On the Left And Toxic Masculinity

It’s no secret – the left hates masculine men:

There’s nothing fun about the left’s view of men now.

I wanted to write about Amanda Marcotte’s piece on the topic but the past two weeks have been themed columns. Then the shooting in Texas occurred and it underscored the importance. Here’s Marcotte’s headline, courtesy of Alternet: “Toxic Masculinity Is Killing Us in Many Ways.” Her column wasn’t unique. This is a common alt-lefty idea now. Here’s one from The Guardian about “patriarchal privilege.”

Talking about spree killers, Marcotte says: “There is a common theme here: Toxic masculinity.” This is one of those think pieces that pretends to be rational when it’s really not. Actual quote: “Toxic masculinity aspires to toughness but is, in fact, an ideology of living in fear: The fear of ever seeming soft, tender, weak, or somehow less than manly…”

She goes on to mock, “The ludicrously long and shaggy beards on Duck Dynasty,” and even people like myself who make fun of pajama boy. According to Marcotte, “proving manhood and warding off anything considered feminine or emasculating is the main reason why we have so many damn shootings in the United States.”

Even the French are now trying to purge “masculinity” from their language:

Moves to make French more female-friendly have sparked impassioned debate in France, with an appalled Academie Francaise warning of a “mortal danger” to the language of Moliere.

At the centre of the debate is the growing use of formulations such as “lecteur.rice.s” for the word “readers” to embrace both genders.

Several government ministries, universities and labour unions use so-called “inclusive writing”, but it had largely escaped public notice — until this autumn when it turned up in an elementary school history textbook.

Interestingly, the last time this happened was a leftist:

Efforts in the 1980s by Socialist president Francois Mitterrand to introduce feminine versions of the names of professions met with stiff resistance from the Academie Francaise.

Then in 2015, France’s High Council for Equality Between Women and Men issued a guide urging public bodies to use gender-neutral language that avoids sexual stereotypes.

Again, an instinctual reversal of deeply imbued perceptions about how men and women should act and appear. The K-ideal is so noxious to them that they actually feel the word “toxic” is the only appropriate describer, and they need to eradicate any idea of it from everything around them, even the language.

What is interesting is the degree of the shift. You don’t just go from guys wanting to be John Wayne to wanting to be effete. You actually go from guys wanting to be John Wayne, to guys hating John Wayne and wanting everyone else to hate John Wayne. That is what tells you it is a competitive strategy.

Still, the degree of the shift is dramatic. Boys wearing tutus, “Toxic Masculinity,” Gavin Newsom as a viable politician.

The Apocalypse can’t come fast enough.

This does highlight one advantage of r/K Theory though. The left is trying to push the Overton Window to the r-selected side as far as they can by attaching such a dramatic descriptor to the idea of masculinity as “toxic.” There was a time when masculine was a positive descriptor. So the left attaches the word “toxic” to it in people’s minds, and while it doesn’t affect everyone initially, it does begin to attach some negativity into the idea. That is how the dialog is changed, without anyone knowing it. But to shift the Overton Widow, you have to be extreme in pushing it as far as you can, to get as many percentage points of change in polls of the entire populace as possible. A moderate push won’t change the percentage points in polls.

When you have an idea that leftists are repelled by, like r/K Theory, which describes everything they do and why they do it, you can take their extreme attempts to mold the battlefield of public opinion, and use those extreme attacks as evidence for the very idea they hate the most – the truth of r/K Theory. Once you enter that logic loop, it is tough for the leftist to act without reinforcing the very idea they revile. You see where that leads.

They attack masculinity – point out that it supports r/K Theory.

They want to ban guns – point out it r/K Theory explains why.

They attack Police/Military/family/marriage/patriotism/K-morals – point out it is predicted by r/K Theory.

They sexualize children – point out that is the r-selected rabbit’s early mating urge.

They support foreigners over Americans – point out that is what r/K Theory describes.

Whatever tactical move the leftists make, whatever attack they launch that requires extremeness to work, using it to support r/K Theory is a strategy that turns their actions to advance themselves into something which is very emotionally negative to them. It is a perfect amygdala hijack as well.

Again, until r/K Theory is known everywhere, the battle will continue as it is. Once r/K is everywhere, leftists will be quite constrained in their ability to act out in support of their noxious ideology. Every move they make will either foster support for r/K Theory by demonstrating its tenets to the public and denigrate their ideology in the eyes of the masses, or their moves will need to be tempered, and thus rendered less effective in supporting leftism. r/K Theory is the ultimate win-win.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it is a multipurpose tool in the war against the left

This entry was posted in Decline, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Complaining about beards is toxic femininity.

6 years ago

Since more masculine men are attracted to more feminine women. They by extension hate feminine women.

6 years ago

It’s interesting how the movement that represents the ultimate in biological reductionism hates the very idea of a biological explanation for their behavior.

They compare humans to apes, fruit flies, and explain away every disgusting impulse if it exists somewhere in nature.

But when it’s time for *their* ox to be gored; no, they want to attach some sort of meaning – transcendent even – to their corrupt urges.

They want to have their cake and eat it too, as leftism always does.

Outstanding proposal AC.

6 years ago

They’re working on the gun ban thing. It really is amazing how they never stop. And it’s not just bumbs, but echo triggers, “high capacity” magazines, “assault weapons” and semi-autos. They (the GOPe and Dems) only do this because they are perma-triggered by K.


the best response
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6 years ago

Although in other news, some Russian just created a WMD.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

You’re so tireless in this fight. Truly admirable. I pray you get your recognition in this lifetime, not just the next.

6 years ago

Some thoughts here – standard operating procedure for one Stone Age tribe conquering another would be: kill all the males, enslave all the females.
So who are the would-be conquering tribe?

Some males in the weaker tribe might attempt to escape being killed by disguising themselves as females.
Some of the females, on the other hand, might overly offer themselves to the conquerors, since they would have stronger offspring with those genes. They might betray and backstab the males of their own tribe to do this.

6 years ago

This toxic masculinity business is a psycho-sexual call to “disarm”. They want men submissive and defenseless in order to devour the family. The body-language analysis of Creepy Joe is a perfect example.

6 years ago

rock out with your tox out!!!