Nigel Farage Almost Assassinated

Notice how the attack is not face to face:

The leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party leader Nigel Farange survived an attempt on his life today. Someone allegedly attempted to rig his car to crash. The UK Daily Mail reported on the almost-crash, in which a wheel fell off his car.

The accident happened on the highway, with one of Farage’s Volvo tires flying off. Farange was driving towards a construction zone and had to jump over a divider to stay safe…

The crash took place near Dunkirk, France. Dunkirk is near the giant refugee camp at Calais where refugees attempted to storm the Chunnel to make it to Britain.

Nothing like doing 65mph on a highway when all four wheels come off at once. Imagine trying to steer on the rotors at 65mph as that went down, with sparks flying everywhere. Could have been Muslim immigrants but it could also just as easily have been indigenous leftists. It is telling that you can’t differentiate who it would be.

As much as I harp on government surveillance, in the coming apocalypse it might pay for everyone to invest in high-end surveillance gear themselves, and begin thinking about how leaving things like a car, food, or other items capable of being tampered with opens one up to the type of cowardly attacks our enemies will tend to engage in. I’ll bet Nigel is wishing he had left four hidden cameras recording 1080p video around his vehicle while he was gone.

It is the rabbits – native or foreign, who are the enemy.

The Apocalypse – opening acts.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Random thought, that I’ve always thought when I read you.

You, my Dad and I. Would have a blast at the range…


8 years ago

It’s indigenous leftists. It was 1) subvert 2) ineffective 3) ridiculous. A muslim would have just shot him in the face or stabbed him in the throat.

There’s no good way to assassinate someone from a distance, unless you count “500 yards with known ranges and calm winds” as at a distance. Leftists, being incompetent at everything, don’t realize this. Of course, they think the effort is the same as the results, so they’ll count this as a success because they got so out of breath taking the lug nuts off.