Politics Is An Intel Game

Spookdom and intrigue is everywhere in politics these days:

Recordings of closed sessions at the Republican policy retreat in Philadelphia this week were sent late Thursday to The Post and several other news outlets from an anonymous email address. The remarks of all lawmakers quoted in this article were confirmed by their offices or by the lawmakers themselves.

There’s no indication how sophisticated this bugging was. It most likely was one of the Cuck participants, but it could also have been a simple digital recorder hidden in the flowers by an Occupy Wall Street type beforehand, or the DNC proper could have paid an investigative agency manned by ex FBI or CIA to secure access to a bordering room with a common wall or ceiling, so they could use more sophisticated recording devices.

One benefit of realizing how common spying is, by everyone – government, business, politics, citizens, PI’s, interest groups, etc – and how cheap and prolific the tools have become, is a degree of paranoia which can reduce the likelihood of things like this. If I were holding a meeting that I did not want recorded, even with minimal knowledge I would never rent out a public space to begin with. That is begging for this. I would demand the use of a home owned by a friendly associate devoted to the cause.

If it were going to be a sensitive meeting, with US Senators and Congressmen, then you should confiscate phones, sweep the room before the meeting, and hire a specialist to do covert, random sweeps during the meeting when transmitters would be on.

That the Cuckservative elites are so stupid they let this happen, or at least have such poor security they can’t ID who did it, speaks volumes about why the Republicans have been getting their asses handed to them for so long. They are literally incompetent in all respects, from persuasion, to security.

Notice, these things do not happen to President Trump. Even more, if it was emailed, then you can bet that the domestic intel agencies could ID exactly who did it. Trump should get control of that machine and have it hunted down, and then leak it himself. Every conservative is behind Trump now. He should leverage that to destroy at least two or three enemies in the next election cycle, just to make a point about who is in charge. Since everyone at this meeting confirmed their remarks, this would seem a suitable list of enemies to begin with.

Until then, everything the President’s office tells the rest of the party in secrecy might as well have an accompanying public press release.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t trust the Cuckservative Never-Trumpers

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7 years ago

[…] Politics Is An Intel Game […]

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
7 years ago

this could easily have been done by a Trump supporter in the room. but your points on GOP incompetence are spot on.