Norway To Send Afghans Back, Sweden To Curb The Flow Too

In-grouping begins with discrimination, itself a higher amygdala function, and this was written prior to yesterday’s amygdala stimulation:

The Norwegian government has sent a stern warning to Afghan asylum seekers coming across the border from Russia: You could get a one-way ticket to Kabul.

Hundreds of migrants have been crossing into Norway from Russia each week via the frontier above the Arctic Circle — but last week marked a turning point, with more Afghans than Syrians seeking asylum for the first time, Norway’s Directorate of Immigration said.

The government’s strong message is directed at those Afghans who have legal papers to stay in Russia — and the threat to send them straight back to their homeland is meant as a deterrent to other Afghans with the same idea.

Even the most rabbitized parts of the most rabbitized populations can make the first step:

Sweden has announced the introduction of temporary border checks to control the flow of migrants into the country.

Swedish Interior Minister Anders Ygeman said the step had been decided because a surge in new arrivals posed a threat to public order.

The controls will come into effect from midday local time on Thursday and will last initially for 10 days.

This part in the Sweden article was funny:

‘If we are to cope with this mutual challenge, the other countries must take their responsibility’….

Other developments on Wednesday highlighted deep divisions between EU members on the migrant issue.

Hungary was bitterly critical of Germany’s announcement that it planned to send more Syrian refugees back to the first EU country they had entered…..Berlin said this would not include Greece…..

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said: “The Dublin system is dead.”

He accused German politicians of making ‘irresponsible statements’ which some migrants had interpreted as an invitation to come to Europe.

Meanwhile, Slovenia began building a razor-wire fence along its border with Croatia……

Croatia criticized the Slovenian fence, saying it would be better to spend money on preparing reception centres for migrants.

Nothing ignites the competitive spirit of K-selection like feeling that other people are screwing you, and making you shoulder all the burdens. This is amygdala activation, splintering (of the greater EU), and the beginnings of what will lead nations to reestablish formal borders.

All the stimuli are right to begin the K-shift, and the true apocalypse hasn’t even begun yet.

The future is bright.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

I can’t help but think there must be a conspiracy motivating all this immigration. Why is it suddenly surging now? The Syrian conflict can’t explain it all.