News Briefs – 12/29/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

One day to go to contribute on Alt-Hero’s Q campaign.

Mumia Abu Jamal, who killed Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981 wins the ability to re-appeal his guilty verdict. Big leftist cause celeb.

Young Conservative writer struck down by unknown illness at 26. Possibly a mixture of the flu and meningitis, but no official word yet. Beautiful girl. She was reporting just a day or so prior on OAN. Reportedly she was working on Clinton corruption, Podesta emails, Lorretta Lynch corruption, and exposing Christine Blasey Ford.

Widespread aggressive Flu activity breaks out across the country suddenly, just as the Storm appears about to break? Map of activity at the link.

Trumps flight to Iraq was compromised by amateur sleuths online. I wonder if that was amateurs, or if it was done with the hope somebody in Iraq would scramble a SAM and target the plane as it landed.

New video of Nicholas Cruz supposedly doing the Parkland school shooting:

And yet there was this at the time where a teacher described a shooter who was in full body armor, with a helmet, and apparently a ceramic ballistic facemask:

Note that Cruz was gone when the Police arrived, so there should not have been any shooting at the school other than Cruz. Is the video a deepfake, or was there a second shooter to increase the bodycount? Why didn’t Cruz shoot the first student he encountered in the video? As with so many things these days, it doesn’t fit.

California Women’s March canceled because it is too white.

Sheriff blames sanctuary laws for death of Police Officer in California. Had the gang member who shot the officer been turned over to ICE for being an illegal during his prior DUI’s, that officer would never have encountered him. Police Officers are going to have to get more aggressive, and state outright that anyone who supports sanctuary laws is an enemy of Law Enforcement Officers everywhere. Leftists cannot tolerate that kind of open confrontational stimuli. Sanctuary laws would be dead in the water.

Illegal who shot California cop was a gang member in a Mexican gang that did murders and human smuggling.

Police line of duty deaths on the rise. Close the border and it will be a huge help. But that isn’t part of Cabal’s plan.

Oakland Mayor defends her tipping off illegals about ICE raid.

Illegal immigrant from Jamaica murders 12 year old American boy in Connecticut one week before Christmas.

Britain has a flood of migrants crossing the Channel in dinghies.

Democrats simply refuse to seat House Republican from North Carolina, claiming there are voter fraud allegations against him.

Harvard Poll says 60% of the population wants Trump impeached or censured. Fake polls, but it shows they intend to try as of now.

NY Times confirms Impeachment intentions, with an article calling it inevitable.

Issa says Democrats have already planned out Trump’s Impeachment. Q had said this months ago.

House Dems scooping up lawyers and investigators for Trump investigations.

Unknown hackers steal data on North Korean Defectors in South Korea. Could be Cabal looking for leaks who helped Trump and Q turn the regime, for a little retribution before the Storm finishes them off.

European Court Of Human Rights ruling could open the door to implementing Sharia in the EU.

Another massive migrant caravan is preparing for takeoff in Honduras. 15,000 people as of now intend to take off January 15th.

Trump is threatening to cut aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador over the migrants they are sending.

NY Post writes that the Polio-like illness tracked back to Central America may spread through America – but not right now, only when it returns in two years, right before our next major election. Why do they flood America with Central Americans every two years? They need illegal voters.

New York Times demands everyone sacrifice to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, says Trump imperils entire planet because of refusal to pass climate legislation, but the Times will not give up its own private jet usage.

7.2 Earthquake hits the Philippines.

Sheila Jackson Lee quietly introduces bill barring the spending of federal funds on a border wall. That wall is vitally important to stop something Cabal needs to maintain control. I assume it is flooding up illegals to vote in our elections every two years.

Cuba plans more austerity as finances worsen. How are finances worse, if they have just been opened up to receive foreign tourist dollars? Something is not adding up. Were they being funded primarily by Cabal previously, and that is drying up?

8 year old Guatemalan boy who died in ICE custody had the flu. Had he lived a little longer, how many American children might he have infected and killed?

Police execute a warrant on a drug dealer (ie. Cabal ground-level sales agent), who was building an explosive device, and 21 agents who had contact with the subject or the premises came down with flu-like symptoms. Sheriff hypothesizes it may have just been a very bad flu. I wonder if that bomb was going to spread the biological material which was the infected bomb-maker.

Jerry Brown says, “It’s OK to be white,” or something like that. Actually he said, “What’s wrong with white men?” File away Trump may have turned him into /ourmoonbeam.

EU slams Macron concessions to Yellow Vests, demands more progressivism out of him. Of course it is his head which will be chopped off if things go sideways.

New Democrat Muslim Congresswoman has likely committed immigration fraud, and will be investigated. If Cabal is in power, there will e no consequence, if Cabal is out of power, there will be consequences.

US Pullout from Syria may uncover war crimes committed by Coalition forces. Seems a lot of Cabal shitbaggery was going on there with false flags, white-hats running roughshod over locals, and maybe other things like child-theft and trafficking. Was pulling out part of the plan to expose what Obama/Cabal was doing there?

Amygdala hijack, Defcon level 5:

It is very strange he is that worked up over just Trump. I can’t help but wonder if he is some sort of ground-level Cabal legacy member, brought in by family, maybe who has committed illegalities for Cabal somewhere. If you knew how many there are, you would be blown away. It is possible that Trump taking over means much more to him and his life than just an ideological shift in DC. There is a segment of society, isolated from us, which knows things we do not, which was raised with secrets we would not believe if we were just told them. I have seen them first hand – a genuine parallel society, living alongside, and yet isolated from our own. I have no idea how massive the changes coming will be or how far they will ripple through society, or what those people think of them. Just file away the possibility that what we are seeing may be something more than mere leftism and amygdala atrophy. When the first memo on the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign was about to be released, I distinctly remember the local, usually bubbly, affiliate news anchor when she read the news about it. Immediately after that, she looked down almost shocked, and then swallowed hard, as if that news was very, very bad for her personally. It was much more than anything ideological. I immediately sat up and thought, she knows something, she is a part of it, and that will affect her life personally. She was a part of the network.

XHale City posted this, but you wouldn’t know it as of our going to press, because their twitter account was deleted, and even though google lists the exact tweet on their search and links to the deleted page, the google cache is deleted as well:

Somebody is pulling hard to control the narrative. You see the controlled dialog that is coming in the future, where only Cabal-approved statements are allowed and everything else is immediately deleted.

Others have had similar realizations something was wrong, though like me, they failed to grasp the scale:

Then again, there are batshit crazy people among them:

An interesting example of us watching a movie, and a rerun at that, from Q’s board (click for full size):

Flake predicts shutdown will go to mid-January. Long enough for a Storm.

Trump will miss the News Years Eve Party he loves at Mara Lago because he wants to stay in DC to deal with the shutdown.

Nancy Pelosi will spend New Years at an exclusive luxury Hawaii resort.

Democrats will put Climate Change on the agenda when they take the House. Everyone will love to get saddled with new taxes, and see Trump’s economic gains undone.

Yellow Vests plan News Years Eve protests.

Salvini slights Pope Francis, quotes John Paul II in Christmas card.

Frontpage magazine names Sarah Huckabee Sanders their Person Of The Year.

India passes measure allowing for the death penalty for sexual abuse of children. If they raid Cabal’s stash of blackmail material, this would allow for a pretty quick cleanout of Cabal Forces.

Border Wall GoFundMe up to almost $18 Million.

Trump threatens to close southern border entirely unless Democrats fund the wall.

Trump’s approval holds steady despite shutdown drama.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because there are some crazy people out there to make the Storm interesting

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5 years ago

I wonder what the impact of the return of the black death where 1/3 of the population died would do to America and Europe?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Bre Payton is beautiful? Are we looking at the same photos? All I can find when I DDG image search is Monica Lewinsky’s tranny brother.

Or perhaps a victim of CAIS.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Imagine canceling a women’s march because it was too black. Leftists really are a separate subrace.

Was thinking today of the two races of orcas that live off our western coast. You can tell which is which by the pale marking on in its dorsal fin. One race eats only fish, using its sonar to find the fish. The other eats only mammals (seals, sea lions) and doesn’t use its sonar because that would alert the mammals who, unlike the fish, can hear the sonar clicking. Instead, these orcas use teamwork, like wolves, to drive panicked seals into the jaws of lurking, hidden orcas.

The only visible difference is in the shape of the swirl on the fin, yet each race of killer whale lives completely separate lives and lifestyles. They literally cannot live together in community.

Forced “diversity” is only proving what we see in nature.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Read up on the orcas, AC. Libtards love dolphins Use the facts to hijack.

5 years ago

Re Amygdala hijack.

It’s rhetoric.

Rhetorically, “THIS! Is what effective rhetoric looks like”

Dialecticly, “Monday”

5 years ago

The other student in the Cruz video:

Internet chatter is that his father is DEA.

5 years ago

In the middle of the employees rant, he pulls out his cellphone. This is the #1sign of being in this parallel society.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thank you, that means a lot. Back at you. And advantages – I agree!

5 years ago

PSA for prospective members of the next migrant caravan: Stated U.S. policy is that any attack on the U.S. using nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons may be responded to using nuclear weapons.

Don’t look at the flash.

As for the vape shop employee, we know they want our kids addicted to drugs.

5 years ago

Not sure if you saw this. Off of Neon Revolt’s Gab from 2 days ago. Been rolling around in my head the last two days.

Might be full of shit, but the RH- blood type I never considered. I’m assuming that’s what Phelps mentioned in the comments a few days ago. It’s what they are looking for from the DNA mapping. My wife was tested with our kids, but I never dug into why. There are some other things in that long post that seem to ring cabal bells in my head. Loud ones. Might be worth a read.