News Briefs – 12/16/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

NO Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Google has labeled Vox Day’s site “Dangerous,” and claims Vox will try to trick you into installing malicious software. This is obviously google trying to deplatform him. Feels like part of the last dying spasms of the machine.

Police say 45 year old anti-vax activist Brandy Vaughan appears to have died of natural causes, though they are investigating. A lot of cases like this will be blamed on “Big Pharma.” You see the same thing with the guy who showed all mass shooters are on psychotropic medications like SSRIs. I’d think twice about that though. The best case I heard about what may have been behind Brian Mancini’s death was they haunted him until he killed himself because his charity Honor House was right on top of a CIA MK Ultra experiment on wounded vets with brain injuries to various structures, and he was too close to it. In the mass shooters, those are CIA MK Ultra experiments themselves, so I could see CIA, or whoever is running that program, not wanting people hearing about SSRIs because once you hear that, the next question is where did they get them from? That leads to the fact they are all seeing therapists, and from there people might begin pulling threads on the therapists’ histories and linkages, or maybe even eavesdrop on their offices and launch surveillance operations to catch them in the act. I’d imagine the MK Ultra crew fears that more than Big Pharma worries about any rumors about shooting  side effects, and the MK Ultra crew is probably more deadly to boot. Brandy’s death makes me wonder if there is an as yet unknown CIA/Cabal scheme going on with vaccines that makes people like Brandy the enemy, and this wasn’t Big Pharma at all. No idea what it would be, but who knows if they found a way to add something to the vaccine that would produce antibodies to a receptor like a dopamine receptor, or something somewhere in the brain that would have the immune system hammer a specific brain structure and affect psychology. All tech is way ahead of where we would think it is.


Patrick Bryne says FBI came to him, told him Hillary had taken a $20 million bribe, and they wanted him to set up another $18 million bribe as a sting. FBI then told him this was an operation created by Obama and Brennan personally, which they called “Operation Snowglobe,” because they felt they were luring Hillary into a snow globe which they could shake up whenever she didn’t do what Obama wanted by warming up an investigation of her bribe. If she did what Obama told her to, the investigation would ramp down. If she didn’t it would ramp up, and at the end of eight years, Hillary would hand the White House to Michelle Obama. I have no idea how accurate it is though, as Bryne is either a scripted actor, or he is being played. Obama was not the King, or anywhere close. He was more akin to an employee of whatever the intelligence operation running things is, and I have no doubt that operation did not need more blackmail on Hillary to control her. It is possible this was bickering between employees, I suppose, but I would think Cabal senior management would want things to run smoother. The more employees are trying to satisfy each other’s blackmailing demands, the less focused they would be on serving Cabal’s interests, the more opportunities open up for rogue actors like Bryne to damage operations, and the less effective the chain of command is. Perhaps Cabal sees it as a Darwinian promotion scheme which keeps those most intelligence and surveillance aware as their most senior operatives with the most control. Or this is all some sort of distraction. Tough to say anything, beyond the fact that anything which comes near the Clintons ends up looking like a Class 5 tornado tore right through it. This conspiracy appears to possibly have roots going back to the Military Intelligence unit of the Akkadian Empire. It has survived to watch the Pyramids crumble. It likely sent spies and built intelligence files on Christ’s miracles and concluded back then, to their shock, he just might be the son of God. It saw the rise and fall of Rome, watched as Kings and Queens were born, rose, were dethroned and died. Entirely new empires have arisen and fallen under it multiple times. A new continent was colonized and the greatest country in history formed and almost died under them. But it only took a little more than two decades for the backwoods Arkansas hillbillies that are the Clintons to bring it all down like a skyscraper being demolished. It is comical really.

Maricopa County, Arizona subpoenas all Dominion voting machines for a hard audit.

Michigan legislature committees subpoena election evidence from Detroit and nearby suburb demanding they surrender hard drives, emails, laptops and other election-related materials.

Sidney Powell reveals she’s been building a massive RICO case against Dominion and Smartmatic.

Investigation finds Georgia officials decline to prosecute or correct the double voters they catch.

A curious case of a former Houston PD Captain who was hired by some group called the Liberty Center for God and Justice, for over $200K to investigate voter fraud. He found a truck he believed was full of fake ballots, stopped it, was certain enough he pulled the driver and put him on the ground at gunpoint and called the cops, then pointed cops to where a partner of the driver had taken the truck. Cops found the driver was just a lowly air conditioner repairman, and the truck only had AC parts. Feels almost like glowies on one side getting scammed by glowies on the other.

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from Kansas that sought to revive a law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. Not encouraging for trust in the Supreme Court.

“Coughing, sick looking, tired, worn out” Democrat Joe Biden, got only 4000 viewers on C-Span TV for his speech, but he was supposed to have gotten 81 million votes from supporters in the US.

Email reportedly sent from Biden’s brother to Hunter regarding a Chinese deal, references Kamala Harris as a key domestic contact for the deal.

Documents released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office reveal millions funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry family.

Soros-backed DA George Gascón seeks reduced punishment for accused cop-killer in LA. This dude walked up to a cop waiting in line at a fast food place and shot him in the back of the head with no prior interaction. I’ve said before, Cabal is not shy about taking out cops who are threats to operations, or even just to send a message to a recalcitrant department. Can’t say if this was shooter was one for sure, or if this is just a signal to future operatives that killing a cop isn’t punished the way you’d think it would be. It really is kind of obvious, if you think about it. You can’t see any other reasons anyone, even a political liberal, would want to support cop-killing like this. It’s got nothing to do with leftism. It is like all these politicians who want to hurt America by hurting the economy, or manufacturing, or through immigration, and they claim it is some leftist principle, but then you find out they got millions from hostile foreign entities funneled to them or their family. It is right there, staring you in the face. Imagine if it wasn’t able to hide, and this was made obvious to everyone.

The New York Times still hasn’t covered Eric Swalwell’s Chinese spy scandal.

Biden has chosen Pete Buttigieg to lead the U.S. Transportation Department. They all know how this is going to go, and that here Biden looks like a six year old girl announcing her teddy bear Mr Bibbles is going to sit at the head of the table at her tea party. But they are all playing along.

Joe Biden claims ‘a little bit of a cold’ after struggling through his victory speech.

Hunter’s Pornhub history shows an obsession with inter-racial cuckold porn. I always thought this was some sort of racially-inflaming or demoralizing meme attacking white males. But now I wonder if Cabal did a study, leftists actually are obsessed with this, and the hypothesis was, if they could hook everyone on it, they could turn everybody into a leftist sheep. They might be so hooked on it, they assumed if they just mentioned it a large group would all run to pornhub to check it out.

Marvel’s Star-Lord was made into a polyamorous bisexual in the comic. Chris Pratt had come out as an open Christian in Hollywood, so they are fucking with him.

San Francisco to rename Abraham Lincoln High School because former president did not demonstrate that ‘black lives mattered to him.’

Computer expert Andrew Morris says he downloaded the infected installer from SolarWinds Orion and found the “backdoor” is still contained on the installer on SolarWinds’ website.

JPMorgan Chase is now open to relocating to Miami after vetoing the move a few years ago.

NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says.

The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Which means the AMA literally killed Americans by denying them treatment just to get Trump out of office.

ICE detainer not honored by California prison system, and a convicted child murderer was released.

Venezuela wields a powerful “hate” law to silence Maduro’s remaining foes.

Transgender activists call for all children to be put on puberty blockers.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) raided Polymer80, Inc last week and since then, there is at least one report of a customer being visited by ATF and forced to surrender their “P80.” Advice is, make it clear you only surrender it under protest and the only ATF form you are willing to sign is an ATF 3400.23 – Receipt of Property and Other Items, as the ATF 3400.23 does not agree to the forfeiture/destruction of your property..

Most child sexual abuse gangs made up of white men, British Home Office report says. In fairness they may have been including the media, the government and the royal family in their statistics.

Spread r/K Theory, because there’s a lot of pedophilia among the elites in British government that is going to be revealed, and dealt with.

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New Name
New Name
3 years ago

“I’d imagine the MK Ultra crew fears that more than Big Pharma worries about any rumors about shooting side effects, and the MK Ultra crew is probably more deadly to boot.”

They’re all the same. Same team. Same strategic priorities. If someone poses a big enough threat to one off the fingers on the hand, they’ll get pummeled by the fist.

3 years ago
X in the XXX
X in the XXX
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Jesus H. Christ.

Does there need to be an “accidental bomb discharge” to send a fucking message here???

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Interesting. I went to a gun shooting range near NYC recently. The clients there were disproportionately Chinese and the facility had a ton of marketing material specifically for visiting Chinese. I just assumed it’s a big kick for Chinese tourists to shoot off live rounds with American guns. But maybe there’s something CCP/PLA-related and a lot more ominous going on…

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Aristotle was right:

comment image

More die-versity = less social cohesion and less overall trust

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

And that’s how Canadians will lose their freedom. Between a Chicom insurgency and a US that is forced to defend itself fags like Trudeau have a short LE.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
3 years ago

“not encouraging for trust in the Supreme Court” LOL a brutal evisceration of our judicial whores using the (sadly underutilized these days) ‘less is more’ method. nicely done.

bring on The Storm, PDJT. Martial law; televised executions, pyramids of skulls, all that. anything less is a half-measure, and will be undone within 8 years – as if it never happened. and then your beloved country gets stuck with President Ocasio-Cortez followed by President Abrams followed by Presidente SubComandante Zero.

a little blood spilled now, or a vast rivers of it later.

3 years ago

GA officials decline to prosecute or even correct the double-voters they catch: a reminder that Georgia is entirely controlled by the GOP. Yeah, Atlanta is a democrat machine shithole, but the entirety of the state? GOP. Governor, legislature, judiciary, even (for the moment) the secretary of state. if you were to inadvertently break a paperwork/procedure law, think they’d let YOU slide? yeah, me neither.

the GOP is perfectly fine with voter fraud, even when it goes against them. ergo, they’ve known about it for a long time. ergo, they’ve got a piece of it. the wntire fucking stinking system is rotten to the core, and has been since… what …. 1995? 2000 at the latest?

oh, and for the record: they’re actively working to lose those senate races. they’ll let the same dirty voting machines flip votes to teh dems, and then whine they can’t possibly do anything about it, because we don’t want to tear the country apart, also racism. and anyway, orange man bad. and then use the election farce to beg for donations. watch it happen, boys. watch it happen.

Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

cabal stronghold. same thing they did in CO, they did in GA.

Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

> 1995?

*Way* earlier than that. Not even counting the Reconstruction era.

1960 was pretty blatant, though. Nixon’s people were exposing fraud in several states when “protests broke out”, and several people were killed. He decided the election wasn’t worth people getting killed over, and conceded. Wrong decision, probably… but Trumpslide ’16 wasn’t even close to Nixon’s wins in 1968 and 1972, which is pretty impressive for a President nobody admitted to voting for… a lot of people didn’t like Nixon, but they hated LBJ and his designated successor, Humphrey, much worse. Sound familiar?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  ardwoll
3 years ago

Mossad controls both parties. Why do you think the establishment politicians (almost all of the D and GOP party members) on both sides are all helping the gaybal against Trump?

The people who founded and rule over Israel (Rothschild and company) have had their looting and sacking spree with the US come to its conclusion, so now they are trying to neutralize the US as the most powerful Country/region in the world in order to position their new main focus region/main puppet (Asia/China) as the most powerful power around, and they intend to use China the same way they used the US (pimp them out of their Wealth as much as possible, and use their military to push their Greater Israel and Noahide World Order agendas forward).

Q post above starts with the line “Ex 1.1”. Have a little clue:

Exodus 1:1

These are the names of the sons of Israel who went to Egypt with Jacob, each with his family:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Looking at this video

Steve Pieczenick Claims Election Ballots Have Been Watermarked To Track Cheating Arrests starting

youtube is now putting this this disclaimer on the video(if they don’t censor it all together. A lot of them have been removed.)

U.S. elections
The Electoral College has confirmed Joe Biden as president-elect.
States certify results after ensuring ballots are properly counted and correcting irregularities and errors. Learn more

On another note they are leaking all kinds of derogatory stuff Biden said. They are undermining him big time.

I talked to a normie friends of mine and he believes that Trump is cheating and wants to be a dictator. I keep telling him about building 7, how they have massive affidavits of voting fraud, have actual machines that flip votes, videos of people dragging suitcases of votes and stuff like that but he will just not believe. He can not believe that the news would just hide this stuff and refuse to cover it nor will he take the time to look at the evidence that our country is one big corrupt lie.

At the same time he knows that he can in no way refute what I say.

I finally have come to the conclusion and told him so that the realization that there is a massive conspiracy to destroy us is just too damn much to handle. I mean what do you do? It’s terribly unsettling. I suspect that it’s somewhere in the realm of the boogie man in the closet and when you are a little kid it’s best to just pull the covers over your head. Remember the movie The Sixth Sense where when he got the cold feeling and knew one of these dead people was going to show up he ran to hide. But it didn’t help.

He’s a Christen and I think he and many other Christens constantly think that God will take care of them somehow. They talk about love and goodness but if there’s a God then there’s a Satan and they don’t want to talk about that. They don’t want to believe that just as there are people who are absolutely positive that Jesus Christ is the son of God that they serve that there are others who firmly believe in serving Satan. They just refuse to allow that to enter their minds because…it’s really scary. It’s a real problem.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Some “Christens” (hilarious auto-correct) really need to wake up to the fact God helps those that help themselves.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

8kun article on Jews being ejected from control of China, if they ever did, and the now ramp up of Jew controlled USA criticism of China.

This is something that I have suspected for quite a while.

Quotes by government Chinese economist that they went through the Jews to control the US.

Points are raised about the historical ejecting of Jews from power in the USSR by Stalin and their then attacks on USSR. Remember the Neo-cons. After Stalin ousted the Jews from power they switched to attacking Russia which never stopped. Now they see that China is a Jew refusenick State they are attacking them.

A good comment noting that Jewish funded institutes are responsible for pushing the anti-China angle and the results

“…I think Striker has the right angle on this. Jewish efforts over the decades to ingratiate themselves to the Chinese state and fully infiltrate it have failed. Their liberalization efforts have failed. The relationship just keeps getting more and more one-sided. Jews recognize liberalism as their safe haven and that illiberal systems National Socialism, communism, Islam snuff them out. States with overwhelming racial majorities snuff them out. The postwar West is a fucking unicorn and they can’t find another.

All the nonsense about China being controlled by jews is just that, nonsense. It’s a narrative the conservative media, which is formulated to lead nationalists into dead ends, has spun up for dissident elements to shift the blame for the jews selling the West’s national patrimony and national future for their own ends solely onto China. China, while not innocent, was simply doing what a rival racial civilization would logically do: take what it could to improve itself while giving the bare minimum to the “other”.

China’s development model is so radically different from the explicitly jewish postwar economic organization that its clear successes introduce instability for jews domestically. That they had to carefully edit Di’s presentation when they played it on Tucker’s show lets on that they are very concerned about this narrative.

And when the US fucks with China, what does China do? They enter economic and military agreements with Iran. They offer to swipe the electrical grid contract for Iraq right out from under the US [the real reason why that embassy/protest shit was going on in Iraq]. They take up the Palestinian cause in the UN. They go right to the source and don’t even pretend an Anglo/Germanic/Celtic middleman exists. Jews don’t like that being public.

We’re hitting critical levels of goyim knowing….”

Of course the idiot Jews are going to shit up their nest in the US so bad that eventually the worm will turn on them here. Their own hatred for anyone not Jewish will cause their own fall.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Interesting, seems like China has turned on the Jews faster than I thought it would happen (it was Jewish collective power which installed Mao and communism in China (it was also JCP that installed communism in Russia)).

Kinda makes sense that the Chinese would turn on Jews faster than the Westerners, they are lower a trust society, and extremely in-grouped (the in-grouping is what the Jewish promoted liberalism intends to attack, that’s why Jews as a group are liberals for the whole world, except for Israel (because they know liberalism destroys in-grouping behavior and destroys social cohesion, and they don’t want that for Israel but want it for all other Countries because it allows them to subvert and control them easier).


a lot of jews here are still running interference for china. however. some of them just want war, to make money and otherwise preoccupy us, and get off scot free.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Israel is betting big on China becoming their main partner going forward (if they can’t subvert and control them now, they’ll settle for partnership against the US), it seems they hope that the US is able to weaken China enough so they can have a chance at taking over in the future:

httsp:// – “Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China” – “One Belt, One Road – Israel’s role in China’s flagship policy”

Bank Leumi and Chinese Insurance Giant Ping An to Cooperate in Promoting Israeli High-Tech in China:
March 22, 2017

Jack Ma receives honorable doctoral degree at Tel Aviv University in Israel:

Alibaba invests in AI ecommerce search platform Twiggle (Israeli company founded by two ex-Googlers):
01 June 2016

Chinese Investments in Israeli Tech Mapped:

Baidu Tracking Online Behavior to Assign Credit Score to Users:

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Very interesting perspective – then Trump’s anti-China agenda China is beginning to call out the real power in the West in order to apply direct, painful pressure to Jewish interests that can stop Trump’s war on China.

In that case, Trump/Q is pushing China into this reveal and The Great Awakening in the West will include acknowledgment of the extent and purpose of Jewish group power. Q said they were saving Israel for last. If so, my gut is that this will show that the age-old “Jewish” issue is a canard that conveniently and deceptively cloaks a deeper, hidden system of power – the Cabal.

I think about AC’s approach to the evolution of human groups and society. With thousands of years of trial and error a psychopathic, parasitic subset group of humans would eventually arise that would develop occult power and the learned tactic of fronting that power with an obvious, sinister enemy to the majority host group that is to be exploited. That obvious enemy’s principal purpose is its visibility and its distraction and deflection from the real power group. The most promising element of The Great Awakening and the future of our civilization is the final reveal and ultimate destruction of the Cabal.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

>”If so, my gut is that this will show that the age-old “Jewish” issue is a canard that conveniently and deceptively cloaks a deeper, hidden system of power – the Cabal.”

That’s not accurate at all. The cabal makes use of Jewish collective power, as well as Muslim collective power, etc, but that does not mean that without cabal Jewish and Israeli collective power would not be a problem for the West (they would, for the principals that guide their group behavior are based on supremacist ideologies that are incompatible with the West).

There is a an undeniable verifiable reason why the cabal’s biggest tool in their toolbox is Jewish collective power (JCP verifiably the middle management of the cabal):

Jewish group identify/culture is incompatible with the West, because it is based on Judaism and Judaism is based on Jewish racial supremacism, which leads Jews as a group to act as a predator against every other group. This is why I tell everyone that the most peaceful and fair way to deal with the issue of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is to integrate and assimilate into the West the racial Jews that forfeit the Jewish group identity and support the banning of Judaism and zionism in the West, while allowing the Jews that embrace their Jewish group identify to leave to Israel or the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. This way we can all do our own thing in peace.

Proof of my claims:

Even more proof (book with over 10000 citations from Jewish sources only):

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Since the ChiComs are just as bad as the Zionists I don’t care if they fight.

I only care about exposing and fighting all of our enemies.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“San Francisco to rename Abraham Lincoln High School because former president did not demonstrate that ‘black lives mattered to him.’”

Nothing is ever enough for leftists. Even getting assassinated and death.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“Transgender activists call for all children to be put on puberty blockers.”

America is becoming like Canaan with moloch and baal.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

DoD just completely shut down SIPRNET. That’s a big deal. Wouldn’t happen unless a foreign adversary (China) was reading it in real time. Cabal was also likely using it to stay ahead of the curve. That means ALL TS-SCI info is not being shared across agencies.

3 years ago

> Google has labeled Vox Day’s site “Dangerous,”

Similar things happened to many conservative sites in 2016. Though if you go searching for them on the web, Google and Bing seem to have forgotten…

The censored or blocked texts things has been around before, and more recently.

And you *do* remember that all cell carriers send their texts to a central service in Arizona now, which keeps them all? Almost nobody knew until the “zombie text” flap… which is either disappeared from Google now, or pushed more than three pages deep, which is as far as I looked for a link. Looks like there’s a whole new “zombie text” meme that has displaced it.

3 years ago

> pulling threads on the therapists’ histories and linkages,

They all went to the same schools, are members of the same professional societies, and are all sock puppets for the pharmaceutical companies. Nowadays, unless they start writing prescriptions, they can be subject to malpractice complaints.

It’s not that there might be a deeper connection, but they’re already triply-linked in a fairly small group. An active conspiracy isn’t really needed here; they’ve all been taught and trained to do what the Swamp wants, and should continue doing that without further direction.

3 years ago

> Obama was not the King

No, but from the amount of red-pilling and gaslighting, it seemed a lot of people really wanted a king. And Obama was on board with that; “I have a phone and a pen.” Didn’t quite work out that way, but I talked to a whole lot of people who seemed to have no idea of the limits of Presidential power. Whether they thought a President was a king, or just rilly rilly rilly wanted him to be (as long as he was a Democrat) was impossible to tell.

3 years ago

> Maricopa County, Arizona subpoenas all Dominion voting machines for a hard audit.

But Dominion’s people have had access to them *already*, after the election. And the same for Georgia and Michigan. I didn’t see anything go by about it happening in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, but I would assume they had access there, too.

The “chain of evidence” is corrupt; what they got off the Michigan and Georgia machines just showed Dominion’s techs were incompetent at hiding their tracks. The machines are still inadmissable.

Now, the people who allowed Dominion access should be fed into a wood chipper slowly, but that’s not likely to happen, I suspect.

Have I mentioned why “electronic voting machines” are a bad idea, period? Yes? I’ll shut up then.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

What matters is whether those Dominion machines preserved their audit trails.

3 years ago

> The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from Kansas that sought to revive a law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote.

I’m still not sure how that works. Arkansas required state-issued photo ID in order to vote. Then a Federal court said it was “racist” and we couldn’t require ID any more. Then five or six years later we got the ID requirement back, somehow piggybacked on a suit that Texas won. And now they’re telling Kansas it can’t require ID?

One problem with Arkansas’ new law is that it also accepts various Federal ID. The Feds don’t accept ours, why should we accept theirs?

My county got the Dominion voting machines in 2008. Nobody wanted them, nobody seems able to make them go away. But we still kept the separate verification; you have to vote at your assigned polling place, and they cross your name off the list after you vote. I show my Concealed Carry license for ID, which usually gets comments of approval from the poll workers. It’s about all it’s good for, since we have Constitutional Carry now, and I seldom travel to any of the 40 other states it’s recognized in.

3 years ago

> JPMorgan Chase is now open to relocating to Miami after vetoing the move a few years ago.

Like Miami wasn’t a big enough shithole already…

The executives, chauffeured from their apartments to their offices to their clubs, may not even notice the difference between NYC and Miami, though. They’re not exactly prisoners (hermits?), but they live in a very small world.

3 years ago

> The American Medical Association (AMA)

The AMA are a bunch of dirtbags, that have actively worked *against* much of what we now think of as “modern medicine”, and against training new doctors to alleviate the “doctor shortage.” Their members don’t want any competition. They’re Woke, supporting pre-puberty sex changes, female genital mutilation, and other practices. And so far left, they Lenin looks like Reagan to them.

Fortunately, despite what you might pick up from the media, only about 15% of practicing MDs are members of the AMA, and the percentage is dropping.

3 years ago

> NYC’s mass COVID-19 exodus cost $34B in lost income, study says.

What you have to remember is neither NYC or NY State *care*. The people behind that aren’t losing any money; au contraire, they’ll be snapping up “distressed” real estate from auctions as businesses go under, then writing themselves “development grants” so even renovation costs won’t come out of their own pockets.

If there’s some budget shortfall, well, they’re hoping King Biden will wave his magic wand. And they can float some more junk munipical bonds to default on. And, of course, the taxpayers will have to pony up the remainder.

3 years ago

> ICE detainer not honored by California prison system, and a convicted child murderer was released.

This is old news; it has been that way for *decades*. ICE is being disengenuous about it. If they find there’s a prisoner in California that they want, they *know* the PDR is going to release them without notifying them. They’ve always done it.

If ICE really wanted those people, they’d send the Marshal’s Service out to collect them as soon as they found out about them. That’s what the Marshal’s Service *does*. Instead, ICE just keeps doing the same thing, and issuing variants of the same whining press release.

Yes, the PDR is turning those people loose… but ICE has the power to stop that, and they’re choosing not to do it.

* PDR, PDRC: The People’s Democratic Republic of California

3 years ago

> at least one report of a customer being visited by ATF and forced to surrender their “P80.”

Note that nothing in the box is forbidden, controlled, regulated, or taxed; the ATF already ruled, separately and individually, that they’re not a gun and that they have no jurisdiction.

I’m now at the stage of my life where I could tell thugs at the door to piss up a rope, and deal with any consequences. And any “Polymer80” boxes they managed to find would be full of used kitty litter.

Fortunately, if I ever had any Polymer80 products, they were lost in the tragic canoe incident a while back.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Meme related:

comment image

3 years ago

> there’s a lot of pedophilia among the elites in British government that is going to be revealed, and dealt with.

That and homosexuals. The Cheka and NKVD relied on gay or pedo entrapment for “leverage” while operating in foreign countries, but it didn’t work very well in Britain, particularly among the Oxford/Cambridge set. One of my old espionage books quoted a Soviet resident’s complaint that it was hard to find someone who *wasn’t* a perv, and far from being a career-ending hammer, exposing them sometimes gathered no reactions at all. And that worked all the way through the Philby era at the very least.

3 years ago

Why would Sidney Powell build a RICO case. Can private lawyers prosecute RICO cases?
She’d need to be made a special prosecutor or something…

3 years ago

AC – I fucking love it when you write like this (examples below). You have a great talent, man, and I hope you’re working on some more long-form projects:

“This conspiracy appears to possibly have roots going back to the Military Intelligence unit of the Akkadian Empire. It has survived to watch the Pyramids crumble. It likely sent spies and built intelligence files on Christ’s miracles and concluded back then, to their shock, he just might be the son of God. It saw the rise and fall of Rome, watched as Kings and Queens were born, rose, were dethroned and died. Entirely new empires have arisen and fallen under it multiple times. A new continent was colonized and the greatest country in history formed and almost died under them. But it only took a little more than two decades for the backwoods Arkansas hillbillies that are the Clintons to bring it all down like a skyscraper being demolished.”

“Biden has chosen Pete Buttigieg to lead the U.S. Transportation Department. They all know how this is going to go, and that here Biden looks like a six year old girl announcing her teddy bear Mr Bibbles is going to sit at the head of the table at her tea party. But they are all playing along.”

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

Someone needs to redpill Florida on Israel:

And now another rational thinking challenge with the next article: why would nazis allow Jews to reproduce in the camps if they are supposed to be death camps (if they really wanted to exterminate Jews, they’d just kill them in the cheap with bayonets and simply castrate all the men they’d want to keep for forced labor), and even more stupidly, why would they allow any child born in the alleged death camps to be kept alive? And for the shills that answer these questions with: “duh, nazis were stupid”, then tell me how where so stupid that it took an alliance between the most powerful nations on Earth to stop them, they invented modern rocket technology, and they manage to take the German people from absolute destitution to having a real middle class in 3 to 5 years? If nazis where stupid as some people try to say they were in order to try to deflect from the fact that the official version of the holocaust is bone headed fraud, then what does that tells you about the rest of the world that they barely managed to stop them and had to all ally and pile up on them? My point is: the official version of the holocaust is a fraud and it is used by Jewish collective power to take money from everyone else, and coerce them into compliance with their anti-West agenda.

No comment:

3 years ago

When do you give up on Q? Mcconnell yesterday congratulating Biden should be the clue that the fix is in. Even if Pence rejects votes, the swamp rat GOP won’t have the balls to overturn a fraudulent election, no matter how much evidence is presented. There’s no grand plan-no one is coming to save us. Trump will quietly leave office and will get banned from Twitter the second he’s no longer president.

You fell victim to a psy-op, but you’re in good company-Trump did too. His ear was occupied by (((Kushner))) and he made no good appointments anywhere. His damned SCOTUS picks and both treasonous attorney generals couldn’t be bothered to stick up for him when it mattered.
2020 was an Intel operation and Trump fell hard for it and let (((them))) I destroy the economy and people’s lives, hopes, and dreams over a virus with a 0.01% mortality rate out of a nursing home.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The only way Trump would get outplayed is if the Joint Chiefs and other military officers watched the cheat go on during Election night at the Old Executive Office building SCIF and the Rubicon EO plan was deceptively agreed on, then after GOP RINO’s in Congress and SCOTUS maneuvering Trump into a Rubicon crossing- which the military could fail to do, and everyone in Washington would know- except for Trump. Then Trumps hands would be tied, as a Rubicon crossing would be impossible without military help.

The equivalent of Caesar’s 13th Legion abandoning him, and all his legions mutinying, in other words- the military would have turned on Trump, their Constitutionally-lawful Commander in Chief (both before and after Jan. 20).

Unlikely, but a failure would involve the military completely abandoning their oaths, Kushner stupidly doing the absolute WORST thing for his best interest and Trump not seeing any of coming, while Q was full of shit. All of that is unlikely.

Hepcat 1
Hepcat 1
Reply to  Pinochet
3 years ago

when does one give up on Q? a good time might be when Q loses the ability to post because hackers took control of his platform and are still holding it for ransom. total # of Q posts in the last 45 days which also happen to be some of the most important days in our nation’s history: 4.


a picture of the flag. some random bullshit from ‘War Games.’ “durham!” and a music video. personally, I pretty much gave up thinking Q was a real deal entity back in his wacky “Angela Merkel is Hitler’s daughter” phase. if Q was a salesman of some sort, he actually did a magnificent job. the Q phenomenon brought together more people of varying backgrounds than I ever thought was possible. I’m pretty sure Q will be studied in business schools and military intel psyops schools for the next hundred years.

but when it came time to deliver on his often very specific promises; when the rubber actually met the road, Q failed again and again and again. always with highly creative excuses, but still: fail. turns out Q was just another hustler tellin’ whoppers. “Q.” not Trump. not yet anyway. Trump’s still got 34 days. but it’s long past time he made his move, whatever that might be. the thing about “watching a movie” is you don’t wait 4 years to make the big reveal.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Hepcat 1
3 years ago

Q doesn’t matter, Almighty God does. He turned Nebuchadnezzar into a retard for 7 years, but restored him to his kingdom afterward. He can (and I believe, will) keep Trump in office.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 years ago


3 years ago

I get that. I appreciate folks like Anon-Con who have the courage to talk straight up and the courage of their convictions and beliefs, theres alot of us good folks like that and thats always been the root of my America, its core, it is manifest, it is what makes it great and without it the light goes out, which will never happen long as theres one of us alive and the even then it lives forever.

I get that. Theres the cabal or really the kind of evil thats a living breathing thing as its only evil it only exists because very evil souls make it so. Sure thats obvious, the details not so much because thats part of the nature of this evil, it is always disguised because of good folks exactly cause of good folks, you got to hide, which is the mark of such evil. Yeah the mark of the devil personified.

Yeah I get that. Always gonna be evil fuckers, sometimes more sometimes less its how humanity rolls. Its why I have the finest weapons a Free Man can get his paws on. Im talking here, best to take heed of my words. I know what an axe a shovel and a rifle are for, never forgot what for cause I grew up with these tools in my hands, and I know what im about and that what makes me a Freeman, nobody fucks with you when you aint forgot what these things are for. Funny how inanimate objects make the man. Nothing funny about them being all dandy weapons and nothing funny about a man who knows how to use those tools either. Because men like me we aint anyones tool. And thats the thing. The only way it can be said Im an instrument of something is The Whole Armor of God. But thats a weapon that is a weapon wrapped in a weapon weielding weapons, in part or parcel an instrument for defending the things which matter most.

To me this is the difference between myself and cabal and its tools. The defining thing in all this as this is what it all is stripped down to the essences, that in no way do I in any way shape or form, in any motive or intent, not in any thought or agenda, do I force anything upon another, the most elemental thing about me is I want to be left alone. Thats it. That simple. Its a thing so elemental it can not be divided into parts because its the simplest part that constitues all the parts together that I am.

This evil breathing down my neck, I get that, worlds always been full of it, it ebbs and flows thru time, you could says its part of the human race much as humans got feet. But feet don’t go about trying to cram shit up people arses. People try to cram their shit up other peoples arses.
Freemen like me dont cram any shit up any ones arse, its not even an idea, not even a thought or a whisker of an impulse, its not even a primal memory floating around in our primitive brains. Its primal, its as simple as only wanting to be left alone.

Im trying to sneak up on something here like hunting my quarry not wanting to spook it so I get close enough so my aim is true. Lot of usFreemen, and Ladies, we be really stalking, still hunting this quarry of late, hunting for the thing that defines us but also hunting for why we need to hunt for why there are others who will not leave us alone. Not talking bout constructs like politics or ideology or farces such as the social contract, or aritifacts like man made law. What Im talking about is two cave men, one wants to be left alone the other is trying to make the first one do what he wants him to do, and the one caveman wants to make the other caveman do what he wants him to do believes not only the other is bound to obey, but that he has special power special rights to which the cave man wants to be left alone must obey, there is nothing else, he can’t even think he can disobey. Never mind defy what is his fate according to the caveman who says this is so. Defience is not even possible, it doesnt exist. Its this simple. There isnt even choice here, that does not exist. The very idea is impossible, the desire to be left alone, the most basic of choice the most elemental concept of free thought is impossible. This is cabal. This is the source the root the key to power. Anything which defies this absolute power can not be permitted because if it is not not permitted the root the source the crux of power ceases to exists because the power only exists when it is not defied. And everything else resulting from the power is then make believe, only a farce dressed in a disguised the power is the only legitimacy that exists and all other things subsume to the power, the farce actually has the appearence of power, and those who defy just the farce are illegitimate because they refuse to comply to the power. thus the power assumes an appearence of being what is legitimate that no one can deny. But what is even more perpostrous is those who can not imagine defying the illusion, also see those who defy the power as evil, evil which must be defied by any means, thus the power lives, and the power has power to not leave anyone alone. In fact the power has the power to ultimately kill all who only want to be left alone because those who only want to be left alone are the existential threat to power, thus power is justified ultimately, and all who do not want to be left alone see this as ultimately legitimate.

This is cabal and Freemen.
This is Warr.
A war of ultimate supremecy between two cavemen.
One caveman can actually tolerate the other when the other just leaves him alone. The other caveman can not tolerate anything but ultimate obedience to its power.
Theres gonna be a fight between the cavemen. It is inevitable. As long as one caveman attempts to force the other caveman to comply with power its on.
And all the caveman who is the freecaveman wants is to be left alone.

But heres the thing. The freecaveman has a club, at some point he switches from only wanting to be left alone, to power, power to take his club and kill the other caveman trying to force him to obey, this is because power, the only way he can ultimately just be left alone.

All there is is power.
Power to force.
Power to be left alone.
Which is legitimate power?
Doesnt ultimately matter.
Ultimately only thing which matters is who wins this Warr.

Cabal has forced this ultimate and elemental conflict. Cabal will not leave it alone. Cabal has determined it ultimately will win. Cabal see’s power as its legitimate right. Nobody for any reason has any right to legitimacy thus nobody else is intitled to power.

I think cabal will ultimately do whatever it takes to win power ultimately and this is what is happening now. Cabal will escalate the means to ultimate power till cabal is ultimate power or no longer exists. This and only this will transpire till things end one way or another.
It is the ultimate event of all the things before this event that have transpired. This is cabal. What cabal is underneath its disguises, behind its various illusions, cabal is force. It is organized humanbeings with a collective will to power, a collective which has no mechanisms to stop, to not leave all Free People alone, because to ultimately power over all and everthing, it is Freemen who stand simply by being alive and left alone prohibit, are in cabals way of cabal getting its meathooks on power.
Always been this way.
Cabal wills to ultimately change this to no more.
It is ultimate Warr.
It is the pivotal point inhuman history and humananities evolution.

The great thing, the really great thing, is all we who are Free have to do is not loose our nerve, not loose our cool, do not take council from our fears which cabal uses as its primary weapon against us who choose to be free and to be left alone.

Cabal is beating itself against the bulwark of our power which we derive from our will to defy and refuse to comy with cabal’s will to power. Our power is our primary weapon against cabal, it is the most powerful weapon ever devised by man. Yet our arsenal of Freedom is repleat with many weapons which augment our primary weapon of power. Remember, all there is is power. Remember this about you, about all of us who be Free, we win by being free, our power exists not via force but by not using force to be left alone, and when we are forced to defend ourselves from force to deny us of our freedom we naturally obtain more force more weapons to defend ourselves from force forcing us to surrender our force. Cabal is thus always playing catchup, trying to out force our force, Cabal is always one step behind always at a force deficit. Cabal is therefore if it is to win forced to create illusions it has power and will to power greater than our power, in the intent and hopes enough free people simply believe resistance to cabal is futile, along with enough people who believe cabal is somehow the only legitimate power permitted to have and use power to force all others to comy, thus cabal wins.

All that cabal bullshit doesnt matter. Cabal must still get rid of us Freemen somehow, at this point how no longer is important only that it gets rid of us.
This is what is happening as we witness events, cabal in desperation. Desperate efforts to win by any means and without limitations. We are witnessing and being subjected to this effort.
Cabal in all its every forms thru history has never succeeded. The will to be simply left alone has never been defeated. Our will as Freemen to be left alone is an evolutionary element in our humanity, in our will, in our spirit and soul, and our will has made a great evolutionary leap recently, a leap so great what is cabal realized it is now or never, this is cabals last chance to beat us, to win, but cabal is blind in its lust and hubris, it does not recognize that great leap has advanced our evolution of freedom, that the leap did not jump then stop but is still evolving and pretty soon our evolving will will be so strong it will become undeniable, nothing can stand in its way for all time. And that cabal while blind to this, it does recognize it is becoming increasingly unable to use force to make free people comply with its will. And cabal thus goes to ever more extreme lengths to destroy what it does not know it is impossible to destroy in the first place, and cabal is becoming ever more nasty, ever more extreme inits actions, an evollution it its own right, but an evolutionary dead end with only one ultimate result. Self destruction. This the pivotal event and we are all like the pig, committed. For good or bad for victory or defeat, and it is for only a relative few in numbers who foresee the institutional order of cabal is collapsing existentially. Cabal does not know no matter what the outcome of its efforts to usurp the Presidency of The United States it will fail, that there are so many of us Freemen who have already made the choice that we deem this not to be, that cabal will not win because of ourselves, that we will win we will never allow for now and always cabal to rule over us.
It is the nature of such an ultimate struggle between good and evil that everything will go down to the wire, the timate penultimate end till us good folks win.

Thats the way its going to be. Unless by some profound effect cabal collapses sooner, and thats well within the realm of reality. But no matter what we who be free we never quit we never give up we never say die. We win.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  wvmtnmama
3 years ago

Great post mate.

>”Which is legitimate power?”

Quoting from the “A Song of Ice and Fire” (the books that are the original works which the TV show “Game of Thrones” are based on):

Power resides where men believe it resides.

And in the interest of nerding it out some more, the full quote:

Power is a curious thing. Three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man. Between them stands a common sellsword. Each great man bids the sellsword kill the other two. Who lives, who dies?
Power resides where men believe it resides.
It’s a trick. A shadow on the wall.
And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

And another quote related to the previous one:

Oh, I think not,” Varys said, swirling the wine in his cup. “Power is a curious thing, my lord. Perchance you have considered the riddle I posed you that day in the inn?”

“It has crossed my mind a time or two,” Tyrion admitted. “The king, the priest, the rich man—who lives and who dies? Who will the swordsman obey? It’s a riddle without an answer, or rather, too many answers. All depends on the man with the sword.”

“And yet he is no one,” Varys said. “He has neither crown nor gold nor favor of the gods, only a piece of pointed steel.”

“That piece of steel is the power of life and death.”

“Just so… yet if it is the swordsmen who rule us in truth, why do we pretend our kings hold the power? Why should a strong man with a sword ever obey a child king like Joffrey, or a wine-sodden oaf like his father?”

“Because these child kings and drunken oafs can call other strong men, with other swords.”

“Then these other swordsmen have the true power. Or do they?” Varys smiled. “Some say knowledge is power. Some tell us that all power comes from the gods. Others say it derives from law. Yet that day on the steps of Baelor’s Sept, our godly High Septon and the lawful Queen Regent and your ever-so-knowledgeable servant were as powerless as any cobbler or cooper in the crowd. Who truly killed Eddard Stark, do you think? Joffrey, who gave the command? Ser Ilyn Payne, who swung the sword? Or… another?”

Tyrion cocked his head sideways. “Did you mean to answer your damned riddle, or only to make my head ache worse?”

Varys smiled. “Here, then. Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less.”

“So power is a mummer’s trick?”

“A shadow on the wall,” Varys murmured, “yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”

Tyrion smiled. “Lord Varys, I am growing strangely fond of you. I may kill you yet, but I think I’d feel sad about it.”

“I will take that as high praise.”

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  wvmtnmama
3 years ago

More mind wanking regarding the ASOIAF quote on power (from a Quora page discussing the quotes above):

Let’s revisit the example –

There are four men in a room – King, Priest, RichMan and Sellsword. The first three men each say the same thing to Sellsword – to kill the other two.

Now if Mr. Sellsword happens to be a devout man, he obeys Priest and kills King and Richman.

If Mr. Sellsword happens to think money is more important, he listens to Richman and kills King and Priest.

And finally, if Mr. Sellsword believes that it is his duty to obey King, he kills Priest and Richman.

Point? It doesn’t matter how powerful King, Priest or Richman consider themselves to be. Real power lies with the one whose claim Sellsword believes. It’s up to Sellsword at this point to make a call about who should be killed and who should be spared.

Sellsword here is ultimately a representation of the people. So it really is up to the people to decide who they believe in. No authority can hope to sustain power if the people don’t believe in them.

Power resides where men believe it resides.


“Sellsword here is ultimately a representation of the people. So it really is up to the people to decide who they believe in. No authority can hope to sustain power if the people don’t believe in them.

Power resides where men believe it resides.”

And this belief in the power of whoever is of Authority comes from God:

God took power away from Nebuchadnezzar by the flick of the switch. By Divine Mandate the allegiance of the power structure was no more.

People temporarily no longer obeyed him and his attendants went away.

The Babylonian King became a Wild Man living like an Animal. Until he gave Glory to the God of Heaven and Earth who is YHWH.

Then he was restored to power and people once again obeyed him.

The Mandate of Heaven determines who sits on the Throne and not ultimately Man.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

The car just blew up after swerving. Car crashes don’t do that.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

Exactly. They release the video that shows the Hollywood car explosion. That’s why Hollywood rigs explosives in the cars, so they will blow up on impact. That doesn’t happen.

Jimmy Sendero
Jimmy Sendero
3 years ago

one of those twitter links below leads to someone else’s twitter. claim is DNI Ratcliffe’s EO-mandated post-election report “will be delayed until January.” if true, JFC. no wonder the bad guys have no fear of Team Trump and the GOP: they make Moe Larry and Curly look like Jason Bourne. the fate of the country is in the hands of a goddamn clown show.

Reply to  Jimmy Sendero
3 years ago

Apparently, the original executive order is divided into an “assessment,” which is due up to 45 days after an election, and a “report” which is due 45 days after that.

Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.
(b) Within 45 days of receiving the assessment and information described in section 1(a) of this order, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies and, as appropriate, State and local officials, shall deliver to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense a report evaluating, with respect to the United States election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1(a):

(i) the extent to which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results; and

(ii) if any foreign interference involved activities targeting the infrastructure of, or pertaining to, a political organization, campaign, or candidate, the extent to which such activities materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure, including by unauthorized access to, disclosure or threatened disclosure of, or alteration or falsification of, information or data.

3 years ago

Another reason why I support capital punishment, caning and garnishing wages over prison:

We don’t want a school for criminals and we don’t want violent murderers freed:

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

This seems important to keep in mind:

The answer is a barrel of oil produces a variety of products. While there is some “wiggle room” to produce more diesel and less gasoline, etc., it isn’t possible to turn a barrel of oil into only one product.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
3 years ago

Martin Armstrong has a new book out:

Read the intro, seems like it is worth taking the time to read.

PS: Am listening to the Unintended Consequences AC, it’s pretty noice, despite the whole holobunga stuff (can’t blame the author, most people in the 90’s were oblivious to the facts surrounding the fact that the holobunga official narrative is fake news).

Also kek at this segment of his Wikipedia page:

Ross wrote a semi-regular Internet column called “Ross In Range,” where he discussed topics that interest him. A recurring theme is understanding and coping with women.

3 years ago

Turkish ‘intelligence agent’ claims he was ordered to assassinate Austrian politician

Johannes Q
3 years ago

A/C, on the subject of Cabal history going back further than we think, Charles McCarry’s spy thriller Old Boys features a subplot about St Paul as a Roman Intelligence asset monitoring Christ. McCarry is ex-CIA and in an interview said most CIA people are Leftists, contrary to the impression most people have. You might find his novels interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One theory is that Paul was converted and convinced one his superiors to adopt Christianity as a tool of the empire, eventually that faction won under Constantine.

My whole view of religion and history changed when I started looking at the scriptures through the lens of covert ops.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I think it is something in the way Bible stories have been taught for centuries.

I haven’t figured out what it is exactly but we are conditioned to think about them in simplistic childish terms.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Even Christ had to deal with this shit. Top kek

Also, I wonder what the interactions between Him and the various kinds of shills were like, kek


Read the Gospels with that in mind and I think you will identify a few.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Judas and the Pharisees?

Reply to  info23
3 years ago

Judas Iscariot was a Sicarii, they were violent anti-Roman resistance fighters.
He went to his deadly enemies the Pharisees (they were collaborators with the Romans) because he was a thief and he knew Christ knew it and because Christ wasn’t the avenging warrior Messiah that he wanted him to be to drive out the Romans (that comes next time).
He was probably stealing from the purse to give to the Sicarii.