Paris Attacks Trigger Gun Sales – In The US.

Courtesy of a reader’s kind email:

In the days since the heinous terror attacks in Paris took 130 innocent lives and wounded hundreds more, Americans have flooded into gun stores to purchase new guns and sign up for concealed carry permit classes in their respective states.

And those buying guns include many who have never owned a gun before.

Note that Europe will eventually turn K, expel the hordes, eradicate the rabbits, and restore order. It will be a wild scene and a lot of good people will die because of the rabbit perfidy today, but it will happen. Still, Europe will have a lot farther to climb up than the US, where the warrior ethos lies just below the surface, and is bubbling up even when other far-off nations see terrorist attacks.

Once the unrest is here (and it will come), we will really go K, and that will be a sight. I am very optimistic for the future of the nation.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Quick anecdote, I was on the phone with Century firearms (big importer of AK, SKS, and other cool stuff) Monday and the nice woman told me the call volume was off the charts specifically from the Paris attacks. Lots of Americans are apparently not ready to lie down until mr zero “gets it.”

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

That is somewhat heartening but guns sales don’t fix the underlying stupidity.

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

Which is to say that even if attitudes shift toward conservatism, the economy is still going to collapse and make a mess of things because we don’t have the average brainpower necessary to avoid this.

8 years ago

Respectfully AP a culture that prizes it’s 2A civil rights is at least healthy enough to discourage the worst excesses of Caesar.