Obamacare Passed, Life Expectancy Drops

Pretty much direct evidence Obamacare is bad healthcare:

One of the fundamental ways scientists measure the well-being of a nation is tracking the rate at which its citizens die and how long they can be expected to live.

So the news out of the federal government Thursday is disturbing: The overall U.S. death rate has increased for the first time in a decade, according to an analysis of the latest data. And that led to a drop in overall life expectancy for the first time since 1993

Most notably, the overall death rate for Americans increased because mortality from heart disease and stroke increased after declining for years. Deaths were also up from Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory disease, kidney disease and diabetes. More Americans also died from unintentional injuries and suicide. In all, the decline was driven by increases in deaths from eight of the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.

“When you see increases in so many of the leading causes of death, it’s difficult to pinpoint one particular cause as the culprit,” Anderson says.

I’ll bet high copays and deductibles are keeping responsible people from getting regular care for chronic diseases. Now the costs of healthcare have shifted, from being expended on the care of legitimately sick middle-class people to fulfilling the fully subsidized wet dreams of impoverished hypochondriac narcissists.

There is a quality to the narcissist which actually goes into a glassy eye’d, blissful trance when they get other people working for them and serving their interests. Once you make healthcare free for any subset of people, within that group will be a lot of narcissists who will avail themselves of everything they can, just for the narcotic of seeing busy little worker bees buzzing around, serving them.

The result will be a lot of decent people dying.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we don’t know how long we have under Obamacare

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7 years ago

[…] Obamacare Passed, Life Expectancy Drops […]

7 years ago

Zero care- another way to get “medicine” into targeted non compliers.

4 years ago

Socialized medicine in America: Meet one of your doctors.

The Chiropractic profession spends a lot of money for lobbyists and legal representation to expand their influence. Little known to the public, but part of that involves their desire to rebrand themselves as primary care physicians. Here’s an accurate description of a chiropractor who supports a socialist system and the influence peddled daily at his office.

Cops are bad people. Pharmaceutical companies should be abolished. Washing your hands is only necessary a few times a day. He doesn’t like how the homeless are treated, but never hesitates to chase them or unauthorized parking violators away from his office. White people should feel ashamed of themselves. He himself is Caucasian. Vaccines are unnecessary. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and his family were treated fairly. Trump Sucks! Guns are for wimps. Capitalism is evil. Open borders, free healthcare for non-citizens, abolishing the electorate college, non-citizen voting rights and free college are all good things. We spend too much money on those who serve in our military. America needs punishing for what he perceives as past bad deeds, though he continues to embrace the same philosophies and leadership largely responsible for those said bad deeds. Christianity is abhorred and Catholics, well, they get a special brand of “humor” aimed at them. Is it necessary to mention how he feels about Jews or Israel? It makes you wonder if his “coexist” rebuke of anything Judeo Christian would ever be considered vile if his spiritualist or secular beliefs received the same? Abortion, we shouldn’t go there, unless of course we agree with him. He points out every little thing wrong with America while exclaiming how great it is in other countries. A few vacations in Canada, his qualification for world travel, made quite an impression upon him. However, if the truth were known, college lectures and muddled studies have probably been a greater source of enlightenment. He is a proud Bernie Sanders supporter, and if not Bernie, any ole Democrat will do. Has any of this caused you to rethink who is providing care for you and your family? Or, has it caused you to rethink a single payer system, yet?

Colleagues of this socialist physician were interviewed. The following picture emerged. Professionally, his treatment plans are erratic at best, his diagnostic methods puzzling. He is, without doubt, the most micro-managing person they’ve ever met. He constantly argues about this or that treatment protocol. At other times, patients are “progressing too fast.” His ugly tone suggested to one provider that she was working herself out of a job. Shouldn’t working yourself out of a job be the direction sought on behalf of the patient? Why not focus on comments that celebrate success? Like, how can we build upon positive outcomes? How can we leverage capitalism for expanding positive results and help more people? Instead, “The ride has been one wishy washy contradiction after another.” Treatment plans are problematic where it seems financial factors and manipulation, rather than objective findings, dominate direction of care. Patient dialog mainly consists of attacks on the medical and pharmaceutical professions. This, in his words, qualifies as patient education. He feels liability insurance isn’t necessary, though his patients might beg to differ. “Does he even realize how confrontational he is with patients or people in general?” It’s accepted opinion that such confrontations occur more frequently with people possessing less education or a perception thereof. “It’s as though he uses his title as a pedestal to look down at people.” Patients recognize those traits no less than noticing whether a doctor is listening. But, it’s difficult for a doctor to listen when his mouth constantly spews opinion about various industries, vaccinations, Wall Street, politics, or whatever divisive subject happens to be making its rounds. The pot stirring is relentless and unnecessary drama that’s draining to people around him. He uses the confidence of others to keep his thirst for gossip quenched. “It’s unreal, but it happens a lot.” He is thought to have a fragile ego, is insecure, and has a problem with control. In any business, it’s necessary to adopt good people skills. Except, in his case it’s unlikely. With his dim or hyper critical views about generally everything, it might be that circumstances never change for him. Despite such observations, those around him still believe in redemption though are reminded of a “teachers” instruction to shake the dust from their feet. They’ve never heard him say anything critical about himself, or his decisions, despite no shortage critique for others. What disturbs colleagues most is how manipulative he is with trust. Expect anything said to him will go beyond his ears. Expect repeated versions possess the right spin to affect the proper delivery of good gossip. Apparently, he is unaware that patients understand, regardless their education, that if he’s talking about other patients in front of them, then he probably talks about them in front of other patients. For a gentleman so pro “energy,” it escapes him that negative comments aimed at patients, resonate. “There’s plenty of other places a gal can practice and avoid the hostilities.” “He is looking to make an argument from any comment.” One such instance belittling and uncalled for, soaked with pronounced immaturity and directed at a patient, in the waiting room. This done by a guy known for calling others out as, “thugs.” Wouldn’t you know the waiting room walls are adorned with assorted “life” quotes. It was helpful for one colleague to understand the daily madness after looking up the various synonyms for the word contradiction. Several stood out. Conflict, disagreement, discrepancy, dispute, inconsistency and denial, contrasted with a few of its antonyms, peace and harmony. We all put our foot in our mouths and make poor choices. Some reflect on those choices and some do not. The latter partly explains why a chiropractor struggles to keep his practice solvent. Perhaps he’ll get his kind of doctor the next time he is the patient.? Should a single payer government health system ever become law of the land, he just might.

Some points about socialism: The same people pushing for consolidation of our healthcare also push for consolidating power and control in general, usually. That is our reality. Those people gripped by power and control understand, just as our founding fathers, that power is best held by the tyrants when power is consolidated. That is why the founders of our constitutional republic, for those who do not know, were big on this thing called separation of powers. Separation of powers is one of a few mechanisms that exist to ensure power remains with those from which it’s derived, the people, and away from future dictators who depend upon dumbed down mob masses willing to vote away their constitutional freedoms for anything “free.” The power structure of our health system should also remain with the people and its control never assigned to power hungry politicians (Speaker Nancy Pelosi) who say they must pass health bills before the people can see what’s in them. These are typically the same crooked individuals attempting to chip away at the 2nd Amendment (another such mechanism put forth by the founders to ensure power is kept by the people). The not so Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was built to fail and posed as a Trojan Horse for a dysfunctional single payer system. It’s not unlike how communism and totalitarianism gains traction under varying democrat socialist like labels. Again, more deceitful Trojan Horses. Venezuela and other socialist countries with long waiting lists for care, if available at all, are certainly one of many nightmares facing Democrats. If those in power can weaponize various government agencies to retain power regardless the will of the people or rule of law, then what’s to keep those same people from someday weaponizing, by policy, the care you receive under a single payer system? Can you really trust those same people when they say they won’t deny treatment, because in their opinion, you’ve outlived your usefulness? Can you trust single payer advocates more than what IRS scandals have already proven in the courts, that they won’t punish you because of your beliefs and someday deny you care? What do you think Lois Lerner? You were one of many who plead the fifth during the last “scandal free” administration. The idea that Congresswoman Cortez supports socialism, and its medicine, is a scary thought. Have you heard her conflated views about concentration camps? There are many issues taking center stage once considered conspiracy theory, but no longer theory. In fact, we are beyond theory and facing the fact that Democrats have lost their minds. These are the same people pushing for socialized medicine and control over your care.

It all boils down to Ben Franklin’s answer, “a republic if you can keep it.?!” Sadly, at least 40% of Americans know not what a constitutional republic even means, or stands for, though part of a pledge they’ve recited at least a thousand times. Yet, they are still eligible, along with those who have never ever recited our pledge at all, for a free ride if the tyrants have it their way. Be mindful your influences and think for yourself. Our freedoms and your quality of healthcare depends upon it. The names have been changed or omitted to protect the innocent. This is Tyra Hall and Ronald Diggman feeling grateful and wishing you an enlightened day. See Q See Q See Q