On The Election

I am really astonishingly zen about the election outcome. Maybe it’s because I find the idea of a new norm, involving rolling out for a grocery run at high speed in a heavily armed convoy of friends, vaguely alluring. Or maybe I know the collapse will clean out the Augean stables of our political system. Or maybe it’s because I never liked Romney to begin with. Had he won, I actually wanted to post “My Sociopath beat your Narcissist!,” though I probably would not have, just to be a good soldier.

Nevertheless, in the end one Big Government Statist beat another Big Government Statist, so I kind of feel like I didn’t have a dog in the fight, even though I detest Liberals, and their r-psychologies. Truth be told, Romney’s people freely bashed Conservative challengers in the primary, yet they could muster no such animus for the Liberal Obama. There is a reason for that, and for that reason, it is good that Romney is not our standard bearer. He would just have “Bushed” the Republican Party and the Conservative movement all over again.

There are other good things to come out of this. First, the collapse proceeds on schedule, but we won’t be blamed for it. We all know this nation’s finances are damaged beyond repair (and investors are now beginning to act on this). This nation has become such an r-society that the bimbos now expect to have the bills for their birth control picked up by the citizenry, so they can bang their alpha playas freely without any personal expenses whatsoever. (Keep those receipts now, you classy progressive ladies. And explain to me again why you can’t get a side job to finance your little hobby? Like everyone else?) 

 Food is a right, housing is a right, healthcare is a right, contraception is a right, cellphones are a right, and soon immigrating here from a third world shithole will be a right. This is unsustainable.

If any leftist had a functional amygdala they would be snapped out of their false reality by copious aversive stimuli and see the pain ahead. But given the extent of their pathology, this will not occur until the government cheese stops by force of “no-mo-money,” the bullets are flying, and the Liberals are about to be overrun and violated in all sorts of creative ways by the savages. At least Chris Matthews will have access to free birth control and abortion, and won’t need to worry about having to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term.

I suspected Romney’s election would have given the economy a little gas, and kept it going for eight years, as the gas ran out and it collapsed again, ala Bush, only worse. Of course had this happened, we would have been blamed, and Romney would have let that narrative stand, to not “sully” his office with partisan bickering. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible, and it is the Liberals who will save us with all their spending.

Most troublesome in this narrowly averted scenario, Democrats would have gained control in the crucial years after the collapse. That is when the true tyranny will come, if it does, and when revolution will become necessary, if it will. It is then that the 47% will either be cast out by those in control, and forced to fend for themselves, or that those in control will permanantely erect a political structure which enslaves the productive in service to the sloths.

 We need control of the government at that point, and we need the populace viewing the Liberals as being responsible for the collapse, and far too stupid to be trusted with any sort of power. We are presently on that course, so I suspect we are better off long term than we would have been if Romney had won. God works in mysterious ways, and this is a long war, not a battle.

Second, Ann Coulter, and all the other idiots who thought Romney was a good idea now look like the out-of-touch imbeciles they are. Jim Robinson over at Free Republic was banning people for supporting Romney during the primary. How could any idiot think a candidate who divided the base so much that JimRob would ban you for supporting him would be a good idea? Herman Cain could have beaten Obama, given the economy’s state, his personality, an his neutralization of the race issue. Romney, with all of his organization, couldn’t.

I myself, as I voted, thought to myself I was now doing what I always loathed – and what Democrats did with Bill Clinton – supporting an empty, power-hungry, political weathervane with no core values, just to keep the other side’s guy from gaining power. Of course these same imbeciles were touting how wonderful Christie was, and how out of touch the Tea Party is. Great judgment, guys.

 Third, being nice is stupid, and those crafting strategy are idiots. Our problem is we have idiot communications majors trying to mold the neurological structures of a populace, while knowing nothing of how brains work. More on this in later posts, on where the Republican Party went wrong.

Fourth, many will now recognize we are in a fight with an enemy, who seeks to steal from their fellow Americans while hiding behind government like cowards. Obama won by appealing to government-dependent single women, immature government dependents in waiting, the welfarite takers, and Foreign Sympathizers who want to bring in more government dependents from overseas. Make no mistake, immigration reformers are foreign sympathizers, seeking to sacrifice the interests of American citizens for foreigners who they don’t even know. Republicans are idiots to not point that out.

In the old days it would have been called treason, today it is just being a good Democrat. Liberals thrive on people pretending they aren’t the nation’s enemies. Now it is obvious that these are our enemies, and we need to treat them as such. Do you employ a Democrat? Fire them to save money for paying taxes. Are you a cop who just stopped a car with an Obama sticker? Time to turn that ticket pad into a short novella about all the technical rules the driver violated. Charity now begins at home. Give to the people you know, and starve everyone else, so no Liberal Obama voter will possibly benefit from you. Everywhere we encounter Liberals and are able, we need to treat them as the enemy, because they are.

Of course, we don’t actually need to do anything to acquire victory in the long term. Liberals will, all by themselves, collapse the very fabric of society which shields them from the harshness of the world. When we all run out of “other people’s money,” our current fiscal cliff will look like a molehill, and there will be no options. Either collapse the government, or collapse the currency, and both will be the same.

Look at Greece, where whining Liberals fill the streets, raging at the reality that government can no longer afford to cut them a free check. It’s coming here, it’s coming to Europe, and it won’t be pretty for anyone in an urban area.

Finally, for those planning, we are almost certainly less than ten years out from the collapse. I will not be surprised to see it happen within the next four years. Under Obama alone, we went from 8 trillion in debt to 17 trillion – in four years. What do you think will happen now, as Obamacare comes online just as tax receipts plummet, and the economy finally craters?

The first, unavoidable step will be a desperate attempt to stave off the collapse’s anarchy, by redistributing from rich to poor through currency devaluation via money printing. They will not have the balls to do this through tax increases – money printing is the only way to make it look like free money. To not redistribute like this would mean letting our debt remain the unpayable mess it is today, and letting a substantial number of citizens be placed in a situation where they will need to do violence, or starve, because the government just won’t have the money to give them any of the necessities they now depend on to survive. 

Not printing money to give away would mean a substantial part of the populace having no choice but to go full on “Lord of the Flies” in the inner cities. Politicians will try to kick that can down the road by printing money, and giving it to the poor. They do not want Armageddon going down on their watch. Printing money will reallocate value from the rich (whose money will gradually become worthless) to the poor, while simultaneously diminishing the unpayable nature of the debt by devaluing it.

Most importantly, it may allow those in power to buy some time, allowing the catastrophe to be delayed until the next guy’s watch. If you have paper money, it will be worthless when the collapse comes. Nobody will be able to say they didn’t see it coming.

Of course our nation’s psychology will be molded as we proceed through the collapse. If anybody thinks we will be welcoming Mexican immigrants, and offering them a slice of the American pie when most people can’t feed their own families, think again. Once resources are rare and the environment becomes harsh, those who advocate for Liberalism will rapidly find themselves outcasts, and the crazier citizens will probably get violent with them when they hear any of it. Nobody is going to be welcoming of the less than capable into their in-groups. America will rapidly become a whole lot more tribal, a whole lot more in-group oriented, a whole lot more competitive and demanding of productivity, a whole lot more judgmental of defectiveness, and a whole lot more disparaging of Liberals and Liberal stupidity.

When the collapse rolls through, expect everyone to be in a bad mood. Liberal stupidity which costs the already broke citizenry anything will just piss them off more.

The K-psychology of Conservatism will rise as this occurs, it just needs the misery and failure which Liberals create, to attach aversive stimuli to Liberalism in the amygdala, and drive the K-psychology’s inevitable ascension. K-adaptation is after all, a psychological adaptation to the reality of conditions of resource limitation. It is not surprising that in a world of Q-Eternity-supplied, freely available resources, that the K-psychology has waned temporarily. Nor will it be surprising when the limited resources of a collapse produce an aggressive return to it.

I am quite certain that we will soon have much more resource limitation than we need, in the not so distant future. Be ready – it’s going to be a wild ride.

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11 years ago

I don’t know if an economic calamity will lead to anything other than calamity.

I understand your theory, and it makes sense, but it hasn’t always worked in practice. For example, Argentina has been a basket case since Perón and never became conservative. And sub-Saharan Africa has been in poverty for all of recorded history and it has never had a conservative ascendancy.

Some of the post USSR satellites turned out all right.

I hope you’re right, though.