks down Newsom’s COVID-19 restrictions on the Catholic Church.

Stadium erupts in cheers of “USA! USA!” as President Donald Trump enters the Army-Navy Game.

Spread r/K Theory, because the successful you saw weren’t really what you thought.

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3 years ago

Newt Gingrich says “VOTE HARDER”. I expected better of him. If we couldn’t out-vote the cheaters on Nov 3 what does he think will be different now?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Alot more bad will die but, yes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump needs to declare Insurrection and start arresting and revealing. Televised tribunals. I don’t wanna hear anymore about “we caught them“ or “we have it all“. He needs to stop dragging this out. Election fraud witnesses are being physically attacked. Families are being ripped to shreds. We’ve gone past zero trust into negative trust society. Enough of this. The country deserves better than this.

Drag Biden and his whore VP into the White House, and rub their ugly faces in the evidence. Tell them they concede and confess publicly or they get the death penalty. Right there on their knees in the goddamn Rose Garden.

Even if Trump wins completely, even if the swamp is utterly destroyed and we’re all set free, people are going to have a big questions about why the white hats sat on all their evidence for so long. Why did they let the MSM propaganda industrial complex have free reign for so long to brainwash endless millions? That’s the biggest part of the plan I’ll never understand. In what war do you ignore the enemy propaganda stations, especially if you possess evidence that can force out their executives?

I keep imagining what if they had managed to get actual fair reporting as Trump’s term progressed? The Democrats would’ve been destroyed. All the super secret squirrel, taking things to the brink, would never have been necessary, and a lot of lives would’ve been saved. Biden’s popular vote would look like his rallies.

If they knew about the foreign interference and the foreign money all along, how does this not make them accessory to all the negative consequences? And don’t talk to me about “building a case” when there’s an imminent, existential threat to our entire country. I’m done with lawyer speak. Is this a war or not?

Hey, I’m just thinking past the sale here. If even a Trump/Q loyalist like me is asking these questions, imagine what the average Normie will do.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Rhapsody
3 years ago

My best guess as an unwashed pleb is that most normies need to be driven to limit in order to get shaken awake from their apathy conditioning. Reminds me of that quote from the villain of the “Seven” movie, most people are so asleep you can’t just tap them on the shoulder, you must use a hammer.

Also, given the level of emotional manipulation the gaybal shoves down everyone’s throat, no matter how much you push the normies, a certain percentage will always reject reality or get their minds broken from it.


How much emotional conditioning do you think everyone gets regarding the holobunga (even today in kid’s movies like wonder woman, etc)? And that is just one of the psychological warfare weapons the gaybal deploys on everyone since birth (the holobunga is merely one of many) continuously via their controlled media, education, academia, entertainment, publishing, social media, etc…

Another example:

comment image

Why would the gaybal do that, and put a MAGA hat on display on a Berlin holobunga museum? Simple, try to reduce gen pop support for Trump via holobunga emotional conditioning, AND to prime the gen pop at the unconscious level as an insurance policy so that when Trump drops the hammer, the gaybal has can use their assets in the media, schools, academia, etc, to tell everyone “See, big bad Orange Hitler is a tyrannical dictator! See, we told you!”.

The ride never ends, and the whitehats will not be able to salvage everyone, it is inevitable that some normies break and/or will always reject reality, and they will never accept what needs to be done, especially when most of the gaybal machine hides behind all the fake narratives and deceitful conditioning built around Jews being always the victims of innocence (that’s why Israel comes last, the whitehats are priming the gen pop to wake up to deep foreign infiltration and subversion, and given that the gen pop has not been conditioned by the gaybal to see China and Chinese people as eternal victims like they have done with Israel and the Jewish people, whitehats have to start with China, prime the gen pop to reject and become emotionally hostile towards foreign subversion and when the China subversion gets dealt with, take that momentum and mass psychological zeitgeist against foreign subversion and apply the same sentiment to Israeli and Jewish subversion (big bonus is that Chinese and Israeli/Jewish subversion are very tight and Higly collaborative against the West, that will make things easier as it helps the gen pop get over all the previously mentioned gaybal conditioning regarding Jews and Israel)).

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Rhapsody
3 years ago

Basically, to take down the MSM you have to take down everything connected to Jewish collective power along with it, and to do that before the gen pop is pissed off enough to over-ride their gaybal conditioning would result in failure because then gaybal would be able to smear Trump as tyrant successfully for most of the gen pop.

I hope I made sense.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones

The destruction of the MSM was prophesied by the Seiner van Rensburg. It shall be so. The manner in which it will be destroyed is thus: they will lie so much, everyone will become aware of it and stop trusting in their fake alternative reality. I believe there will also be some civil wars in Russia, France, England, and South Africa at this time, but that requires me to go back and re-read the texts, the civil wars I’m not as solid in, they will happen, but the MSM being disrobed and laid naked in the streets, just as the whore of Babylon, will definitely happen. If we are alive to see it happen this year, then glorious times. Pack your rice and repair your bunkers.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rhapsody
3 years ago

Trump can’t hold televised tribunals because the entire media apparatus is aligned against him.

They have constructed an alternate reality, and he will not be given an honest representation.

The European media won’t help him either.

Between a rock and a hard place.

The media will simply lie or misrepresent everything he does.

Uhtred del Bebbs
Uhtred del Bebbs
Reply to  Rhapsody
3 years ago

“Confess publicly, right now, right there on their knees in the goddamn Rose Garden.”

I hereby nominate Rhapsody for AG – Barr’s about done anyway. Hell, make him confess on his knees right after Joe and his whore.

compare and contrast to Newt’s moronic “we need to outvote their cheating capability!!” (we fucking DID that on 11-3, Newtie. how’d that go for us?)

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Rhapsody
3 years ago

Trump will move, and when he moves, the entire nation will be begging him to do it. If he moves prematurely, he’ll have too much opposition from the normies that are still black pilled, who haven’t caught the taste of winning.

Remember, from day one, his main objective was to unite the country. That is what he is doing. Putting people in jail is secondary to that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The Republic we thought we were living in was a lie. You can’t defend or restore something that was never there to begin with.

Like Texas said, perhaps a new union is the answer, one that will obey the Constitution.

If they decide to take that step, I doubt they’ll be alone.

Cap John
Cap John
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Stuff the ballots right back…100,000,000 republican ballots for any and every election, even the school board.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

>”Reason writes of a Trump statement on his powers”

Comfy af. Trump has given the enemies of the Republic every chance to stop their destruction of the USA (and by extension the whole West, the USA being the Great Shield that stands between the Western people and eternal darkness (it is not the only shield, but it is the one that cannot ever fall, because if the US falls, everyone falls)).

Funny observation: I have no idea if the m(ossad)sm operatives outside the US are going to get the rope or the boat to Cuba too (they should), but I noticed a recent trend developing here regarding some of the morning TV shows, their target audience is retired older people, they talk about food and recipes, show nice places around the Country, and they always have some informal interviews with public figures of various areas, and recently I noticed that almost every single interview is a journalist, in what seems to me to be a lamo attempt to humanize the treasonous journalist class before the hammer falls and their reputation as a professional class go even further down the toilet than it already has.

Long live Trump the Liberator, long live the Republic and its People.


>the Great Shield that stands between the Western people and eternal darkness

When we win, this is exactly the fate we will avoid:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  WesternMan
3 years ago

Lord Byron was a very interesting man.
Great video, very well made.

3 years ago

Oh, Canada. CCP infiltration of Canada is even further advanced than in the US. Justin (Castro) Trudeau is selling the country down the river and Canada’s insane immigration to population ratio is specifically designed to accelerate the decline (see Democrat states in the US) and flip the country’s historic allegiances permanently. We end up with a CCP-controlled government north of us, and a CCP-controlled narco state south of us.

This article links the Canadian military resistance to Justin’s invitation to China’s PLA for them to hone their North American invasion tactics across the border from the US. A US military invasion or special ops in Canada may well be a necessity when Trump enacts martial law to combat the US election coup attempt.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Hopefully after the counter-coup festivities starts we’ll see Canadian and Mexican narco-sino-zio actors getting wasted by the US SpecOps and their supporting whitehat glowies.


Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

We will need to liberate Canada and expel their leftists, we can’t afford to have two hostile land borders.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

Hope everyone is having a good Christmas season in their less political endeavors.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Beijing makes a desperate plea for Australia to be ‘rational’ amid tensions.”

Uh, China picked that fight. Then escalated it. Even as the Aussie PM tried to calm it down they ignored him. The Chinese aren’t cut out for this global hegemon stuff.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

“you stop fighting back NOW! fighting back Laciss!!”

3 years ago

CCP global infiltration getting a lot more attention. The database of Shanghai CCP infiltrators making the rounds is getting this out to normies. Now we’re beginning to get specifics on which Western companies, universities, and political parties have been most receptive.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Mark Levin tweets, “Remember when Romney voted to remove President Trump for a perfectly legitimate phone call but dismissed the evidence of Hunter Biden’s serial sleazy business deals as nonsense? With all due respect, what a dumb ass.””

Romney’s son is involved with Burisma too. I don’t know if they did the sex stuff though, the bribes (and their own pride) were probably enough to compromise them. Either way, they are so deep now that their political, business and religious affiliations are done when everything comes out. The guy should have listened to his niece and dropped out of politics.

3 years ago

Every day is a revelation now not on the vast scope of the corrupt at all walks of life except at the dirt peoples level, but of who is not corrupt, which is the real story if your one of the good folk.

I’m looking at this and am amazed not by the depth of the rot, or how it actually permeates thru society, because that is after hindsight really ties in with the collapse of the democracy operating within the old Republic, which is and never has been a democracy, but this big fat ugly cancer tumor which don’t belong regardless, but how not corrupt and not corrupted the good people in my sphere of life are.
Its clear its us good people who will cause and effect positive change, actually no doubt on that score which I always believed is the case, but its good to see such hardcore disgusting and sad proof. It centers me, strengthens my faith. I can’t but have faith also it Mr. Trump. Two faiths which are combing in my heart and in the real world.
Been trying to validate this faith, the proof it appears is this isn’t an election coup, its the institutional order of dirty all hands corruption that permeates so many peoples lives imploding, its either the dog trying to bite its tail and can’t spin fast enough, or its the corruption itself because its so vast now reached a level destructive to its self.
How do I say this…The evident panic, at the moment in the time passing in the election process when the election cheaters realized 70% of us good folks had so far voted for our God-Emperor, is not indicative of the corrupt who infest so much of America, the panic is really the fail in the institutional order of corruption in action.

These insects are going to beat themselves, they are the central artifact of their failure, they need a few nudges and shoves from sources outside their institutional order, but mostly what they are is toast.
Takes time for that to show vibrantly, but its there, I think I’m seeing it, nothing so disgusting in every day good folk world survives, and this thing isn’t like the old Soviet or other totalitarian machines which decay and fail gradually, then all of a sudden don’t exist, this is something different. I think because its partially based, at least the working part of it, based on artificial discovery like its control of market and economy pricing, the beast which blocks the natural law of supply and demand that creates the monetary value of goods and services. This artificial price discovery machine is its own destruction, its run out of prey to feast on, any good folk worth their salt has learned to survive in a sense, learned to live with less, to adapt, improvise, rediscover old ways, invented new, and in doing so inadvertently its starving the beast, its natural price discovery asserting itself.
I’m not explaining this right like its in my intuition, but thats fairly close, but the thing is globo=pedo has reached its limits. I get this sneaking suspicion it can’t remain stagnate, like a shark always needs to move so fresh oxygenated water is running over its gills. globo=pedo can’t squeeze any more blood out of the turnip, if it clamps down any harder it completely destroy its victim, like a bloodsucker killing its victim instead of not taking too much blood. Besides really, globo=pedo has reached the wealth transfer scheme limits.
After all, its all about money, Lucre, of course power, they are Siamese twins.
Got to feed that beast, America is the only large serious source of wealth creation, as its good folks who create wealth as this is the source of making things of value by hard work and ingenuity, globo=pedo doesn’t create wealth, it accumulates it thru a myriad of schemes and skimming the wealth creation stream, and globo=pedo is trying or something, to destroy the goose that lays the golden eggs as it strives to obtain more of that wealth.
Is it counter intuitive or a paradox, or is it just simply greed and raw naked power naturally its own worst enemy? The implied point being globo=pedo’s institutional order is failing.

My perspective on this comes from my “dirt person” roots, my origins are a way of life in which I have worked as a welder for 47 years creating things, I take raw materiels and componants others like me have created out of other materiels and parts, and collective thru our labor we create something of intrinsict value where there was none till we used elbow grease and power of creativity invention and ingenuity, we are industrious beings, we create, while others destroy this gold by various methods of theft. Which never adds value to this stream of wealth, it takes, but there is no such thing as perpetual motion, that institutional order requires something to operate, and of its become large enough, it reaches a point its using more than its taking. Or the wealth creation stream is creating, or can create, or maybe the wealth creation stream is collectively kind of producing less because its starting to understand its had enough.

Zeitgeist anyone?
Trump just didn’t happen to be a God-Emperor in the right place at the right time.
This chink lung aids panic-demic sure seems to be counter intuitive, its throwing the baby out with the bath water, its killing that wealth creation stream, and the beast keeps getting larger all the time, more corrupt mouths to feed, finer and finer the pie slices get, the pig trough of public money extorted from the wealth creators is on shorter and shorter rations.
Its a downwards spiraling implosion. Whats going on right now is that sucking sound as this swamp of greed and filth drains.
Is Trumps purpose to hasten and push this institutional order collapse, in order to save what needs saving? Not so much The Republic, but what constitutes and embodies it? Its people and spirit, its territory, and its White Christian Greco/Roman culture/civilization?
An operation in which the white hats deliberately push and prod globo=pedo into a deliberate act of blatant election coup, as the only way to destroy cabal?
Lot of times it strikes me as so. I’m sure I got things wrong or have no idea of certain actualities. But its the general idea seems to feel right.

Say this for sure, this election ain’t over till us good folks say it is. We still have a part to play, there’s a shit ton of us who ain’t gonna just lay down in die, guarantee it, no small number of us are getting an awful itchy trigger finger. This war won’t remain a war of cyber and hi-technology waged by cabal and its hi-tech corporate pirates just because they dominate this virtual world, if they want to win they will have to come for us and our rifles, we all who care in meat space still get to vote, and it won’t be thru no ballot box, they yanked that box out from under us. Understand what I’m saying by these insects being their own worst enemy?

Every day it looks more and more like shit couldn’t happen any other way.
It’s not the republic we will save, but ourselves.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
3 years ago

wvmtnmama – Please take this comment in the respectful way it is intended.

You are a wonderful writer – you convey extraordinary knowledge, remarkable insight and clearly have a lot to contribute. I personally find it difficult to read through many of your comments however when the sentences run on so long and paragraphs are unused or not separated by line spacing.

Someone like Vox Day, who I respect a lot, would probably describe your writing as a “wall of text”. I got told I wrote “wordy” before. Rather than making multiple statements or points in one long sentence, I tried splitting them into separate sentences. I think it helped the reader’s comprehension and improved my communication.

Again, all respect intended and I won’t bring it up again. I’d rather read much of your writing than skip over it.


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

Big if true:


>A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.
>Ms Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity.
>“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said.
>“But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”.

3 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

For the keks (includes a great amygdala shiv AC will surely appreciate the brilliance of):

Cap Johnt
Cap Johnt
3 years ago

Georgia Fill out one Republican Senate ballot. Make 1,000 000 copies. Load into trucks and show up across the state at voting centers and on load. It’s the only way to vote now.

3 years ago

> Some colleges are now encouraging students to inform on other students who violate COVID mandates.

A friend of mine does IT work at a sizeable east coast college. It’s like 1984++. The entire campus is webbed with security cameras. There are microphones in most of the cameras. Student IDs log their movements around the campus, as do their mandatory smartphone, tablet, and laptop apps. Every data packet on the school network is monitored, and if of interest, logged. Even what they get from vending machines and what TV channels they watch in the dorms is logged. They want to know all your “social media” IDs so they can monitor them. Oh, and a few years ago, they began requiring access to the students’ full medical histories. And they want “parental rights” over their students far past legal age, some kind of educational thing they’re allowed to do under their state’s law.

They can track each student moment-by-moment during their entire day. They don’t have dorm room cameras… yet. And the old “toilet cam” joke doesn’t seem to be funny any more.

They’re now “serverless”, and all this is stored in “the cloud”, with a growing pool of school and state bureaucrats and “enforcement” having open access to the data; he helped set it up, and even he isn’t sure how large that group is now.

But we know the colleges aren’t really in the “education” business, don’t we?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It’s ogre.

3 years ago

> They are making the most heavily blue areas unlivable, so people will migrate out to battleground states.
Alternatively, they’re trying to drive the crime rate up until the public Wants Something Done, and supports drastic measures which will, of course, come at the cost of their own liberty.

Remember, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party got its main support as the “crime fighting Party”, putting Brownshirts on the street to keep peace and order. This was done with Party funds, not government money. And many non-Party citizens chipped in to help. In many areas they became the de facto police. It was all smoke and mirrors, of course, but the averache schmuck in the street didn’t know that.

Of course, it was other Party members who were keeping the crime rates up, so the Brownshirts could be seen working…

3 years ago

Not a question of if Trump crosses the Rubicon … only when he crosses it.

And it will be glorious.

3 years ago

It would not be unreasonable to ask all Chinese professionals, academics and students in the West to confirm whether they are or have ever been a member of the Chinese Communist Party…

I recently learned from a Chinese that essentially ALL students who wish to get into “good” schools in China join the CCP. No chance to progress socially otherwise. Since Western universities draw the elite from China it’s possible the majority of the 300,000+ Chinese students in the US are members of the CCP – whether or not they admit it. Perhaps undergraduates dodge the CCP membership requirement but it’s unlikely the graduate students and researchers do. Basically, nothing gets past the CCP so all students and their families are on the hook for favors sooner or later. It’s a mafia state after all.

Our universities, corporates, politicians and media have been complicit with the CCP for many years. It’s a BIG deal that this issue is now finally becoming public. Dark to Light.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the Coronavirus pandemic are now permanent.”

Sadly a friend of mine just killed himself due to this. He opened a restaurant just before corona. This guy was no lightweight had successfully run restaurants before and his wife with him had been in the business all her life. I have no doubt in my mind that had corona not come up he would doing well. He actually was still making money but it was not enough.

3 years ago
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

The Chinese infiltrators and subverters have wet dreams of achieving the degree of control of the West Israel and Jewish collective power has:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

Bitchute is comped, make sure you archive everything you want to keep and share and remember do make backups.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

Blessed thread about Trump getting ready to kick ass:

3 years ago

You would know it. Those were auditions. You have to figure out if you got the part or not.

As far as outing the surveillance, you just did. When you figure out that the coincidence can’t be coincidence, you’ve made them.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”As for whether to take any deals, its up to you. My impression is it is easier to never take the deal, than to take the deal, and one day decide you’d rather not invade innocent people’s privacy for the people who gave us Hillary Clinton, or kill the young single mom they tell you to kill. As a general rule, I get the impression intel work is unpleasant, as it usually is exploiting betrayal and good people, and is not a lot of adrenaline or fun, unless you have a thing for fucking people over.”

As I am fond of saying: if you take the ticket from the king of sodomy (Satan), you’d be foolish to not expect a benis in anus sooner or later.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“a trailer near by” and a cancer connection – this just gave me a very bad feeling. I’ve commented before about surveillance but haven’t shared everything of course. The neighbors behind us had a rusted out single-wide sitting basically on our property line for years. They finally got rid of it this summer, approximately 2 weeks after my husband, who is only 47, received his shock cancer diagnosis. Since they removed it, they’ve installed two cameras on the back of their house pointing at the back of ours, gotten a German Shepherd, put up three no trespassing signs, and have weird flashing lights back there i see at night that I can’t figure out.

Also should add that the day after my last comment, I had a beech craft buzzing over my house for hours. Got a pic and tail number. Seems especially odd when I’m about 3 miles from a major airport and in the flight path, that he could just circle my neighborhood for hours.

I wish i could sit down with some of you and compare notes.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Ask Lembro, he has mentioned what contract I support. That’s all I’ll say.”


LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Lembro, I had my DNA tested, no jew here. I am baffled. They know what I stand for, and they just gave me the ID badge.”

I still can’t figure out what it was that I mentioned that is related to the contract you said you got (but I will not asking for specifics from you because if you wanted to say it directly you would have).

Also, I don’t think less of people with Jew DNA, my position regarding the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is that Jewish collective power needs to be terminated in the West (peacefully, off course), and the racial Jews that want to integrate (which means they have to forfeit their Jewish culture and stop identifying with Jewish people as a group) should be allowed to do so.

I wish I knew what to say or how to help out fren, but I really don’t know what to say.

New Name
New Name
3 years ago

I still don’t know enough about your situation, but I’ll put it like this: it could be that cabal regards you as a useful asset. Someone who they trust to just be competent and not steal on the job, things like that. I presume that they have files on everyone. And along with files on everyone, I believe strongly that they are guiding far more lives than we imagine and to a far greater degree.

Think of things like people coming into your life at the perfect time to provide you with useful suggestions or guidance that lead to you going in a new direction. Think of things like that which seem kind of fortuitous or perhaps a feeling of “God must have been trying to say something to me..” or “the universe was talking to me.”

Are they trying to guide you away from family? Are they trying to lead you to some destiny?

We are all expendable assets to them.