On A Brighter Note….

Martin Armstrong Warns “Hell Is About To Break Loose”

Yellen has inherited a complete nightmare.

Thursday’s decision to delay yet again the long-awaited liftoff from zero interest rates is illustrating that the world economy is totally screwed…

The Fed is also caught between domestic policy objectives that dictate they MUST raise rates or they will bankrupt countless pension funds and international… emerging markets will go into default because commodities have collapsed and they have no way of paying off this debt that has risen to about 50% of the US national debt.

By avoiding the normalization of interest rates (hikes), the Fed has encouraged government to spend far more than they realize because money is cheap. This will eventually light the fire under the economy helping to fuel the Sovereign Debt Crisis. There appears to be no hope for the Fed and they will be forced to raise rates only when they see asset inflation in equities. Then they will have no choice.

This is the worst possible mess and the longer they have waited to normalize interest rates, the worst the total crisis is becoming for they will have zero control over the economy and once that is seen, holy Hell will break loose.

It seems a lot of people are thinking the end of September will be a minor opening act to whet our appetite for the big apocalypse. That can become a self-fulfilling prophesy, though the big one will likely still be a ways off.

Don’t make plans to visit cities once the real apocalypse begins. You don’t want to know what is going on in there. You think Chicago is an animal house now? Just wait until the food shipments are cut off due to the rioting and looting of desperate vibrants. From there the decent folk migrate out to family, and what is left will be just like Mad Max, only with military-grade hardware, angry Muslims, foreign street gangs, and some bonus sodomy for good measure.

Even in the civilized areas, make sure you are armed. There is no excuse to not at least have a Mossberg 500 shotgun, some buck, some slugs, and some birdshot. If a handgun is an option there are plenty of affordable 9mms that are plenty reliable if maintained properly, and ammo should be easy to come buy for that caliber.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Wealth and resources aren’t created out of thin air, and this money printing illusion will come to an end sooner or later as the system completely turns on its head. The welfare state has gotten so massive and so out-of-control that many who are dependent on free resources from the government wouldn’t survive when they get cut-off, this is when true K-selection sinks in and only the fittest will survive by acquiring the limited resources. Preparation for this inevitable event is extremely important.

On a side note, I read on the r/K Wikipedia page that the theory has been replaced and is no longer considered important as it faced criticism, which is strange since now I find it to be more important than ever despite the leftists who will never embrace it and its glaringly obvious similarities with the political paradigm.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I figured something was up with the page, and sadly it gives leftists a crutch to deny r/K’s political implications. Though r/K doesn’t explain everything, it opens a lot of doors and shows us why we have the left vs right political battle and why great civilizations rise and fall.

I have yet to see a leftist accept it, every time I bring it up it gets met with denial on their part despite how obvious the connections are. The message needs to be spread among conservatives especially if it’s ever going to become part of the mainstream political dialogue, a goal I hope to see achieved as soon as possible as I believe it will be the end of leftism.

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

Here’s my theory: Yellen and the banksters cannot raise interest rates until they are able to protect their own assets from the resulting market crash. Unfortunately for them, the wealth isn’t there for them to steal to cover their losses like it was in 2008. The only hope they have now is to confiscate bank accounts and retirement accounts. That is what the bankters’ call to abolish cash is all about. The ability to steal from the productive classes with abandon when the inevitable crash comes