News Briefs – 12/20/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Barr was very reticent to comment with McCallum, and he didn’t give up much.  These were really the only two big things McCallum drew out of Barr in her FoxNews interview:

 They avert war.

The tweet :


The tweet, which shows very high amygdala:

Some say the movie was a backchannel message to the Soviets, possibly to help avert a World War, or to pass a message to counter-Cabal rebels operating elsewhere. I have no idea though.

The tweet:

What has Q said? “We have it all.” “FISA Declass will bring down the house.” “This thing is bigger than you could possibly believe.”

What have I said? Cabal has amassed detailed surveillance files on every American, including conversations, intimate moments, and embarrassing details gathered from within the most private parts of their private homes, where they thought they had sanctuary to relax. This is what Q is saying. They have got it all. There is only one “it all” in this game. It is the whole ball of wax, the whole enchilada, the big database with all the files on everyone in America. Everything else is nothing by comparison.

I thought it was gathered off the record, by private companies that hired contractors which would shield it behind the Fourth Amendment. But then I thought the spying on Trump would have been done by a private sector company with plausibly deniable ties to the Cabal.

I was wrong. These dumbasses used official government resources and signed official orders sanctioning the use. I hear R. Lee Ermey catching the recruit who wisecracked, with his eyes bugging out saying, “Oh, now you are FUCKED! I’ve got you! I know who you are! I know your fucking name!” They put their fucking names on it. 

Which I assume means when surveilling every American, they got official FISA warrants, and made sure they were all officially papered up. This is why there are 33,000 FISA warrants, with many such individual warrants for multiple people and organizations. With 3 hops at almost 30 ancillary contacts per each contact in the last hop, and assuming just one target per FISA, that works out to 25,000 people under surveillance per FISA target, and 825 million orders to put Americans under surveillance, in a nation of 300 million people. And there were more than one person in each FISA warrant. They put first rate tier one, Enemy-of-the-State-movie-type surveillance, of the type that was intended for a deep-cover sleeper cell of rogue Spetznaz planning to detonate a nuke in Manhattan, on every single American at some point each year, even if only for a few days. And they saved it all in a giant database, and now Q has it all.

That is why Q said the ending is already written, and they are in full control. At any point he and Trump could just release these files, which probably have the names of all the managers who oversaw it in them, and they could say to the civilian populace, “Do as thou will.”

Brian Mancini is in there. Miosotis Familia is in there. Natalie Corona is in there. The three Louisiana cops killed by Gavin Long are in there.  School shooters are in there. The media is in there helping the Conspiracy, often even with first person operational assistance on the street between shoots. To say nothing of the shock of finding out your sanctuary from the world was invaded by a machine which was too afraid to face you down openly, and which sought control over you by violating the most basic tenets of privacy and common decency. They did this as an open assault.

It would be an overnight Civil War, and our side would kill everyone, especially when the Police realize they got it worse than anyone because they needed to be controlled the most, and the God Emperor gave his blessing to let loose what we have been stifling painfully all these years. The only deal Cabal has, is to let Trump and Q play this the way they want, which fortunately for Cabal is the only way this doesn’t end in a total bloodbath pogrom that slaughters everyone.

Something Big is coming. And yes, they won’t be able to walk down the streets once it comes out.

And Mike Rogers is an absolute hero.

Another strange duplicate, that fired at the same time, but picked up an earlier post number, and then posted after the later post number. No idea if there is any significance.


Seems like somebody was expecting bad news today, and triggered off the false flags:

Apartment complex shooting in Rhode Island.

Mall shooting in San Antonio.

3-house gas explosion and inferno in Philly.

Mass shooter attacks FSB headquarters in Russia. Video here of cops with handguns charging after a guy with a long-gun:

Durham criminal investigation zeros in on Brennan, communications with Comey.

Barr says the criminal probe of the intel community is looking at “private actors,” and other agencies beyond the FBI too. Again, Cabal is just like Management in Burn Notice. There will be a host of private intelligence companies in it as well, because if you formed a private intelligence company, and you were Cabal, Big Cabal businesses would send you work and keep you afloat, but if you were not Cabal, that income stream would be denied to you, and without it you could not compete with the other companies which had it as their baseline, and could thus offer better (more Cabal-connected) services at lower price points. And just like that, all of the private intel companies would be Cabal, and would become assets Cabal could call upon, and assets which would not help you against Cabal if you became a target. You had to face the network to understand how completely it permeated everywhere you might try to go for help.

IG Report reveals McCabe blocked request to remove Peter Strzok from Russia hoax probe.

Pelosi is holding up Impeachment by not sending over the articles, but the only thing stopping the Senate from moving forward is their own rules, which they can change to not require waiting.

George Soros, the billionaire financier is under an investigation for funneling nearly $3.4 million dollars into a campaign solely aimed at taking down Boris Johnson.

2020 census analysis indicates the ‘surge’ in illegal immigrants will take 24 House seats from Trump states. Any other President, and this would freak me out. But Trump never stops fighting, and usually finds a way to turn his enemies strengths into vulnerabilities. My guess is this will form the basis of treason charges for election meddling the likes of which few have ever seen in all of history. Some are saying Trump’s executive order to all Federal Agencies to provide citizenship data, is designed to combine with a lawsuit by Alabama, to force the Census to only count citizens, and that will prevent this plan to alter the representation through illegal immigration from succeeding.

Lindsey Graham referred to a defensive FBI briefing the full Senate was set to receive and wondered aloud if it would be used to gather intelligence on senators. Lindsey asked Horowitz, “I hope that doesn’t happen to us tomorrow — I’ll be really pissed if it does,… When we get defensively briefed tomorrow, would it be okay for FBI agents to open up 302s [FBI interview notes] on what we said?” Horowitz answered that his team has “very significant concerns” about such a practice, but FBI Director Christopher Wray has promised that it will not occur again.

Former Obama administration officials are being asked to give interviews to three top Republican Senators about whether they can shed light on allegations surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings.

Hunter Biden allegedly refusing to answer ‘basic’ finance questions in paternity suit.

California is the only state in the country that has refused to reveal public spending records to public transparency group Either they can’t document where the money goes, or they don’t want to.

File under leftists tell you how they think – A black leftist blog about how the writer will never forgive white people for Donald Trump contained the following quotes about his thought processes, which are illuminating about amygdala-function, and how it triggers denial of facts which are just painful to think about. Imagine trying to perform logic with a brain that does this to you (nothing else of interest at the link beyond leftist ranting):

“I forget sometimes that Donald Trump is president. I’ve tried to convince myself that this is intentional; a willful misremembering of reality necessary to process his span in office. There’d be a nobility there, I think, as this would suggest I’m so empathetic, so down, so woke, that I can’t even sleep without tricking myself into amnesia… Sometimes, I even forget he’s president while I’m remembering, processing, and reacting to a thing he just did.”

Tulsi Gabbard rips Pelosi for delay of impeachment articles.

Bernie Sanders promises to ‘criminally prosecute fossil fuel executives’ for ‘destroying the planet.’

Former President Barack Obama’s once-longtime doctor said the medical records Joe Biden’s campaign disclosed are concerning and incomplete, and, “He’s not a healthy guy.” There comes a point at which your enemies constantly destroying themselves this much ceases to be able to be explained as chance.

YouTube deletes viral Yuri Bezmenov lecture on communist subversion for ‘hate speech.’

Putin says impeachment case against Trump is ‘fabricated.’

An interesting flashback at Infowars, where what appears to be secret Antifa documents popped up showing the level of organization and control they had when setting up protests, and the level of infiltration of the conspiracy into government forces, as well as how they all got on the same page before protests. It is interesting given how Q pointed out there were plans for street unrest as the Storm gathered. This is what it may look like behind the scenes, and it will not just be the protestors who are the problem, but will stretch right up through all levels of the government as well.

267 million – mostly American – Facebook users IDs, names and phone numbers have been exposed online in unsecured database.

Muslim Police Officer hired in West Yorkshire, UK, to promote diversity, ends up being part of a grooming gang.

Dutch ATMs are being shut down due to a rash of ATM bombings designed to blow them open so their cash can be taken.

BBC makes the case the Netherlands is turning into a narco state.

Klobuchar releases $1 trillion housing, poverty reduction plan.

Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq on track for fresh closing records as investors shrug off Trump impeachment.

Ilhan Omar is named as an adulteress in court as her lover and his wife formally divorce.

UConn student caught saying racial slur on video expected to appear in court. Charged with “racial ridicule,” and could spend 30 days in jail. I am not for yelling out racial slurs in front of fellow Americans, and if you do it you are a dick, but I am also not big on the state moving the bar for criminal prosecution into any form of speech either.

It turns out they lied when they said red meat was bad for you.

The Trump administration on Wednesday proposed a rule that would expand the list of crimes for which a migrant can be barred from being granted asylum in the U.S.

Repatriation of Mexican deportees to interior begins with first U.S. flight.

Right-wing street artists add 20-foot ‘TRUMP 2020’ letters to hillside sign identifying university hosting tonight’s Democratic debate in Los Angeles.

Twelve judges confirmed today, one yesterday.

Spread r/K Theory, because something big is coming – we’re going to be left the fuck alone

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4 years ago

“Alarming NYT Op-Ed Reveals “Disturbing” Secretive Surveillance State Powered By Your Phone’s Location Services”

Steve Jobs almost single-handedly convinced millions to eagerly and willingly carry around a device that could record everything you say, take pictures at will, constantly monitor your location, and in some cases even monitor your pulse.


4 years ago

>”“I forget sometimes that Donald Trump is president. I’ve tried to convince myself that this is intentional; a willful misremembering of reality necessary to process his span in office. There’d be a nobility there, I think, as this would suggest I’m so empathetic, so down, so woke, that I can’t even sleep without tricking myself into amnesia… Sometimes, I even forget he’s president while I’m remembering, processing, and reacting to a thing he just did.””


4 years ago

>”YouTube deletes viral Yuri Bezmenov lecture on communist subversion for ‘hate speech.’”

4 years ago

OT: – “US court sentences Israeli CEO for scamming Americans, media ignore it”

A quote:

Elbaz was the CEO of an Israeli company called Yukom Communications Ltd., which perpetrated an international financial scam called “binary options.” More than a hundred binary options companies operated in Israel between the years 2008-2018, scamming people around the world out of hundreds of millions of dollars. For years Israel allowed the scammers to operate unhindered.

TOI (Times of Israel) reports that the US judge said that Elbaz and others “specifically targeted vulnerable people, including the elderly, and tried to get people addicted to trading like in a casino. He said that Elbaz would suggest that clients use their retirement funds for investments.”

Yukom employees pretended to be from other countries, lied about their professional qualifications, lied about their historical rates of return, and didn’t tell investors that they only made money if their customers lost money.

TOI reports: “An email instructed BinaryBook sales representatives to target retirees, Social Security recipients, pension holders and veterans as clients.”
An Israeli lawyer told TOI: “I estimate that hundreds, if not thousands, of Israelis were engaged in pretty much the same conduct for which Elbaz was convicted and sentenced… If Israeli law enforcement authorities had done their job, we wouldn’t have come to this sad day.”

This is excellent news, hopefully we will see more criminals that Israel tries to protect getting BTFO by US White Hat judges.

4 years ago

Another side to the CIA and how the cabal infilcted horror upon us.

I read this and if true want to rage against the people who did this along with those who ignored the warnings of 9/11.

Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

Mike Scheuer is amazing. His blog is a gold mine. Watch this video of him if you haven’t already, Goose fren:

4 years ago

“I hear R. Lee Ermey catching the recruit who wisecracked, with his eyes bugging out saying, “Oh, now you are FUCKED! I’ve got you! I know who you are! I know your fucking name!” They put their fucking names on it. ”

4 years ago

Severed fibre optic cables disrupted internet access in parts of eastern Europe, Iran and Turkey on Thursday.

4 years ago


Ok, so how does a prepper counters drones? Jamming, EMP, incendiary ammo? Anyone knows anything about this and can kindly provide some sources where I can research moar into how to counter the Terminators?

4 years ago

Cabal ritual?

‘A very cruel act’: At least 15 horses were shot and killed in Kentucky, police say

4 years ago

Bosses give Duke of York ultimatum to quit project

4 years ago

More than 300 people arrested in huge Italian mob crackdown

4 years ago
4 years ago

Mexico extradites son of a founder of Sinaloa cartel to US

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Is Moving Faster Than Ever, Leaving Scientists Baffled…”

This, could be, extremely disastrous news. There’s a book by Bob Felix called,”Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps” I’ve read. The basic premise is that every time there’s a magnetic excursion, the mag. field moves far away from the poles, or even worse a reversal of magnetic field there is a massive huge extinction. He’s very persuasive. He says that there are large blast, possibly, electrical in nature, all around the sky and ground. There’s evidence for this in the past and present. NASA has found magnetic portals that reach all the way from the Sun that they don’t really understand. These form and then sometimes when they unform they cause huge electrical blast???? or some sort of disturbance.

The idea is that the Earth’s magnetic field keeps these from us but if the field falls then we could get these blast. It does make some sense. Imagine the force of the total Earth’s magnetic field. It’s got to be altogether some gigantic amount of energy. If it disappears or weakens that energy MUST go somewhere. It’s not going to just disappear.

It’s interesting NASA has in the last few years put up a shit load of satellites, probes and other stuff looking at the Sun. They announce it but they don’t really hype it like they have other probes. I wonder if they think something is going on? Certainly the solar weakening we see now hasn’t happened since the little ice age. Remember the Thames river used to freeze over in those times. There was world revolution, including the US, around that time. Lots of hungry people very pissed and very cold.

Here’s his blog site and a link to where he ties it to the Carolina Bays that appeared 12,000 years ago. (It’s also very possible that the Carolina Bays were created by a comet that struck Greenland 12.000 years ago ending the ice age. There’s lots of evidence for this including massive, extremely massive floods in the Western US where the whole entire Ice Age built up 1 mile high pack of ice melted almost immediately and caused super floods. There’s also millions of corpses of woolly Mammoths frozen in the tundra that flash froze at that time. They’ve been mining their tusk for hundreds of years there were so many of them) Read some of his blog it will blow your mind. His book is great too.

4 years ago

Libya’s GNA says ready to implement military deal with Turkey

Pale Rider
4 years ago

AnonCon, you okay? I worry when you don’t do the daily brief by 7:00 AM EST.

4 years ago

No blog today?

4 years ago

Iceland’s Emigration Center Disappears under Snow: “We’ve never before had snow on this scale”

4 years ago

2 things. When qresearch was running on 8chan there were threads about the white rabbits, with very disturbing pics of men dressed as rabbits menacing children. Today I randomly came across this article with the headline Why so many medieval manuscripts Depict violent rabbits” link is

The second item is I found 8kun finally,just today, because the .net didnt work. I know now it is .top but I cannot find the general research threads. I miss them so much. I cant quite figure out where I find the drops on there and where the general threads are. Can anyone help a grannyfag? Thank you

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Did you notice how often they were fighting canines?

Is rabbits/wolves as symbols for r/K older than we knew?

Reply to  grannynon
4 years ago

Funny that you mention dangerous white rabbits…. brings back memories of the Monty Python expose in the 70s…. terrible little creatures

4 years ago

AC – was also concerned. Glad to see my daily go-to just hiccuped? Stay safe my friend!

4 years ago

Thank you so very much. Found it.