Pedophilia Normalization – r-selected Urges Manifest

Case study at Salon:

The left-wing website Salon just released a stomach-turning video attempting to normalize pedophilia. The video’s narrator, a young pedophile, explains his “sexuality” and brands himself as a pedophile but not a “monster” or “child molester…

He says his purpose now is to educate people about his “sexuality,” which he allegedly does on his website for “virtuous pedophiles.”

By labeling pedophilia as a “sexuality” Salon is pushing for pedophiles to perhaps, one day, have their own special “rights.”

Again, r/K implies a spectrum, and no matter how bizarre the r-selected side of that spectrum appears, you will head toward it until the Apocalypse resets the balance with K-selection.

For now, we will see a push for the acceptance of pedophiles as “born that way,” and thus not to be judged. As time goes on, we will be told they must be protected, since they have no control over their attraction to children. Then one day the case will be made that some children may want sexual relations with adults, and denying both the adult and the child that sexual “fun” would be wrong. Finally, the case will be made that all children benefit from early sexual contact because that “frees” them, and lets them enjoy life more. By that point anybody who opposes it will be labeled evil, because they are trying to hurt people for no reason by denying them their rights.

Think it can’t happen? Imagine back to your high school days, and try to tell the teenage you that the class asshole, who hates everyone and wants to make everyone miserable, would one day be free to go in the girl’s locker-room and shower with the girls, if only he would claim that he “identified” as a woman. Try to tell the teenage you that the federal government would intervene to stop anyone – teacher, parent, or otherwise – who tried to stop him. The Federal government would support the right of some evil freak to shower with men’s young daughters, and punish their fathers for opposing it.

The truth is, liberals feel this way now about pedophiles. They are r-selected rabbits and as such they incline that way, if only somewhat. I’m sure if most gave voice to their inner feelings, they would say that some young children having sexual contact with an adult would be happy to do so, and it is society which is wrong for trying to stop it all the time. They will describe it as consenting persons, and want to punish you if you try to stop it. They would say the vicious hatred for pedophiles is overblown, and if we were all honest, we’d all have wanted to have sex when we were 6 and 7 years old, so those who oppose pedophilia are really hypocrites, and hurting people. They believe that now, because they are the r-strategists in our populations.

The only reason the left does not support this as strongly as they support the transgenders is r-strategists fear open support for this now would cost them in terms of societal status. That is the only reason. Let the tide turn, and watch the vitriol against the moral men who want to protect children rise.

In the end, the r-strategists will take what rabbitry they can get, but it will always be only with the passive consent of the K-strategists. When K-strategist amygdalae become agitated enough to provoke action, and force disregard of any consequences, then you will have Apocalypse, and that will reset the balance.

There is no bottom to this descent, save for Apocalypse. Only the Apocalypse will save us.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, Liberals, Morals, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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John Morris
7 years ago

There really isn’t any option to stop them at this point, the major prerequisite has been in place for over a generation. And the Sexual Revolution ain’t over until Roman Polanski comes home.

The only real barrier stopping normalizing pedophilia is the legal doctrine that says children can’t provide consent to signing contracts and sex. But while that may still be legal theory the facts on the ground regarding sex changed long ago. We accept not only that children can have sex, but that they should be having sex, so long as it is with other minors. In fact an eighteen year old virgin, male or female, is an object of pity or derision instead of a role model or, as would be the case of a lost and better age, simply normal. So much for consent.

Now take the case of teachers having sex with their students. It seems another case shows up in the media weekly now. When it is a female teacher and a male student there is pro forma condemnation and punishment but no outrage. To some extent this is healthy, in that it recognizes the difference between the sexes. But we live in insane times and as it normalize any exception we invite more. Now lesbian teachers molest female students and when caught scream about only being punished because of homophobia. And NAMBLA has for decades now lectured how straights ‘just can’t understand the mentoring a young gay teen gets from a relationship with an older and more experienced gay man’ so of course we know what gets normalized next. Leaving perv men being the only ones punished for sex with young girls… how long does that barrier last once the others fall? Not long.

7 years ago

That’s a bridge too far. Blood soon.
Could even rabbit dads stand for that?

7 years ago

[…] This is why the left supports pedophilia. […]

Edwin Oslan
7 years ago

I posted the Salon “I’m a pedophile but not a monster” story on my FB and commented above it, “put this freak to death.” Lost a couple friends from that one. “As long as he doesn’t *act* upon his impulses…” NOPE.